FreeBSD Bugzilla – Attachment 189422 Details for
Bug 224917
www/firefox: bus error on stable/10 with 57.0.3,1
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firefox-crash-20180102_gdb.txt (text/plain), 16.25 KB, created by
Jilles Tjoelker
on 2018-01-04 22:04:19 UTC
gdb output
MIME Type:
Jilles Tjoelker
2018-01-04 22:04:19 UTC
16.25 KB
> >Thread 57 received signal SIGBUS, Bus error. >[Switching to LWP 101182 of process 7205] >0x000000080e2ebf9f in mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::Clear() () > from /usr/local/lib/firefox/ >(gdb) info reg >rax 0x8028c15f8 34402473464 >rbx 0x8028c14e8 34402473192 >rcx 0x82390baa8 34956425896 >rdx 0x0 0 >rsi 0x0 0 >rdi 0x8028c15f0 34402473456 >rbp 0x7fffffffd630 0x7fffffffd630 >rsp 0x7fffffffd5e0 0x7fffffffd5e0 >r8 0xfffffffffffffff8 -8 >r9 0x18b3e 101182 >r10 0x0 0 >r11 0x292 658 >r12 0x82165af80 34920050560 >r13 0x80e2f2dd0 34597711312 >r14 0x8028c14e8 34402473192 >r15 0x8028c15f8 34402473464 >rip 0x80e2ebf9f 0x80e2ebf9f <mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::Clear()+271> >eflags 0x10246 [ PF ZF IF RF ] >cs 0x43 67 >ss 0x3b 59 >ds <unavailable> >es <unavailable> >fs <unavailable> >gs <unavailable> >fs_base 0x80127a930 34379114800 >gs_base 0x0 0 >(gdb) disass >Dump of assembler code for function _ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv: > 0x000000080e2ebe90 <+0>: push %rbp > 0x000000080e2ebe91 <+1>: mov %rsp,%rbp > 0x000000080e2ebe94 <+4>: push %r15 > 0x000000080e2ebe96 <+6>: push %r14 > 0x000000080e2ebe98 <+8>: push %r13 > 0x000000080e2ebe9a <+10>: push %r12 > 0x000000080e2ebe9c <+12>: push %rbx > 0x000000080e2ebe9d <+13>: sub $0x28,%rsp > 0x000000080e2ebea1 <+17>: mov %rdi,%r14 > 0x000000080e2ebea4 <+20>: mov 0x30(%r14),%rdi > 0x000000080e2ebea8 <+24>: test %rdi,%rdi > 0x000000080e2ebeab <+27>: je 0x80e2ebebb <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+43> > 0x000000080e2ebead <+29>: mov (%rdi),%rax > 0x000000080e2ebeb0 <+32>: callq *0x28(%rax) > 0x000000080e2ebeb3 <+35>: test %al,%al > 0x000000080e2ebeb5 <+37>: je 0x80e2ec1e4 <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+852> > 0x000000080e2ebebb <+43>: cmp %r14,0x49afee6(%rip) # 0x812c9bda8 <_ZL21gParentProcessBlocker> > 0x000000080e2ebec2 <+50>: jne 0x80e2ebecf <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+63> > 0x000000080e2ebec4 <+52>: movq $0x0,0x49afed9(%rip) # 0x812c9bda8 <_ZL21gParentProcessBlocker> > 0x000000080e2ebecf <+63>: mov 0x38(%r14),%rdi > 0x000000080e2ebed3 <+67>: test %rdi,%rdi > 0x000000080e2ebed6 <+70>: je 0x80e2ebee0 <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+80> > 0x000000080e2ebed8 <+72>: mov %r14,%rsi > 0x000000080e2ebedb <+75>: callq 0x80e2ce110 <_ZN11MessageLoop25RemoveDestructionObserverEPNS_19DestructionObserverE> > 0x000000080e2ebee0 <+80>: mov 0x118(%r14),%rax > 0x000000080e2ebee7 <+87>: lock sub %rax,0x49afea9(%rip) # 0x812c9bd98 <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel19gUnresolvedPromisesE> > 0x000000080e2ebeef <+95>: lea 0x108(%r14),%rax > 0x000000080e2ebef6 <+102>: mov %rax,-0x38(%rbp) > 0x000000080e2ebefa <+106>: mov 0x108(%r14),%rax > 0x000000080e2ebf01 <+113>: lea 0x110(%r14),%r15 > 