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output from "man procmailrc"
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Poul-Henning Kamp
on 2015-03-01 22:02:50 UTC
output from "man procmailrc"
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Poul-Henning Kamp
2015-03-01 22:02:50 UTC
32.29 KB
>PROCMAILRC(5) FreeBSD File Formats Manual PROCMAILRC(5) > > > >procmailrc - procmail rcfile >$$HHOOMMEE//..pprrooccmmaaiillrrcc >For a quick start, see NNOOTTEESS at the end of the pprrooccmmaaiill(1) man page. > >The rcfile can contain a mixture of environment variable assignments (some of >which have special meanings to procmail), and recipes. In their most simple >appearance, the recipes are simply one line regular expressions that are >searched for in the header of the arriving mail. The first recipe that >matches is used to determine where the mail has to go (usually a file). If >processing falls off the end of the rcfile, procmail will deliver the mail to >$$DDEEFFAAUULLTT. > >There are two kinds of recipes: delivering and non-delivering recipes. If a >_d_e_l_i_v_e_r_i_n_g _r_e_c_i_p_e is found to match, procmail considers the mail (you guessed >it) delivered and will _c_e_a_s_e _p_r_o_c_e_s_s_i_n_g the rcfile after having successfully >executed the action line of the recipe. If a _n_o_n_-_d_e_l_i_v_e_r_i_n_g _r_e_c_i_p_e is found >to match, processing of the rcfile will _c_o_n_t_i_n_u_e after the action line of this >recipe has been executed. > >Delivering recipes are those that cause header and/or body of the mail to be: >written into a file, absorbed by a program or forwarded to a mailaddress. > >Non-delivering recipes are: those that cause the output of a program or filter >to be captured back by procmail or those that start a nesting block. > >You can tell procmail to treat a _d_e_l_i_v_e_r_i_n_g _r_e_c_i_p_e as if it were a non- >delivering recipe by specifying the `c' flag on such a recipe. This will make >procmail generate a _c_a_r_b_o_n _c_o_p_y of the mail by delivering it to this recipe, >yet continue processing the rcfile. > >By using any number of recipes you can presort your mail extremely >straightforward into several mailfolders. Bear in mind though that the mail >can arrive concurrently in these mailfolders (if several procmail programs >happen to run at the same time, not unlikely if a lot of mail arrives). To >make sure this does not result in a mess, proper use of lockfiles is highly >recommended. > >The environment variable aassssiiggnnmmeennttss and rreecciippeess can be freely intermixed in >the rcfile. If any environment variable has a special meaning to procmail, it >will be used appropriately the moment it is parsed (i.e., you can change the >current directory whenever you want by specifying a new MMAAIILLDDIIRR, switch >lockfiles by specifying a new LLOOCCKKFFIILLEE, change the umask at any time, etc., >the possibilities are endless :-). > >The assignments and substitutions of these environment variables are handled >exactly like in sshh(1) (that includes all possible quotes and escapes), with >the added bonus that blanks around the '=' sign are ignored and that, if an >environment variable appears without a trailing '=', it will be removed from >the environment. Any program in backquotes started by procmail will have the >entire mail at its stdin. > >A word beginning with # and all the following characters up to a NEWLINE are >ignored. This does not apply to condition lines, which cannot be commented. > >A line starting with ':' marks the beginning of a recipe. It has the >following format: > >:0 [_f_l_a_g_s] [ : [_l_o_c_a_l_l_o_c_k_f_i_l_e] ] ><zero or more conditions (one per line)> ><exactly one action line> > >Conditions start with a leading `*', everything after that character is passed >on to the internal egrep lliitteerraallllyy, except for leading and trailing >whitespace. These regular expressions are ccoommpplleetteellyy