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> <a href="../support/webresources.html">Web Resources</a> > </li> > </ul> > </div> > </div> > <div id="contentwrap"> > <p>The power, flexibility, and reliability of FreeBSD attract > a wide variety of users and vendors. Here you will find > vendors offering commercial products and/or services for > FreeBSD.</p> > <p>For your convenience, we have divided our growing > commercial listing into several sections. If your company > supports a FreeBSD related product, service, consulting, or support that should > be added to this page, please fill out a > <a href="">problem report</a> in > category Documentation->Website. Submissions should contain a medium-sized > paragraph in length, describing your company. Please note that the inclusion > of vendors in our list does not signify our endorsement of their products or > services by the FreeBSD Project.</p> > <h2>Internet Service Providers</h2> > <dl> > <dt> > <a name="activedomain" href="" id="activedomain">Active Domain</a> > </dt> > <dd> > has been providing domain name registration > service since 2001. We are utilizing FreeBSD exclusively on all > our mail, web and DNS servers. The stability and security of > FreeBSD has enabled us to provide consistently DNS service for > over hundred thousand domain names. We fully recommend and > support the development of FreeBSD. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="activeventure" href="" id="activeventure">Active Venture Pte Ltd</a> > </dt> > <dd> > strives to provide one of the most > feature-packed and affordable web hosting services on the market. > We offer an extensive range of FreeBSD-based virtual hosting > plans to meet the needs of any webmaster for personal, > professional, or ecommerce web hosting requirements. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="amdwebhost" href="" id="amdwebhost">All My Data</a> > </dt> > <dd> > We offer several shared, reseller and shell hosting plans on > FreeBSD platform that will meet and exceed all of your web > presence needs from small personal family web sites to full blown > online e-commerce solutions. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="Aplus" href="" id="Aplus">Aplus.Net</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Aplus.Net is a facilities based provider located in San Diego, CA > since 1995. We provide Web Hosting, Dedicated Servers, Domain > Names, Web Design, and E-Commerce solutions. We offer to our > customers the power and stability of the FreeBSD Operating System > with our Web Hosting and Dedicated Servers. Aplus.Net, everything > for your online business. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="argentina" href="" id="argentina"></a> > </dt> > <dd> > <a href="" shape="rect"></a> is an Argentina > based Hosting and e-mail provider with FreeBSD infrastructure and > Globalcrossing connectivity. We offer FreeBSD-stable dedicated > servers with great connectivity, Shared hosting on Plesk for FreeBSD, > and Corporate FreeBSD based email hosting. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="argeweb" href="" id="argeweb">Argeweb Hosting</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Argeweb is one of the largest hosting providers in the Netherlands. > Most of our shared hosting platforms are running on servers powered > by FreeBSD for years. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="associationkazar" href="" id="associationkazar">Association Kazar</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Association Kazar, located in Paris, France, is a non-profit > organization that provides for everybody the ability to host > servers in our co-location, but also to use our co-location > services for web, email, ftp, and databases. We are online since > 1996, and use FreeBSD for almost everything. We provide as well > connectivity and many other services for people located in Paris. > We host mailing lists for free if a member uses at least one of > our services. We are fans of FreeBSD and use it on > intel/amd64/sparc64 machines. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="astute" href="" id="astute">Astute Hosting Incorporated</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Astute Hosting provides advanced high-availability semi-managed > dedicated hosting with all the flexibility of co-location but at > a better price point than most unmanaged dedicated solutions. > FreeBSD is our OS of choice, and what we run on our own servers and > workstations. Our bandwidth consists of 4 Tier 1's, and hundreds of > peers across North America, Europe, and Asia. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="bayhosting" href="" id="bayhosting">Bay Hosting</a> > </dt> > <dd> > UK based FreeBSD hosting in secure, resilient facilities. > Customised firewalls, managed servers, website hosting, > e-mail hosting with virus/spam-scanning. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="beastiecloud" href="" id="beastiecloud">BeastieCLOUD</a> > </dt> > <dd> > BeastieCLOUD offers high quality FreeBSD hosting solutions in > german speaking territories (D-A-CH). We provide individual > server configurations to match any demand of our customers. > "Good isn't good enough if there is a way to do it better!" > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="berklix" href="" id="berklix">Berklix.Com</a> > </dt> > <dd> > English company in Munich, Germany. Bilingual consultancy & > hosting. Virtual & physical domain hosting on diverse > servers, and customer's own local & ISP hosted servers. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="bewide" href="" id="bewide">Bewide Internet Service Provider</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Bewide is an Internet Service Provider focussing on all forms > of hosting, domain registration and development of internet > applications. We are a company demanding a high level of > quality, using high quality hardware. FreeBSD is the operating > system of our choice, powering our systems with a high quality > operating system, perfectly suited for our company. For more > information about Bewide, please visit our website <a href="" shape="rect"></a> > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="bpa" href="" id="bpa">Black Point Arts Internet Solutions GmbH</a> > </dt> > <dd> > We offer flexible solutions and serve our customers needs with > compentent and fast support. Our services include website hosting, > virtual Servers (VPS) and server homing (e.g. managed > servers)/colocation for all kinds of companies. We are located in > Germany. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="bsdvm" href="" id="bsdvm">BSD Virtual Machines</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Our company offers virtual private servers on the most stable in the world > BSD platform. This includes operating systems from BSD family such as > FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="bsdjails" href="" id="bsdjails"></a> > </dt> > <dd> > offers a wide variety of FreeBSD vServers including Gigabit > and native IPv6 FreeBSD vServers at the best price. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="bytecamp" href="" id="bytecamp">bytecamp GmbH</a> > </dt> > <dd> > We run a homogenic FreeBSD environment in our own datacenter > located in East Germany near Berlin since 2000. Our developers > contribute code to many open source projects. bytecamp is the home > for <a href="" shape="rect"></a> and > both biggest German BSD communities, <a href="" shape="rect"></a> and <a href="" shape="rect"></a>. bytecamp offers > professional hosting on a FreeBSD cluster, enterprise email solutions, > domain name registration, dedicated and virtual servers. We offer > several shared, reseller and shell hosting plans on FreeBSD platform > that will meet and exceed all of your web presence needs from small > personal family web sites to full blown online e-commerce solutions. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="cari" href="" id="cari"></a> > </dt> > <dd> > provides FreeBSD as a hosting platform for clusters, > clouds, and stand-alone dedicated servers. We have been > supporting the Open Source community for over seventeen years. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="claryss" href="" id="claryss">Claryss Networks</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Claryss Networks provides secure and dependable technologies > backed with years of experience. Based in France, we provide > shared and dedicated hosting, housing, consulting and > outsourcing. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="CloudSigma" href="" id="CloudSigma">CloudSigma</a> > </dt> > <dd> > As a public cloud provider we pride ourselves on offering the > latest operating system releases via our public library of > instantly deployable images. FreeBSD is a popular distribution > and we have a loyal following of FreeBSD users. Especially as we > are one of the few public clouds that natively supports FreeBSD > without modification. We are very pleased to offer version 9.0 > with a 7 day free trial as an ideal opportunity for new customers > to discover as well what the latest version has to offer. Please > visit our <a href="" shape="rect">website</a> to get > more information. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="colocationamerica" href="" id="colocationamerica">Colocation America</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Colocation America provides colocation, dedicated server and VoIP > hosting services with 22 data centers located across the United > States. Our data centers are PCI, SAS 70, SSAE 16 and HIPAA > compliant with security and support staff working 24/7 to support > our 100% uptime guarantee. Customers can enjoy our FreeBSD web, > mail, DNS and database servers dedicated servers that are hosted > in a secure environment supported by certified data center > technicians. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="colocrossing" href="" id="colocrossing">Colocrossing</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Colocrossing provides FreeBSD powered colocation services in 6 > locations in the US. From managed hosting to colocation, we are > here for you. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="crucialservers" href="" id="crucialservers">Crucial Servers LLC</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Crucial Servers LLC uses FreeBSD to the fullest controlling our > hosting network behind PC FreeBSD based routers that control > ipv4 and ipv6 connectivity, traffic shapping and advanced > firewall tactics all currently use FreeBSD. All our public and > private web servers all run FreeBSD 4.9 or higher and have > uptimes over 400 days. We are a FreeBSD friendly provider and > offer Free consulting for colocation and server customers. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="dbi" href="" id="dbi">DBI Hosting</a> > </dt> > <dd> > DBI Hosting offers a cost effective <a href="" shape="rect">BSD VPS</a> product > based on the FreeBSD platform in a secure and stable environment. > We guarantee our resources and our support team is second to none. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="easyspeedy" href="" id="easyspeedy">EasySpeedy</a> > </dt> > <dd> > EasySpeedy provides dedicated servers with colocation benefits, > and a flexible self-service environment. We're dedicated to > bringing our customers a wide range of automatically installed > Linux and BSD-systems, all available at the click of a button. