FreeBSD Bugzilla – Attachment 224054 Details for
Bug 254922
security/john: Update to 1.9, fix build when OpenCL is installed
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Latest version with opencl, openmp, openmpi options
john19_github.diff (text/plain), 59.90 KB, created by
Thierry Dussuet
on 2021-04-12 16:35:32 UTC
Latest version with opencl, openmp, openmpi options
MIME Type:
Thierry Dussuet
2021-04-12 16:35:32 UTC
59.90 KB
>diff -ruN john.orig/Makefile john/Makefile >--- john.orig/Makefile 2021-04-11 15:34:19.885421000 +0200 >+++ john/Makefile 2021-04-12 18:20:07.844149000 +0200 >@@ -3,23 +3,26 @@ > PORTNAME= john > # NB: starting from the next version, community-enhanced (jumbo) patch > # should be offered as an option (suggested by Solar Designer himself). >-DISTVERSION= 1.8.0-jumbo-1 >-PORTREVISION= 6 >+DISTVERSION= 1.9.0-Jumbo-1-527 >+DISTVERSIONSUFFIX= -ga19784d68 > CATEGORIES= security >-MASTER_SITES= \ >-${DISTVERSION:C/-.*//}/ \ >-${DISTVERSION:C/-.*//}/ > > MAINTAINER= > COMMENT= Featureful Unix password cracker > >-LICENSE= GPLv2 >+LICENSE= GPLv2+ >+LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/../doc/LICENSE > > BROKEN_mips64= cannot detect CPU architecture > > LIB_DEPENDS= > > USES= gmake shebangfix ssl tar:xz >+ >+GH_ACCOUNT= openwall >+GH_PROJECT= john >+USE_GITHUB= yes >+ > GNU_CONFIGURE= yes > CONFIGURE_ENV= CFLAGS_EXTRA="-DJOHN_SYSTEMWIDE=1" \ > OPENSSL_CFLAGS="-I${OPENSSLINC}" \ >@@ -29,7 +32,7 @@ > > ALL_TARGET= default > >-BINARIES= calc_stat cprepair genmkvpwd john luks2john mkvcalcproba \ >+BINARIES= calc_stat cprepair genmkvpwd john mkvcalcproba \ > raw2dyna SIPdump tgtsnarf uaf2john vncpcap2john wpapcap2john > > BINLINKS= base64conv dmg2john gpg2john hccap2john keepass2john \ >@@ -39,30 +42,25 @@ > > PORTDOCS= * > >-OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS #OPENMP >-#OPENMP_USES= compiler:openmp >+OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS OPENMP OPENMPI OPENCL >+OPTIONS_DEFAULT= OPENMP >+OPTIONS_SUB= yes > >-post-extract: >- @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/pfx_fmt_plug.c ${WRKSRC}/rawSHA0_fmt_plug.c \ >- ${WRKSRC}/ssh_fmt_plug.c \ >+OPENMP_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= openmp > >-post-patch: >- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/usr|${PREFIX}|' ${WRKSRC}/params.h >-# Replace methods and types that were marked deprecated by OpenSSL 0.9.7 >-# and removed in OpenSSL 1.1.0 and LibreSSL >- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|des_string_to_key|DES_string_to_key|' \ >- ${WRKSRC}/KRB4_fmt_plug.c >- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|des_set_odd_parity|DES_set_odd_parity|' \ >- ${WRKSRC}/KRB4_std_plug.c >- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|C_Block|DES_cblock|' \ >- ${WRKSRC}/efs_fmt_plug.c \ >- ${WRKSRC}/gpg_fmt_plug.c \ >- ${WRKSRC}/keychain_fmt_plug.c \ >- ${WRKSRC}/mozilla_ng_fmt_plug.c \ >- ${WRKSRC}/opencl_gpg_fmt_plug.c \ >- ${WRKSRC}/opencl_keychain_fmt_plug.c \ >- ${WRKSRC}/ssh_ng_fmt_plug.c >+OPENCL_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= opencl >+OPENCL_BUILD_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/include/CL/opencl.h:devel/opencl >+OPENCL_LIB_DEPENDS= > >+OPENMPI_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= mpi >+OPENMPI_BUILD_DEPENDS= openmpi>0:net/openmpi >+OPENMPI_RUN_DEPENDS= openmpi>0:net/openmpi >+OPENMPI_CONFIGURE_ENV= CC=${LOCALBASE}/mpi/openmpi/bin/mpicc MPICC=${LOCALBASE}/mpi/openmpi/bin/mpicc \ >+ LDFLAGS="-L${LOCALBASE}/mpi/openmpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,${LOCALBASE}/mpi/openmpi/lib" >+OPENMPI_MAKE_ARGS= FREEBSD_LINK_FLAGS="-L${LOCALBASE}/mpi/openmpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,${LOCALBASE}/mpi/openmpi/lib -lmpi" >+ >+.include <> >+ > do-install: > .for b in ${BINARIES} > ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/../run/${b} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin >@@ -71,15 +69,36 @@ > ${LN} -sf john ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/${l} > .endfor > @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/extra >+ @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/rules >+ @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/extra/lib >+ @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/extra/dns >+ @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/extra/ztex >+ @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/extra/bip-0039 > cd ${WRKSRC}/../run && ${INSTALL_DATA} *.chr *.conf *.lst \ > ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR} >- cd ${WRKSRC}/../run && ${INSTALL_DATA} *.?? benchmark-unify \ >+ cd ${WRKSRC}/../run && ${INSTALL_DATA} *.?? *.lua benchmark-unify \ > dictionary.rfc2865 john.*sh_completion mailer makechr \ >- relbench stats ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/extra >+ bitlocker2john eapmd5tojohn relbench stats \ >+ ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/extra >+ cd ${WRKSRC}/../run/rules && ${INSTALL_DATA} *.rule ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/rules >+ cd ${WRKSRC}/../run/lib && ${INSTALL_DATA} *.pm ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/extra/lib >+ cd ${WRKSRC}/../run/dns && ${INSTALL_DATA} README.txt \ >+ \ >+ \ >+ \ >+ ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/extra/dns >+ cd ${WRKSRC}/../run/ztex && ${INSTALL_DATA} *.??? ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/extra/ztex >+ cd ${WRKSRC}/../run/bip-0039 && ${INSTALL_DATA} *.txt *.md ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/extra/bip-0039 >+.if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MOPENCL} >+ @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/opencl >+ cd ${WRKSRC}/../run/opencl && ${INSTALL_DATA} *.cl *.h ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/opencl >+.endif > > do-install-DOCS-on: > @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} >+ @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR}/extras > @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/../doc/COPYING >- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/../doc/* ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} >+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/../doc/[A-Zdp]* ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} >+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/../doc/extras/* ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR}/extras > > .include <> >diff -ruN john.orig/distinfo john/distinfo >--- john.orig/distinfo 2021-04-11 15:34:19.897539000 +0200 >+++ john/distinfo 2021-04-12 15:23:29.055188000 +0200 >@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ >-TIMESTAMP = 1418916028 >-SHA256 (john-1.8.0-jumbo-1.tar.xz) = bac93d025995a051f055adbd7ce2f1975676cac6c74a6c7a3ee4cfdd9c160923 >-SIZE (john-1.8.0-jumbo-1.tar.xz) = 23232492 >+TIMESTAMP = 1618233809 >+SHA256 (openwall-john-1.9.0-Jumbo-1-527-ga19784d68_GH0.tar.gz) = 9a1a258a7f89e6469a2752c83158d71a0913d39888c14a052cf55f143eb00722 >+SIZE (openwall-john-1.9.0-Jumbo-1-527-ga19784d68_GH0.tar.gz) = 47730985 >diff -ruN john.orig/files/ john/files/ >--- john.orig/files/ 2021-04-11 15:34:19.898741000 +0200 >+++ john/files/ 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100 >@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ >---- 2014-12-18 13:53:53 UTC >-+++ >-@@ -84,8 +84,6 @@ JOHN_OBJS = \ >- base64.o base64_convert.o \ >- md4.o sha2.o \ >- dynamic_fmt.o dynamic_parser.o dynamic_preloads.o dynamic_utils.o dynamic_big_crypt.o \ >-- ssh2john.o \ >-- pfx2john.o \ >- unrarcmd.o unrarfilter.o unrarhlp.o unrar.o unrarppm.o unrarvm.o \ >- rar2john.o \ >- zip2john.o gladman_hmac.o gladman_pwd2key.o \ >-@@ -132,10 +130,10 @@ GENMKVPWD_OBJS = \ >- genmkvpwd.o mkvlib.o memory.o miscnl.o path.o memdbg.o >- >- PROJ = ../run/john@EXE_EXT@ ../run/unshadow@EXE_EXT@ ../run/unafs@EXE_EXT@ ../run/unique@EXE_EXT@ ../run/undrop@EXE_EXT@ \ >-- ../run/ssh2john@EXE_EXT@ ../run/rar2john@EXE_EXT@ ../run/zip2john@EXE_EXT@ \ >-+ ../run/rar2john@EXE_EXT@ ../run/zip2john@EXE_EXT@ \ >- ../run/genmkvpwd@EXE_EXT@ ../run/mkvcalcproba@EXE_EXT@ ../run/calc_stat@EXE_EXT@ \ >- ../run/tgtsnarf@EXE_EXT@ ../run/racf2john@EXE_EXT@ ../run/hccap2john@EXE_EXT@ \ >-- ../run/pwsafe2john@EXE_EXT@ ../run/raw2dyna@EXE_EXT@ ../run/keepass2john@EXE_EXT@ ../run/pfx2john@EXE_EXT@ \ >-+ ../run/pwsafe2john@EXE_EXT@ ../run/raw2dyna@EXE_EXT@ ../run/keepass2john@EXE_EXT@ \ >- ../run/keychain2john@EXE_EXT@ ../run/keyring2john@EXE_EXT@ ../run/kwallet2john@EXE_EXT@ \ >- ../run/dmg2john@EXE_EXT@ ../run/putty2john@EXE_EXT@ ../run/uaf2john@EXE_EXT@ \ >- ../run/truecrypt_volume2john@EXE_EXT@ ../run/keystore2john@EXE_EXT@ ../run/wpapcap2john@EXE_EXT@ \ >-@@ -305,18 +303,10 @@ miscnl.o: misc.c >- $(RM) ../run/undrop >- $(LN) john ../run/undrop >- >--../run/ssh2john: ../run/john >-- $(RM) ../run/ssh2john >-- $(LN) john ../run/ssh2john >-- >- ../run/putty2john: ../run/john >- $(RM) ../run/putty2john >- $(LN) john ../run/putty2john >- >--../run/pfx2john: ../run/john >-- $(RM) ../run/pfx2john >-- $(LN) john ../run/pfx2john >-- >- ../run/keepass2john: ../run/john >- $(RM) ../run/keepass2john >- $(LN) john ../run/keepass2john >-@@ -397,17 +387,9 @@ miscnl.o: misc.c >- $(CC) symlink.c -o ../run/undrop.exe >- $(STRIP) ../run/undrop.exe >- >--../run/ssh2john.exe: symlink.c >-- $(CC) symlink.c -o ../run/ssh2john.exe >-- $(STRIP) ../run/ssh2john.exe >-- >- ../run/putty2john.exe: symlink.c >- $(CC) symlink.c -o ../run/putty2john.exe >- $(STRIP) ../run/putty2john.exe >-- >--../run/pfx2john.exe: symlink.c >-- $(CC) symlink.c -o ../run/pfx2john.exe >-- $(STRIP) ../run/pfx2john.exe >- >- ../run/keepass2john.exe: symlink.c >- $(CC) symlink.c -o ../run/keepass2john.exe >diff -ruN john.orig/files/patch-Makefile.legacy john/files/patch-Makefile.legacy >--- john.orig/files/patch-Makefile.legacy 2021-04-11 15:34:19.898879000 +0200 >+++ john/files/patch-Makefile.legacy 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100 >@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ >---- Makefile.legacy.orig 2014-12-18 07:59:02 UTC >-+++ Makefile.legacy >-@@ -127,8 +127,6 @@ JOHN_OBJS = \ >- base64.o base64_convert.o \ >- md4.o sha2.o \ >- dynamic_fmt.o dynamic_parser.o dynamic_preloads.o dynamic_utils.o dynamic_big_crypt.o \ >-- ssh2john.o \ >-- pfx2john.o \ >- unrarcmd.o unrarfilter.o unrarhlp.o unrar.o unrarppm.o unrarvm.o \ >- rar2john.o \ >- zip2john.o gladman_hmac.o gladman_pwd2key.o \ >-@@ -209,10 +207,10 @@ GENMKVPWD_OBJS = \ >- genmkvpwd.o mkvlib.o memory.o miscnl.o path.o memdbg.o >- >- PROJ = ../run/john ../run/unshadow ../run/unafs ../run/unique ../run/undrop \ >-- ../run/ssh2john ../run/rar2john ../run/zip2john \ >-+ ../run/rar2john ../run/zip2john \ >- ../run/genmkvpwd ../run/mkvcalcproba ../run/calc_stat \ >- ../run/tgtsnarf ../run/racf2john ../run/hccap2john \ >-- ../run/pwsafe2john ../run/raw2dyna ../run/keepass2john ../run/pfx2john \ >-+ ../run/pwsafe2john ../run/raw2dyna ../run/keepass2john \ >- ../run/keychain2john ../run/keyring2john ../run/kwallet2john \ >- ../run/dmg2john ../run/putty2john john.local.conf ../run/uaf2john \ >- ../run/truecrypt_volume2john ../run/keystore2john ../run/wpapcap2john \ >-@@ -220,30 +218,30 @@ PROJ = ../run/john ../run/unshadow ../run/unafs ../run >- PROJ_DOS = ../run/john.bin ../run/ \ >- ../run/ ../run/ ../run/ \ >- ../run/ \ >-- ../run/ ../run/ ../run/zip2john \ >-+ ../run/ ../run/zip2john \ >- ../run/ ../run/ \ >-- ../run/ ../run/ ../run/ \ >-+ ../run/ ../run/ \ >- ../run/ ../run/ ../run/ \ >- ../run/ ../run/ john.local.conf \ >- ../run/ >- PROJ_WIN32 = ../run/john.exe \ >- ../run/unshadow.exe ../run/unafs.exe ../run/unique.exe \ >- ../run/undrop.exe \ >-- ../run/ssh2john.exe ../run/rar2john.exe ../run/zip2john.exe \ >-+ ../run/rar2john.exe ../run/zip2john.exe \ >- ../run/genmkvpwd.exe ../run/mkvcalcproba.exe ../run/calc_stat.exe \ >- ../run/racf2john.exe ../run/hccap2john.exe \ >- ../run/pwsafe2john.exe ../run/raw2dyna.exe ../run/keepass2john.exe \ >-- ../run/pfx2john.exe ../run/keychain2john.exe ../run/keyring2john.exe \ >-+ ../run/keychain2john.exe ../run/keyring2john.exe \ >- ../run/kwallet2john.exe ../run/dmg2john.exe ../run/putty2john.exe \ >- john.local.conf ../run/gpg2john.exe ../run/base64conv.exe >- PROJ_WIN32_MINGW = ../run/john-mingw.exe \ >- ../run/unshadow.exe ../run/unafs.exe ../run/unique.exe \ >- ../run/undrop.exe \ >-- ../run/ssh2john.exe ../run/rar2john.exe ../run/zip2john.exe \ >-+ ../run/rar2john.exe ../run/zip2john.exe \ >- ../run/genmkvpwd.exe ../run/mkvcalcproba.exe ../run/calc_stat.exe \ >- ../run/racf2john.exe ../run/hccap2john.exe \ >- ../run/pwsafe2john.exe ../run/raw2dyna.exe ../run/keepass2john.exe \ >-- ../run/pfx2john.exe ../run/keychain2john.exe ../run/keyring2john.exe \ >-+ ../run/keychain2john.exe ../run/keyring2john.exe \ >- ../run/kwallet2john.exe ../run/putty2john.exe john.local.conf \ >- ../run/gpg2john.exe ../run/base64conv.exe >- PROJ_PCAP = ../run/SIPdump ../run/vncpcap2john >-@@ -2029,18 +2027,10 @@ $(SUBDIRS): >- $(RM) ../run/undrop >- ln -s john ../run/undrop >- >--../run/ssh2john: ../run/john >-- $(RM) ../run/ssh2john >-- ln -s john ../run/ssh2john >-- >- ../run/putty2john: ../run/john >- $(RM) ../run/putty2john >- ln -s john ../run/putty2john >- >--../run/pfx2john: ../run/john >-- $(RM) ../run/pfx2john >-- ln -s john ../run/pfx2john >-- >- ../run/keepass2john: ../run/john >- $(RM) ../run/keepass2john >- ln -s john ../run/keepass2john >-@@ -2114,15 +2104,9 @@ $(SUBDIRS): >- ../run/ >- copy ..\run\ >- >--../run/ >-- copy ..\run\ >-- >- ../run/ >- copy ..\run\ >- >--../run/ >-- copy ..\run\ >-- >- ../run/ >- copy ..\run\ >- >-@@ -2198,17 +2182,9 @@ john.asm >- $(CC) symlink.c -o ../run/undrop.exe >- $(STRIP) ../run/undrop.exe >- >--../run/ssh2john.exe: symlink.c >-- $(CC) symlink.c -o ../run/ssh2john.exe >-- $(STRIP) ../run/ssh2john.exe >-- >- ../run/putty2john.exe: symlink.c >- $(CC) symlink.c -o ../run/putty2john.exe >- $(STRIP) ../run/putty2john.exe >-- >--../run/pfx2john.exe: symlink.c >-- $(CC) symlink.c -o ../run/pfx2john.exe >-- $(STRIP) ../run/pfx2john.exe >- >- ../run/keepass2john.exe: symlink.c >- $(CC) symlink.c -o ../run/keepass2john.exe >diff -ruN john.orig/files/patch-bitcoin__fmt__plug.c john/files/patch-bitcoin__fmt__plug.c >--- john.orig/files/patch-bitcoin__fmt__plug.c 2021-04-11 15:34:19.899018000 +0200 >+++ john/files/patch-bitcoin__fmt__plug.