FreeBSD Bugzilla – Attachment 206447 Details for
Bug 239783
games/linux-unigine-*: Fix MASTER_SITES and minor other issues.
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new port: games/linux-unigine-superposition
superposition_new_port.shar (text/plain), 14.38 KB, created by
Hannes Hauswedell
on 2019-08-11 21:49:01 UTC
new port: games/linux-unigine-superposition
MIME Type:
Hannes Hauswedell
2019-08-11 21:49:01 UTC
14.38 KB
># This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before ># this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may ># create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and ># have default permissions. ># ># This archive contains: ># ># linux-unigine-superposition ># linux-unigine-superposition/pkg-descr ># linux-unigine-superposition/Makefile ># linux-unigine-superposition/pkg-plist ># linux-unigine-superposition/distinfo ># linux-unigine-superposition/pkg-license ># >echo c - linux-unigine-superposition >mkdir -p linux-unigine-superposition > /dev/null 2>&1 >echo x - linux-unigine-superposition/pkg-descr >sed 's/^X//' >linux-unigine-superposition/pkg-descr << 'e3a65886d1f2e0d5bc88da920929bccb' >XExtreme performance and stability test for PC hardware: video card, >Xpower supply, cooling system. Check your rig in stock and overclocking >Xmodes with real-life load! Also includes interactive experience in a >Xbeautiful, detailed environment. >X >XA lone professor performs dangerous experiments in an abandoned >Xclassroom, day in and day out. Obsessed with inventions and >Xdiscoveries beyond the wildest dreams, he strives to prove his ideas. >X >XThis port includes the linux-binaries of the basic (free-to-use) >Xversion of the benchmark. >X >XWWW: >e3a65886d1f2e0d5bc88da920929bccb >echo x - linux-unigine-superposition/Makefile >sed 's/^X//' >linux-unigine-superposition/Makefile << '12f3b52864368a79a0ae3096ced95a11' >X# Created by: Hannes Hauswedell <> >X# $FreeBSD: head/games/linux-unigine-heaven/Makefile 425274 2016-11-03 21:47:46Z tijl $ >X >XPORTNAME= unigine-superposition >XPORTVERSION= 1.1 >XCATEGORIES= games benchmarks linux >XMASTER_SITES= >XPKGNAMEPREFIX= linux- >XDISTNAME= Unigine_Superposition-${PORTVERSION} >XEXTRACT_SUFX= .run >X >XMAINTAINER= >XCOMMENT= Unigine Superposition Benchmark, basic version, linux binaries >X >XLICENSE= Proprietary >XLICENSE_NAME= Unigine "Basic" License >XLICENSE_FILE= ${.CURDIR}/pkg-license >XLICENSE_PERMS= no-dist-sell no-pkg-sell no-dist-mirror no-pkg-mirror >X >XONLY_FOR_ARCHS= amd64 >XUSES= linux >XUSE_LINUX= dri openal-soft xorglibs >XUSE_LDCONFIG= yes >XNO_BUILD= yes >X >Xdo-extract: >X @${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC} >X cd ${WRKSRC} && ${TAIL} -n 5406267 ${_DISTDIR}/${DISTFILES} | ${TAR} zxf - >X ${PRINTF} "#\!/bin/sh\ncd ${DATADIR}/\n" > ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME} >X ${ECHO} 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=bin/:$$LD_LIBRARY_PATH' >> ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME} >X ${ECHO} 'bin/superposition -project_name "Superposition" -video_mode -1 -console_command "world_load superposition/superposition" -extern_plugin "GPUMonitor"' >> ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME} >X >Xdo-install: >X ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/${PKGNAMEPREFIX}${PORTNAME} >X cd ${WRKSRC} && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} ./data ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR} >X cd ${WRKSRC} && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} ./bin ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR} >X cd ${WRKSRC} && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} ./docs ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR} >X cd ${WRKSRC} && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} ./icons ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR} >X >X.include <> >12f3b52864368a79a0ae3096ced95a11 >echo x - linux-unigine-superposition/pkg-plist >sed 's/^X//' >linux-unigine-superposition/pkg-plist << 'edec85837b919c388d828214598950da' >Xbin/linux-unigine-superposition >X@mode 755 >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/launcher >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/superposition >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/superposition_cli >X@mode >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/pro_xml_samples/loop_frame_900_extreme_5min.xml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/pro_xml_samples/loop_run_high_30min.xml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/pro_xml_samples/loop_scene_8_high_5min.xml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/pro_xml_samples/multiple_run_low_5times.xml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/pro_xml_samples/multiple_run_low_and_high.xml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/pro_xml_samples/multiple_run_low_dx_and_gl.xml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/pro_xml_samples/single_run_4k_medium.xml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/pro_xml_samples/single_run_8k_low.xml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/pro_xml_samples/single_run_extreme.xml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/pro_xml_samples/single_run_high.xml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/pro_xml_samples/single_run_low.xml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/pro_xml_samples/single_run_medium.xml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/pro_xml_samples/single_run_vr_htc_future.xml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/pro_xml_samples/single_run_vr_htc_maximum.xml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/pro_xml_samples/single_run_vr_oculus_minimum.xml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/pro_xml_samples/single_run_vr_oculus_optimum.xml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt.conf >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/lib/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/plugins/platforms/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/plugins/xcbglintegrations/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/plugins/xcbglintegrations/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/Qt/labs/folderlistmodel/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/Qt/labs/folderlistmodel/plugins.qmltypes >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/Qt/labs/folderlistmodel/qmldir >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/Qt/labs/settings/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/Qt/labs/settings/plugins.qmltypes >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/Qt/labs/settings/qmldir >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/LinearGradient.qml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/private/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/private/qmldir >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/qmldir >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick.2/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick.2/plugins.qmltypes >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick.2/qmldir >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/ApplicationWindow.qml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/Button.qml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/ComboBox.qml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/ItemDelegate.qml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/Label.qml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/Menu.qml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/MenuItem.qml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/Popup.qml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/ProgressBar.qml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/RadioButton.qml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/RadioIndicator.qml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/ScrollBar.qml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/ScrollIndicator.qml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/Switch.qml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/SwitchIndicator.qml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/TextField.qml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/ToolTip.qml >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/plugins.qmltypes >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/qmldir >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls/plugins.qmltypes >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Controls/qmldir >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/Private/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/Private/plugins.qmltypes >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/Private/qmldir >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/plugins.qmltypes >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/qmldir >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Layouts/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Layouts/plugins.qmltypes >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Layouts/qmldir >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Templates.2/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Templates.2/plugins.qmltypes >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Templates.2/qmldir >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Window.2/ >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Window.2/plugins.qmltypes >X%%DATADIR%%/bin/qt/qml/QtQuick/Window.2/qmldir >X%%DATADIR%%/data/core.ung >X%%DATADIR%%/data/data.ung >X%%DATADIR%%/data/superposition.ung >X%%DATADIR%%/docs/Superposition_Benchmark_End-User_License_Agreement.pdf >X%%DATADIR%%/docs/Superposition_Benchmark_User_Manual.pdf >X%%DATADIR%%/icons/superposition_icon_128.png >X%%DATADIR%%/icons/superposition_icon_16.png >X%%DATADIR%%/icons/superposition_icon_24.png >X%%DATADIR%%/icons/superposition_icon_256.png >X%%DATADIR%%/icons/superposition_icon_32.png >X%%DATADIR%%/icons/superposition_icon_48.png >X%%DATADIR%%/icons/superposition_icon_512.png >X%%DATADIR%%/icons/superposition_icon_64.png >edec85837b919c388d828214598950da >echo x - linux-unigine-superposition/distinfo >sed 's/^X//' >linux-unigine-superposition/distinfo << 'e58cd20a42d61c290ad1ff6d2ba1a57b' >XTIMESTAMP = 1565543599 >XSHA256 ( = cd9eb7e0551b2e0804ae0327dce7e71f4305f1e0dc8de0fabec85d91cea71f8a >XSIZE ( = 1642151160 >e58cd20a42d61c290ad1ff6d2ba1a57b >echo x - linux-unigine-superposition/pkg-license >sed 's/^X//' >linux-unigine-superposition/pkg-license << '95170b361077b7ed69b3761f3cc87d84' >XSuperposition Benchmark End-User License Agreement >X >XIMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY: This End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal >Xagreement between you (either an individual or a single entity, hereinafter referred as to the >X"User") and UNIGINE HOLDING S.