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="elantech" href="" id="elantech">ElanTech, Ltd.</a> > </dt> > <dd> > We are providing wide range of IT services for small business > companies in our region (Moscow, Russia). Our main tasks - IT > outsourcing and WEB development. As part of IT support and > building networks for our customers we use the reliable and > efficient OS - FreeBSD. All our WEB developers use FreeBSD > as comfortable development hosting platform. Please, be free to > <a href="" shape="rect"> > contact us</a>. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="emuadmin" href="" id="emuadmin">EmuAdmin</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Emuadmin is offering a full range of services supporting the FreeBSD > operating system. Security, customized firewalls, full server management, > custom programming, performance tuning, network management solutions. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="ermis" href="" id="ermis">Ermis | Domeinruimte</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Ermis | Domeinruimte has been hosting websites since 2004 on FreeBSD > servers, but also offer anti-spam services, backup MX, handle domain > name registrations and offer IT services to our corporate clients. > We strive to bring the best service for the lowest price. Since we > are based in Rotterdam (the Netherlands) all our services are > available primarily in Dutch, where possible but also offer services > in English for our international clients. We colocated our > infrastructure in a climate neutral datacenter and our servers' > energy consumption is remarkably low but retain performance. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="eserver" href="" id="eserver"></a> > </dt> > <dd> > We provide high quality web-hosting and VIP-hosting services in > Russia and CIS based only on FreeBSD systems customized for > hosting needs, dedicated servers with support of all currently > available FreeBSD distributions. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="Exonetric" href="" id="Exonetric">Exonetric</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Exonetric Consulting Ltd is a UK based specialist in FreeBSD hosting, > offering both individual jails and managed or unmanaged systems on > dedicated hardware. In addition we provide BSD-aware colocation > services in our London datacentre and are also able to offer > assistance with capacity planning and recommendations for best-fit > software components for larger systems. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="fxservices" href="" id="fxservices">F/X Services Managed Hosting</a> > </dt> > <dd> > We specialize in Internet Services and we have been doing so since > 1999. We do this in a no-nonsense way: no long lists of > tech-terms, just information that matters. We are your partner if > you are looking for: Colocating and/or managing dedicated server(s), > Online backup / storage service, High quality webhosting for your > site(s), Domain registration(s), Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus > mailscanning services, Hosting of mailinglists, from low to high > volume > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="fastpcnet" href="" id="fastpcnet">Fast PC Networks</a> > </dt> > <dd> > We offer colocation and managed services via our data center > facilities. We recommend FreeBSD to our colocation customers who > want a stable and flexible platform. We provide a pure colocation > environment or dedicated managed hosting. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="gecadtech" href="" id="gecadtech">Gecad Technologies</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Gecad Technologies develops an innovative messaging solution > available for Linux and BSD Platforms - AXIGEN Mail Server. > This highly configurable MTA offers (E)SMTP, POP3, IMAP4 and > Webmail SSL/TLS secured services. It includes an integrated list > server and connectors for Antivirus and Antispam applications. > AXIGEN provides several administration tools, including an > intuitive Web configuration interface, granting system > administrators full control of the email traffic. AXIGEN works > on FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD. For more information, please see > <a href="" shape="rect"></a>. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="gigenet" href="" id="gigenet">GigeNET</a> > </dt> > <dd> > GigeNET provides dedicated servers, cloud servers, colocation, and > DDOS protection services. We fully support FreeBSD on all our > products as of now. We have integrated FreeBSD 9 in to our Cloud > Server product as well. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="gradwell" href="" id="gradwell">gradwell dot com Ltd</a> > </dt> > <dd> > gradwell dot com Ltd is a UK Internet Email and Webhosting > provider offering UNIX shell accounts, web hosting, mailman > and ezmlm, pop3, imap, webmail (squirrelmail), mysql, php, > fastcgi and mod_perl hosting on FreeBSD servers in London. > Our site is <a href="" shape="rect"> ></a>. Phone: 0870 787 9129. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="hamburgnet" href="" id="hamburgnet">Hamburgnet</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Hamburgnet provides you with experience in FreeBSD and OpenBSD > based projects. From low-end webservers to high-end firewall > and database clusters. Storage, server, Unix, cluster & consulting. > You can visit our <a href="" shape="rect">website</a>, > <a href="" shape="rect">mail us</a>, phone us at > +49 (40) 73672322 or contact us via fax at +49 (40) 73672321. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="highspeedhostingsolutions" href="" id="highspeedhostingsolutions"></a> > </dt> > <dd> > offers high speed website hosting > with free domain names, no data transfer charges, no setup fees > and spam solutions. Virtual Host accounts and Virtual Servers > with FreeBSD as the operating system. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="HostDepartment" href="" id="HostDepartment">Host Department</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Host Department provides FreeBSD-based web hosting, reseller > hosting, domain name registration, and free web hosting services > for personal, small and medium enterprise businesses, government, > and also non-profit organizations. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="host1" href="" id="host1">Host1</a> > </dt> > <dd> > has been providing hosting, domains and servers from Norway > since 2009. We offer FreeBSD virtual servers and dedicated servers. > We also offer FreeBSD on VMs in our Elastic Cloud. All our servers > come with native IPv6. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="HostingFreak" href="" id="HostingFreak">, Inc.</a> > </dt> > <dd> > HostingFreak is a company providing hosting services for > everyone's needs. Whether it might be a high content, or a > private website, we are dedicated to a high level of reliability > and performance. Our company offers hosting services ranging from > web-site hosting to self-managed dedicated servers. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="hostpoint" href="" id="hostpoint">Hostpoint AG</a> > </dt> > <dd> > With 55,000 customers and 100,000 domain names (status quo > December 2007), Hostpoint is Switzerland's leading hosting > provider. Hostpoint offers website and application hosting > services throughout Switzerland. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="hubdotorg" href="" id="hubdotorg">Hub Hosting Services</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Hub.Org has provided Open-Source Web Hosting services since 1997. > Our solutions include <a href="" shape="rect">FreeBSD VPS Hosting</a> > and <a href="" shape="rect">self-managed > VPS hosting</a> among many others. Hub has several cost-effective > hosting plans to fit your business, whether it is a new site or > several busy ones. Hub.Org has been actively involved in several > leading, open-source projects (FreeBSD InterNet News (INN), WU-FTPd, > OpenSSH), and providing hosting for open-source projects include > PostgreSQL and Horde. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="IFDNRG" href="" id="IFDNRG">IFDNRG</a> > </dt> > <dd> > IFDNRG are a UK based web and video hosting company with a wide range > of expertise in web systems <a href="" shape="rect">built on FreeBSD</a>. We > are focused on developing our network to promote high performance and > highly scalable web services and have 10 years of experience in > FreeBSD based solutions for web/email and video. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="improware" href="" id="improware">ImproWare AG</a> > </dt> > <dd> > ImproWare AG focuses on Internet and Networking Services > as well as System Integration and Consulting. > ImproWare runs its own swiss-wide Multiservice-Backbones. > It offers internet access via cable and leased lines. > Serverhousing with 24/7 access to the server-room is > also a service ImproWare offers. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="infotime" href="" id="infotime">Infotime Internet</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Infotime offers shared hosting, domain name registrations and dedicated > servers. We have been using FreeBSD for most of our services for > the last 4 years. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="ingate" href="" id="ingate">INGATE GmbH</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Located in Germany, INGATE GmbH provides managed and unmanaged > dedicated servers with FreeBSD preinstalled. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="IntegrityHost" href="" id="IntegrityHost">Integrity Host</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Integrity Host provides shared hosting, VPS (Virtual Private > Servers), and fully managed dedicated servers that run on > multiple versions of FreeBSD. cPanel and Fantastico are > available and bandwidth allocation is generous. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="inetassociation" href="" id="inetassociation">Internet Engineering Association, LLC</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Internet Engineering Association, LLC specializes in providing > extremely secure, private and reliable Internet services. Our > complete website and email services provide clients a reliable, > worry free environment. Every server we use to provide service > runs on FreeBSD. Our technical infrastructure is housed within > state-of-the-art Internet Data Center facilities located in > Tokyo and San Francisco. Our systems are designed to be extremely > secure and reliable. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="interouteger" href="" id="interouteger">Interoute Deutschland GmbH</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Interoute Deutschland is located in Duesseldorf, Germany. As full > service provider we deliver a large range of services including > leased lines, (S)DSL, virtual and dedicated hosting. Using > FreeBSD since years for internal purposes and customer solutions > we are sure to meet your requirements. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="ipglobal" href="" id="ipglobal">IP</a> > </dt> > <dd> > IP Global is the leading Texas Internet Service Provider offering > data transport services to all major cities as well as hosting and > colocation solutions to businesses and groups around the globe. > We specialize in carrier grade transport circuits for Houston, > Austin, Dallas / Fort Worth, and San Antonio ranging in > connections from Fractional T1, Integrated T1, > Full Unmetered T1 Service, and bundled T1's up to Burstable > and Full T3 packages. IP Global also delivers Highspeed DSL > and Local 56K Dialup Internet to the Houston area. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="iweb" href="" id="iweb">iWeb Technologies Inc.</a> > </dt> > <dd> > iWeb has been providing reliable and scalable Internet hosting > infrastructure solutions with its shared web hosting, dedicated > servers, managed hosting and colocation services for over a > decade. Power your valuable online web presence with an iWeb > Dedicated Server running FreeBSD. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="JohnCompanies" href="" id="JohnCompanies">JohnCompanies</a> > </dt> > <dd> > JohnCompanies Collocation is a specialist in both dedicated and > virtual FreeBSD servers. Unlimited technical support comes > directly from FreeBSD engineers with no complicated ticket > system, impersonal auto responders and no first level techs > reading from cue-cards. Servers are housed in a state of the art, > secure hosting facility with multi-homed tier 1 backbone > connections. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="keyway" href="" id="keyway">Keyway Internet Services</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Keyway Internet Services has provided premium business > and residential solutions since 1995. Nationwide services > include business-class hosting and dialup access. Southern > California services include T1, Fiber, DSL, and Wireless. > We feature our own colocation facility in Ontario, CA, and > are proud to feature FreeBSD as a recommended platform. > All clients receive live no-hold support, and T1/Colocation > clients receive 24/7/365 support. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="kionic" href="" id="kionic"> Web Hosting</a> > </dt> > <dd> > We provide fast, reliable, and affordable web hosting and reseller > hosting services backed by fast and friendly customer service. > Our operating system of choice is FreeBSD. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="kwshell" href="" id="kwshell">KwShell Internet Services</a> > </dt> > <dd> > KwShell Internet Services is an Arabic based company, which > provides hosting solutions like shared and dedicated Servers. > KwShell Internet Services is also able to provide management and > support for a variety of BSD and Linux systems. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="LayeredTech" href="" id="LayeredTech">Layered Technologies</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Layered Technologies provides enterprise level, dedicated self > managed hosting solutions to our clients at the best, very > affordable prices. The self-managed dedicated servers are hosted > on tier-1 bandwidth. FreeBSD is our no. 1 supported OS. We have > a local FreeBSD/CVSup mirror for customers. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="lf" href="" id="lf"> Netzwerksysteme GmbH</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Netzwerksysteme GmbH is an Internet Service Provider and > specialist in network integration services and solutions. > Founded in 1992, with an assembled team of 25 specialists, > is located in one of Germany's largest industrial regions > in Baden-Wuerttemberg. We deliver german-wide Highspeed DSL, 64K > ISDN Dialup and leased line Internet access. We also specialize > in domain services, webserver hosting and housing, System > integration services, network management, security and VPN > solutions, virus and spam checking, screen design and > programming as well as consulting and training. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="Liebscher" href="" id="Liebscher">Liebscher & Partner</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Liebscher & Partner are now shipping the BSD <a href="" shape="rect"> > Stuffed Daemon! <img alt="stuffed daemon" src="../gifs/plueschtier-tiny.jpg" /></a> > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="M5Hosting" href="" id="M5Hosting">M5 Hosting</a> > </dt> > <dd> > We provide <a href="" shape="rect"> > FreeBSD Dedicated Servers</a> as well as other dedicated servers > with Unix-like operating systems. All servers are customized to > your specifications, including: disk partitions, OS version, > package installation, number of IP Addresses, and more. Our > network emphasizes quality bandwidth rather than quantity. We > host the <a href="" shape="rect"> > San Diego BSD Users Group</a> mailing list and web site. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="macomnet" href="" id="macomnet">MAcomnet telecommunications company, Moscow, Russia</a> > </dt> > <dd> > CJSC MAcomnet is one of the biggest Moscow telecommunication > companies founded in 1991 by the Moscow Metropoliten and > Andrew Corporation (USA). Numerous customers do justice to > MAcomnet service high quality and level, among them are large > communications operators, Internet providers, telephone companies, > banks, hotels, exhibition centers, embassies, well known trading > companies, government organizations, institutions, industrial > enterprises, scientific-research institutes, mass media. > A lot of MAcomnet ISP servers are FreeBSD based. MAcomnet > hosts and cvsup > mirrors. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="mambobado" href="" id="mambobado">Mambo Bado Inc.</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Custom software development and software consulting services > provider. Experienced at developing for and porting to BSD > environments. For more information please visit our > <a href="" shape="rect">web site</a>. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="midlandcomputers" href="" id="midlandcomputers">Midland Computers</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Midland Computers is a UK based FreeBSD hosting provider. We > offer hosting solutions ranging from shared hosting to > dedicated servers, all running FreeBSD and we run our own secure > data center. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name=" mindsalt" href="" id=" mindsalt">MindSalt Timesheet and Expense</a> > </dt> > <dd> > MindSalt Time & Expense is a 100% Web-based application that allows > you and your employees to access your timesheets and expenses from > anywhere in the world through an intuitive, easy to use interface. > All you need is an Internet connection to track time and expenses, > monitor projects in real-time, and manage and approve timesheets and > expense reports. The powerful reporting options in MindSalt > Time & Expense supply the vital information that you need. Cost and > billing, profitability, client billing, and project budgets are just > a few of the types of information you will find in the flexible reports. > With over 100 combinations of reports for Administrators, Managers, and > Employees, you are sure to find the report you need. Start your free trial > today. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="MultaCom" href="" id="MultaCom">MultaCom Corporation</a> > </dt> > <dd> > MultaCom Offers a full line of internet services including > Colocation, Dedicated Servers, Web development, Bandwidth and IP > services, Virtual Private Networks and Shared hosting based on > FreeBSD and on site 24/7 FreeBSD System Engineers. FreeBSD is > widely used in our organization and our shared hosting is FreeBSD > based. We provide FreeBSD servers as dedicated and also install > for free on servers we sell to others. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="negimaki" href="" id="negimaki">Negimaki</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Negimaki uses FreeBSD in addition to providing training, support > and web hosting for WordPress, gallery and PixelPost. Free > (open-source) personal publishing platforms. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="netcup" href="" id="netcup">netcup GmbH</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Netcup is a hosting provider located in Germany and we are > specialized in providing webhosting and virtual servers. At the > beginning of 2013 we changed our virtualisation technology to KVM. > This gives you the possibillity to run the operationg system of > your choice. You can easily setup your vServer with just a few > clicks by using our prepared FreeBSD image. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="NQhost" href="" id="NQhost">NQhost</a> > </dt> > <dd> > NQhost offers virtual private servers with guaranteed resources. > Our <a href="" shape="rect">FreeBSD VPS</a> > packages can be created in Germany or US-located data centers. > We offer flexible tariff plans, configurations and friendly > support. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="NYI" href="" id="NYI">NYI</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Established in 1996, NYI is headquartered in the heart of the > Wall Street area, with facilities in both Lower Manhattan and > Bridgewater, New Jersey. The company's core services include > colocation and dedicated servers, cloud computing and managed > services, disaster recovery and business continuity planning. > NYI provides mission-critical data solutions for a broad range > of industries, including media, financial services, healthcare, > law, fashion, architecture, life sciences and real estate. NYI > is SSAE 16-, PCI and HIPPA-compliant. For more information > please visit our <a href="" shape="rect">website</a>. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="oberon" href="" id="oberon"> Netzwerksysteme GmbH</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Netzwerksysteme GmbH is one of the biggest Internet > Service Provider for japanese customers in Germany. We > deliver services like WWW-housing, E-Mail gates, Highspeed > DSL and PPP Dialup. With our Germany-wide dialin-infrastructure > we try to satisfy all of our customers needs. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="oph" href="" id="oph">OPH</a> > </dt> > <dd> > OPH is a internet hosting provider located in Amsterdam. We > deliver powerful FreeBSD dedicated servers and custom-built > servers to meet your requirements. On the network side, all > our servers include full 100Mbps / 1Gbps connections to the > Internet. For more informations, please check our > <a href="" shape="rect">website</a>, or call us at > +31 527 688768. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="pairnetworks" href="" id="pairnetworks">pair Networks, Inc.</a> > </dt> > <dd> > pair Networks, a global FreeBSD-based Web hosting and > domain name registration company, headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, > hosts hundreds of thousands of Web sites for businesses, > bloggers, artists, educational institutions and non-profit > organizations from around the world. pair Networks first went > online in January 1996 and has experienced strong growth year > after year. All pair Networks' Web servers run the reliable > FreeBSD operating system. For more information <a href="" shape="rect">contact us</a> via e-mail > or phone. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="PantherTech" href="" id="PantherTech">PantherTech Media Solutions</a> > </dt> > <dd>PantherTech offers low-cost CMS Hosting on FreeBSD. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="polarhome" href="" id="polarhome"></a> > </dt> > <dd> is a non commercial, educational effort > for popularization of shell enabled operating systems and internet > services, offering shell accounts, development environment, mail > and other online services on all available systems (currently on > different flavours of Linux, OpenVMS, Solaris, OpenIndiana, AIX, > QNX, IRIX, HP-UX, Tru64, SCO OpenServer, UnixWare, FreeBSD, > OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFly/BSD, MirBSD, Ultrix, Minix, GNU Hurd > and OPENSTEP). > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="ppgnetsol" href="" id="ppgnetsol">PPG Network Solutions</a> > </dt> > <dd> > PPG Network Solutions offers Web Hosting exclusively on FreeBSD. > We have hosting packages for personal to medium sized businesses. > All of our services are backed by administrators who's passion is > to keep there sites up and running. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="Quonix" href="" id="Quonix">Quonix Networks</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Quonix Networks provides a variety of personal and enterprise > hosting solutions powered by FreeBSD, including web, mail, secure > shell hosting, dedicated servers and colocation. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="reliableservers" href="" id="reliableservers">ReliableServers</a> > </dt> > <dd> > ReliableServers provides managed and unmanaged dedicated server hosting > and colocation. FreeBSD is our #1 installed OS, we even provide a local > cvsup for all clients. Our datacenter is staffed around the clock to > provide the best possible support. Visit us at > <a href="" shape="rect">www.ReliableServers.Com</a> > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="rokabear" href="" id="rokabear">Rokabear Hosting Services</a> > </dt> > <dd> > offers KVM VPS and Dedicated servers that run > FreeBSD 9.0. Rokabear has focused their services towards > knowledgeable users who know what they want, and know how to run > their systems their way. With a KVM VPS you are allowed to > install FreeBSD excactly as you want it. Right from the > beginning everything is under your control. A secure VNC based > console allows you to have full access! knows how > to take your experience to the next level. Rokabear values its > reputation for uptime, reliability and performance as much as you > do. Check out a <a href="" shape="rect">KVM VPS</a> and see why > people are flocking to KVM over XEN and VMWare. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="rootbsd" href="" id="rootbsd">RootBSD</a> > </dt> > <dd> > RootBSD is a hosting company specializing in virtual FreeBSD > hosting and managed services. The FreeBSD Virtual Private > Servers allow users to modify the kernel, setup a firewall and > many more options. Each VPS includes root access and a web-based > control panel for managing the virtual environment. Technical > support is handled in-house by FreeBSD experts who can diagnose > problems and help you get up and running quickly. RootBSD has > donated services to FreeBSD developers to support the community. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="sagonetworks" href="" id="sagonetworks">Sago Networks</a> > </dt> > <dd> > <a href="" shape="rect">Sago Networks</a> was founded as an > alternative to the telephone and cable company monopolies and > inefficient Internet companies. Its mission is to be a one-stop > shop for all of its customers' bandwidth and custom > telecommunications needs. The company also believes in providing > a laser-like focus on customer service and, from its headquarters > in the Tampa Bay area and satellite offices in Miami and Atlanta, > has implemented multiple rapidly deployable, high-speed fiber and > wireless networks and maintains one of the largest bandwidth > datacenters in the country. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="Seiretto" href="" id="Seiretto">Seiretto - UK FreeBSD Web Hosting</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Providing UK Dedicated servers and shared hosting > accounts on the bullet-proof FreeBSD operating system that we all > know and love. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="ServePath" href="" id="ServePath">ServePath</a> > </dt> > <dd> > ServePath is a managed server hosting and data center provider > located in San Francisco. We deliver powerful, affordable FreeBSD > dedicated server hosting, custom-built to meet your requirements. > On the network side, all of our servers include full 100Mbps > burstable connections to the Internet, with HSRP protected private > VLANs. All ServePath FreeBSD dedicated servers give you full root > access, and you can choose from multiple FreeBSD release versions. > Check our <a href="" shape="rect">web site</a>, or call > us at 866-321-PATH. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="ServerBeach" href="" id="ServerBeach">ServerBeach</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Founded in 2002, ServerBeach was launched to serve the market's > thirst for self-managed servers equipped with powerful hardware, > fast and reliable bandwidth, convenient automation tools, and > first-class support - all at an affordable price. Self-managed > servers are not an afterthought at the Beach, it's our business. > And we do whatever we can to satisfy the needs of our core > customers, the "Geeks" - people like you. People like us. In 2004, > the picture improved even more when ServerBeach was acquired by > PEER 1. This allowed us to connect our data centers to the > rock-solid, ultra-fast PEER 1 network with our 100% Uptime > Guarantee. ServerBeach is the only self-managed hosting company > in the world that offers servers in three geographically diverse > locations: WEST COAST, CENTRAL US, and EAST COAST. Now offering > FreeBSD, Ubuntu, and other Linux Operating Systems. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="sevenl" href="" id="sevenl">SevenL Networks Inc.</a> > </dt> > <dd> > <a href="" shape="rect">SevenL Networks Inc.</a> providing > <a href="" shape="rect">affordable > FreeBSD dedicated server hosting</a>, VPS, managed web server > offerings, colocation, data center space and other hosting services > since 2003. SevenL currently hosts server infrastructure for Gentoo, > Arch Linux, Linux Mint, CentOS, Startcom Linux and a number of open > source software projects. SevenL Networks is located in Toronto, > Canada. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="sh3lls" href="" id="sh3lls">Sh3lls Limited</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Sh3lls Limited provides <a href="" shape="rect">FreeBSD based > VPS</a> using the FreeBSD Jails Technology, as well as FreeBSD > based unix shell accounts for IRC. Our FreeBSD VPS and IRC > shells are both highly DDOS protected and we have been in > business since 2003. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="shockmedia" href="" id="shockmedia">Shockmedia</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Shock Media is a web- and serverhosting company located in the > Netherlands. We sell high quality hosting products with Service > Level Agreements for affordable prices. We install FreeBSD with > or without webhosting control panel. Feel free to contact us or > to check out our website if you are interested in our hosting > products. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="SimpleRezo" href="" id="SimpleRezo">SimpleRezo</a> > </dt> > <dd> > SimpleRezo, a French company, provides web hosting solutions based > exclusively on FreeBSD and technologies (jails or dedicated > server, Apache, PHP, Tomcat, MySQL, pgSQL...). Other services > include: Network architecture consulting (fail-over, high > availability), FreeBSD server administration or support (fileserver, > firewalls, mailserver) and others more. Please visit our <a href="" shape="rect">website</a> > to get more information. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="skiltech" href="" id="skiltech">SkilTech, Inc.</a> > </dt> > <dd> > SkilTech Web Design and Hosting, based in Elkton, MD, has been > offering FreeBSD based hosting since 1998. Both shared and dedicated > web hosting solutions are available, and unlike many larger firms, > we can work with our customers to address their individual hosting > needs. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="SmartServ" href="" id="SmartServ">SmartServ Hosting</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Based in Britsh Columbia, Canada, SmartServ Hosting offers a wide > range of shared website hosting and shell hosting packages at an > affordable price and rock solid stability. Using FreeBSD servers, > SmartServ offers a variety of unique features including your > choice of PHP version, web serving software, and native IPv6 > presence. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="SolutionPoint" href="" id="SolutionPoint">Solution Point</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Based in New Delhi, India, Solution Point provides <a href="" shape="rect">VPS Hosting > on FreeBSD/amd64</a>. We use only official FreeBSD and provide > various capacities to serve most demanding requirements of > full dedicated servers. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="swishmail" href="" id="swishmail">Swishmail</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Swishmail, New York City based company, provides > business <a href="" shape="rect">email > hosting</a> with virus/spam-scanning running on FreeBSD amd64 on HP > AMD Dual Opteron 64 bit servers since 1999. Swishmail is in the business > of <a href="" shape="rect">email > hosting</a>, shell providing, <a href="" shape="rect">web hosting</a>, > dedicated servers, and email accounting. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="tarsnap" href="" id="tarsnap">Tarsnap</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Tarsnap is a secure online backup service for FreeBSD and other > unix-like operating systems. Tarsnap is owned and operated by > FreeBSD developer <a href="" shape="rect">Colin Percival</a> > and is proud to support FreeBSD via donations to the FreeBSD > Foundation. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="tier1hosting" href="" id="tier1hosting">Tier1 Hosting Solutions</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Tier1 Hosting Solutions provides Fast VPS (Virtual Private Server > Hosting for FreeBSD-AMD/64. All Fibre Backbone Network, running > on <strong>Enterprise <a href="" shape="rect">Servaris Servers</a></strong>. We > use only official FreeBSD Released ISO's for all versions of > FreeBSD. The FreeBSD VPS offered is <a href="" shape="rect"> > KVM Full Virtualization</a>. Tier1 Hosting offers various > capacities to serve most requirements. Tier1 Hosting Solutions > also provides full Dedicated Servers with FreeBSD. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="transip" href="" id="transip">TransIP</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Transip B.V. is a top 5 domain registrar in the Netherlands. > TransIP uses FreeBSD exclusively on its own servers and offers > virtual hosting and dedicated servers based on FreeBSD. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="Vellance" href="" id="Vellance">Vellance B.V.