FreeBSD Bugzilla – Attachment 178584 Details for
Bug 215838
devel/allegro: Add SNDIO option, cleanup port
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devel___allegro.diff (text/plain), 29.20 KB, created by
Tobias Kortkamp
on 2017-01-06 20:52:45 UTC
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Tobias Kortkamp
2017-01-06 20:52:45 UTC
29.20 KB
>Index: Makefile >=================================================================== >--- Makefile (revision 430748) >+++ Makefile (working copy) >@@ -3,22 +3,26 @@ > > PORTNAME= allegro > DISTVERSION= 4.4.2 >-PORTREVISION= 5 >+PORTREVISION= 6 > CATEGORIES= devel > MASTER_SITES= SF/alleg/allegro/${PORTVERSION} >-DISTFILES= ${PORTNAME}-${DISTVERSION}${EXTRACT_SUFX} >-DIST_SUBDIR= ${PORTNAME} >-EXTRACT_ONLY= ${PORTNAME}-${DISTVERSION}${EXTRACT_SUFX} > > MAINTAINER= > COMMENT= Cross-platform library for games and multimedia programming > >-LIB_DEPENDS+= \ >+LICENSE= GIFTWARE >+LICENSE_NAME= Giftware >+LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/docs/txt/license.txt >+LICENSE_PERMS= dist-mirror dist-sell pkg-mirror pkg-sell auto-accept >+ >+# Required for building libloadpng.a >+BUILD_DEPENDS= png>0:graphics/png >+LIB_DEPENDS= \ > > > USES= cmake makeinfo pkgconfig >-USE_XORG= x11 xpm xext xcursor xxf86vm xxf86dga >-USE_GL= glu >+USE_XORG= ice sm x11 xpm xext xcursor xxf86vm xxf86dga >+USE_GL= gl glu > USE_LDCONFIG= yes > > INFO= allegro >@@ -25,19 +29,19 @@ > PORTDOCS= * > PORTEXAMPLES= * > >-PLIST_SUB+= SHLIB_VER="${SHLIB_VER}" >-CMAKE_ARGS+= -DDOCDIR="${DOCSDIR}" >+PLIST_SUB= SHLIB_VER="${PORTVERSION}" >+CMAKE_ARGS= -DDOCDIR="${DOCSDIR}" \ >+ -DWANT_MODULES=off \ >+ -DWANT_LOGG=on \ >+ -DWANT_EXAMPLES=off > >-SHLIB_VER= ${PORTVERSION} >- > # Wrong versioning upstream > PORTSCOUT= ignore:1 > >-OPTIONS_DEFINE= ALSA JACK OGG DOCS >-OPTIONS_GROUP= DEMOS_EXAMPLES >-OPTIONS_GROUP_DEMOS_EXAMPLES= DEMOS EXAMPLES >-OPTIONS_DEFAULT= ALSA DEMOS OGG >-DEMOS_DESC= Install Demos programs, requires EXAMPLES >+OPTIONS_DEFINE= EXAMPLES DOCS >+OPTIONS_MULTI= AUDIO >+OPTIONS_MULTI_AUDIO= ALSA JACK OSS SNDIO >+OPTIONS_DEFAULT= ALSA OSS > > DOCSRCDIR1= ${WRKSRC} > DOC_FILES1= AUTHORS CHANGES THANKS readme.txt >@@ -47,75 +51,35 @@ > > OPTIONS_SUB= yes > >-EXAMPLES_CMAKE_ON= -DWANT_EXAMPLES=on >-EXAMPLES_CMAKE_OFF= -DWANT_EXAMPLES=off > ALSA_LIB_DEPENDS= >-ALSA_CMAKE_ON= -DWANT_ALSA=on >-ALSA_CMAKE_OFF= -DWANT_ALSA=off >+ALSA_LDFLAGS= -L${LOCALBASE}/lib >+ALSA_CMAKE_BOOL= WANT_ALSA >+ > JACK_LIB_DEPENDS= >-JACK_CMAKE_ON= -DWANT_JACK=on >-JACK_CMAKE_OFF= -DWANT_JACK=off >-OGG_LIB_DEPENDS= >-OGG_CMAKE_ON= -DWANT_LOGG=on >-OGG_CMAKE_OFF= -DWANT_LOGG=of >+JACK_CMAKE_BOOL= WANT_JACK > >-.include <> >+OSS_CMAKE_BOOL= WANT_OSS > >-.if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MALSA} >-CFLAGS+= -L${LOCALBASE}/lib >-.endif >+SNDIO_LIB_DEPENDS= >+SNDIO_CMAKE_BOOL= WANT_SNDIO > >-.if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MDEMOS} && ${PORT_OPTIONS:MEXAMPLES} >-SUB_FILES+= shooter skater skater_agl \ >- pkg-message >-MASTER_SITES+= SF/nemysisfreebsdp/${CATEGORIES}/${PORTNAME}/:icons >-DISTFILES+= shooter.png:icons \ >- skater.png:icons >-DESKTOP_ENTRIES+="Shooter" "In a distant corner of the galaxy" "shooter" \ >- "shooter" "Game;ArcadeGame;" false >-DESKTOP_ENTRIES+="Skater" "Allegro's next demo game" "skater" \ >- "skater" "Game;ArcadeGame;" false >-DESKTOP_ENTRIES+="Skater AGL" "Allegro's next demo game" "skater" \ >- "skater_agl" "Game;ArcadeGame;" false >-.endif >- > post-patch: > @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/allegro-$${ALLEGRO_VERSION}||' \ > ${WRKSRC}/docs/CMakeLists.txt > @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|<X11/extensions/xf86dga.h>|<X11/extensions/Xxf86dga.h>|' \ > ${WRKSRC}/src/x/xdga2.c >-.if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MJACK} >+ @${CP} ${FILESDIR}/sndio.c ${WRKSRC}/src/unix >+ >+post-patch-JACK-on: > @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|jack_client = jack_client_new(jack_client_name);|jack_client = jack_client_open(jack_client_name, (jack_options_t)0, NULL);|' \ > ${WRKSRC}/src/unix/jack.c >-.endif > > post-install: >- @${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/docs/man/*.3 ${STAGEDIR}${MAN3PREFIX}/man/man3/ >+ ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/docs/man/*.3 ${STAGEDIR}${MAN3PREFIX}/man/man3/ > >-.if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MEXAMPLES} >+post-install-EXAMPLES-on: > @(cd ${WRKSRC}/examples && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} . ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR}) >-. for l in ex12bit ex3buf ex3d exaccel exalpha exbitmap exblend excamera excolmap \ >- exconfig excustom exdata exdbuf exexedat exfixed exflame exflip exfont \ >- exgui exhello exjoy exkeys exlights exmem exmidi exmouse expackf expal \ >- expat exquat exrgbhsv exrotscl exsample exscale exscn3d exscroll exshade \ >- exspline exsprite exstars exstream exswitch exsyscur extimer extrans \ >- extrans2 extruec exunicod exupdate exxfade exzbuf >- @${CHMOD} u+w ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR}/${l} >- ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR}/${l} >- @${CHMOD} u-w ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR}/${l} >-. endfor >-.endif >- >-.if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MDEMOS} && ${PORT_OPTIONS:MEXAMPLES} > @(cd ${WRKSRC} && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} demos ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR}) >- ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/shooter ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/ >- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${_DISTDIR}/shooter.png ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps/ >- @(cd ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR}/demos/shooter && ${CHMOD} 755 shooter) >- ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/skater* ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin >- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${_DISTDIR}/skater.png ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps/ >- @(cd ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR}/demos/skater && ${CHMOD} 755 skater*) >- ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR}/demos/shooter/shooter >- ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR}/demos/skater/skater* >-.endif >+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/allegro.cfg ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR} > > .include <> >Index: distinfo >=================================================================== >--- distinfo (revision 430748) >+++ distinfo (working copy) >@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@ >-SHA256 (allegro/allegro-4.4.2.tar.gz) = 1b21e7577dbfada02d85ca4510bd22fedaa6ce76fde7f4838c7c1276eb840fdc >-SIZE (allegro/allegro-4.4.2.tar.gz) = 4674902 >-SHA256 (allegro/shooter.png) = cf73f63f0224a9ee77c287b6211beb4a072ba4aa969a57993e60a2e97996e468 >-SIZE (allegro/shooter.png) = 1741 >-SHA256 (allegro/skater.png) = f0274627c6eae2ecad880c3e2f25bf5f8944f08829ac32ab0a00f77001e8b2f3 >-SIZE (allegro/skater.png) = 3395 >+TIMESTAMP = 1483711950 >+SHA256 (allegro-4.4.2.tar.gz) = 1b21e7577dbfada02d85ca4510bd22fedaa6ce76fde7f4838c7c1276eb840fdc >+SIZE (allegro-4.4.2.tar.gz) = 4674902 >Index: files/patch-CMakeLists.txt >=================================================================== >--- files/patch-CMakeLists.txt (revision 430748) >+++ files/patch-CMakeLists.txt (working copy) >@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ >---- CMakeLists.txt.orig >+--- CMakeLists.txt.orig 2011-03-24 23:18:50 UTC > +++ CMakeLists.txt >-@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ >+@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ if(WIN32) > endif(WIN32) > > set(ALLEGRO_VERSION 4.4.2) >@@ -9,7 +9,33 @@ > > # Mac OS X -compatibility_version. > # XXX doesn't seem to work >-@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ >+@@ -408,6 +408,7 @@ option(WANT_OSS "Build OSS support" on) >+ option(WANT_ALSA "Build ALSA support" on) >+ option(WANT_JACK "Build JACK support" on) >+ option(WANT_SGIAUDIO "Build SGI audio support" on) >++option(WANT_SNDIO "Build sndio audio support" on) >+ >+ if(ALLEGRO_UNIX) # not MACOSX >+ find_package(Threads) >+@@ -471,6 +472,17 @@ if(ALLEGRO_UNIX) # not MACOSX >+ endif(SGIAUDIO_FOUND) >+ endif(WANT_SGIAUDIO) >+ >++ if(WANT_SNDIO) >++ find_path(SNDIO_INCLUDE_DIR sndio.h) >++ find_library(SNDIO_LIBRARY NAMES sndio) >++ if(SNDIO_INCLUDE_DIR AND SNDIO_LIBRARY) >++ set(ALLEGRO_WITH_SNDIODIGI 1) >++ include_directories(SYSTEM ${SNDIO_INCLUDE_DIR}) >++ list(APPEND PLATFORM_LIBS_NON_MODULES ${SNDIO_LIBRARY}) >++ add_our_module(alleg-sndiodigi src/unix/sndio.c ${SNDIO_LIBRARY}) >++ endif(SNDIO_INCLUDE_DIR AND SNDIO_LIBRARY) >++ endif(WANT_SNDIO) >++ >+ # aRts is obsolete >+ # esd is obsolete >+ endif(ALLEGRO_UNIX) >+@@ -961,7 +973,7 @@ if(UNIX) > @ONLY > ) > install(FILES ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/pkgconfig/${name}${lib_type}.pc >Index: files/patch-allegro.cfg >=================================================================== >--- files/patch-allegro.cfg (nonexistent) >+++ files/patch-allegro.cfg (working copy) >@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ >+$OpenBSD: patch-allegro_cfg,v 1.1 2010/04/26 02:56:30 jakemsr Exp $ >+--- allegro.cfg.orig 2006-05-21 10:01:46 UTC >++++ allegro.cfg >+@@ -326,6 +326,7 @@ mouse_accel_factor = >+ # ARTS - aRts (Analog Real-Time Synthesizer) >+ # ALSA - ALSA Sound System >+ # JACK - JACK Audio Server >++# SIOD - sndio Audio API >+ # >+ # BeOS digital sound drivers: >+ # >Index: files/patch-cmake_FileList.cmake >=================================================================== >--- files/patch-cmake_FileList.cmake (nonexistent) >+++ files/patch-cmake_FileList.cmake (working copy) >@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ >+--- cmake/FileList.cmake.orig 2011-03-12 00:26:00 UTC >++++ cmake/FileList.cmake >+@@ -260,6 +260,7 @@ set(ALLEGRO_SRC_UNIX_FILES >+ src/unix/arts.c >+ src/unix/sgial.c >+ src/unix/jack.c >++ src/unix/sndio.c >+ src/unix/udjgpp.c >+ src/unix/udrvlist.c >+ src/unix/udummy.c >Index: files/patch-include_allegro_platform_alunix.h >=================================================================== >--- files/patch-include_allegro_platform_alunix.h (nonexistent) >+++ files/patch-include_allegro_platform_alunix.h (working copy) >@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ >+$OpenBSD: patch-include_allegro_platform_alunix_h,v 1.1 2010/04/26 02:56:30 jakemsr Exp $ >+--- include/allegro/platform/alunix.h.orig 2007-06-16 01:52:28 UTC >++++ include/allegro/platform/alunix.h >+@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ AL_VAR(TIMER_DRIVER, timerdrv_unix_sigal >+ #define DIGI_ALSA AL_ID('A','L','S','A') >+ #define MIDI_ALSA AL_ID('A','M','I','D') >+ #define DIGI_JACK AL_ID('J','A','C','K') >++#define DIGI_SNDIO AL_ID('S','I','O','D') >++#define MIDI_SNDIO AL_ID('M','I','O','M') >+ >+ >+ #ifdef ALLEGRO_WITH_OSSDIGI >+@@ -85,6 +87,12 @@ AL_VAR(MIDI_DRIVER, midi_oss); >+ >+ #ifndef ALLEGRO_WITH_MODULES >+ >++#ifdef ALLEGRO_WITH_SNDIODIGI >++AL_VAR(DIGI_DRIVER, digi_sndio); >++#define DIGI_DRIVER_SNDIO \ >++ { DIGI_SNDIO, &digi_sndio, TRUE }, >++#endif /* ALLEGRO_WITH_SNDIODIGI */ >++ >+ #ifdef ALLEGRO_WITH_ESDDIGI >+ AL_VAR(DIGI_DRIVER, digi_esd); >+ #define DIGI_DRIVER_ESD \ >Index: files/patch-include_allegro_platform_alunixac.h.cmake >=================================================================== >--- files/patch-include_allegro_platform_alunixac.h.cmake (nonexistent) >+++ files/patch-include_allegro_platform_alunixac.h.cmake (working copy) >@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ >+--- include/allegro/platform/alunixac.h.cmake.orig 2010-05-08 05:55:30 UTC >++++ include/allegro/platform/alunixac.h.cmake >+@@ -143,6 +143,9 @@ >+ /* Define if JACK DIGI driver is supported. */ >+ #cmakedefine ALLEGRO_WITH_JACKDIGI >+ >++/* Define if SNDIO DIGI driver is supported. */ >++#cmakedefine ALLEGRO_WITH_SNDIODIGI >++ >+ /* Define if OSS DIGI driver is supported. */ >+ #cmakedefine ALLEGRO_WITH_OSSDIGI >+ >Index: files/patch-modules.lst >=================================================================== >--- files/patch-modules.lst (nonexistent) >+++ files/patch-modules.lst (working copy) >@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ >+--- modules.lst.orig 2004-04-10 00:19:15 UTC >++++ modules.lst >+@@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ >+ >+ >+ > >Index: files/patch-src-x-xkeyboard.c >=================================================================== >--- files/patch-src-x-xkeyboard.c (revision 430748) >+++ files/patch-src-x-xkeyboard.c (nonexistent) >@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ >---- src/x/xkeyboard.c.orig 2010-12-08 09:13:50.000000000 +0100 >-+++ src/x/xkeyboard.c 2013-07-28 00:17:52.000000000 +0200 >-@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ >- #include <X11/Xos.h> >- #include <X11/Xlib.h> >- #include <X11/Xutil.h> >-+#include <X11/XKBlib.h> >- #include <X11/Xproto.h> >- >- #include "allegro.h" >-@@ -617,7 +618,7 @@ >- >- TRACE (PREFIX_I "Modifier %d:", i + 1); >- for (j = 0; j < xmodmap->max_keypermod; j++) { >-- KeySym sym = XKeycodeToKeysym(_xwin.display, >-+ KeySym sym = XkbKeycodeToKeysym(_xwin.display, 0, >- xmodmap->modifiermap[i * xmodmap->max_keypermod + j], 0); >- char *sym_str = XKeysymToString(sym); >- TRACE(" %s", sym_str ? sym_str : "NULL"); > >Property changes on: files/patch-src-x-xkeyboard.c >___________________________________________________________________ >Deleted: fbsd:nokeywords >## -1 +0,0 ## >-yes >\ No newline at end of property >Deleted: svn:eol-style >## -1 +0,0 ## >-native >\ No newline at end of property >Deleted: svn:mime-type >## -1 +0,0 ## >-text/plain >\ No newline at end of property >Index: files/patch-src_unix_usnddrv.c >=================================================================== >--- files/patch-src_unix_usnddrv.c (nonexistent) >+++ files/patch-src_unix_usnddrv.c (working copy) >@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ >+--- src/unix/usnddrv.c.orig 2004-09-24 14:45:03 UTC >++++ src/unix/usnddrv.c >+@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ BEGIN_DIGI_DRIVER_LIST >+ #if (defined ALLEGRO_WITH_JACKDIGI) && (!defined ALLEGRO_WITH_MODULES) >+ DIGI_DRIVER_JACK >+ #endif >++#if (defined ALLEGRO_WITH_SNDIODIGI) && (!defined ALLEGRO_WITH_MODULES) >++ DIGI_DRIVER_SNDIO >++#endif >+ #if (defined ALLEGRO_WITH_SGIALDIGI) && (!defined ALLEGRO_WITH_MODULES) >+ DIGI_DRIVER_SGIAL >+ #endif >Index: files/patch-src_x_xkeyboard.c >=================================================================== >--- files/patch-src_x_xkeyboard.c (revision 430748) >+++ files/patch-src_x_xkeyboard.c (working copy) >@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ >---- src/x/xkeyboard.c.orig 2010-12-08 09:13:50.000000000 +0100 >-+++ src/x/xkeyboard.c 2013-07-28 00:17:52.000000000 +0200 >+--- src/x/xkeyboard.c.orig 2010-12-08 08:13:50 UTC >++++ src/x/xkeyboard.c > @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ > #include <X11/Xos.h> > #include <X11/Xlib.h> >@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ > #include <X11/Xproto.h> > > #include "allegro.h" >-@@ -617,7 +618,7 @@ >+@@ -617,7 +618,7 @@ void _xwin_get_keyboard_mapping(void) > > TRACE (PREFIX_I "Modifier %d:", i + 1); > for (j = 0; j < xmodmap->max_keypermod; j++) { >Index: files/ >=================================================================== >--- files/ (revision 430748) >+++ files/ (nonexistent) >@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ >-=============================================================================== >- >-Allegro has been installed. >- >-Allegro have two Demos (Games) >- >-Shooter and Skater >- >- >-You can use executable >- >- %%LOCALBASE%%/bin/shooter >- >- %%LOCALBASE%%/bin/skater >- >- >-Or can use desktop files >- >- %%LOCALBASE%%/share/applications/shooter.desktop >- >- %%LOCALBASE%%/share/applications/skater.desktop >- >-Have fun! >- >-=============================================================================== > >Property changes on: files/ >___________________________________________________________________ >Deleted: fbsd:nokeywords >## -1 +0,0 ## >-yes >\ No newline at end of property >Deleted: svn:eol-style >## -1 +0,0 ## >-native >\ No newline at end of property >Deleted: svn:mime-type >## -1 +0,0 ## >-text/plain >\ No newline at end of property >Index: files/ >=================================================================== >--- files/ (revision 430748) >+++ files/ (nonexistent) >@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ >-#!/bin/sh >-# >-# # $FreeBSD$ >-# >- >-cd "%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/demos/shooter" >-exec ./shooter "${@}" > >Property changes on: files/ >___________________________________________________________________ >Deleted: svn:eol-style >## -1 +0,0 ## >-native >\ No newline at end of property >Deleted: svn:keywords >## -1 +0,0 ## >-FreeBSD=%H >\ No newline at end of property >Deleted: svn:mime-type >## -1 +0,0 ## >-text/plain >\ No newline at end of property >Index: files/ >=================================================================== >--- files/ (revision 430748) >+++ files/ (nonexistent) >@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ >-#!/bin/sh >-# >-# # $FreeBSD$ >-# >- >-cd "%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/demos/skater" >-exec ./skater "${@}" > >Property changes on: files/ >___________________________________________________________________ >Deleted: svn:eol-style >## -1 +0,0 ## >-native >\ No newline at end of property >Deleted: svn:keywords >## -1 +0,0 ## >-FreeBSD=%H >\ No newline at end of property >Deleted: svn:mime-type >## -1 +0,0 ## >-text/plain >\ No newline at end of property >Index: files/ >=================================================================== >--- files/ (revision 430748) >+++ files/ (nonexistent) >@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ >-#!/bin/sh >-# >-# # $FreeBSD$ >-# >- >-cd "%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/demos/skater" >-exec ./skater_agl "${@}" > >Property changes on: files/ >___________________________________________________________________ >Deleted: svn:eol-style >## -1 +0,0 ## >-native >\ No newline at end of property >Deleted: svn:keywords >## -1 +0,0 ## >-FreeBSD=%H >\ No newline at end of property >Deleted: svn:mime-type >## -1 +0,0 ## >-text/plain >\ No newline at end of property >Index: files/sndio.c >=================================================================== >--- files/sndio.c (nonexistent) >+++ files/sndio.c (working copy) >@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@ >+/* >+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Jacob Meuser <> >+ * >+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any >+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above >+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. >+ * >+ * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES >+ * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF >+ * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR >+ * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES >+ * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN >+ * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF >+ * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. >+ */ >+ >+ >+#include "allegro.h" >+ >+#if (defined ALLEGRO_WITH_SNDIODIGI) && ((!defined ALLEGRO_WITH_MODULES) || (defined ALLEGRO_MODULE)) >+ >+#include "allegro/internal/aintern.h" >+#include "allegro/platform/aintunix.h" >+ >+#include <stdlib.h> >+#include <stdio.h> >+#include <limits.h> >+#include <unistd.h> >+#include <poll.h> >+#include <sndio.h> >+ >+static int sndio_detect(int input); >+static int sndio_init(int input, int voices); >+static void sndio_exit(int input); >+static int sndio_set_mixer_volume(int