compatible to the normal >eeggrreepp(1) extended regular expressions. See also EExxtteennddeedd rreegguullaarr eexxpprreessssiioonnss. > >Conditions are anded; if there are no conditions the result will be true by >default. > >_F_l_a_g_s can be any of the following: >HH Egrep the header (default). >BB Egrep the body. >DD Tell the internal egrep to distinguish between upper and lower case >(contrary to the default which is to ignore case). >AA This recipe will not be executed unless the conditions on the last preceding >recipe (on the current block-nesting level) without the `A' or `a' flag >matched as well. This allows you to chain actions that depend on a common >condition. >aa Has the same meaning as the `A' flag, with the additional condition that the >immediately preceding recipe must have been _s_u_c_c_e_s_s_f_u_l_l_y completed before this >recipe is executed. >EE This recipe only executes if the immediately preceding recipe was not >executed. Execution of this recipe also disables any immediately following >recipes with the 'E' flag. This allows you to specify `else if' actions. >ee This recipe only executes if the immediately preceding recipe _f_a_i_l_e_d (i.e., >the action line was attempted, but resulted in an error). >hh Feed the header to the pipe, file or mail destination (default). >bb Feed the body to the pipe, file or mail destination (default). >ff Consider the pipe as a filter. >cc Generate a ccaarrbboonn ccooppyy of this mail. This only makes sense on _d_e_l_i_v_e_r_i_n_g >recipes. The only non-delivering recipe this flag has an effect on is on a >nesting block, in order to generate a carbon copy this will cclloonnee the running >procmail process (lockfiles will not be inherited), whereby the clone will >proceed as usual and the parent will jump across the block. >ww Wait for the filter or program to finish and check its exitcode (normally >ignored); if the filter is unsuccessful, then the text will not have been >filtered. >WW Has the same meaning as the `w' flag, but will suppress any `Program >failure' message. >ii Ignore any write errors on this recipe (i.e., usually due to an early closed >pipe). >rr Raw mode, do not try to ensure the mail ends with an empty line, write it >out as is. > >There are some special conditions you can use that are not straight regular >expressions. To select them, the condition must start with: >!! Invert the condition. >$$ Evaluate the remainder of this condition according to sshh(1) substitution >rules inside double quotes, skip leading whitespace, then reparse it. >?? Use the exitcode of the specified program. ><< Check if the total length of the mail is shorter than the specified (in >decimal) number of bytes. >>> Analogous to '<'. >vvaarriiaabblleennaammee _?_? Match the remainder of this condition against the value of >this environment variable (which cannot be a pseudo variable). A special case >is if variablename is equal to `B', `H', `HB' or `BH'; this merely overrides >the default header/body search area defined by the initial flags on this >recipe. >\\ To quote any of the above at the start of the line. > >If you put a second (trailing) ':' on the first recipe line, then procmail >will use a _l_o_c_a_l_l_o_c_k_f_i_l_e (for this recipe only). You can optionally specify >the locallockfile to use; if you don't however, procmail will use the >destination filename (or the filename following the first '>>') and will >append $LOCKEXT to it. > >The action line can start with the following characters: >!! Forwards to all the specified mail addresses. >|| Starts the specified program, possibly in $SHELL if any of the characters >$SHELLMETAS are spotted. You can optionally prepend this pipe symbol with >_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e_=, which will cause stdout of the program to be captured in the >environment _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e (procmail will nnoott terminate