</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Vellance B.V. is a Dutch managed hosting provider located in > Amsterdam. Our core-business is delivering advanced <a href="" shape="rect">Managed hosting</a> platforms. > Vellance primarily works with FreeBSD (since the 90's), so it is > not a surprise our managed hosting platforms and Virtual > Enterprise Cloud environment is completely based on a FreeBSD > infrastructure. Next to Virtual Dedicated Servers we offer many > products like Private Cloud infrastructures, Media hosting, > datacentre facilities and hosting consultancy. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="velocity" href="" id="velocity">Velocity Servers</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Velocity Servers provides game server hosting and webhosting on > FreeBSD. We can host any specific games that are designed to run > on Linux. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="Venigo" href="" id="Venigo">Venigo Internet Services</a> > </dt> > <dd> > Venigo Internet Services is a French based company, which provides > hosting solutions like shared, dedicated, colocation hostings, and > VPN solutions based on FreeBSD. Venigo Internet Services is also > able to provide management and support for variety of BSD & > Linux systems. > </dd> > <dt> > <a name="verio" href="" id="verio">Verio</a> > </dt> > <dd> > With our FreeBSD VPS v3 and MPS v2, we combine more that 10 years > of virtualization and managed experience with the proven > stability, performance, and security of the FreeBSD VPS 6.x > operating system. For over a decade the Verio name has stood for > "true pricing" (with no hidden costs), FairShare resource > management, bulletproof security, triple-data backups, easy > application installations and upgrades, and industry-leading > reliability. So multiply your possibilities with the Verio FreeBSD > VPS and MPS and know that you're doing business with a strong > provider! > </dd> ><dt> ><a name="vultr" href="" id="vultr"></a> ></dt> ><dd> > A cloud services provider based on 100% SSD Hardware with 14 > Optimized locations worldwide. Vultr also has many tutorials on how > to setup various services on your VPS. ></dd> > <dt> > <a name="webdrops" href="" id="webdrops">Webdrops ICT</a> > </dt> > <dd> > FreeBSD hosting based in Italy since 2004. We provide hosting on > shared boxes, dedicated servers, co-location, gTLD and worldwide > ccTLD registration and every DC service you may ask for. We have > rack space available in Milan IT, Dallas US and Amsterdam NL; We > can provide simple or complex network infrastructure and supply > Brand or custom hardware and network equipments. > </dd> > </dl> > </div> > <br class="clearboth" /> > </div> > <div id="footer"><span><a href="../search/index-site.html">Site Map</a> | > <a href="../copyright/">Legal Notices</a> | © 1995–2015 The FreeBSD Project. > All rights reserved.</span><br /> > Last modified: 2014-05-04</div> > </div> > </div> > </body> ></html>
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href="../security/index.html#sup">Supported Releases</a> </li> <li> <a href="../security/unsupported.html">Unsupported Releases</a> </li> <li> <a href="../doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/security-advisories.html"> How to read FreeBSD Security Advisories</a> </li> <li> <a href="../security/charter.html">Charter for the Security Officer and Team</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="../support/bugreports.html">Bug Reports</a> <ul> <li> <a href="">Submit a Problem Report</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="../support/webresources.html">Web Resources</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="contentwrap"> <p>The power, flexibility, and reliability of FreeBSD attract a wide variety of users and vendors. Here you will find vendors offering commercial products and/or services for FreeBSD.</p> <p>For your convenience, we have divided our growing commercial listing into several sections. If your company supports a FreeBSD related product, service, consulting, or support that should be added to this page, please fill out a <a href="">problem report</a> in category Documentation->Website. Submissions should contain a medium-sized paragraph in length, describing your company. Please note that the inclusion of vendors in our list does not signify our endorsement of their products or services by the FreeBSD Project.</p> <h2>Internet Service Providers</h2> <dl> <dt> <a name="activedomain" href="" id="activedomain">Active Domain</a> </dt> <dd> has been providing domain name registration service since 2001. We are utilizing FreeBSD exclusively on all our mail, web and DNS servers. The stability and security of FreeBSD has enabled us to provide consistently DNS service for over hundred thousand domain names. We fully recommend and support the development of FreeBSD. </dd> <dt> <a name="activeventure" href="" id="activeventure">Active Venture Pte Ltd</a> </dt> <dd> strives to provide one of the most feature-packed and affordable web hosting services on the market. We offer an extensive range of FreeBSD-based virtual hosting plans to meet the needs of any webmaster for personal, professional, or ecommerce web hosting requirements. </dd> <dt> <a name="amdwebhost" href="" id="amdwebhost">All My Data</a> </dt> <dd> We offer several shared, reseller and shell hosting plans on FreeBSD platform that will meet and exceed all of your web presence needs from small personal family web sites to full blown online e-commerce solutions. </dd> <dt> <a name="Aplus" href="" id="Aplus">Aplus.Net</a> </dt> <dd> Aplus.Net is a facilities based provider located in San Diego, CA since 1995. We provide Web Hosting, Dedicated Servers, Domain Names, Web Design, and E-Commerce solutions. We offer to our customers the power and stability of the FreeBSD Operating System with our Web Hosting and Dedicated Servers. Aplus.Net, everything for your online business. </dd> <dt> <a name="argentina" href="" id="argentina"></a> </dt> <dd> <a href="" shape="rect"></a> is an Argentina based Hosting and e-mail provider with FreeBSD infrastructure and Globalcrossing connectivity. We offer FreeBSD-stable dedicated servers with great connectivity, Shared hosting on Plesk for FreeBSD, and Corporate FreeBSD based email hosting. </dd> <dt> <a name="argeweb" href="" id="argeweb">Argeweb Hosting</a> </dt> <dd> Argeweb is one of the largest hosting providers in the Netherlands. Most of our shared hosting platforms are running on servers powered by FreeBSD for years. </dd> <dt> <a name="associationkazar" href="" id="associationkazar">Association Kazar</a> </dt> <dd> Association Kazar, located in Paris, France, is a non-profit organization that provides for everybody the ability to host servers in our co-location, but also to use our co-location services for web, email, ftp, and databases. We are online since 1996, and use FreeBSD for almost everything. We provide as well connectivity and many other services for people located in Paris. We host mailing lists for free if a member uses at least one of our services. We are fans of FreeBSD and use it on intel/amd64/sparc64 machines. </dd> <dt> <a name="astute" href="" id="astute">Astute Hosting Incorporated</a> </dt> <dd> Astute Hosting provides advanced high-availability semi-managed dedicated hosting with all the flexibility of co-location but at a better price point than most unmanaged dedicated solutions. FreeBSD is our OS of choice, and what we run on our own servers and workstations. Our bandwidth consists of 4 Tier 1's, and hundreds of peers across North America, Europe, and Asia. </dd> <dt> <a name="bayhosting" href="" id="bayhosting">Bay Hosting</a> </dt> <dd> UK based FreeBSD hosting in secure, resilient facilities. Customised firewalls, managed servers, website hosting, e-mail hosting with virus/spam-scanning. </dd> <dt> <a name="beastiecloud" href="" id="beastiecloud">BeastieCLOUD</a> </dt> <dd> BeastieCLOUD offers high quality FreeBSD hosting solutions in german speaking territories (D-A-CH). We provide individual server configurations to match any demand of our customers. "Good isn't good enough if there is a way to do it better!" </dd> <dt> <a name="berklix" href="" id="berklix">Berklix.Com</a> </dt> <dd> English company in Munich, Germany. Bilingual consultancy & hosting. Virtual & physical domain hosting on diverse servers, and customer's own local & ISP hosted servers. </dd> <dt> <a name="bewide" href="" id="bewide">Bewide Internet Service Provider</a> </dt> <dd> Bewide is an Internet Service Provider focussing on all forms of hosting, domain registration and development of internet applications. We are a company demanding a high level of quality, using high quality hardware. FreeBSD is the operating system of our choice, powering our systems with a high quality operating system, perfectly suited for our company. For more information about Bewide, please visit our website <a href="" shape="rect"></a> </dd> <dt> <a name="bpa" href="" id="bpa">Black Point Arts Internet Solutions GmbH</a> </dt> <dd> We offer flexible solutions and serve our customers needs with compentent and fast support. Our services include website hosting, virtual Servers (VPS) and server homing (e.g. managed servers)/colocation for all kinds of companies. We are located in Germany. </dd> <dt> <a name="bsdvm" href="" id="bsdvm">BSD Virtual Machines</a> </dt> <dd> Our company offers virtual private servers on the most stable in the world BSD platform. This includes operating systems from BSD family such as FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD. </dd> <dt> <a name="bsdjails" href="" id="bsdjails"></a> </dt> <dd> offers a wide variety of FreeBSD vServers including Gigabit and native IPv6 FreeBSD vServers at the best price. </dd> <dt> <a name="bytecamp" href="" id="bytecamp">bytecamp GmbH</a> </dt> <dd> We run a homogenic FreeBSD environment in our own datacenter located in East Germany near Berlin since 2000. Our developers contribute code to many open source projects. bytecamp is the home for <a href="" shape="rect"></a> and both biggest German BSD communities, <a href="" shape="rect"></a> and <a href="" shape="rect"></a>. bytecamp offers professional hosting on a FreeBSD cluster, enterprise email solutions, domain name registration, dedicated and virtual servers. We offer several shared, reseller and shell hosting plans on FreeBSD platform that will meet and exceed all of your web presence needs from small personal family web sites to full blown online e-commerce solutions. </dd> <dt> <a name="cari" href="" id="cari"></a> </dt> <dd> provides FreeBSD as a hosting platform for clusters, clouds, and stand-alone dedicated servers. We have been supporting the Open Source community for over seventeen years. </dd> <dt> <a name="claryss" href="" id="claryss">Claryss Networks</a> </dt> <dd> Claryss Networks provides secure and dependable technologies backed with years of experience. Based in France, we provide shared and dedicated hosting, housing, consulting and outsourcing. </dd> <dt> <a name="CloudSigma" href="" id="CloudSigma">CloudSigma</a> </dt> <dd> As a public cloud provider we pride ourselves on offering the latest operating system releases via our public library of instantly deployable images. FreeBSD is a popular distribution and we have a loyal following of FreeBSD users. Especially as we are one of the few public clouds that natively supports FreeBSD without modification. We are very pleased to offer version 9.0 with a 7 day free trial as an ideal opportunity for new customers to discover as well what the latest version has to offer. Please