0x000000080e2ebf08 <+120>: cmp %r15,%rax > 0x000000080e2ebf0b <+123>: je 0x80e2ebf85 <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+245> > 0x000000080e2ebf0d <+125>: lea -0x2c(%rbp),%r13 > 0x000000080e2ebf11 <+129>: lea -0x40(%rbp),%rbx > 0x000000080e2ebf15 <+133>: mov %rax,%r12 > 0x000000080e2ebf18 <+136>: nopl 0x0(%rax,%rax,1) > 0x000000080e2ebf20 <+144>: mov 0x30(%rax),%rcx > 0x000000080e2ebf24 <+148>: mov %rcx,-0x48(%rbp) > 0x000000080e2ebf28 <+152>: movl $0x1,-0x2c(%rbp) > 0x000000080e2ebf2f <+159>: lea 0x36b99d7(%rip),%rcx # 0x8119a590d > 0x000000080e2ebf36 <+166>: mov %rcx,-0x40(%rbp) > 0x000000080e2ebf3a <+170>: mov 0x60(%rax),%rdi > 0x000000080e2ebf3e <+174>: mov (%rdi),%rax > 0x000000080e2ebf41 <+177>: lea -0x48(%rbp),%rsi > 0x000000080e2ebf45 <+181>: mov %r13,%rdx > 0x000000080e2ebf48 <+184>: mov %rbx,%rcx > 0x000000080e2ebf4b <+187>: callq *0x30(%rax) > 0x000000080e2ebf4e <+190>: mov 0x8(%r12),%rcx > 0x000000080e2ebf53 <+195>: test %rcx,%rcx > 0x000000080e2ebf56 <+198>: je 0x80e2ebf70 <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+224> > 0x000000080e2ebf58 <+200>: nopl 0x0(%rax,%rax,1) > 0x000000080e2ebf60 <+208>: mov %rcx,%rax > 0x000000080e2ebf63 <+211>: mov (%rax),%rcx > 0x000000080e2ebf66 <+214>: test %rcx,%rcx >---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- > 0x000000080e2ebf69 <+217>: jne 0x80e2ebf60 <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+208> > 0x000000080e2ebf6b <+219>: jmp 0x80e2ebf7d <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+237> > 0x000000080e2ebf6d <+221>: nopl (%rax) > 0x000000080e2ebf70 <+224>: mov 0x10(%r12),%rax > 0x000000080e2ebf75 <+229>: cmp %r12,(%rax) > 0x000000080e2ebf78 <+232>: mov %rax,%r12 > 0x000000080e2ebf7b <+235>: jne 0x80e2ebf70 <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+224> > 0x000000080e2ebf7d <+237>: cmp %r15,%rax > 0x000000080e2ebf80 <+240>: mov %rax,%r12 > 0x000000080e2ebf83 <+243>: jne 0x80e2ebf20 <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+144> > 0x000000080e2ebf85 <+245>: mov 0x110(%r14),%rsi > 0x000000080e2ebf8c <+252>: mov -0x38(%rbp),%rdi > 0x000000080e2ebf90 <+256>: callq 0x80e2f7f20 <_ZNSt3__16__treeINS_12__value_typeImN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel13PromiseHolderEEENS_19__map_value_compareImS6_NS_4lessImEELb1EEENS_9allocatorIS6_EEE7destroyEPNS_11__tree_nodeIS6_PvEE> > 0x000000080e2ebf95 <+261>: mov %r15,0x108(%r14) > 0x000000080e2ebf9c <+268>: xorps %xmm0,%xmm0 >=> 0x000000080e2ebf9f <+271>: movaps %xmm0,0x110(%r14) > 0x000000080e2ebfa7 <+279>: movq $0x0,0x38(%r14) > 0x000000080e2ebfaf <+287>: mov 0x30(%r14),%rdi > 0x000000080e2ebfb3 <+291>: test %rdi,%rdi > 0x000000080e2ebfb6 <+294>: je 0x80e2ebfbe <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+302> > 0x000000080e2ebfb8 <+296>: mov (%rdi),%rax > 0x000000080e2ebfbb <+299>: callq *0x8(%rax) > 0x000000080e2ebfbe <+302>: movq $0x0,0x30(%r14) > 0x000000080e2ebfc6 <+310>: mov 0x158(%r14),%rdi > 0x000000080e2ebfcd <+317>: mov (%rdi),%rax > 0x000000080e2ebfd0 <+320>: callq *0x38(%rax) > 0x000000080e2ebfd3 <+323>: mov 0x40(%r14),%rdi > 0x000000080e2ebfd7 <+327>: test %rdi,%rdi > 0x000000080e2ebfda <+330>: je 0x80e2ebff9 <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+361> > 0x000000080e2ebfdc <+332>: mov (%rdi),%rax > 0x000000080e2ebfdf <+335>: callq *0x38(%rax) > 0x000000080e2ebfe2 <+338>: mov 0x40(%r14),%rdi > 0x000000080e2ebfe6 <+342>: movq $0x0,0x40(%r14) > 0x000000080e2ebfee <+350>: test %rdi,%rdi > 0x000000080e2ebff1 <+353>: je 0x80e2ebff9 <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+361> > 0x000000080e2ebff3 <+355>: mov (%rdi),%rax > 0x000000080e2ebff6 <+358>: callq *0x10(%rax) > 0x000000080e2ebff9 <+361>: mov 0x78(%r14),%rbx > 0x000000080e2ebffd <+365>: mov 0x10(%rbx),%al > 0x000000080e2ec000 <+368>: mov %rbx,%r15 > 0x000000080e2ec003 <+371>: add $0xffffffffffffffe0,%r15 > 0x000000080e2ec007 <+375>: je 0x80e2ec04a <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+442> > 0x000000080e2ec009 <+377>: test %al,%al > 0x000000080e2ec00b <+379>: jne 0x80e2ec04a <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+442> > 0x000000080e2ec00d <+381>: nopl (%rax) > 0x000000080e2ec010 <+384>: mov 0x48(%r15),%rax > 0x000000080e2ec014 <+388>: mov 0x48(%rax),%rbx > 0x000000080e2ec018 <+392>: callq 0x80dffad00 <_ZN7mozilla23GetCurrentVirtualThreadEv> > 0x000000080e2ec01d <+397>: cmp %rax,%rbx > 0x000000080e2ec020 <+400>: jne 0x80e2ec1c3 <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+819> > 0x000000080e2ec026 <+406>: movq $0x0,0x48(%r15) > 0x000000080e2ec02e <+414>: mov 0x20(%r15),%rax > 0x000000080e2ec032 <+418>: mov %rax,%r15 >---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- > 0x000000080e2ec035 <+421>: add $0xffffffffffffffe0,%r15 > 0x000000080e2ec039 <+425>: je 0x80e2ec043 <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+435> > 0x000000080e2ec03b <+427>: movzbl 0x10(%rax),%eax > 0x000000080e2ec03f <+431>: test %al,%al > 0x000000080e2ec041 <+433>: je 0x80e2ec010 <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+384> > 0x000000080e2ec043 <+435>: mov 0x78(%r14),%rbx > 0x000000080e2ec047 <+439>: mov 0x10(%rbx),%al > 0x000000080e2ec04a <+442>: add $0xffffffffffffffe0,%rbx > 0x000000080e2ec04e <+446>: jne 0x80e2ec064 <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+468> > 0x000000080e2ec050 <+448>: jmp 0x80e2ec0bb <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+555> > 0x000000080e2ec052 <+450>: data16 data16 data16 data16 nopw %cs:0x0(%rax,%rax,1) > 0x000000080e2ec060 <+464>: movzbl 0x10(%rax),%eax > 0x000000080e2ec064 <+468>: test %al,%al > 0x000000080e2ec066 <+470>: jne 0x80e2ec0bb <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+555> > 0x000000080e2ec068 <+472>: mov (%rbx),%rax > 0x000000080e2ec06b <+475>: mov %rbx,%rdi > 0x000000080e2ec06e <+478>: callq *0x8(%rax) > 0x000000080e2ec071 <+481>: lea 0x20(%rbx),%rax > 0x000000080e2ec075 <+485>: mov 0x20(%rbx),%rcx > 0x000000080e2ec079 <+489>: mov 0x28(%rbx),%rdx > 0x000000080e2ec07d <+493>: mov %rcx,(%rdx) > 0x000000080e2ec080 <+496>: mov 0x20(%rbx),%rcx > 0x000000080e2ec084 <+500>: mov 0x28(%rbx),%rdx > 0x000000080e2ec088 <+504>: mov %rdx,0x8(%rcx) > 0x000000080e2ec08c <+508>: mov %rax,0x20(%rbx) > 0x000000080e2ec090 <+512>: mov %rax,0x28(%rbx) > 0x000000080e2ec094 <+516>: cmpb $0x0,0x30(%rbx) > 0x000000080e2ec098 <+520>: mov %rbx,%rdi > 