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Bug 213763
[NEW PORT] devel/cpp-hocon: Type safe C++ config file library
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New CPP-HOCON port.
cpp-hocon.shar (text/plain), 26.25 KB, created by
Jason Slagle
on 2016-10-25 03:16:50 UTC
New CPP-HOCON port.
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Jason Slagle
2016-10-25 03:16:50 UTC
26.25 KB
># This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before ># this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may ># create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and ># have default permissions. ># ># This archive contains: ># ># cpp-hocon ># cpp-hocon/pkg-descr ># cpp-hocon/distinfo ># cpp-hocon/files ># cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_parser_config__document.hpp ># cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_path.hpp ># cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__parseable.hpp ># cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config.hpp ># cpp-hocon/files/ ># cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_CMakeLists.txt ># cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_parser_config__node.hpp ># cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__value__factory.hpp ># cpp-hocon/files/ ># cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__object.hpp ># cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_tests_CMakeLists.txt ># cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__parse__options.hpp ># cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__includer__file.hpp ># cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__include__context.hpp ># cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__origin.hpp ># cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__includer.hpp ># cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__resolve__options.hpp ># cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__render__options.hpp ># cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_parser_config__document__factory.hpp ># cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__value.hpp ># cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__mergeable.hpp ># cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__list.hpp ># cpp-hocon/pkg-plist ># cpp-hocon/Makefile ># >echo c - cpp-hocon >mkdir -p cpp-hocon > /dev/null 2>&1 >echo x - cpp-hocon/pkg-descr >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/pkg-descr << '083cbf167da65d78bb2f31f116e53537' >XA CPP implementation of the hocon configuration file format: >083cbf167da65d78bb2f31f116e53537 >echo x - cpp-hocon/distinfo >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/distinfo << 'ecf7b15fe8c663d31fb0f001310b847a' >XTIMESTAMP = 1477237793 >XSHA256 (puppetlabs-cpp-hocon-0.1.4_GH0.tar.gz) = 2274b99dc098122b6e3d2c8d23173d21893555190c5a008e5a9a7d84875c7275 >XSIZE (puppetlabs-cpp-hocon-0.1.4_GH0.tar.gz) = 157988 >ecf7b15fe8c663d31fb0f001310b847a >echo c - cpp-hocon/files >mkdir -p cpp-hocon/files > /dev/null 2>&1 >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_parser_config__document.hpp >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_parser_config__document.hpp << 'd4df1049f5c34994c6299f2196ab3ed8' >X--- lib/inc/hocon/parser/config_document.hpp.orig 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/inc/hocon/parser/config_document.hpp >X@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ namespace hocon { >X * Also, this interface is likely to grow new methods over time, so third-party >X * implementations will break. >X */ >X- class LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_document { >X+ class CPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_document { >X public: >X /** >X * Returns a new config_document that is a copy of the current config_document, >d4df1049f5c34994c6299f2196ab3ed8 >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_path.hpp >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_path.hpp << '7e66d253dd327b21b9b7c2bfda283bcb' >X--- lib/inc/hocon/path.hpp.orig 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/inc/hocon/path.hpp >X@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ >X >X namespace hocon { >X >X- class LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT path { >X+ class CPP_HOCON_EXPORT path { >X public: >X path(); >X explicit path(std::string first, path const& remainder); >7e66d253dd327b21b9b7c2bfda283bcb >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__parseable.hpp >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__parseable.hpp << '0a598e2faba948fd7cbec7a26a628a26' >X--- lib/inc/hocon/config_parseable.hpp.orig 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/inc/hocon/config_parseable.hpp >X@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ namespace hocon { >X * interface is likely to grow new methods over time, so third-party >X * implementations will break. >X */ >X- class LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_parseable { >X+ class CPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_parseable { >X public: >X /** >X * Parse whatever it is. The options should come from >0a598e2faba948fd7cbec7a26a628a26 >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config.hpp >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config.hpp << '53a38eb323304108e6a227e2e442a3fd' >X--- lib/inc/hocon/config.hpp.orig 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/inc/hocon/config.hpp >X@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ namespace hocon { >X * interface is likely to grow new methods over time, so third-party >X * implementations will break. >X */ >X- class LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT config : public config_mergeable, public std::enable_shared_from_this<config> { >X+ class CPP_HOCON_EXPORT config : public config_mergeable, public std::enable_shared_from_this<config> { >X friend class config_object; >X friend class config_value; >X friend class config_parseable; >53a38eb323304108e6a227e2e442a3fd >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/ >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/ << 'c2b590ed0a4dbba8aae260d506d412f3' >X--- lib/src/ 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/src/ >X@@ -17,27 +17,27 @@ namespace hocon { >X // TODO: If use cases of from_any_ref require other types to produce config_nulls, >X // we can revise this behavior >X shared_value operator()(boost::blank null_value) const { >X- return make_shared<const config_null>(nullptr); >X+ return make_shared<config_null>(nullptr); >X } >X >X shared_value operator()(string str) const { >X- return make_shared<const config_string>(nullptr, str, config_string_type::QUOTED); >X+ return make_shared<config_string>(nullptr, str, config_string_type::QUOTED); >X } >X >X shared_value operator()(int64_t num) const { >X- return make_shared<const config_long>(nullptr, num, ""); >X+ return make_shared<config_long>(nullptr, num, ""); >X } >X >X shared_value operator()(double num) const { >X- return make_shared<const config_double>(nullptr, num, ""); >X+ return make_shared<config_double>(nullptr, num, ""); >X } >X >X shared_value operator()(int num) const { >X- return make_shared<const config_int>(nullptr, num, ""); >X+ return make_shared<config_int>(nullptr, num, ""); >X } >X >X shared_value operator()(bool boolean) const { >X- return make_shared<const config_boolean>(nullptr, boolean); >X+ return make_shared<config_boolean>(nullptr, boolean); >X } >X >X shared_value operator()(vector<unwrapped_value> value_list) const { >X@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ namespace hocon { >X for (unwrapped_value v : value_list) { >X config_values.emplace_back(boost::apply_visitor(config_value_visitor(), v)); >X } >X- return make_shared<const simple_config_list>(nullptr, config_values); >X+ return make_shared<simple_config_list>(nullptr, config_values); >X } >X >X shared_value operator()(unordered_map<string, unwrapped_value> value_map) const { >X@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ namespace hocon { >X for (auto pair : value_map) { >X config_map[pair.first] = boost::apply_visitor(config_value_visitor(), pair.second); >X } >X- return make_shared<const simple_config_object>(nullptr, config_map); >X+ return make_shared<simple_config_object>(nullptr, config_map); >X } >X }; >X >X@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ namespace hocon { >X if (origin.empty()) { >X origin = "hardcoded value"; >X } >X- auto conf_origin = make_shared<const simple_config_origin>(origin); >X+ auto conf_origin = make_shared<simple_config_origin>(origin); >X return boost::apply_visitor(config_value_visitor(), value)->with_origin(conf_origin); >X } >X } // namespace hocon >c2b590ed0a4dbba8aae260d506d412f3 >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_CMakeLists.txt >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_CMakeLists.txt << '61fff9b4619245b26ea477bd74c20e1a' >X--- lib/CMakeLists.txt.orig 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/CMakeLists.txt >X@@ -75,20 +75,23 @@ set(PROJECT_SOURCES >X ## Without the intermediate target, unexported symbols can't be tested. >X add_library(libprojectsrc OBJECT ${PROJECT_SOURCES}) >X set_target_properties(libprojectsrc PROPERTIES POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE true) >X- >X-add_library(lib${PROJECT_NAME} $<TARGET_OBJECTS:libprojectsrc>) >X-set_target_properties(lib${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES VERSION "${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR}.${PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH}") >X-target_link_libraries(lib${PROJECT_NAME} >X+if(CPP_HOCON_SHARED) >X+ add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED $<TARGET_OBJECTS:libprojectsrc>) >X+else() >X+ add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} $<TARGET_OBJECTS:libprojectsrc>) >X+endif() >X+set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES VERSION "${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR}.${PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH}") >X+target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} >X ${LEATHERMAN_LIBRARIES} >X ${Boost_LIBRARIES} >X ) >X >X # Generate the export header for restricting symbols exported from the library. >X # Restricting symbols has several advantages, noted at >X-symbol_exports(lib${PROJECT_NAME} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/inc/hocon/export.h") >X+symbol_exports(${PROJECT_NAME} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/inc/hocon/export.h") >X >X # This correctly handles DLL installation on Windows. >X-leatherman_install(lib${PROJECT_NAME}) >X+leatherman_install(${PROJECT_NAME}) >X install(DIRECTORY inc/hocon DESTINATION include) >X >X add_subdirectory(tests) >61fff9b4619245b26ea477bd74c20e1a >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_parser_config__node.hpp >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_parser_config__node.hpp << '4301caad1b17b94de907e39e4d13b9a3' >X--- lib/inc/hocon/parser/config_node.hpp.orig 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/inc/hocon/parser/config_node.hpp >X@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ namespace hocon { >X * Also, this interface is likely to grow new methods over time, so third-party >X * implementations will break. >X */ >X- class LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_node { >X+ class CPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_node { >X public: >X /** >X * The original text of the input which was used to form this particular >4301caad1b17b94de907e39e4d13b9a3 >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__value__factory.hpp >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__value__factory.hpp << '9cdd62e9b562e3c19bdb2f9ccfd7d91f' >X--- lib/inc/hocon/config_value_factory.hpp.orig 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/inc/hocon/config_value_factory.hpp >X@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@ >X >X #include "types.hpp" >X #include "export.h" >X+#include <string> >X >X namespace hocon { >X- class LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_value_factory { >X+ class CPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_value_factory { >X public: >X /** >X * Creates a {@link ConfigValue} from a plain value, which may be >9cdd62e9b562e3c19bdb2f9ccfd7d91f >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/ >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/ << 'd9cbef15f348380d193a70cd8be843c4' >X--- lib/tests/ 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/tests/ >X@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ TEST_CASE("config object unwraps") { >X auto value2 = config_int::new_number(fake_origin(), int64_t(2), "2"); >X auto value3 = config_int::new_number(fake_origin(), int64_t(3), "3"); >X unordered_map<string, shared_value> org {{"a", value1}, {"b", value2}, {"c", value3}}; >X- auto obj = make_shared<const simple_config_object>(fake_origin(), org); >X+ auto obj = make_shared<simple_config_object>(fake_origin(), org); >X unordered_map<string, unwrapped_value> map {{"a", 1}, {"b", 2}, {"c", 3}}; >X unwrapped_value expected(map); >X bool test = expected == obj->unwrapped(); >X@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ TEST_CASE("config list unwraps") { >X auto value2 = config_int::new_number(fake_origin(), int64_t(2), "2"); >X auto value3 = config_int::new_number(fake_origin(), int64_t(3), "3"); >X vector<shared_value> data { value1, value2, value3 }; >X- auto list = make_shared<const simple_config_list>(fake_origin(), data); >X+ auto list = make_shared<simple_config_list>(fake_origin(), data); >X vector<unwrapped_value> v { 1,2,3 }; >X unwrapped_value expected(v); >X bool test = expected == list->unwrapped(); >d9cbef15f348380d193a70cd8be843c4 >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__object.hpp >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__object.hpp << '127005c3da9cef074055ea8457d81752' >X--- lib/inc/hocon/config_object.hpp.orig 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/inc/hocon/config_object.hpp >X@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ >X >X namespace hocon { >X >X- class LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_object : public config_value { >X+ class CPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_object : public config_value { >X friend class config; >X friend class config_value; >X friend class simple_config_object; >127005c3da9cef074055ea8457d81752 >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_tests_CMakeLists.txt >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_tests_CMakeLists.txt << 'e168d38320af7f5bfe6101da62fd4ee0' >X--- lib/tests/CMakeLists.txt.orig 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/tests/CMakeLists.txt >X@@ -18,23 +18,23 @@ set(TEST_CASES >X >X ) >X >X-add_executable(lib${PROJECT_NAME}_test $<TARGET_OBJECTS:libprojectsrc> ${TEST_CASES} >X+add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME}_test $<TARGET_OBJECTS:libprojectsrc> ${TEST_CASES} >X >X if (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Linux" OR ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "SunOS") >X- target_link_libraries(lib${PROJECT_NAME}_test rt) >X+ target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}_test rt) >X endif() >X >X-target_link_libraries(lib${PROJECT_NAME}_test >X+target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}_test >X ${Boost_LIBRARIES} >X ${LEATHERMAN_LIBRARIES} >X ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT} >X ) >X >X if (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Darwin" AND BOOST_STATIC AND LEATHERMAN_USE_LOCALES) >X- target_link_libraries(lib${PROJECT_NAME}_test iconv) >X+ target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}_test iconv) >X endif() >X >X-add_test(NAME "unit_tests" COMMAND lib${PROJECT_NAME}_test) >X+add_test(NAME "unit_tests" COMMAND ${PROJECT_NAME}_test) >X >X configure_file ( >X "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/" >e168d38320af7f5bfe6101da62fd4ee0 >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__parse__options.hpp >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__parse__options.hpp << '6d0b340b74bb49a59e3324e1f5b4f439' >X--- lib/inc/hocon/config_parse_options.hpp.orig 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/inc/hocon/config_parse_options.hpp >X@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ namespace hocon { >X * >X * ClassLoader is Java-specific, so it was not ported to C++. >X */ >X- class LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_parse_options { >X+ class CPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_parse_options { >X public: >X /** >X * Gets an instance of <code>config_parse_options</code> with all fields >6d0b340b74bb49a59e3324e1f5b4f439 >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__includer__file.hpp >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__includer__file.hpp << '92ca44bd70db737901811a9efc0b441a' >X--- lib/inc/hocon/config_includer_file.hpp.orig 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/inc/hocon/config_includer_file.hpp >X@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ namespace hocon { >X * If you do not implement this but do implement {@link config_includer}, >X * attempts to load files will use the default includer. >X */ >X- class LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_includer_file { >X+ class CPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_includer_file { >X public: >X /** >X * Parses another item to be included. The returned object typically would >92ca44bd70db737901811a9efc0b441a >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__include__context.hpp >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__include__context.hpp << '29c226c3a29ec23eb8f5d5e26898075e' >X--- lib/inc/hocon/config_include_context.hpp.orig 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/inc/hocon/config_include_context.hpp >X@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ namespace hocon { >X * interface is likely to grow new methods over time, so third-party >X * implementations will break. >X */ >X- class LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_include_context { >X+ class CPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_include_context { >X public: >X /** >X * Tries to find a name relative to whatever is doing the including, for >29c226c3a29ec23eb8f5d5e26898075e >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__origin.hpp >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__origin.hpp << '4fbd9b956516b39da1be61a80eba1371' >X--- lib/inc/hocon/config_origin.hpp.orig 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/inc/hocon/config_origin.hpp >X@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace hocon { >X * >X * @return string describing the origin >X */ >X- LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT virtual std::string const& description() const = 0; >X+ CPP_HOCON_EXPORT virtual std::string const& description() const = 0; >X >X /** >X * Returns a {@code ConfigOrigin} based on this one, but with the given >X@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ namespace hocon { >X * @param lineNumber the new line number >X * @return the created ConfigOrigin >X */ >X- LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT virtual shared_origin with_line_number(int line_number) const = 0; >X+ CPP_HOCON_EXPORT virtual shared_origin with_line_number(int line_number) const = 0; >X >X /** >X * Returns a line number where the value or exception originated. This will >X@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ namespace hocon { >X * >X * @return line number or -1 if none is available >X */ >X- LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT virtual int line_number() const = 0; >X+ CPP_HOCON_EXPORT virtual int line_number() const = 0; >X >X /** >X * Returns any comments that appeared to "go with" this place in the file. >X@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ namespace hocon { >X * @return any comments that seemed to "go with" this origin, empty list if >X * none >X */ >X- LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT virtual std::vector<std::string> const& comments() const = 0; >X+ CPP_HOCON_EXPORT virtual std::vector<std::string> const& comments() const = 0; >X >X /** >X * Returns a {@code config_origin} based on this one, but with the given >X@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ namespace hocon { >X * @param comments the comments used on the returned origin >X * @return the config_origin with the given comments >X */ >X- LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT virtual shared_origin with_comments(std::vector<std::string> comments) const = 0; >X+ CPP_HOCON_EXPORT virtual shared_origin with_comments(std::vector<std::string> comments) const = 0; >X }; >X >X } // namespace hocon >4fbd9b956516b39da1be61a80eba1371 >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__includer.hpp >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__includer.hpp << '75baf722d01232d0b9c16d775b3c4376' >X--- lib/inc/hocon/config_includer.hpp.orig 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/inc/hocon/config_includer.hpp >X@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ namespace hocon { >X * customize handling of {@code include} statements in config files. You may >X * also want to implement {@link config_includer_file} and {@link config_includer_URL}, or not. >X */ >X- class LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_includer { >X+ class CPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_includer { >X public: >X /** >X * Returns a new includer that falls back to the given includer. This is how >75baf722d01232d0b9c16d775b3c4376 >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__resolve__options.hpp >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__resolve__options.hpp << 'f96fa62242d2adaa7b3c7828cdd575f2' >X--- lib/inc/hocon/config_resolve_options.hpp.orig 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/inc/hocon/config_resolve_options.hpp >X@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ namespace hocon { >X * environment variables or other external system information. (Right now, >X * environment variables are the only example.) >X */ >X- class LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_resolve_options { >X+ class CPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_resolve_options { >X public: >X /** >X * Returns the default resolve options. By default the system environment >f96fa62242d2adaa7b3c7828cdd575f2 >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__render__options.hpp >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__render__options.hpp << '2cb13e13fda34dd41c9340639a70e818' >X--- lib/inc/hocon/config_render_options.hpp.orig 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/inc/hocon/config_render_options.hpp >X@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ namespace hocon { >X * config_render_options().set_comments(false) >X * </pre> >X */ >X- class LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_render_options { >X+ class CPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_render_options { >X public: >X /** Leaving the default arguments will result in a verbose rendering, >X * which contains comments and therefore is not valid JSON. >2cb13e13fda34dd41c9340639a70e818 >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_parser_config__document__factory.hpp >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_parser_config__document__factory.hpp << 'b34b0e475a7a3b1c7edc4d1a6e7055f8' >X--- lib/inc/hocon/parser/config_document_factory.hpp.orig 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/inc/hocon/parser/config_document_factory.hpp >X@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ namespace hocon { namespace config_docum >X * parse options to control how the file is interpreted >X * @return the parsed configuration >X */ >X- LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT std::shared_ptr<config_document> parse_file(std::string input_file_path, >X+ CPP_HOCON_EXPORT std::shared_ptr<config_document> parse_file(std::string input_file_path, >X config_parse_options options); >X >X /** Parses a file into a config_document instance using default options. */ >X- LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT std::shared_ptr<config_document> parse_file(std::string input_file_path); >X+ CPP_HOCON_EXPORT std::shared_ptr<config_document> parse_file(std::string input_file_path); >X >X /** >X * Parses a string which should be valid HOCON or JSON. >X@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ namespace hocon { namespace config_docum >X * @param options parse options >X * @return the parsed configuration >X */ >X- LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT std::shared_ptr<config_document> parse_string(std::string s, config_parse_options options); >X+ CPP_HOCON_EXPORT std::shared_ptr<config_document> parse_string(std::string