visit our <a href="" shape="rect">website</a> to get more information. </dd> <dt> <a name="colocationamerica" href="" id="colocationamerica">Colocation America</a> </dt> <dd> Colocation America provides colocation, dedicated server and VoIP hosting services with 22 data centers located across the United States. Our data centers are PCI, SAS 70, SSAE 16 and HIPAA compliant with security and support staff working 24/7 to support our 100% uptime guarantee. Customers can enjoy our FreeBSD web, mail, DNS and database servers dedicated servers that are hosted in a secure environment supported by certified data center technicians. </dd> <dt> <a name="colocrossing" href="" id="colocrossing">Colocrossing</a> </dt> <dd> Colocrossing provides FreeBSD powered colocation services in 6 locations in the US. From managed hosting to colocation, we are here for you. </dd> <dt> <a name="crucialservers" href="" id="crucialservers">Crucial Servers LLC</a> </dt> <dd> Crucial Servers LLC uses FreeBSD to the fullest controlling our hosting network behind PC FreeBSD based routers that control ipv4 and ipv6 connectivity, traffic shapping and advanced firewall tactics all currently use FreeBSD. All our public and private web servers all run FreeBSD 4.9 or higher and have uptimes over 400 days. We are a FreeBSD friendly provider and offer Free consulting for colocation and server customers. </dd> <dt> <a name="dbi" href="" id="dbi">DBI Hosting</a> </dt> <dd> DBI Hosting offers a cost effective <a href="" shape="rect">BSD VPS</a> product based on the FreeBSD platform in a secure and stable environment. We guarantee our resources and our support team is second to none. </dd> <dt> <a name="easyspeedy" href="" id="easyspeedy">EasySpeedy</a> </dt> <dd> EasySpeedy provides dedicated servers with colocation benefits, and a flexible self-service environment. We're dedicated to bringing our customers a wide range of automatically installed Linux and BSD-systems, all available at the click of a button. </dd> <dt> <a name="elantech" href="" id="elantech">ElanTech, Ltd.</a> </dt> <dd> We are providing wide range of IT services for small business companies in our region (Moscow, Russia). Our main tasks - IT outsourcing and WEB development. As part of IT support and building networks for our customers we use the reliable and efficient OS - FreeBSD. All our WEB developers use FreeBSD as comfortable development hosting platform. Please, be free to <a href="" shape="rect"> contact us</a>. </dd> <dt> <a name="emuadmin" href="" id="emuadmin">EmuAdmin</a> </dt> <dd> Emuadmin is offering a full range of services supporting the FreeBSD operating system. Security, customized firewalls, full server management, custom programming, performance tuning, network management solutions. </dd> <dt> <a name="ermis" href="" id="ermis">Ermis | Domeinruimte</a> </dt> <dd> Ermis | Domeinruimte has been hosting websites since 2004 on FreeBSD servers, but also offer anti-spam services, backup MX, handle domain name registrations and offer IT services to our corporate clients. We strive to bring the best service for the lowest price. Since we are based in Rotterdam (the Netherlands) all our services are available primarily in Dutch, where possible but also offer services in English for our international clients. We colocated our infrastructure in a climate neutral datacenter and our servers' energy consumption is remarkably low but retain performance. </dd> <dt> <a name="eserver" href="" id="eserver"></a> </dt> <dd> We provide high quality web-hosting and VIP-hosting services in Russia and CIS based only on FreeBSD systems customized for hosting needs, dedicated servers with support of all currently available FreeBSD distributions. </dd> <dt> <a name="Exonetric" href="" id="Exonetric">Exonetric</a> </dt> <dd> Exonetric Consulting Ltd is a UK based specialist in FreeBSD hosting, offering both individual jails and managed or unmanaged systems on dedicated hardware. In addition we provide BSD-aware colocation services in our London datacentre and are also able to offer assistance with capacity planning and recommendations for best-fit software components for larger systems. </dd> <dt> <a name="fxservices" href="" id="fxservices">F/X Services Managed Hosting</a> </dt> <dd> We specialize in Internet Services and we have been doing so since 1999. We do this in a no-nonsense way: no long lists of tech-terms, just information that matters. We are your partner if you are looking for: Colocating and/or managing dedicated server(s), Online backup / storage service, High quality webhosting for your site(s), Domain registration(s), Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus mailscanning services, Hosting of mailinglists, from low to high volume </dd> <dt> <a name="fastpcnet" href="" id="fastpcnet">Fast PC Networks</a> </dt> <dd> We offer colocation and managed services via our data center facilities. We recommend FreeBSD to our colocation customers who want a stable and flexible platform. We provide a pure colocation environment or dedicated managed hosting. </dd> <dt> <a name="gecadtech" href="" id="gecadtech">Gecad Technologies</a> </dt> <dd> Gecad Technologies develops an innovative messaging solution available for Linux and BSD Platforms - AXIGEN Mail Server. This highly configurable MTA offers (E)SMTP, POP3, IMAP4 and Webmail SSL/TLS secured services. It includes an integrated list server and connectors for Antivirus and Antispam applications. AXIGEN provides several administration tools, including an intuitive Web configuration interface, granting system administrators full control of the email traffic. AXIGEN works on FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD. For more information, please see <a href="" shape="rect"></a>. </dd> <dt> <a name="gigenet" href="" id="gigenet">GigeNET</a> </dt> <dd> GigeNET provides dedicated servers, cloud servers, colocation, and DDOS protection services. We fully support FreeBSD on all our products as of now. We have integrated FreeBSD 9 in to our Cloud Server product as well. </dd> <dt> <a name="gradwell" href="" id="gradwell">gradwell dot com Ltd</a> </dt> <dd> gradwell dot com Ltd is a UK Internet Email and Webhosting provider offering UNIX shell accounts, web hosting, mailman and ezmlm, pop3, imap, webmail (squirrelmail), mysql, php, fastcgi and mod_perl hosting on FreeBSD servers in London. Our site is <a href="" shape="rect"></a>. Phone: 0870 787 9129. </dd> <dt> <a name="hamburgnet" href="" id="hamburgnet">Hamburgnet</a> </dt> <dd> Hamburgnet provides you with experience in FreeBSD and OpenBSD based projects. From low-end webservers to high-end firewall and database clusters. Storage, server, Unix, cluster & consulting. You can visit our <a href="" shape="rect">website</a>, <a href="" shape="rect">mail us</a>, phone us at +49 (40) 73672322 or contact us via fax at +49 (40) 73672321. </dd> <dt> <a name="highspeedhostingsolutions" href="" id="highspeedhostingsolutions"></a> </dt> <dd> offers high speed website hosting with free domain names, no data transfer charges, no setup fees and spam solutions. Virtual Host accounts and Virtual Servers with FreeBSD as the operating system. </dd> <dt> <a name="HostDepartment" href="" id="HostDepartment">Host Department</a> </dt> <dd> Host Department provides FreeBSD-based web hosting, reseller hosting, domain name registration, and free web hosting services for personal, small and medium enterprise businesses, government, and also non-profit organizations. </dd> <dt> <a name="host1" href="" id="host1">Host1</a> </dt> <dd> has been providing hosting, domains and servers from Norway since 2009. We offer FreeBSD virtual servers and dedicated servers. We also offer FreeBSD on VMs in our Elastic Cloud. All our servers come with native IPv6. </dd> <dt> <a name="HostingFreak" href="" id="HostingFreak">, Inc.</a> </dt> <dd> HostingFreak is a company providing hosting services for everyone's needs. Whether it might be a high content, or a private website, we are dedicated to a high level of reliability and performance. Our company offers hosting services ranging from web-site hosting to self-managed dedicated servers. </dd> <dt> <a name="hostpoint" href="" id="hostpoint">Hostpoint AG</a> </dt> <dd> With 55,000 customers and 100,000 domain names (status quo December 2007), Hostpoint is Switzerland's leading hosting provider. Hostpoint offers website and application hosting services throughout Switzerland. </dd> <dt> <a name="hubdotorg" href="" id="hubdotorg">Hub Hosting Services</a> </dt> <dd> Hub.Org has provided Open-Source Web Hosting services since 1997. Our solutions include <a href="" shape="rect">FreeBSD VPS Hosting</a> and <a href="" shape="rect">self-managed VPS hosting</a> among many others. Hub has several cost-effective hosting plans to fit your business, whether it is a new site or several busy ones. Hub.Org has been actively involved in several leading, open-source projects (FreeBSD InterNet News (INN), WU-FTPd, OpenSSH), and providing hosting for open-source projects include PostgreSQL and Horde. </dd> <dt> <a name="IFDNRG" href="" id="IFDNRG">IFDNRG</a> </dt> <dd> IFDNRG are a UK based web and video hosting company with a wide range of expertise in web systems <a href="" shape="rect">built on FreeBSD</a>. We are focused on developing our network to promote high performance and highly scalable web services and have 10 years of experience in FreeBSD based solutions for web/email and video. </dd> <dt> <a name="improware" href="" id="improware">ImproWare AG</a> </dt> <dd> ImproWare AG focuses on Internet and Networking Services as well as System Integration and Consulting. ImproWare runs its own swiss-wide Multiservice-Backbones. It offers internet access via cable and leased lines. Serverhousing with 24/7 access to the server-room is also a service ImproWare offers. </dd> <dt> <a name="infotime" href="" id="infotime">Infotime Internet</a> </dt> <dd> Infotime offers shared hosting, domain name registrations and dedicated servers. We have been using FreeBSD for most of our services for the last 4 years. </dd> <dt> <a name="ingate" href="" id="ingate">INGATE GmbH</a> </dt> <dd> Located in Germany, INGATE GmbH provides managed and unmanaged dedicated servers with FreeBSD preinstalled. </dd> <dt> <a name="IntegrityHost" href="" id="IntegrityHost">Integrity Host</a> </dt> <dd> Integrity Host provides shared hosting, VPS (Virtual Private Servers), and fully managed dedicated servers that run on multiple versions of FreeBSD. cPanel and Fantastico are available and bandwidth allocation is generous. </dd> <dt> <a name="inetassociation" href="" id="inetassociation">Internet Engineering Association, LLC</a> </dt> <dd> Internet Engineering Association, LLC specializes in providing extremely secure, private and reliable Internet services. Our complete website and email services provide clients a reliable, worry free environment. Every server we use to provide service runs on FreeBSD. Our technical infrastructure is housed within state-of-the-art Internet Data Center facilities located in Tokyo and San Francisco. Our systems are designed to be extremely secure and reliable. </dd> <dt> <a name="interouteger" href="" id="interouteger">Interoute Deutschland GmbH</a> </dt> <dd> Interoute Deutschland is located in Duesseldorf, Germany. As full service provider we deliver a large range of services including leased lines, (S)DSL, virtual and dedicated hosting. Using FreeBSD since years for internal purposes and customer solutions we are sure to meet your requirements. </dd> <dt> <a name="ipglobal" href="" id="ipglobal">IP</a> </dt> <dd> IP Global is the leading Texas Internet Service Provider offering data transport services to all major cities as well as hosting and colocation solutions to businesses and groups around the globe. We specialize in carrier grade transport circuits for Houston, Austin, Dallas / Fort Worth, and San Antonio ranging in connections from Fractional T1, Integrated T1, Full Unmetered T1 Service, and bundled T1's up to Burstable and Full T3 packages. IP Global also delivers Highspeed DSL and Local 56K Dialup Internet to the Houston area. </dd> <dt> <a name="iweb" href="" id="iweb">iWeb Technologies Inc.