0x000000080e2ec09b <+523>: je 0x80e2ec09f <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+527> > 0x000000080e2ec09d <+525>: xor %edi,%edi > 0x000000080e2ec09f <+527>: mov (%rdi),%rax > 0x000000080e2ec0a2 <+530>: callq *0x10(%rax) > 0x000000080e2ec0a5 <+533>: mov (%rbx),%rax > 0x000000080e2ec0a8 <+536>: mov %rbx,%rdi > 0x000000080e2ec0ab <+539>: callq *0x10(%rax) > 0x000000080e2ec0ae <+542>: mov 0x78(%r14),%rax > 0x000000080e2ec0b2 <+546>: mov %rax,%rbx > 0x000000080e2ec0b5 <+549>: add $0xffffffffffffffe0,%rbx > 0x000000080e2ec0b9 <+553>: jne 0x80e2ec060 <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+464> > 0x000000080e2ec0bb <+555>: movq $0x0,0x90(%r14) > 0x000000080e2ec0c6 <+566>: lea 0xf0(%r14),%rdi > 0x000000080e2ec0cd <+573>: lea 0xf8(%r14),%rbx > 0x000000080e2ec0d4 <+580>: mov 0xf8(%r14),%rsi > 0x000000080e2ec0db <+587>: callq 0x80e2f7fb0 <_ZNSt3__16__treeINS_12__value_typeImN3IPC7MessageEEENS_19__map_value_compareImS4_NS_4lessImEELb1EEENS_9allocatorIS4_EEE7destroyEPNS_11__tree_nodeIS4_PvEE> > 0x000000080e2ec0e0 <+592>: mov %rbx,0xf0(%r14) > 0x000000080e2ec0e7 <+599>: xorps %xmm0,%xmm0 > 0x000000080e2ec0ea <+602>: movups %xmm0,0xf8(%r14) > 0x000000080e2ec0f2 <+610>: mov 0x148(%r14),%rax > 0x000000080e2ec0f9 <+617>: test %rax,%rax > 0x000000080e2ec0fc <+620>: je 0x80e2ec1b4 <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+804> > 0x000000080e2ec102 <+626>: movabs $0xf0f0f0f0f0f0f0f1,%rbx > 0x000000080e2ec10c <+636>: nopl 0x0(%rax) > 0x000000080e2ec110 <+640>: mov 0x128(%r14),%rsi > 0x000000080e2ec117 <+647>: mov 0x140(%r14),%rcx > 0x000000080e2ec11e <+654>: lea -0x1(%rax,%rcx,1),%rcx >---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- > 0x000000080e2ec123 <+659>: mov %rcx,%rax > 0x000000080e2ec126 <+662>: mul %rbx > 0x000000080e2ec129 <+665>: shr $0x5,%rdx > 0x000000080e2ec12d <+669>: mov (%rsi,%rdx,8),%rax > 0x000000080e2ec131 <+673>: imul $0x22,%rdx,%rdx > 0x000000080e2ec135 <+677>: sub %rdx,%rcx > 0x000000080e2ec138 <+680>: imul $0x78,%rcx,%rcx > 0x000000080e2ec13c <+684>: lea (%rax,%rcx,1),%rdi > 0x000000080e2ec140 <+688>: mov (%rax,%rcx,1),%rax > 0x000000080e2ec144 <+692>: callq *(%rax) > 0x000000080e2ec146 <+694>: mov 0x130(%r14),%rcx > 0x000000080e2ec14d <+701>: mov 0x148(%r14),%rdx > 0x000000080e2ec154 <+708>: lea -0x1(%rdx),%rax > 0x000000080e2ec158 <+712>: mov %rax,0x148(%r14) > 0x000000080e2ec15f <+719>: mov %rcx,%rsi > 0x000000080e2ec162 <+722>: sub 0x128(%r14),%rsi > 0x000000080e2ec169 <+729>: sar $0x3,%rsi > 0x000000080e2ec16d <+733>: imul $0x22,%rsi,%rdi > 0x000000080e2ec171 <+737>: dec %rdi > 0x000000080e2ec174 <+740>: test %rsi,%rsi > 0x000000080e2ec177 <+743>: cmove %rsi,%rdi > 0x000000080e2ec17b <+747>: mov $0x1,%esi > 0x000000080e2ec180 <+752>: sub %rdx,%rsi > 0x000000080e2ec183 <+755>: sub 0x140(%r14),%rsi > 0x000000080e2ec18a <+762>: add %rdi,%rsi > 0x000000080e2ec18d <+765>: cmp $0x44,%rsi > 0x000000080e2ec191 <+769>: jb 0x80e2ec1ab <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+795> > 0x000000080e2ec193 <+771>: mov -0x8(%rcx),%rdi > 0x000000080e2ec197 <+775>: callq 0x80df25f94 <free@plt> > 0x000000080e2ec19c <+780>: addq $0xfffffffffffffff8,0x130(%r14) > 0x000000080e2ec1a4 <+788>: mov 0x148(%r14),%rax > 0x000000080e2ec1ab <+795>: test %rax,%rax > 0x000000080e2ec1ae <+798>: jne 0x80e2ec110 <_ZN7mozilla3ipc14MessageChannel5ClearEv+640> > 0x000000080e2ec1b4 <+804>: add $0x28,%rsp > 0x000000080e2ec1b8 <+808>: pop %rbx > 0x000000080e2ec1b9 <+809>: pop %r12 > 0x000000080e2ec1bb <+811>: pop %r13 > 0x000000080e2ec1bd <+813>: pop %r14 > 0x000000080e2ec1bf <+815>: pop %r15 > 0x000000080e2ec1c1 <+817>: pop %rbp > 0x000000080e2ec1c2 <+818>: retq > 0x000000080e2ec1c3 <+819>: lea 0x368cab7(%rip),%rax # 0x811978c81 > 0x000000080e2ec1ca <+826>: mov 0x4964ec7(%rip),%rcx # 0x812c51098 > 0x000000080e2ec1d1 <+833>: mov %rax,(%rcx) > 0x000000080e2ec1d4 <+836>: movl $0x213,0x0 > 0x000000080e2ec1df <+847>: callq 0x80df2fd24 <abort@plt> > 0x000000080e2ec1e4 <+852>: lea 0x368acf1(%rip),%rax # 0x811976edc > 0x000000080e2ec1eb <+859>: mov 0x4964ea6(%rip),%rcx # 0x812c51098 > 0x000000080e2ec1f2 <+866>: mov %rax,(%rcx) > 0x000000080e2ec1f5 <+869>: movl $0x2c3,0x0 > 0x000000080e2ec200 <+880>: callq 0x80df2fd24 <abort@plt> >End of assembler dump. >(gdb) bt >#0 0x000000080e2ebf9f in mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::Clear() () > from /usr/local/lib/firefox/ >#1 0x000000080e2f26a1 in mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::Close() () > from /usr/local/lib/firefox/ >#2 0x000000080f9beb23 in mozilla::dom::ContentParent::ShutDownProcess(mozilla::dom::ContentParent::ShutDownMethod) () from /usr/local/lib/firefox/ >#3 0x000000080f9c103e in mozilla::dom::ContentParent::RecvFinishShutdown() () > from /usr/local/lib/firefox/ >#4 0x000000080e4f5d44 in mozilla::dom::PContentParent::OnMessageReceived(IPC::Message const&) () from /usr/local/lib/firefox/ >#5 0x000000080e2f1749 in mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::DispatchAsyncMessage(IPC::Message const&) () from /usr/local/lib/firefox/ >#6 0x000000080e2f08c4 in mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::DispatchMessage(IPC::Message&&) () from /usr/local/lib/firefox/ >#7 0x000000080e2f11fe in mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::MessageTask::Run() () > from /usr/local/lib/firefox/ >#8 0x000000080e000851 in nsThread::ProcessNextEvent(bool, bool*) () > from /usr/local/lib/firefox/ >#9 0x000000080e002437 in NS_ProcessNextEvent(nsIThread*, bool) () > from /usr/local/lib/firefox/ >#10 0x000000080e2f36a0 in mozilla::ipc::MessagePump::Run(base::MessagePump::Delegate*) () from /usr/local/lib/firefox/ >#11 0x000000080e2ce1eb in MessageLoop::Run() () > from /usr/local/lib/firefox/ >#12 0x000000080fc077e9 in nsBaseAppShell::Run() () > from /usr/local/lib/firefox/ >#13 0x0000000810a4d26e in nsAppStartup::Run() () > from /usr/local/lib/firefox/ >#14 0x0000000810ad7683 in XREMain::XRE_mainRun() () > from /usr/local/lib/firefox/ >#15 0x0000000810ad7de5 in XREMain::XRE_main(int, char**, mozilla::BootstrapConfig const&) () from /usr/local/lib/firefox/ >#16 0x0000000810ad8377 in XRE_main(int, char**, mozilla::BootstrapConfig const&) () from /usr/local/lib/firefox/ >#17 0x00000000010282fd in main ()
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bug 224917
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