processing the rcfile at >this point). If you specify just this pipe symbol, without any program, then >procmail will pipe the mail to stdout. >{{ Followed by at least one space, tab or newline will mark the start of a >nesting block. Everything up till the next closing brace will depend on the >conditions specified for this recipe. Unlimited nesting is permitted. The >closing brace exists merely to delimit the block, it will _n_o_t cause procmail >to terminate in any way. If the end of a block is reached processing will >continue as usual after the block. On a nesting block, the flags `H' and `B' >only affect the conditions leading up to the block, the flags `h' and `b' have >no effect whatsoever. > >Anything else will be taken as a mailbox name (either a filename or a >directory, absolute or relative to the current directory (see MAILDIR)). If >it is a (possibly yet nonexistent) filename, the mail will be appended to it. > >If it is a directory, the mail will be delivered to a newly created, >guaranteed to be unique file named $MSGPREFIX* in the specified directory. If >the mailbox name ends in "/.", then this directory is presumed to be an MH >folder; i.e., procmail will use the next number it finds available. If the >mailbox name ends in "/", then this directory is presumed to be a maildir >folder; i.e., procmail will deliver the message to a file in a subdirectory >named "tmp" and rename it to be inside a subdirectory named "new". If the >mailbox is specified to be an MH folder or maildir folder, procmail will >create the necessary directories if they don't exist, rather than treat the >mailbox as a non-existent filename. When procmail is delivering to >directories, you can specify multiple directories to deliver to (procmail will >do so utilising hardlinks). >LLOOGGNNAAMMEE,, HHOOMMEE aanndd SSHHEELLLL Your (the recipient's) defaults >PPAATTHH $HOME/bin :/bin :/usr/bin :/usr/local/bin (Except during the processing >of an /usr/local/etc/procmailrc file, when it will be set to `/bin :/usr/bin >:/usr/local/bin'.) >SSHHEELLLLMMEETTAASS & |<>~;?*[ >SSHHEELLLLFFLLAAGGSS -c >OORRGGMMAAIILL /var/mail/$LOGNAME >(Unless --mm has been specified, in which case it is unset) >MMAAIILLDDIIRR $HOME >(Unless the name of the first successfully opened rcfile starts with `./' or >if --mm has been specified, in which case it defaults to `.') >DDEEFFAAUULLTT $ORGMAIL >MMSSGGPPRREEFFIIXX msg. >SSEENNDDMMAAIILL /usr/sbin/sendmail >SSEENNDDMMAAIILLFFLLAAGGSS -oi >HHOOSSTT The current hostname >CCOOMMSSAATT no >(If an rcfile is specified on the command line) >PPRROOCCMMAAIILL__VVEERRSSIIOONN 3.22 >LLOOCCKKEEXXTT .lock > >Other cleared or preset environment variables are IFS, ENV and PWD. > >For security reasons, upon startup procmail will wipe out all environment >variables that are suspected of modifying the behavior of the runtime linker. > >Before you get lost in the multitude of environment variables, keep in mind >that all of them have reasonable defaults. >MMAAIILLDDIIRR Current directory while procmail is executing (that means that all >paths are relative to $MAILDIR). >DDEEFFAAUULLTT Default mmaaiillbbooxx file (if not told otherwise, procmail will dump mail >in this mailbox). Procmail will automatically use $DEFAULT$LOCKEXT as >lockfile prior to writing to this mailbox. You do not need to set this >variable, since it already points to the standard system mailbox. >LLOOGGFFIILLEE This file will also contain any error or diagnostic messages from >procmail (normally none :-) or any other programs started by procmail. If >this file is not specified, any diagnostics or error messages will be mailed >back to the sender. See also LLOOGGAABBSSTTRRAACCTT. >VVEERRBBOOSSEE You can turn on _e_x_t_e_n_d_e_d _d_i_a_g_n_o_s_t_i_c_s by setting this variable to `yes' >or `on', to turn it off again set it to `no' or `off'. >LLOOGGAABBSSTTRRAACCTT Just before procmail exits it logs an abstract of