FreeBSD Bugzilla – Attachment 178224 Details for
Bug 208793
www/gitlab: gitlab did not start on boot
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Updated rc.d script
gitlab-rc.diff (text/plain), 7.99 KB, created by
Torsten Zuehlsdorff
on 2016-12-23 15:04:30 UTC
Updated rc.d script
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Torsten Zuehlsdorff
2016-12-23 15:04:30 UTC
7.99 KB
>Index: Makefile >=================================================================== >--- Makefile (Revision 429253) >+++ Makefile (Arbeitskopie) >@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ > PORTNAME= gitlab > PORTVERSION= 8.11.11 > DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v >-PORTREVISION= 6 >+PORTREVISION= 7 > CATEGORIES= www devel > > MAINTAINER= >Index: files/ >=================================================================== >--- files/ (Revision 429253) >+++ files/ (Arbeitskopie) >@@ -2,17 +2,6 @@ > > # $FreeBSD$ > >-### BEGIN INIT INFO >-# Provides: gitlab >-# Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog redis-server >-# Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog >-# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 >-# Default-Stop: 0 1 6 >-# Short-Description: GitLab git repository management >-# Description: GitLab git repository management >-# chkconfig: - 85 14 >-### END INIT INFO >- > # Maintainer: Torsten Zuehlsdorff <> > # Based on work of: @charlienewey,, @randx > >@@ -28,30 +17,31 @@ > > . /etc/rc.subr > >-name=gitlab >-rcvar=gitlab_enable >-extra_commands=status >- >+name="gitlab" >+rcvar="gitlab_enable" > status_cmd="print_status" > start_cmd="start_gitlab" > stop_cmd="stop_gitlab" > restart_cmd="restart_gitlab" >+extra_commands="reload status" >+reload_cmd="reload_gitlab" > >-gitlab_enable=${gitlab_enable:-"NO"} >-gitlab_authBackend=${gitlab_authBackend:-""} >- > load_rc_config $name > >-### Environment variables >-RAILS_ENV="production" >+: ${gitlab_enable:="NO"} >+: ${gitlab_authBackend:""} >+: ${gitlab_user:="git"} >+: ${gitlab_env:="production"} > >+run_env="env RAILS_ENV=$gitlab_env" >+ > # Script variable names should be lower-case not to conflict with > # internal /bin/sh variables such as PATH, EDITOR or SHELL. >-app_user="git" > app_root="/usr/local/www/gitlab" > pid_path="$app_root/tmp/pids" > socket_path="$app_root/tmp/sockets" > rails_socket="$socket_path/gitlab.socket" >+workhorse_socket=$socket_path/gitlab-workhorse.socket > web_server_pid_path="$pid_path/" > sidekiq_pid_path="$pid_path/" > mail_room_enabled=false >@@ -58,24 +48,9 @@ > mail_room_pid_path="$pid_path/" > gitlab_workhorse_dir=$(cd $app_root/../gitlab-workhorse && pwd) > gitlab_workhorse_pid_path="$pid_path/" >-gitlab_workhorse_options="-listenUmask 0 -listenNetwork unix -listenAddr $socket_path/gitlab-workhorse.socket -authBackend $gitlab_authBackend -authSocket $rails_socket -documentRoot $app_root/public" >+gitlab_workhorse_options="-listenNetwork unix -listenAddr $workhorse_socket -authBackend $gitlab_authBackend -authSocket $rails_socket -documentRoot $app_root/public" > gitlab_workhorse_log="$app_root/log/gitlab-workhorse.log" >-shell_path="/bin/bash" > >-# Read configuration variable file if it is present >-test -f /etc/default/gitlab && . /etc/default/gitlab >- >-# Switch to the app_user if it is not he/she who is running the script. >-if [ "$USER" != "$app_user" ]; then >- eval su - "$app_user" -c $(echo \")$0 "$@"$(echo \"); exit; >-fi >- >-# Switch to the gitlab path, exit on failure. >-if ! cd "$app_root" ; then >- echo "Failed to cd into $app_root, exiting!"; exit 1 >-fi >- >- > ### Init Script functions > > ## Gets the pids from the files >@@ -219,27 +194,18 @@ > start_gitlab() { > check_stale_pids > >- if [ "$web_status" != "0" ]; then >- echo "Starting GitLab Unicorn" >- fi >- if [ "$sidekiq_status" != "0" ]; then >- echo "Starting GitLab Sidekiq" >- fi >- if [ "$gitlab_workhorse_status" != "0" ]; then >- echo "Starting gitlab-workhorse" >- fi >- if [ "$mail_room_enabled" = true ] && [ "$mail_room_status" != "0" ]; then >- echo "Starting GitLab MailRoom" >- fi >- > # Then check if the service is running. If it is: don't start again. > if [ "$web_status" = "0" ]; then > echo "The Unicorn web server already running with pid $wpid, not restarting." > else >+ echo "Starting GitLab