Ã r.l. (hereinafter referred as to the "Developerâ) for software >Xproduct "Unigine Superposition Benchmark" (hereinafter referred as to the "Software Product"). >XIf you are accepting the terms of this EULA on behalf of a legal entity, you represent and >Xwarrant that you have the authority to bind that legal entity to the terms of this Agreement, and, >Xin such event, âyouâ and âyourâ will refer to that legal entity. Through downloading, installing, >Xcopying or using the Software Product you are expressing your consent to these EULA. >X >X1. Editions >XThe Software Product is available in three editions: Basic, Advanced and Pro. Some terms are >Xdifferent for different editions, as marked in this EULA. Advanced and Pro editions can be >Xunlocked after installation of Basic edition by entering a special license key. >X >X2. Grant of License >X >XDeveloper grants User the following rights provided that you comply with all terms and >Xconditions of this EULA: >X >X2.1. Installation and use. It is allowed to install and execute the executable form of the Software >XProduct on unlimited number of computers (Basic edition only) or a single PC (Advanced and >XPro editions). >X >X2.1.1. Basic and Advanced editions can be used by private individuals who purchase a license >Xwith their own funds, and solely for their own use (Personal Use). Basic and Advanced editions >Xare not to be purchased, refunded or in any way financed by companies. >X >X2.1.2. Organizations and business entities can use only Pro version (Commercial Use). Pro >Xlicenses are purchased by a company and can be used by any person within this organization. >X >X2.2. Reserve copying. It is allowed to make copies of the "Software product" only for the >Xpurpose of archiving and reserve copying. >X >X3. Other Rights and Limitations >X >X3.1. It is prohibited to open the technology and decompile, disassemble the "Software product" >Xand its components. >X >X3.2. This present EULA does not give the "User" any rights regarding any trademarks or names >Xthat belong to the "Developer" and also it does not give any rights on the "Software product" >Xitself or its components except for those mentioned in this EULA. >X >X3.3. It is prohibited to create any derivative works based on the "Software product", either >Xcommercial or not. >X >X4. Copyright >X >X4.1. All property rights and author's rights on the "Software product" and regarding it belong to >Xthe "Developer" and are protected by copyright acts and standards of international laws in the >Xfield of author's rights protection, and also other laws and provisions about protection of >Xintellectual property. >X >X4.2. The "Software product" can not be copied, sold, spread or used (either as a whole or by >Xparts) in any other way that is not mentioned in this EULA without preliminary written consent of >Xthe "Developer" on it. >X >X5. Consent to Data Collection >X >XYou acknowledge and agree that the Software Product may make Internet connections to: >X 1. Check for updates; >X 2. Provide anonymous usage statistics and >X 3. Validate license keys in order to prevent unauthorized use. >XFor more details, please review the privacy policy at >X >X >X6. Refusal from Guaranties and Responsibility >X >X6.1. THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT IS PROVIDED âAS ISâ, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY >XKIND. THE DEVELOPER AND ITS AUTHORIZED PARTNERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES >XAND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY >XIMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A >XPARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT, AND ANY WARRANTIES AND >XCONDITIONS ARISING OUT OF COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. NO ADVICE >XOR INFORMATION, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, OBTAINED FROM THE DEVELOPER >XOR ELSEWHERE WILL CREATE ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION NOT EXPRESSLY >XSTATED IN THIS AGREEMENT. >X >X6.2. THE "DEVELOPER" REFUSES TO BE MATERIALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY >XSPECIFIC, OCCASIONAL, CIRCUMSTANTIAL OR RELATED DAMAGE (I.E. ALL, WITHOUT >XEXCEPTION, KINDS OF LOSSES: NOT RECEIVED PROFIT, CREATION OF BUSINESS >XOBSTACLES, DISCONTINUANCE OF ENTERPRISE'S ACTIVITY, LOSS OF IMPORTANT >XINFORMATION OR ANY OTHER MATERIAL LOSS OR ANY OTHER LOSSES) THAT >XAPPEARED DUE TO USE OR IMPOSSIBILITY TO USE THIS "SOFTWARE PRODUCT" EVEN >XIF THE "DEVELOPER" WAS NOTIFIED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF THIS KIND OF >XDAMAGE. >X >X7. Termination >XWithout prejudice to any other rights, "Developer" may cancel this EULA if you do not abide by >Xthe terms and conditions of this EULA, in which case you must destroy all copies of the >X"Software Product" and all of its component parts. >95170b361077b7ed69b3761f3cc87d84 >exit >
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bug 239783