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100 >@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@ >---- bitcoin_fmt_plug.c.orig 2014-12-18 07:59:02 UTC >-+++ bitcoin_fmt_plug.c >-@@ -15,33 +15,32 @@ >- * Thanks to Solar for asking to add support for bitcoin wallet files. >- */ >- >--#include "arch.h" >--#include <openssl/opensslv.h> >--#if (AC_BUILT && HAVE_EVP_SHA512) || \ >-- (!AC_BUILT && OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x0090708f) >-- >- #if FMT_EXTERNS_H >- extern struct fmt_main fmt_bitcoin; >- #elif FMT_REGISTERS_H >- john_register_one(&fmt_bitcoin); >- #else >- >--#include <openssl/evp.h> >- #include <string.h> >-+#ifdef _OPENMP >-+#include <omp.h> >-+#ifndef OMP_SCALE >-+#define OMP_SCALE 1 >-+#endif >-+static int omp_t = 1; >-+#endif >-+ >-+#include "arch.h" >- #include "misc.h" >- #include "common.h" >- #include "formats.h" >- #include "params.h" >- #include "options.h" >- #include "sha2.h" >-+#include "aes/aes.h" >- #include "stdint.h" >- #include "johnswap.h" >- #include "sse-intrinsics.h" >--#ifdef _OPENMP >--#include <omp.h> >--#define OMP_SCALE 1 >--static int omp_t = 1; >--#endif >- #include "memdbg.h" >- >- #define FORMAT_LABEL "Bitcoin" >-@@ -73,6 +72,7 @@ static int omp_t = 1; >- #endif >- >- #define SZ 128 >-+#define PADDING "\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10" >- >- static struct fmt_tests bitcoin_tests[] = { >- /* bitcoin wallet hashes */ >-@@ -265,10 +265,7 @@ static int crypt_all(int *pcount, struct db_salt *salt >- #endif >- { >- unsigned char output[SZ]; >-- int fOk; >- SHA512_CTX sha_ctx; >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX ctx; >-- int nPLen, nFLen; >- int i; >- >- #ifdef MMX_COEF_SHA512 >-@@ -316,6 +313,7 @@ static int crypt_all(int *pcount, struct db_salt *salt >- alter_endianity_to_BE64(key_iv, 6 * MAX_KEYS_PER_CRYPT); >- >- for (index2 = 0; index2 < MAX_KEYS_PER_CRYPT; index2++) { >-+ AES_KEY aes_key; >- unsigned char key[32]; >- unsigned char iv[16]; >- >-@@ -325,26 +323,21 @@ static int crypt_all(int *pcount, struct db_salt *salt >- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(iv)/sizeof(ARCH_WORD_64); i++) // the derived iv >- ((ARCH_WORD_64 *)iv)[i] = key_iv[MMX_COEF_SHA512*(sizeof(key)/sizeof(ARCH_WORD_64) + i) + index2]; >- >-- /* NOTE: write our code instead of using following high-level OpenSSL functions */ >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&ctx); >-- fOk = EVP_DecryptInit_ex(&ctx, EVP_aes_256_cbc(), NULL, key, iv); >-- if (fOk) >-- fOk = EVP_DecryptUpdate(&ctx, output, &nPLen, cur_salt->cry_master, cur_salt->cry_master_length); >-- if (fOk) >-- fOk = EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(&ctx, output + nPLen, &nFLen); >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx); >-- // a decrypted mkey is exactly 32 bytes in len; ossl has already checked the padding (16 0x0f's) for us >-- if (fOk && nPLen + nFLen == 32) { >-+ AES_set_decrypt_key(key, 256, &aes_key); >-+ AES_cbc_encrypt(cur_salt->cry_master, output, cur_salt->cry_master_length, &aes_key, iv, AES_DECRYPT); >-+ >-+ if (!memcmp(output + 32, PADDING, 16)) { >- cracked[index + index2] = 1; >- #ifdef _OPENMP >- #pragma omp atomic >- #endif >- any_cracked |= 1; >- } >-- >- } >- #else >-+ AES_KEY aes_key; >- unsigned char key_iv[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH]; // buffer for both the derived key and iv >-+ >- SHA512_Init(&sha_ctx); >- SHA512_Update(&sha_ctx, saved_key[index], strlen(saved_key[index])); >- SHA512_Update(&sha_ctx, cur_salt->cry_salt, cur_salt->cry_salt_length); >-@@ -354,16 +347,11 @@ static int crypt_all(int *pcount, struct db_salt *salt >- SHA512_Update(&sha_ctx, key_iv, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH); >- SHA512_Final(key_iv, &sha_ctx); >- } >-- /* NOTE: write our code instead of using following high-level OpenSSL functions */ >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&ctx); >-- fOk = EVP_DecryptInit_ex(&ctx, EVP_aes_256_cbc(), NULL, key_iv, key_iv+32); >-- if (fOk) >-- fOk = EVP_DecryptUpdate(&ctx, output, &nPLen, cur_salt->cry_master, cur_salt->cry_master_length); >-- if (fOk) >-- fOk = EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(&ctx, output + nPLen, &nFLen); >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx); >-- // a decrypted mkey is exactly 32 bytes in len; ossl has already checked the padding (16 0x0f's) for us >-- if (fOk && nPLen + nFLen == 32) { >-+ >-+ AES_set_decrypt_key(key_iv, 256, &aes_key); >-+ AES_cbc_encrypt(cur_salt->cry_master, output, cur_salt->cry_master_length, &aes_key, key_iv + 32, AES_DECRYPT); >-+ >-+ if (!memcmp(output + 32, PADDING, 16)) { >- cracked[index] = 1; >- #ifdef _OPENMP >- #pragma omp atomic >-@@ -471,5 +459,3 @@ struct fmt_main fmt_bitcoin = { >- }; >- >- #endif /* plugin stanza */ >-- >--#endif /* OpenSSL requirement */ >diff -ruN john.orig/files/patch-dmg__fmt__plug.c john/files/patch-dmg__fmt__plug.c >--- john.orig/files/patch-dmg__fmt__plug.c 2021-04-11 15:34:19.906091000 +0200 >+++ john/files/patch-dmg__fmt__plug.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100 >@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@ >---- dmg_fmt_plug.c.orig 2014-12-18 07:59:02 UTC >-+++ dmg_fmt_plug.c >-@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ john_register_one(&fmt_dmg); >- #include <stdlib.h> >- #include "stdint.h" >- #include <sys/types.h> >--#include <openssl/evp.h> >-+#include <openssl/des.h> >- #include <openssl/aes.h> >- #include <openssl/hmac.h> >- #include "filevault.h" >-@@ -413,42 +413,36 @@ static void *get_salt(char *ciphertext) >- return (void *)&cs; >- } >- >--static int apple_des3_ede_unwrap_key1(unsigned char *wrapped_key, int wrapped_key_len, unsigned char *decryptKey) >-+static int apple_des3_ede_unwrap_key1(const unsigned char *wrapped_key, const int wrapped_key_len, const unsigned char *decryptKey) >- { >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX ctx; >-+ DES_key_schedule ks1, ks2, ks3; >- unsigned char TEMP1[sizeof(cur_salt->wrapped_hmac_sha1_key)]; >- unsigned char TEMP2[sizeof(cur_salt->wrapped_hmac_sha1_key)]; >-- unsigned char CEKICV[sizeof(cur_salt->wrapped_hmac_sha1_key)]; >- unsigned char IV[8] = { 0x4a, 0xdd, 0xa2, 0x2c, 0x79, 0xe8, 0x21, 0x05 }; >-- int outlen, tmplen, i; >-+ int outlen, i; >- >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&ctx); >-- EVP_DecryptInit_ex(&ctx, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(), NULL, decryptKey, IV); >-- if (!EVP_DecryptUpdate(&ctx, TEMP1, &outlen, wrapped_key, wrapped_key_len)) { >-- goto err; >-- } >-- if (!EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(&ctx, TEMP1 + outlen, &tmplen)) { >-- goto err; >-- } >-- outlen += tmplen; >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx); >-- for (i = 0; i < outlen; i++) { >-+ DES_set_key((DES_cblock*)(decryptKey + 0), &ks1); >-+ DES_set_key((DES_cblock*)(decryptKey + 8), &ks2); >-+ DES_set_key((DES_cblock*)(decryptKey + 16), &ks3); >-+ DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt(wrapped_key, TEMP1, wrapped_key_len, &ks1, &ks2, &ks3, >-+ (DES_cblock*)IV, DES_DECRYPT); >-+ >-+ outlen = check_pkcs_pad(TEMP1, wrapped_key_len, 8); >-+ if (outlen < 0) >-+ return 0; >-+ >-+ for (i = 0; i < outlen; i++) >- TEMP2[i] = TEMP1[outlen - i - 1]; >-- } >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&ctx); >-- EVP_DecryptInit_ex(&ctx, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(), NULL, decryptKey, TEMP2); >-- if (!EVP_DecryptUpdate(&ctx, CEKICV, &outlen, TEMP2 + 8, outlen - 8)) { >-- goto err; >-- } >-- if (!EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(&ctx, CEKICV + outlen, &tmplen)) { >-- goto err; >-- } >-- outlen += tmplen; >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx); >-- return 0; >--err: >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx); >-- return -1; >-+ >-+ outlen -= 8; >-+ DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt(TEMP2 + 8, TEMP1, outlen, &ks1, &ks2, &ks3, >-+ (DES_cblock*)TEMP2, DES_DECRYPT); >-+ >-+ outlen = check_pkcs_pad(TEMP1, outlen, 8); >-+ if (outlen < 0) >-+ return 0; >-+ >-+ return 1; >- } >- >- static void hash_plugin_check_hash(int index) >-@@ -492,22 +486,20 @@ static void hash_plugin_check_hash(int index) >- for(j = 0; j < SSE_GROUP_SZ_SHA1; ++j) { >- derived_key = Derived_key[j]; >- #endif >-- if ((apple_des3_ede_unwrap_key1(cur_salt->wrapped_aes_key, cur_salt->len_wrapped_aes_key, derived_key) == 0) && (apple_des3_ede_unwrap_key1(cur_salt->wrapped_hmac_sha1_key, cur_salt->len_hmac_sha1_key, derived_key) == 0)) { >-+ if (apple_des3_ede_unwrap_key1(cur_salt->wrapped_aes_key, cur_salt->len_wrapped_aes_key, derived_key) && >-+ apple_des3_ede_unwrap_key1(cur_salt->wrapped_hmac_sha1_key, cur_salt->len_hmac_sha1_key, derived_key)) { >- cracked[index+j] = 1; >- } >- #ifdef MMX_COEF >- } >- #endif >- } else { >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX ctx; >-+ DES_key_schedule ks1, ks2, ks3; >- unsigned char TEMP1[sizeof(cur_salt->wrapped_hmac_sha1_key)]; >-- int outlen, tmplen; >- AES_KEY aes_decrypt_key; >- unsigned char outbuf[8192 + 1]; >- unsigned char outbuf2[4096 + 1]; >- unsigned char iv[20]; >-- HMAC_CTX hmacsha1_ctx; >-- int mdlen; >- #ifdef DMG_DEBUG >- unsigned char *r; >- #endif >-@@ -547,27 +539,18 @@ static void hash_plugin_check_hash(int index) >- for(j = 0; j < SSE_GROUP_SZ_SHA1; ++j) { >- derived_key = Derived_key[j]; >- #endif >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&ctx); >-- EVP_DecryptInit_ex(&ctx, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(), NULL, derived_key, cur_salt->iv); >-- if (!EVP_DecryptUpdate(&ctx, TEMP1, &outlen, >-- cur_salt->encrypted_keyblob, cur_salt->encrypted_keyblob_size)) { >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx); >--#ifdef MMX_COEF >-- continue; >--#else >-- return; >--#endif >-- } >-- EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(&ctx, TEMP1 + outlen, &tmplen); >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx); >-- outlen += tmplen; >-+ >-+ DES_set_key((DES_cblock*)(derived_key + 0), &ks1); >-+ DES_set_key((DES_cblock*)(derived_key + 8), &ks2); >-+ DES_set_key((DES_cblock*)(derived_key + 16), &ks3); >-+ memcpy(iv, cur_salt->iv, 8); >-+ DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt(cur_salt->encrypted_keyblob, TEMP1, >-+ cur_salt->encrypted_keyblob_size, &ks1, &ks2, &ks3, >-+ (DES_cblock*)iv, DES_DECRYPT); >-+ >- memcpy(aes_key_, TEMP1, 32); >- memcpy(hmacsha1_key_, TEMP1, 20); >-- HMAC_CTX_init(&hmacsha1_ctx); >-- HMAC_Init_ex(&hmacsha1_ctx, hmacsha1_key_, 20, EVP_sha1(), NULL); >-- HMAC_Update(&hmacsha1_ctx, (void *) &cur_salt->cno, 4); >-- HMAC_Final(&hmacsha1_ctx, iv, (unsigned int *) &mdlen); >-- HMAC_CTX_cleanup(&hmacsha1_ctx); >-+ hmac_sha1(hmacsha1_key_, 20, (unsigned char*)&cur_salt->cno, 4, iv, 20); >- if (cur_salt->encrypted_keyblob_size == 48) >- AES_set_decrypt_key(aes_key_, 128, &aes_decrypt_key); >- else >-@@ -631,12 +614,7 @@ static void hash_plugin_check_hash(int index) >- /* Second buffer test. If present, *this* is the very first block of the DMG */ >- if (!cracked[index+j] && cur_salt->scp == 1) { >- int cno = 0; >-- >-- HMAC_CTX_init(&hmacsha1_ctx); >-- HMAC_Init_ex(&hmacsha1_ctx, hmacsha1_key_, 20, EVP_sha1(), NULL); >-- HMAC_Update(&hmacsha1_ctx, (void *) &cno, 4); >-- HMAC_Final(&hmacsha1_ctx, iv, (unsigned int *) &mdlen); >-- HMAC_CTX_cleanup(&hmacsha1_ctx); >-+ hmac_sha1(hmacsha1_key_, 20, (unsigned char*)&cno, 4, iv, 20); >- if (cur_salt->encrypted_keyblob_size == 48) >- AES_set_decrypt_key(aes_key_, 128, &aes_decrypt_key); >- else >diff -ruN john.orig/files/patch-encfs__fmt__plug.c john/files/patch-encfs__fmt__plug.c >--- john.orig/files/patch-encfs__fmt__plug.c 2021-04-11 15:34:19.906233000 +0200 >+++ john/files/patch-encfs__fmt__plug.