the delivered >message in $LOGFILE showing the `From ' and `Subject:' fields of the header, >what folder it finally went to and how long (in bytes) the message was. By >setting this variable to `no', generation of this abstract is suppressed. If >you set it to `all', procmail will log an abstract for every successful >_d_e_l_i_v_e_r_i_n_g _r_e_c_i_p_e it processes. >LLOOGG Anything assigned to this variable will be appended to $LOGFILE. >OORRGGMMAAIILL Usually the system mailbox (OORRiGGinal MMAAIILLbox). If, for some obscure >reason (like `ffiilleessyysstteemm ffuullll') the mail could not be delivered, then this >mailbox will be the last resort. If procmail fails to save the mail in here >(deep, deep trouble :-), then the mail will bounce back to the sender. >LLOOCCKKFFIILLEE Global semaphore file. If this file already exists, procmail will >wait until it has gone before proceeding, and will create it itself (cleaning >it up when ready, of course). If more than one _l_o_c_k_f_i_l_e are specified, then >the previous one will be removed before trying to create the new one. The use >of a global lockfile is discouraged, whenever possible use locallockfiles (on >a per recipe basis) instead. >LLOOCCKKEEXXTT Default extension that is appended to a destination file to determine >what local _l_o_c_k_f_i_l_e to use (only if turned on, on a per-recipe basis). >LLOOCCKKSSLLEEEEPP Number of seconds procmail will sleep before retrying on a _l_o_c_k_f_i_l_e >(if it already existed); if not specified, it defaults to 8 seconds. >LLOOCCKKTTIIMMEEOOUUTT Number of seconds that have to have passed since a _l_o_c_k_f_i_l_e was >last modified/created before procmail decides that this must be an erroneously >leftover lockfile that can be removed by force now. If zero, then no timeout >will be used and procmail will wait forever until the lockfile is removed; if >not specified, it defaults to 1024 seconds. This variable is useful to >prevent indefinite hangups of sseennddmmaaiill/procmail. Procmail is immune to clock >skew across machines. >TTIIMMEEOOUUTT Number of seconds that have to have passed before procmail decides >that some child it started must be hanging. The offending program will >receive a TERMINATE signal from procmail, and processing of the rcfile will >continue. If zero, then no timeout will be used and procmail will wait >forever until the child has terminated; if not specified, it defaults to 960 >seconds. >MMSSGGPPRREEFFIIXX Filename prefix that is used when delivering to a directory (not >used when delivering to a maildir or an MH directory). >HHOOSSTT If this is not the _h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e of the machine, processing of the current >_r_c_f_i_l_e will immediately cease. If other rcfiles were specified on the command >line, processing will continue with the next one. If all rcfiles are >exhausted, the program will terminate, but will not generate an error (i.e., >to the mailer it will seem that the mail has been delivered). >UUMMAASSKK The name says it all (if it doesn't, then forget about this one :-). >Anything assigned to UMASK is taken as an ooccttaall number. If not specified, the >umask defaults to 077. If the umask permits o+x, all the mailboxes procmail >delivers to directly will receive an o+x mode change. This can be used to >check if new mail arrived. >SSHHEELLLLMMEETTAASS If any of the characters in SHELLMETAS appears in the line >specifying a filter or program, the line will be fed to $SHELL instead of >being executed directly. >SSHHEELLLLFFLLAAGGSS Any invocation of $SHELL will be like: >"$SHELL" "$SHELLFLAGS" "$*"; >SSEENNDDMMAAIILL If you're not using the _f_o_r_w_a_r_d_i_n_g facility don't worry about this >one. It specifies the program being called to forward any mail. >It gets invoked as: "$SENDMAIL" $SENDMAILFLAGS "$@"; >NNOORREESSRREETTRRYY Number of retries that are to be made if any `pprroocceessss ttaabbllee