Unicorn" > # Remove old socket if it exists > rm -f "$socket_path"/gitlab.socket 2>/dev/null >- # Start the web server >- RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/web start >+ # unicorn may break the current process on freebsd during >+ # deamonizing (defunct exists until new master has prefilled >+ # caches) - therefore start itself is decoupled >+ /usr/sbin/daemon -u ${gitlab_user} $run_env ${app_root}/bin/web start >+ # > fi > > # If sidekiq is already running, don't start it again. >@@ -246,7 +212,8 @@ > if [ "$sidekiq_status" = "0" ]; then > echo "The Sidekiq job dispatcher is already running with pid $spid, not restarting" > else >- RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/background_jobs start & >+ echo "Starting GitLab Sidekiq" >+ su - $gitlab_user -c "$run_env ${app_root}/bin/background_jobs start" > fi > > if [ "$gitlab_workhorse_status" = "0" ]; then >@@ -255,10 +222,12 @@ > # No need to remove a socket, gitlab-workhorse does this itself. > # Because gitlab-workhorse has multiple executables we need to fix > # the PATH. >- $app_root/bin/daemon_with_pidfile $gitlab_workhorse_pid_path \ >- /usr/bin/env PATH=$gitlab_workhorse_dir:$PATH \ >- gitlab-workhorse $gitlab_workhorse_options \ >- >> $gitlab_workhorse_log 2>&1 & >+ echo "Starting gitlab-workhorse" >+ cd ${gitlab_workhorse_dir} && >+ /usr/sbin/daemon -p $gitlab_workhorse_pid_path \ >+ -u $gitlab_user -t gitlab-workhorse $run_env \ >+ $gitlab_workhorse_dir/gitlab-workhorse $gitlab_workhorse_options \ >+ >> $gitlab_workhorse_log 2>&1 > fi > > if [ "$mail_room_enabled" = true ]; then >@@ -266,7 +235,8 @@ > if [ "$mail_room_status" = "0" ]; then > echo "The MailRoom email processor is already running with pid $mpid, not restarting" > else >- RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/mail_room start & >+ echo "Starting GitLab MailRoom" >+ su - $gitlab_user -c "$run_env ${app_root}/bin/mail_room start" > fi > fi > >@@ -282,19 +252,21 @@ > > if [ "$web_status" = "0" ]; then > echo "Shutting down GitLab Unicorn" >- RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/web stop >+ su - $gitlab_user -c "$run_env ${app_root}/bin/web stop" >+ [ -S ${rails_socket} ] && rm -f ${rails_socket} > fi > if [ "$sidekiq_status" = "0" ]; then > echo "Shutting down GitLab Sidekiq" >- RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/background_jobs stop >+ su - $gitlab_user -c "$run_env ${app_root}/bin/background_jobs stop" > fi > if [ "$gitlab_workhorse_status" = "0" ]; then > echo "Shutting down gitlab-workhorse" > kill -- $(cat $gitlab_workhorse_pid_path) >+ [ -S ${workhorse_socket} ] && rm -f ${workhorse_socket} > fi > if [ "$mail_room_enabled" = true ] && [ "$mail_room_status" = "0" ]; then > echo "Shutting down GitLab MailRoom" >- RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/mail_room stop >+ su - $gitlab_user -c "$run_env ${app_root}/bin/mail_room stop" > fi > > # If something needs to be stopped, lets wait for it to stop. Never use SIGKILL in a script. >@@ -362,15 +334,15 @@ > exit 1 > fi > printf "Reloading GitLab Unicorn configuration... " >- RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/web reload >+ su - $gitlab_user -c "$run_env ${app_root}/bin/web reload" > echo "Done." > > echo "Restarting GitLab Sidekiq since it isn't capable of reloading its config..." >- RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/background_jobs restart >+ su - $gitlab_user -c "$run_env ${app_root}/bin/background_jobs restart" > >- if [ "$mail_room_enabled" != true ]; then >+ if [ "$mail_room_enabled" = true ]; then > echo "Restarting GitLab MailRoom since it isn't capable of reloading its config..." >- RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/mail_room restart >+ su - $gitlab_user -c "$run_env ${app_root}/bin/mail_room restart" > fi > > wait_for_pids >@@ -387,29 +359,5 @@ > } > > >-### Finally the input handling. > >-case "$1" in >- start) >- start_gitlab >- ;; >- stop) >- stop_gitlab >- ;; >- restart) >- restart_gitlab >- ;; >- reload|force-reload) >- reload_gitlab >- ;; >- status) >- print_status >- exit $gitlab_status >- ;; >- *) >- echo "Usage: service gitlab {start|stop|restart|reload|status}" >- exit 1 >- ;; >-esac >- >-exit >+run_rc_command "$1"
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bug 208793
| 178224