volume); >+static int sndio_get_mixer_volume(void); >+ >+static int sndio_buffer_size(void); >+ >+static int sndio_rec_cap_rate(int bits, int stereo); >+static int sndio_rec_cap_parm(int rate, int bits, int stereo); >+static int sndio_rec_source(int source); >+static int sndio_rec_start(int rate, int bits, int stereo); >+static void sndio_rec_stop(void); >+static int sndio_rec_read(void *buf); >+ >+static int open_sndio_device(int input); >+static void sndio_update(int threaded); >+static void movecb(void *addr, int delta); >+static void volcb(void *addr, unsigned vol); >+ >+static struct sio_hdl *hdl; >+static struct sio_par par; >+static int sndio_signed; >+static int sndio_play_bufsize, sndio_play_round, sndio_play_appbufsz; >+static unsigned char *sndio_play_bufdata; >+static char sndio_desc[256] = EMPTY_STRING; >+long long sndio_realpos, sndio_playpos; >+int sndio_volume; >+ >+static int sndio_save_bits, sndio_save_stereo, sndio_save_freq; >+static int sndio_rec_bufsize, sndio_rec_round, sndio_rec_appbufsz; >+static unsigned char *sndio_rec_bufdata; >+ >+DIGI_DRIVER digi_sndio = >+{ >+ DIGI_SNDIO, >+ empty_string, >+ empty_string, >+ "sndio", >+ 0, >+ 0, >+ MIXER_MAX_SFX, >+ MIXER_DEF_SFX, >+ >+ /* setup routines */ >+ sndio_detect, >+ sndio_init, >+ sndio_exit, >+ sndio_set_mixer_volume, >+ sndio_get_mixer_volume, >+ >+ /* for use by the audiostream functions */ >+ NULL, >+ NULL, >+ sndio_buffer_size, >+ >+ /* voice control functions */ >+ _mixer_init_voice, >+ _mixer_release_voice, >+ _mixer_start_voice, >+ _mixer_stop_voice, >+ _mixer_loop_voice, >+ >+ /* position control functions */ >+ _mixer_get_position, >+ _mixer_set_position, >+ >+ /* volume control functions */ >+ _mixer_get_volume, >+ _mixer_set_volume, >+ _mixer_ramp_volume, >+ _mixer_stop_volume_ramp, >+ >+ /* pitch control functions */ >+ _mixer_get_frequency, >+ _mixer_set_frequency, >+ _mixer_sweep_frequency, >+ _mixer_stop_frequency_sweep, >+ >+ /* pan control functions */ >+ _mixer_get_pan, >+ _mixer_set_pan, >+ _mixer_sweep_pan, >+ _mixer_stop_pan_sweep, >+ >+ /* effect control functions */ >+ _mixer_set_echo, >+ _mixer_set_tremolo, >+ _mixer_set_vibrato, >+ >+ /* input functions */ >+ 0, >+ 0, >+ sndio_rec_cap_rate, >+ sndio_rec_cap_parm, >+ sndio_rec_source, >+ sndio_rec_start, >+ sndio_rec_stop, >+ sndio_rec_read >+}; >+ >+ >+/* used to probe and to configure the device. don't use sio_start() here. */ >+static int >+open_sndio_device(int input) >+{ >+ hdl = sio_open(NULL, (input ? SIO_REC : SIO_PLAY), 0); >+ if (hdl == NULL) { >+ uszprintf(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, >+ get_config_text("sio_opn failed")); >+ return -1; >+ } >+ >+ sio_initpar(&par); >+ par.bits = (_sound_bits == 8) ? 8 : 16; >+ par.sig = (_sound_bits == 8) ? 0 : 1; >+ if (input) >+ par.rchan = (_sound_stereo) ? 2 : 1; >+ else >+ par.pchan = (_sound_stereo) ? 2 : 1; >+ par.rate = (_sound_freq > 0) ? _sound_freq : 48000; >+ par.le = SIO_LE_NATIVE; >+ /* allegro wants small blocks */ >+ par.round = 512; >+ par.appbufsz = par.rate / 10; >+ >+ if (!sio_setpar(hdl, &par) || !sio_getpar(hdl, &par) || >+ (par.bits != 8 && par.bits != 16) || >+ (par.bits == 8 && par.sig) || >+ (par.bits == 16 && !par.sig) || >+ (par.bits == 16 && par.le != SIO_LE_NATIVE) || >+ (input && (par.rchan != 1 && par.rchan != 2)) || >+ (!input && (par.pchan != 1 && par.pchan != 2))) { >+ ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, >+ get_config_text("could not set sndio parameters")); >+ sio_close(hdl); >+ return -1; >+ } >+ >+ _sound_bits = par.bits; >+ _sound_stereo = input ? par.rchan == 2 : par.pchan == 2; >+ _sound_freq = par.rate; >+ >+ if (input) { >+ sndio_rec_round = par.round; >+ sndio_rec_appbufsz = par.appbufsz; >+ sndio_rec_bufsize = par.round * par.bps * par.rchan; >+ } else { >+ sndio_play_round = par.round; >+ sndio_play_appbufsz = par.appbufsz; >+ sndio_play_bufsize = sndio_play_round * par.bps * par.pchan; >+ } >+ sndio_signed = par.sig ? 