ffuullll', >`ffiillee ttaabbllee ffuullll', `oouutt ooff mmeemmoorryy' or `oouutt ooff sswwaapp ssppaaccee' error should occur. >If this number is negative, then procmail will retry indefinitely; if not >specified, it defaults to 4 times. The retries occur with a $SUSPEND second >interval. The idea behind this is that if, e.g., the _s_w_a_p _s_p_a_c_e has been >exhausted or the _p_r_o_c_e_s_s _t_a_b_l_e is full, usually several other programs will >either detect this as well and abort or crash 8-), thereby freeing valuable >_r_e_s_o_u_r_c_e_s for procmail. >SSUUSSPPEENNDD Number of seconds that procmail will pause if it has to wait for >something that is currently unavailable (memory, fork, etc.); if not >specified, it will default to 16 seconds. See also: LLOOCCKKSSLLEEEEPP. >LLIINNEEBBUUFF Length of the internal line buffers, cannot be set smaller than 128. >All lines read from the _r_c_f_i_l_e should not exceed $LINEBUF characters before >and after expansion. If not specified, it defaults to 2048. This limit, of >course, does _n_o_t apply to the mail itself, which can have arbitrary line >lengths, or could be a binary file for that matter. See also >PROCMAIL_OVERFLOW. >DDEELLIIVVEERREEDD If set to `yes' procmail will pretend (to the mail agent) the mail >has been delivered. If mail cannot be delivered after having met this >assignment (set to `yes'), the mail will be lost (i.e., it will not bounce). >TTRRAAPP When procmail terminates of its own accord and not because it received a >signal, it will execute the contents of this variable. A copy of the mail can >be read from stdin. Any output produced by this command will be appended to >$LOGFILE. Possible uses for TRAP are: removal of temporary files, logging >customised abstracts, etc. See also EEXXIITTCCOODDEE and LLOOGGAABBSSTTRRAACCTT. >EEXXIITTCCOODDEE By default, procmail returns an exitcode of zero (success) if it >successfully delivered the message or if the HHOOSSTT variable was misset and >there were no more rcfiles on the command line; otherwise it returns failure. >Before doing so, procmail examines the value of this variable. If it is set >to a positive numeric value, procmail will instead use that value as its >exitcode. If this variable is set but empty and TTRRAAPP is set, procmail will >set the exitcode to whatever the TTRRAAPP program returns. If this variable is >not set, procmail will set it shortly before calling up the TTRRAAPP program. >LLAASSTTFFOOLLDDEERR This variable is assigned to by procmail whenever it is delivering >to a folder or program. It always contains the name of the last file (or >program) procmail delivered to. If the last delivery was to several directory >folders together then $LASTFOLDER will contain the hardlinked filenames as a >space separated list. >MMAATTCCHH This variable is assigned to by procmail whenever it is told to extract >text from a matching regular expression. It will contain all text matching >the regular expression past the `\\//' token. >SSHHIIFFTT Assigning a positive value to this variable has the same effect as the >`shift' command in sshh(1). This command is most useful to extract extra >arguments passed to procmail when acting as a generic mailfilter. >IINNCCLLUUDDEERRCC Names an rcfile (relative to the current directory) which will be >included here as if it were part of the current rcfile. Nesting is permitted >and only limited by systems resources (memory and file descriptors). As no >checking is done on the permissions or ownership of the rcfile, users of >IINNCCLLUUDDEERRCC should make sure that only trusted users have write access to the >included rcfile or the directory it is in. Command line assignments to >IINNCCLLUUDDEERRCC have no effect. >SSWWIITTCCHHRRCC Names an rcfile (relative to the current directory) to which >processing will be switched. If the named rcfile doesn't exist or is not a >normal file or /dev/null then an error will be logged and