</a> </dt> <dd> iWeb has been providing reliable and scalable Internet hosting infrastructure solutions with its shared web hosting, dedicated servers, managed hosting and colocation services for over a decade. Power your valuable online web presence with an iWeb Dedicated Server running FreeBSD. </dd> <dt> <a name="JohnCompanies" href="" id="JohnCompanies">JohnCompanies</a> </dt> <dd> JohnCompanies Collocation is a specialist in both dedicated and virtual FreeBSD servers. Unlimited technical support comes directly from FreeBSD engineers with no complicated ticket system, impersonal auto responders and no first level techs reading from cue-cards. Servers are housed in a state of the art, secure hosting facility with multi-homed tier 1 backbone connections. </dd> <dt> <a name="keyway" href="" id="keyway">Keyway Internet Services</a> </dt> <dd> Keyway Internet Services has provided premium business and residential solutions since 1995. Nationwide services include business-class hosting and dialup access. Southern California services include T1, Fiber, DSL, and Wireless. We feature our own colocation facility in Ontario, CA, and are proud to feature FreeBSD as a recommended platform. All clients receive live no-hold support, and T1/Colocation clients receive 24/7/365 support. </dd> <dt> <a name="kionic" href="" id="kionic"> Web Hosting</a> </dt> <dd> We provide fast, reliable, and affordable web hosting and reseller hosting services backed by fast and friendly customer service. Our operating system of choice is FreeBSD. </dd> <dt> <a name="kwshell" href="" id="kwshell">KwShell Internet Services</a> </dt> <dd> KwShell Internet Services is an Arabic based company, which provides hosting solutions like shared and dedicated Servers. KwShell Internet Services is also able to provide management and support for a variety of BSD and Linux systems. </dd> <dt> <a name="LayeredTech" href="" id="LayeredTech">Layered Technologies</a> </dt> <dd> Layered Technologies provides enterprise level, dedicated self managed hosting solutions to our clients at the best, very affordable prices. The self-managed dedicated servers are hosted on tier-1 bandwidth. FreeBSD is our no. 1 supported OS. We have a local FreeBSD/CVSup mirror for customers. </dd> <dt> <a name="lf" href="" id="lf"> Netzwerksysteme GmbH</a> </dt> <dd> Netzwerksysteme GmbH is an Internet Service Provider and specialist in network integration services and solutions. Founded in 1992, with an assembled team of 25 specialists, is located in one of Germany's largest industrial regions in Baden-Wuerttemberg. We deliver german-wide Highspeed DSL, 64K ISDN Dialup and leased line Internet access. We also specialize in domain services, webserver hosting and housing, System integration services, network management, security and VPN solutions, virus and spam checking, screen design and programming as well as consulting and training. </dd> <dt> <a name="Liebscher" href="" id="Liebscher">Liebscher & Partner</a> </dt> <dd> Liebscher & Partner are now shipping the BSD <a href="" shape="rect"> Stuffed Daemon! <img alt="stuffed daemon" src="../gifs/plueschtier-tiny.jpg" /></a> </dd> <dt> <a name="M5Hosting" href="" id="M5Hosting">M5 Hosting</a> </dt> <dd> We provide <a href="" shape="rect"> FreeBSD Dedicated Servers</a> as well as other dedicated servers with Unix-like operating systems. All servers are customized to your specifications, including: disk partitions, OS version, package installation, number of IP Addresses, and more. Our network emphasizes quality bandwidth rather than quantity. We host the <a href="" shape="rect"> San Diego BSD Users Group</a> mailing list and web site. </dd> <dt> <a name="macomnet" href="" id="macomnet">MAcomnet telecommunications company, Moscow, Russia</a> </dt> <dd> CJSC MAcomnet is one of the biggest Moscow telecommunication companies founded in 1991 by the Moscow Metropoliten and Andrew Corporation (USA). Numerous customers do justice to MAcomnet service high quality and level, among them are large communications operators, Internet providers, telephone companies, banks, hotels, exhibition centers, embassies, well known trading companies, government organizations, institutions, industrial enterprises, scientific-research institutes, mass media. A lot of MAcomnet ISP servers are FreeBSD based. MAcomnet hosts and cvsup mirrors. </dd> <dt> <a name="mambobado" href="" id="mambobado">Mambo Bado Inc.</a> </dt> <dd> Custom software development and software consulting services provider. Experienced at developing for and porting to BSD environments. For more information please visit our <a href="" shape="rect">web site</a>. </dd> <dt> <a name="midlandcomputers" href="" id="midlandcomputers">Midland Computers</a> </dt> <dd> Midland Computers is a UK based FreeBSD hosting provider. We offer hosting solutions ranging from shared hosting to dedicated servers, all running FreeBSD and we run our own secure data center. </dd> <dt> <a name=" mindsalt" href="" id=" mindsalt">MindSalt Timesheet and Expense</a> </dt> <dd> MindSalt Time & Expense is a 100% Web-based application that allows you and your employees to access your timesheets and expenses from anywhere in the world through an intuitive, easy to use interface. All you need is an Internet connection to track time and expenses, monitor projects in real-time, and manage and approve timesheets and expense reports. The powerful reporting options in MindSalt Time & Expense supply the vital information that you need. Cost and billing, profitability, client billing, and project budgets are just a few of the types of information you will find in the flexible reports. With over 100 combinations of reports for Administrators, Managers, and Employees, you are sure to find the report you need. Start your free trial today. </dd> <dt> <a name="MultaCom" href="" id="MultaCom">MultaCom Corporation</a> </dt> <dd> MultaCom Offers a full line of internet services including Colocation, Dedicated Servers, Web development, Bandwidth and IP services, Virtual Private Networks and Shared hosting based on FreeBSD and on site 24/7 FreeBSD System Engineers. FreeBSD is widely used in our organization and our shared hosting is FreeBSD based. We provide FreeBSD servers as dedicated and also install for free on servers we sell to others. </dd> <dt> <a name="negimaki" href="" id="negimaki">Negimaki</a> </dt> <dd> Negimaki uses FreeBSD in addition to providing training, support and web hosting for WordPress, gallery and PixelPost. Free (open-source) personal publishing platforms. </dd> <dt> <a name="netcup" href="" id="netcup">netcup GmbH</a> </dt> <dd> Netcup is a hosting provider located in Germany and we are specialized in providing webhosting and virtual servers. At the beginning of 2013 we changed our virtualisation technology to KVM. This gives you the possibillity to run the operationg system of your choice. You can easily setup your vServer with just a few clicks by using our prepared FreeBSD image. </dd> <dt> <a name="NQhost" href="" id="NQhost">NQhost</a> </dt> <dd> NQhost offers virtual private servers with guaranteed resources. Our <a href="" shape="rect">FreeBSD VPS</a> packages can be created in Germany or US-located data centers. We offer flexible tariff plans, configurations and friendly support. </dd> <dt> <a name="NYI" href="" id="NYI">NYI</a> </dt> <dd> Established in 1996, NYI is headquartered in the heart of the Wall Street area, with facilities in both Lower Manhattan and Bridgewater, New Jersey. The company's core services include colocation and dedicated servers, cloud computing and managed services, disaster recovery and business continuity planning. NYI provides mission-critical data solutions for a broad range of industries, including media, financial services, healthcare, law, fashion, architecture, life sciences and real estate. NYI is SSAE 16-, PCI and HIPPA-compliant. For more information please visit our <a href="" shape="rect">website</a>. </dd> <dt> <a name="oberon" href="" id="oberon"> Netzwerksysteme GmbH</a> </dt> <dd> Netzwerksysteme GmbH is one of the biggest Internet Service Provider for japanese customers in Germany. We deliver services like WWW-housing, E-Mail gates, Highspeed DSL and PPP Dialup. With our Germany-wide dialin-infrastructure we try to satisfy all of our customers needs. </dd> <dt> <a name="oph" href="" id="oph">OPH</a> </dt> <dd> OPH is a internet hosting provider located in Amsterdam. We deliver powerful FreeBSD dedicated servers and custom-built servers to meet your requirements. On the network side, all our servers include full 100Mbps / 1Gbps connections to the Internet. For more informations, please check our <a href="" shape="rect">website</a>, or call us at +31 527 688768. </dd> <dt> <a name="pairnetworks" href="" id="pairnetworks">pair Networks, Inc.</a> </dt> <dd> pair Networks, a global FreeBSD-based Web hosting and domain name registration company, headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, hosts hundreds of thousands of Web sites for businesses, bloggers, artists, educational institutions and non-profit organizations from around the world. pair Networks first went online in January 1996 and has experienced strong growth year after year. All pair Networks' Web servers run the reliable FreeBSD operating system. For more information <a href="" shape="rect">contact us</a> via e-mail or phone. </dd> <dt> <a name="PantherTech" href="" id="PantherTech">PantherTech Media Solutions</a> </dt> <dd>PantherTech offers low-cost CMS Hosting on FreeBSD. </dd> <dt> <a name="polarhome" href="" id="polarhome"></a> </dt> <dd> is a non commercial, educational effort for popularization of shell enabled operating systems and internet services, offering shell accounts, development environment, mail and other online services on all available systems (currently on different flavours of Linux, OpenVMS, Solaris, OpenIndiana, AIX, QNX, IRIX, HP-UX, Tru64, SCO OpenServer, UnixWare, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFly/BSD, MirBSD, Ultrix, Minix, GNU Hurd and OPENSTEP). </dd> <dt> <a name="ppgnetsol" href="" id="ppgnetsol">PPG Network Solutions</a> </dt> <dd> PPG Network Solutions offers Web Hosting exclusively on FreeBSD. We have hosting packages for personal to medium sized businesses. All of our services are backed by administrators who's passion is to keep there sites up and running. </dd> <dt> <a name="Quonix" href="" id="Quonix">Quonix Networks</a> </dt> <dd> Quonix Networks provides a variety of personal and enterprise hosting solutions powered by FreeBSD, including web, mail, secure shell hosting, dedicated servers and colocation. </dd> <dt> <a name="reliableservers" href="" id="reliableservers">ReliableServers</a> </dt> <dd> ReliableServers