1 : 0; >+ >+ return 0; >+} >+ >+ >+static int >+sndio_detect(int input) >+{ >+ if (input) { >+ if (digi_driver != digi_input_driver) { >+ ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, >+ get_config_text("sndio output driver must be installed before input can be read")); >+ return FALSE; >+ } >+ return TRUE; >+ } >+ >+ if (open_sndio_device(0) != 0) >+ return FALSE; >+ >+ sio_close(hdl); >+ return TRUE; >+} >+ >+ >+/* number of samples per channel in a block */ >+static int >+sndio_buffer_size(void) >+{ >+ return sndio_play_round; >+} >+ >+ >+/* callback for data movement notification */ >+static void >+movecb(void *addr, int delta) >+{ >+ sndio_realpos += delta; >+} >+ >+ >+/* callback for volume change notification */ >+static void >+volcb(void *addr, unsigned vol) >+{ >+ sndio_volume = vol; >+} >+ >+ >+/* write as many blocks as is currently possible */ >+static void >+sndio_update(int threaded) >+{ >+ struct pollfd pfd; >+ nfds_t nfds; >+ int i, nblocks, nbytes; >+ >+ /* make sure counters have been updated */ >+ nfds = sio_pollfd(hdl, &pfd, POLLOUT); >+ poll(&pfd, nfds, 0); >+ if (!(sio_revents(hdl, &pfd) & POLLOUT)) >+ return; >+ >+ nblocks = (sndio_play_appbufsz - (sndio_playpos - sndio_realpos)) / >+ sndio_play_round; >+ >+ /* we got POLLOUT, so we can write something. if we don't >+ * write anything, we could underrun. >+ */ >+ if (nblocks < 1) >+ nblocks = 1; >+ >+ for (i = 0; i < nblocks; i++) { >+ sio_write(hdl, sndio_play_bufdata, sndio_play_bufsize); >+ sndio_playpos += sndio_play_round; >+ if (sio_eof(hdl)) { >+ /* print error message? */ >+ return; >+ } >+ _mix_some_samples((uintptr_t) sndio_play_bufdata, 0, sndio_signed); >+ } >+} >+ >+ >+static int >+sndio_init(int input, int voices) >+{ >+ char tmp1[128], tmp2[128]; >+ >+ if (input) { >+ digi_driver->rec_cap_bits = 16; >+ digi_driver->rec_cap_stereo = TRUE; >+ return 0; >+ } >+ >+ if (open_sndio_device(0) != 0) >+ return -1; >+ >+ sndio_play_bufdata = _AL_MALLOC_ATOMIC(sndio_play_bufsize); >+ if (sndio_play_bufdata == 0) { >+ ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, >+ get_config_text("Can not allocate audio buffer")); >+ sio_close(hdl); >+ return -1; >+ } >+ >+ sndio_realpos = sndio_playpos = 0; >+ sio_onmove(hdl, movecb, NULL); >+ >+ sndio_volume = 127; >+ sio_onvol(hdl, volcb, NULL); >+ >+ if (!sio_start(hdl)) { >+ ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, >+ get_config_text("Can not start sndio")); >+ sio_close(hdl); >+ return -1; >+ } >+ >+ digi_sndio.voices = voices; >+ >+ /* first arg is total number of samples */ >+ if (_mixer_init(sndio_play_round * (_sound_stereo ? 2 : 1), >+ _sound_freq, _sound_stereo, ((_sound_bits == 16) ? 1 : 0), >+ &digi_sndio.voices) != 0) { >+ ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, >+ get_config_text("Can not init software mixer")); >+ sio_close(hdl); >+ return -1; >+ } >+ >+ _mix_some_samples((uintptr_t) sndio_play_bufdata, 0, sndio_signed); >+ >+ /* Add audio interrupt. */ >+ _unix_bg_man->register_func(sndio_update); >+ >+ uszprintf(sndio_desc, sizeof(sndio_desc), >+ get_config_text("%s: %d bits, %s, %d Hz, %s"), >+ "sndio device", >+ _sound_bits, >+ uconvert_ascii((sndio_signed ? "signed" : "unsigned"), tmp1), >+ _sound_freq, >+ uconvert_ascii((par.pchan == 2 ? "stereo" : "mono"), tmp2)); >+ >+ digi_driver->desc = sndio_desc; >+ >+ return 0; >+} >+ >+ >+static void >+sndio_exit(int input) >+{ >+ if (input) >+ return; >+ >+ _unix_bg_man->unregister_func(sndio_update); >+ >+ _AL_FREE(sndio_play_bufdata); >+ sndio_play_bufdata = 0; >+ >+ _mixer_exit(); >+ >+ if (hdl != NULL) >+ sio_close(hdl); >+ hdl = NULL; >+} >+ >+ >+/* 'volume' is 0-255 */ >+static int >+sndio_set_mixer_volume(int volume) >+{ >+ if (!sio_setvol(hdl, volume / 2)) >+ return -1; >+ >+ return 0; >+} >+ >+ >+/* should return 0-255 */ >+static int >+sndio_get_mixer_volume(void) >+{ >+ return sndio_volume * 2; >+} >+ >+ >+/* Returns maximum recording sampling rate. */ >+static int >+sndio_rec_cap_rate(int bits, int stereo) >+{ >+ /* should use sio_getcap() */ >+ return 48000; >+} >+ >+ >+/* Returns whether the specified parameters can be set. */ >+static int >+sndio_rec_cap_parm(int rate, int bits, int stereo) >+{ >+ /* should use sio_getcap() */ >+ return 1; >+} >+ >+ >+/* Sets the sampling source for audio recording. */ >+static int >+sndio_rec_source(int source) >+{ >+ /* not implemented in sndio */ >+ >+ switch (source) { >+ case SOUND_INPUT_MIC: >+ break; >+ case SOUND_INPUT_LINE: >+ break; >+ case SOUND_INPUT_CD: >+ break; >+ default: >+ return -1; >+ } >+ >+ return 0; >+} >+ >+ >+/* >+ * Re-opens device with read-mode and starts recording (half-duplex). >+ * Returns the DMA buffer size if successful. >+ */ >+static int >+sndio_rec_start(int rate, int bits, int stereo) >+{ >+ sndio_save_bits = _sound_bits; >+ sndio_save_stereo = _sound_stereo; >+ sndio_save_freq = _sound_freq; >+ >+ _unix_bg_man->unregister_func(sndio_update); >+ >+ if (hdl != NULL) >+ sio_close(hdl); >+ hdl = NULL; >+ >+ _sound_bits = bits; >+ _sound_stereo = stereo; >+ _sound_freq = rate; >+ >+ if (open_sndio_device(1) != 0) >+ return 0; >+ >+ sndio_volume = 127; >+ sio_onvol(hdl, volcb, NULL); >+ >+ if (!sio_start(hdl)) { >+ ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, >+ get_config_text("Can not start sndio for recording")); >+ sio_close(hdl); >+ return 0; >+ } >+ >+ return sndio_rec_bufsize; >+} >+ >+ >+/* Stops recording and switches the device back to the original mode. */ >+static void >+sndio_rec_stop(void) >+{ >+ if (hdl != NULL) >+ sio_close(hdl); >+ hdl = NULL; >+ >+ _sound_bits = sndio_save_bits; >+ _sound_stereo = sndio_save_stereo; >+ _sound_freq = sndio_save_freq; >+ >+ if (open_sndio_device(0) != 0) >+ return; >+ >+ sndio_realpos = sndio_playpos = 0; >+ sio_onmove(hdl, movecb, NULL); >+ >+ sndio_volume = 127; >+ sio_onvol(hdl, volcb, NULL); >+ >+ if (!sio_start(hdl)) { >+ ustrzcpy(allegro_error, ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE, >+ get_config_text("Can not start sndio")); >+ sio_close(hdl); >+ return; >+ } >+ >+ _unix_bg_man->register_func(sndio_update); >+} >+ >+ >+/* Retrieves the just recorded buffer, if there is one. */ >+static int >+sndio_rec_read(void *buf) >+{ >+ struct pollfd pfd; >+ nfds_t nfds; >+ int ret, nbytes, offset = 0; >+ >+ /* make sure counters have been updated */ >+ nfds = sio_pollfd(hdl, &pfd, POLLIN); >+ poll(&pfd, nfds, 0); >+ sio_revents(hdl, &pfd); >+ if (!(sio_revents(hdl, &pfd) & POLLIN)) >+ return 0; >+ >+ nbytes = sndio_rec_bufsize; >+ while (nbytes) { >+ ret = sio_read(hdl, buf + offset, nbytes); >+ if (sio_eof(hdl)) >+ return 0; >+ offset += ret; >+ nbytes -= ret; >+ } >+ >+ return 1; >+} >+ >+#endif /* ALLEGRO_WITH_SNDIODIGI */ >Index: pkg-descr >=================================================================== >--- pkg-descr (revision 430748) >+++ pkg-descr (working copy) >@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ > A wide range of extension packages and add-on modules are also available, which > can be found in the "Library Extensions" section of the Allegro website. > >-WWW: >+WWW: >Index: pkg-plist >=================================================================== >--- pkg-plist (revision 430748) >+++ pkg-plist (working copy) >@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ > bin/pack > bin/pat2dat > bin/rgbmap >-%%DEMOS%%%%EXAMPLES%%bin/shooter >-%%DEMOS%%%%EXAMPLES%%bin/skater >-%%DEMOS%%%%EXAMPLES%%bin/skater_agl > bin/textconv > include/alleggl.h > include/allegro.h >@@ -118,11 +115,6 @@ > include/loadpng.h > include/logg.h > include/xalleg.h >-%%ALSA%%lib/allegro/%%SHLIB_VER%%/ >-%%ALSA%%lib/allegro/%%SHLIB_VER%%/ >-%%ALSA%%lib/allegro/%%SHLIB_VER%%/ >-%%JACK%%lib/allegro/%%SHLIB_VER%%/ >-lib/allegro/%%SHLIB_VER%%/modules.lst > lib/ > lib/ > lib/ >@@ -1058,5 +1050,3 @@ > man/man3/vsync.3.gz > man/man3/xor_mode.3.gz > man/man3/xwin_set_window_name.3.gz >-%%DEMOS%%%%EXAMPLES%%share/pixmaps/shooter.png >-%%DEMOS%%%%EXAMPLES%%share/pixmaps/skater.png
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