processing will >continue in the current rcfile. Otherwise, processing of the current rcfile >will be aborted and the named rcfile started. Unsetting SSWWIITTCCHHRRCC aborts >processing of the current rcfile as if it had ended at the assignment. As >with IINNCCLLUUDDEERRCC, no checking is done on the permissions or ownership of the >rcfile and command line assignments have no effect. >PPRROOCCMMAAIILL__VVEERRSSIIOONN The version number of the running procmail binary. >PPRROOCCMMAAIILL__OOVVEERRFFLLOOWW This variable will be set to a non-empty value if procmail >detects a buffer overflow. See the BBUUGGSS section below for other details of >operation when overflow occurs. >CCOOMMSSAATT CCoommssaatt(8)/bbiiffff(1) notification is on by default, it can be turned off >by setting this variable to `no'. Alternatively the biff-service can be >customised by setting it to either `service@', `@hostname', or >`service@hostname'. When not specified it defaults to biff@localhost. >DDRROOPPPPRRIIVVSS If set to `yes' procmail will drop all privileges it might have had >(suid or sgid). This is only useful if you want to guarantee that the bottom >half of the /usr/local/etc/procmailrc file is executed on behalf of the >recipient. >The following tokens are known to both the procmail internal egrep and the >standard eeggrreepp(1) (beware that some egrep implementations include other non- >standard extensions): >^^ Start of a line. >$$ End of a line. >.. Any character except a newline. >aa** Any sequence of zero or more a's. >aa++ Any sequence of one or more a's. >aa?? Either zero or one a. >[[^^--aa--dd]] Any character which is nnoott either a dash, a, b, c, d or newline. >ddee||aabbcc Either the sequence `de' or `abc'. >((aabbcc))** Zero or more times the sequence `abc'. >\\.. Matches a single dot; use \ to quote any of the magic characters to get >rid of their special meaning. See also $\ variable substitution. > >These were only samples, of course, any more complex combination is valid as >well. > >The following token meanings are special procmail extensions: >^^ or $$ Match a newline (for multiline matches). >^^^^ Anchor the expression at the very start of the search area, or if >encountered at the end of the expression, anchor it at the very end of the >search area. >\\<< or \\>> Match the character before or after a word. They are merely a >shorthand for `[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', but can also match newlines. Since they match >actual characters, they are only suitable to delimit words, not to delimit >inter-word space. >\\// Splits the expression in two parts. Everything matching the right part >will be assigned to the MATCH environment variable. >Look in the pprrooccmmaaiilleexx(5) man page. >Continued lines in an action line that specifies a program always have to end >in a backslash, even if the underlying shell would not need or want the >backslash to indicate continuation. This is due to the two pass parsing >process needed (first procmail, then the shell (or not, depending on >SSHHEELLLLMMEETTAASS)). > >Don't put comments on the regular expression condition lines in a recipe, >these lines are fed to the internal egrep _l_i_t_e_r_a_l_l_y (except for continuation >backslashes at the end of a line). > >Leading whitespace on continued regular expression condition lines is usually >ignored (so that they can be indented), but nnoott on continued condition lines >that are evaluated according to the sshh(1) substitution rules inside double >quotes. > >Watch out for deadlocks when doing unhealthy things like forwarding mail to >your own account. Deadlocks can be broken by proper use of LLOOCCKKTTIIMMEEOOUUTT. > >Any default values that procmail has for some environment variables will >aallwwaayyss override the ones that were already defined. If you really want to >override the defaults, you either have to put them in the rrccffiillee or on the >command