s, config_parse_options options); >X >X /** Parses a string into a config_document instance using default options. */ >X- LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT std::shared_ptr<config_document> parse_string(std::string s); >X+ CPP_HOCON_EXPORT std::shared_ptr<config_document> parse_string(std::string s); >X >X }} // namespace hocon::config_document_factory >b34b0e475a7a3b1c7edc4d1a6e7055f8 >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__value.hpp >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__value.hpp << 'a7fe7a99be0290475961715dea288374' >X--- lib/inc/hocon/config_value.hpp.orig 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/inc/hocon/config_value.hpp >X@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace hocon { >X * Also, this interface is likely to grow new methods over time, so third-party >X * implementations will break. >X */ >X- class LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_value : public config_mergeable, public std::enable_shared_from_this<config_value> { >X+ class CPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_value : public config_mergeable, public std::enable_shared_from_this<config_value> { >X friend class token; >X friend class value; >X friend class default_transformer; >a7fe7a99be0290475961715dea288374 >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__mergeable.hpp >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__mergeable.hpp << 'd6d0c13335f40d2057df8c0de8d06912' >X--- lib/inc/hocon/config_mergeable.hpp.orig 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/inc/hocon/config_mergeable.hpp >X@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ >X >X namespace hocon { >X >X- class LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_mergeable { >X+ class CPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_mergeable { >X friend class config_value; >X public: >X /** >d6d0c13335f40d2057df8c0de8d06912 >echo x - cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__list.hpp >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/files/patch-lib_inc_hocon_config__list.hpp << '45629eaeccf3fa1a013e26eae2c415e7' >X--- lib/inc/hocon/config_list.hpp.orig 2016-09-23 20:45:10 UTC >X+++ lib/inc/hocon/config_list.hpp >X@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ namespace hocon { >X * >X */ >X >X- class LIBCPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_list : public config_value { >X+ class CPP_HOCON_EXPORT config_list : public config_value { >X public: >X config_list(shared_origin origin) : config_value(move(origin)) {} >X >45629eaeccf3fa1a013e26eae2c415e7 >echo x - cpp-hocon/pkg-plist >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/pkg-plist << 'c258edc8ca86f5015f18f2d72901eaf5' >Xinclude/hocon/config.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/config_exception.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/config_include_context.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/config_includer.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/config_includer_file.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/config_list.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/config_mergeable.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/config_object.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/config_origin.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/config_parse_options.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/config_parseable.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/config_render_options.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/config_resolve_options.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/config_syntax.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/config_value.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/config_value_factory.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/config_value_factory.hpp.orig >Xinclude/hocon/export.h >Xinclude/hocon/functional_list.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/parser/config_document.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/parser/config_document_factory.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/parser/config_node.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/path.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/program_options.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/types.hpp >Xinclude/hocon/version.h >Xlib/ >Xlib/ >c258edc8ca86f5015f18f2d72901eaf5 >echo x - cpp-hocon/Makefile >sed 's/^X//' >cpp-hocon/Makefile << 'd20b2d44a12f215a86d3bee7820dfc33' >X# $FreeBSD$ >X >XPORTNAME= cpp-hocon >XPORTVERSION= 0.1.4 >XCATEGORIES= devel >X >XMAINTAINER= >XCOMMENT= C++ Configuration library >X >XLICENSE= APACHE20 >X >XLIB_DEPENDS= >XLIB_DEPENDS+= >X >XUSE_GITHUB= yes >XGH_ACCOUNT= puppetlabs >XGH_PROJECT= cpp-hocon >XGH_TAGNAME= 0.1.4 >X >XUSES= cmake >XCMAKE_ARGS+= -DCPP_HOCON_SHARED:BOOL=ON >X >X.include <> >d20b2d44a12f215a86d3bee7820dfc33 >exit >
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