[patch] Patch the port to detect RAND_egd and disable it conditionally
patch-python27-LibreSSL (text/plain), 9.33 KB, created by Bernard Spil on 2014-11-28 10:46:53 UTC
Creator: Bernard Spil
Created: 2014-11-28 10:46:53 UTC
Size: 9.33 KB
Actions: View | Diff
Attachments on bug 192511: 145517 | 149952 | 149974 | 149975 | 149976 | 149998 | 149999 | 150000 | 150909 | 150910 | 150944 | 151207 | 151208 | 153781 | 153782 | 153783 | 153820 | 153828 | 154266 | 154280 | 154281 | 154282 | 154283 | 154342 | 154344 | 154345 | 155432 | 157097 | 157316