line as arguments. > >The /usr/local/etc/procmailrc file cannot change the PATH setting seen by user >rcfiles as the value is reset when procmail finishes the >/usr/local/etc/procmailrc file. While future enhancements are expected in >this area, recompiling procmail with the desired value is currently the only >correct solution. > >Environment variables set iinnssiiddee the shell-interpreted-`|' action part of a >recipe will nnoott retain their value after the recipe has finished since they >are set in a subshell of procmail. To make sure the value of an environment >variable is retained you have to put the assignment to the variable before the >leading `|' of a recipe, so that it can capture stdout of the program. > >If you specify only a `h' or a `b' flag on a delivering recipe, and the recipe >matches, then, unless the `c' flag is present as well, the body respectively >the header of the mail will be silently lost. >pprrooccmmaaiill(1), pprrooccmmaaiillsscc(5), pprrooccmmaaiilleexx(5), sshh(1), ccsshh(1), mmaaiill(1), mmaaiillxx(1), >bbiinnmmaaiill(1), uuuuccpp(1), aalliiaasseess(5), sseennddmmaaiill(8), eeggrreepp(1), rreeggeexxpp(5), ggrreepp(1), >bbiiffff(1), ccoommssaatt(8), lloocckkffiillee(1), ffoorrmmaaiill(1) >The only substitutions of environment variables that can be handled by >procmail itself are of the type $name, ${name}, ${name:-text}, ${name:+text}, >${name-text}, ${name+text}, $\name, $#, $n, $$, $?, $_, $- and $=; whereby >$\name will be substituted by the all-magic-regular-expression-characters- >disarmed equivalent of $name, $_ by the name of the current rcfile, $- by >$LASTFOLDER and $= will contain the score of the last recipe. Furthermore, >the result of $\name substitution will never be split on whitespace. When the >--aa or --mm options are used, $# will expand to the number of arguments so >specified and "$@" (the quotes are required) will expand to the specified >arguments. However, "$@" will only be expanded when used in the argument list >to a program, and then only one such occurrence will be expanded. > >Unquoted variable expansions performed by procmail are always split on space, >tab, and newline characters; the IFS variable is not used internally. > >Procmail does not support the expansion of `~'. > >A line buffer of length $LINEBUF is used when processing the _r_c_f_i_l_e, any >expansions that don't fit within this limit will be truncated and >PROCMAIL_OVERFLOW will be set. If the overflowing line is a condition or an >action line, then it will be considered failed and procmail will continue >processing. If it is a variable assignment or recipe start line then procmail >will abort the entire rcfile. > >If the global lockfile has a _r_e_l_a_t_i_v_e path, and the current directory is not >the same as when the global lockfile was created, then the global lockfile >will not be removed if procmail exits at that point (remedy: use _a_b_s_o_l_u_t_e >paths to specify global lockfiles). > >If an rcfile has a _r_e_l_a_t_i_v_e path and when the rcfile is first opened MMAAIILLDDIIRR >contains a relative path, and if at one point procmail is instructed to clone >itself and the current directory has changed since the rcfile was opened, then >procmail will not be able to clone itself (remedy: use an _a_b_s_o_l_u_t_e path to >reference the rcfile or make sure MAILDIR contains an absolute path as the >rcfile is opened). > >A locallockfile on the recipe that marks the start of a non-forking nested >block does not work as expected. > >When capturing stdout from a recipe into an environment variable, exactly one >trailing newline will be stripped. > >Some non-optimal and non-obvious regexps set MATCH to an incorrect value. The >regexp can be made to work by removing one or more unneeded >If the regular expression contains `^^TTOO__' it will be substituted by >`((^^((((OOrriiggiinnaall--))??((RReesseenntt--))??