provides managed and unmanaged dedicated server hosting and colocation. FreeBSD is our #1 installed OS, we even provide a local cvsup for all clients. Our datacenter is staffed around the clock to provide the best possible support. Visit us at <a href="" shape="rect">www.ReliableServers.Com</a> </dd> <dt> <a name="rokabear" href="" id="rokabear">Rokabear Hosting Services</a> </dt> <dd> offers KVM VPS and Dedicated servers that run FreeBSD 9.0. Rokabear has focused their services towards knowledgeable users who know what they want, and know how to run their systems their way. With a KVM VPS you are allowed to install FreeBSD excactly as you want it. Right from the beginning everything is under your control. A secure VNC based console allows you to have full access! knows how to take your experience to the next level. Rokabear values its reputation for uptime, reliability and performance as much as you do. Check out a <a href="" shape="rect">KVM VPS</a> and see why people are flocking to KVM over XEN and VMWare. </dd> <dt> <a name="rootbsd" href="" id="rootbsd">RootBSD</a> </dt> <dd> RootBSD is a hosting company specializing in virtual FreeBSD hosting and managed services. The FreeBSD Virtual Private Servers allow users to modify the kernel, setup a firewall and many more options. Each VPS includes root access and a web-based control panel for managing the virtual environment. Technical support is handled in-house by FreeBSD experts who can diagnose problems and help you get up and running quickly. RootBSD has donated services to FreeBSD developers to support the community. </dd> <dt> <a name="sagonetworks" href="" id="sagonetworks">Sago Networks</a> </dt> <dd> <a href="" shape="rect">Sago Networks</a> was founded as an alternative to the telephone and cable company monopolies and inefficient Internet companies. Its mission is to be a one-stop shop for all of its customers' bandwidth and custom telecommunications needs. The company also believes in providing a laser-like focus on customer service and, from its headquarters in the Tampa Bay area and satellite offices in Miami and Atlanta, has implemented multiple rapidly deployable, high-speed fiber and wireless networks and maintains one of the largest bandwidth datacenters in the country. </dd> <dt> <a name="Seiretto" href="" id="Seiretto">Seiretto - UK FreeBSD Web Hosting</a> </dt> <dd> Providing UK Dedicated servers and shared hosting accounts on the bullet-proof FreeBSD operating system that we all know and love. </dd> <dt> <a name="ServePath" href="" id="ServePath">ServePath</a> </dt> <dd> ServePath is a managed server hosting and data center provider located in San Francisco. We deliver powerful, affordable FreeBSD dedicated server hosting, custom-built to meet your requirements. On the network side, all of our servers include full 100Mbps burstable connections to the Internet, with HSRP protected private VLANs. All ServePath FreeBSD dedicated servers give you full root access, and you can choose from multiple FreeBSD release versions. Check our <a href="" shape="rect">web site</a>, or call us at 866-321-PATH. </dd> <dt> <a name="ServerBeach" href="" id="ServerBeach">ServerBeach</a> </dt> <dd> Founded in 2002, ServerBeach was launched to serve the market's thirst for self-managed servers equipped with powerful hardware, fast and reliable bandwidth, convenient automation tools, and first-class support - all at an affordable price. Self-managed servers are not an afterthought at the Beach, it's our business. And we do whatever we can to satisfy the needs of our core customers, the "Geeks" - people like you. People like us. In 2004, the picture improved even more when ServerBeach was acquired by PEER 1. This allowed us to connect our data centers to the rock-solid, ultra-fast PEER 1 network with our 100% Uptime Guarantee. ServerBeach is the only self-managed hosting company in the world that offers servers in three geographically diverse locations: WEST COAST, CENTRAL US, and EAST COAST. Now offering FreeBSD, Ubuntu, and other Linux Operating Systems. </dd> <dt> <a name="sevenl" href="" id="sevenl">SevenL Networks Inc.</a> </dt> <dd> <a href="" shape="rect">SevenL Networks Inc.</a> providing <a href="" shape="rect">affordable FreeBSD dedicated server hosting</a>, VPS, managed web server offerings, colocation, data center space and other hosting services since 2003. SevenL currently hosts server infrastructure for Gentoo, Arch Linux, Linux Mint, CentOS, Startcom Linux and a number of open source software projects. SevenL Networks is located in Toronto, Canada. </dd> <dt> <a name="sh3lls" href="" id="sh3lls">Sh3lls Limited</a> </dt> <dd> Sh3lls Limited provides <a href="" shape="rect">FreeBSD based VPS</a> using the FreeBSD Jails Technology, as well as FreeBSD based unix shell accounts for IRC. Our FreeBSD VPS and IRC shells are both highly DDOS protected and we have been in business since 2003. </dd> <dt> <a name="shockmedia" href="" id="shockmedia">Shockmedia</a> </dt> <dd> Shock Media is a web- and serverhosting company located in the Netherlands. We sell high quality hosting products with Service Level Agreements for affordable prices. We install FreeBSD with or without webhosting control panel. Feel free to contact us or to check out our website if you are interested in our hosting products. </dd> <dt> <a name="SimpleRezo" href="" id="SimpleRezo">SimpleRezo</a> </dt> <dd> SimpleRezo, a French company, provides web hosting solutions based exclusively on FreeBSD and technologies (jails or dedicated server, Apache, PHP, Tomcat, MySQL, pgSQL...). Other services include: Network architecture consulting (fail-over, high availability), FreeBSD server administration or support (fileserver, firewalls, mailserver) and others more. Please visit our <a href="" shape="rect">website</a> to get more information. </dd> <dt> <a name="skiltech" href="" id="skiltech">SkilTech, Inc.</a> </dt> <dd> SkilTech Web Design and Hosting, based in Elkton, MD, has been offering FreeBSD based hosting since 1998. Both shared and dedicated web hosting solutions are available, and unlike many larger firms, we can work with our customers to address their individual hosting needs. </dd> <dt> <a name="SmartServ" href="" id="SmartServ">SmartServ Hosting</a> </dt> <dd> Based in Britsh Columbia, Canada, SmartServ Hosting offers a wide range of shared website hosting and shell hosting packages at an affordable price and rock solid stability. Using FreeBSD servers, SmartServ offers a variety of unique features including your choice of PHP version, web serving software, and native IPv6 presence. </dd> <dt> <a name="SolutionPoint" href="" id="SolutionPoint">Solution Point</a> </dt> <dd> Based in New Delhi, India, Solution Point provides <a href="" shape="rect">VPS Hosting on FreeBSD/amd64</a>. We use only official FreeBSD and provide various capacities to serve most demanding requirements of full dedicated servers. </dd> <dt> <a name="swishmail" href="" id="swishmail">Swishmail</a> </dt> <dd> Swishmail, New York City based company, provides business <a href="" shape="rect">email hosting</a> with virus/spam-scanning running on FreeBSD amd64 on HP AMD Dual Opteron 64 bit servers since 1999. Swishmail is in the business of <a href="" shape="rect">email hosting</a>, shell providing, <a href="" shape="rect">web hosting</a>, dedicated servers, and email accounting. </dd> <dt> <a name="tarsnap" href="" id="tarsnap">Tarsnap</a> </dt> <dd> Tarsnap is a secure online backup service for FreeBSD and other unix-like operating systems. Tarsnap is owned and operated by FreeBSD developer <a href="" shape="rect">Colin Percival</a> and is proud to support FreeBSD via donations to the FreeBSD Foundation. </dd> <dt> <a name="tier1hosting" href="" id="tier1hosting">Tier1 Hosting Solutions</a> </dt> <dd> Tier1 Hosting Solutions provides Fast VPS (Virtual Private Server Hosting for FreeBSD-AMD/64. All Fibre Backbone Network, running on <strong>Enterprise <a href="" shape="rect">Servaris Servers</a></strong>. We use only official FreeBSD Released ISO's for all versions of FreeBSD. The FreeBSD VPS offered is <a href="" shape="rect"> KVM Full Virtualization</a>. Tier1 Hosting offers various capacities to serve most requirements. Tier1 Hosting Solutions also provides full Dedicated Servers with FreeBSD. </dd> <dt> <a name="transip" href="" id="transip">TransIP</a> </dt> <dd> Transip B.V. is a top 5 domain registrar in the Netherlands. TransIP uses FreeBSD exclusively on its own servers and offers virtual hosting and dedicated servers based on FreeBSD. </dd> <dt> <a name="Vellance" href="" id="Vellance">Vellance B.V.</a> </dt> <dd> Vellance B.V. is a Dutch managed hosting provider located in Amsterdam. Our core-business is delivering advanced <a href="" shape="rect">Managed hosting</a> platforms. Vellance primarily works with FreeBSD (since the 90's), so it is not a surprise our managed hosting platforms and Virtual Enterprise Cloud environment is completely based on a FreeBSD infrastructure. Next to Virtual Dedicated Servers we offer many products like Private Cloud infrastructures, Media hosting, datacentre facilities and hosting consultancy. </dd> <dt> <a name="velocity" href="" id="velocity">Velocity Servers</a> </dt> <dd> Velocity Servers provides game server hosting and webhosting on FreeBSD. We can host any specific games that are designed to run on Linux. </dd> <dt> <a name="Venigo" href="" id="Venigo">Venigo Internet Services</a> </dt> <dd> Venigo Internet Services is a French based company, which provides hosting solutions like shared, dedicated, colocation hostings, and VPN solutions based on FreeBSD. Venigo Internet Services is also able to provide management and support for variety of BSD & Linux systems. </dd> <dt> <a name="verio" href="" id="verio">Verio</a> </dt> <dd> With our FreeBSD VPS v3 and MPS v2, we combine more that 10 years of virtualization and managed experience with the proven stability, performance, and security of the FreeBSD VPS 6.x operating system. For over a decade the Verio name has stood for "true pricing" (with no hidden costs), FairShare resource management, bulletproof security, triple-data backups, easy application installations and upgrades, and industry-leading reliability. So multiply your possibilities with the Verio FreeBSD VPS and MPS and know that you're doing business with a strong provider! </dd> <dt> <a name="vultr" href="" id="vultr"></a> </dt> <dd> A cloud services provider based on 100% SSD Hardware with 14 Optimized locations worldwide. Vultr also has many tutorials on how to setup various services on your VPS. </dd> <dt> <a name="webdrops" href="" id="webdrops">Webdrops ICT</a> </dt> <dd> FreeBSD hosting based in Italy since 2004. We provide hosting on shared boxes, dedicated servers, co-location, gTLD and worldwide ccTLD registration and every DC service you may ask for. We have rack space available in Milan IT, Dallas US and Amsterdam NL; We can provide simple or complex network infrastructure and supply Brand or custom hardware and network equipments. </dd> </dl> </div> <br class="clearboth" /> </div> <div id="footer"><span><a href="../search/index-site.html">Site Map</a> | <a href="../copyright/">Legal Notices</a> | © 1995–2015 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved.</span><br /> Last modified: 2014-05-04</div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
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