((TToo ||CCcc ||BBcccc)) ||((XX--EEnnvveellooppee >||AAppppaarreennttllyy((--RReesseenntt))??))--TToo)) ::((..**[[^^--aa--zzAA--ZZ00--99__..]]))??))', which should catch all >destination specifications containing a specific _a_d_d_r_e_s_s. > >If the regular expression contains `^^TTOO' it will be substituted by >`((^^((((OOrriiggiinnaall--))??((RReesseenntt--))??((TToo ||CCcc ||BBcccc)) ||((XX--EEnnvveellooppee >||AAppppaarreennttllyy((--RReesseenntt))??))--TToo)) ::((..**[[^^aa--zzAA--ZZ]]))??))', which should catch all >destination specifications containing a specific _w_o_r_d. > >If the regular expression contains `^^FFRROOMM__DDAAEEMMOONN' it will be substituted by >`((^^((MMaaiilliinngg--LLiisstt :: ||PPrreecceeddeennccee ::..**((jjuunnkk ||bbuullkk ||lliisstt)) ||TToo :: MMuullttiippllee rreecciippiieennttss >ooff ||((((((RReesseenntt--))??((FFrroomm ||SSeennddeerr)) ||XX--EEnnvveellooppee--FFrroomm)) :: ||>>??FFrroomm ))(([[^^>>]]**[[^^((..%%@@aa-- >zz00--99]]))??((PPoosstt((mmaa??((sstt((ee??rr))?? ||nn)) ||ooffffiiccee)) ||((sseenndd))??MMaaiill((eerr))?? ||ddaaeemmoonn ||mm((mmddff >||aajjoorrddoommoo)) ||nn??uuuuccpp ||LLIISSTT((SSEERRVV ||pprroocc)) ||NNEETTSSEERRVV ||oo((wwnneerr ||ppss)) ||rr((ee((qquueesstt ||ssppoonnssee)) >||oooott)) ||bb((oouunnccee ||bbss\\..ssmmttpp)) ||eecchhoo ||mmiirrrroorr ||ss((eerrvv((iicceess?? ||eerr)) ||mmttpp((eerrrroorr))?? ||yysstteemm)) >||AA((ddmmiinn((iissttrraattoorr))?? ||MMMMGGRR ||uuttooaannsswweerr))))(((([[^^))..!! ::aa--zz00--99]][[--__aa--zz00--99]]**))??[[%%@@>>\\tt >]][[^^<<))]]**((\\((..**\\))..**))??))??$$(([[^^>>]] ||$$))))))', which should catch mails coming from most >daemons (how's that for a regular expression :-). > >If the regular expression contains `^^FFRROOMM__MMAAIILLEERR' it will be substituted by >`((^^((((((RReesseenntt--))??((FFrroomm ||SSeennddeerr)) ||XX--EEnnvveellooppee--FFrroomm)) :: ||>>??FFrroomm ))(([[^^>>]]**[[^^((..%%@@aa-- >zz00--99]]))??((PPoosstt((mmaa((sstt((eerr))?? ||nn)) ||ooffffiiccee)) ||((sseenndd))??MMaaiill((eerr))?? ||ddaaeemmoonn ||mmmmddff ||nn??uuuuccpp >||ooppss ||rr((eessppoonnssee ||oooott)) ||((bbbbss\\..))??ssmmttpp((eerrrroorr))?? ||ss((eerrvv((iicceess?? ||eerr)) ||yysstteemm)) >||AA((ddmmiinn((iissttrraattoorr))?? ||MMMMGGRR))))(((([[^^))..!! ::aa--zz00--99]][[--__aa--zz00--99]]**))??[[%%@@>>\\tt >]][[^^<<))]]**((\\((..**\\))..**))??))??$$(([[^^>>]] ||$$))))' (a stripped down version of `^^FFRROOMM__DDAAEEMMOONN'), >which should catch mails coming from most mailer-daemons. > >When assigning boolean values to variables like VERBOSE, DELIVERED or COMSAT, >procmail accepts as true every string starting with: a non-zero value, `on', >`y', `t' or `e'. False is every string starting with: a zero value, `off', >`n', `f' or `d'. > >If the action line of a recipe specifies a program, a sole backslash-newline >pair in it on an otherwise empty line will be converted into a newline. > >The regular expression engine built into procmail does not support named >character classes. >Since unquoted leading whitespace is generally ignored in the rcfile you can >indent everything to taste. > >The leading `|' on the action line to specify a program or filter is stripped >before checking for $SHELLMETAS. > >Files included with the INCLUDERC directive containing only environment >variable assignments can be shared with sh. > >The current behavior of assignments on the command line to IINNCCLLUUDDEERRCC and >SSWWIITTCCHHRRCC is not guaranteed, has been changed once already, and may be changed >again or removed in future releases. > >For _r_e_a_l_l_y complicated processing you can even consider calling pprrooccmmaaiill >recursively. > >In the old days, the `:0' that marks the beginning of a recipe, had to be >changed to `:n', whereby `n' denotes the number of conditions that follow. >Stephen R. van den Berg ><> >Philip A. Guenther ><> > > > >BuGless 2001/08/04 PROCMAILRC(5)
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