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100 >@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ >---- encfs_fmt_plug.c.orig 2014-11-11 14:41:25 UTC >-+++ encfs_fmt_plug.c >-@@ -90,25 +90,16 @@ static struct fmt_tests encfs_tests[] = { >- static void setIVec( unsigned char *ivec, uint64_t seed, >- unsigned char *key) >- { >-- unsigned char md[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; >-- unsigned int mdLen = EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE; >-+ unsigned char iv_and_seed[MAX_IVLENGTH+8]; >- int i; >-- HMAC_CTX mac_ctx; >- >-- memcpy( ivec, &key[cur_salt->keySize], cur_salt->ivLength ); >-+ // combine ivec and seed with HMAC >-+ memcpy(iv_and_seed, &key[cur_salt->keySize], cur_salt->ivLength); >- for(i=0; i<8; ++i) { >-- md[i] = (unsigned char)(seed & 0xff); >-+ iv_and_seed[i+cur_salt->ivLength] = (unsigned char)(seed & 0xff); >- seed >>= 8; >- } >-- // combine ivec and seed with HMAC >-- HMAC_CTX_init(&mac_ctx); >-- HMAC_Init_ex( &mac_ctx, key, cur_salt->keySize, EVP_sha1(), 0 ); >-- HMAC_Init_ex( &mac_ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); >-- HMAC_Update( &mac_ctx, ivec, cur_salt->ivLength ); >-- HMAC_Update( &mac_ctx, md, 8 ); >-- HMAC_Final( &mac_ctx, md, &mdLen ); >-- HMAC_CTX_cleanup(&mac_ctx); >-- memcpy( ivec, md, cur_salt->ivLength ); >-+ hmac_sha1(key, cur_salt->keySize, iv_and_seed, cur_salt->ivLength+8, ivec, cur_salt->ivLength); >- } >- >- >-@@ -144,33 +135,28 @@ static void flipBytes(unsigned char *buf, int size) >- static uint64_t _checksum_64(unsigned char *key, >- const unsigned char *data, int dataLen, uint64_t *chainedIV) >- { >-- unsigned char md[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; >-+ unsigned char DataIV[128+8]; // max data len is 128 >-+ unsigned char md[20]; >- unsigned int mdLen = EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE; >- int i; >- unsigned char h[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; >- uint64_t value; >-- HMAC_CTX mac_ctx; >- >-- HMAC_CTX_init(&mac_ctx); >-- HMAC_Init_ex( &mac_ctx, key, cur_salt->keySize, EVP_sha1(), 0 ); >-- HMAC_Init_ex( &mac_ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); >-- HMAC_Update( &mac_ctx, data, dataLen ); >-+ memcpy(DataIV, data, dataLen); >- if(chainedIV) >- { >- // toss in the chained IV as well >- uint64_t tmp = *chainedIV; >- unsigned char h[8]; >- for(i=0; i<8; ++i) { >-- h[i] = tmp & 0xff; >-+ h[i] = DataIV[dataLen++] = (tmp & 0xff); >- tmp >>= 8; >- } >-- HMAC_Update( &mac_ctx, h, 8 ); >- } >-- HMAC_Final( &mac_ctx, md, &mdLen ); >-- HMAC_CTX_cleanup(&mac_ctx); >-+ hmac_sha1(key, cur_salt->keySize, DataIV, dataLen, md, 20); >- >- // chop this down to a 64bit value.. >-- for(i=0; i < (mdLen - 1); ++i) >-+ for(i=0; i < 19; ++i) >- h[i%8] ^= (unsigned char)(md[i]); >- >- value = (uint64_t)h[0]; >-@@ -202,26 +188,26 @@ static int streamDecode(unsigned char *buf, int size, >- { >- unsigned char ivec[ MAX_IVLENGTH ]; >- int dstLen=0, tmpLen=0; >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX stream_dec; >-+ EVP_CIPHER_CTX *stream_dec = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new(); >- >- setIVec( ivec, iv64 + 1, key); >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&stream_dec); >-- EVP_DecryptInit_ex( &stream_dec, cur_salt->streamCipher, NULL, NULL, NULL); >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length( &stream_dec, cur_salt->keySize ); >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding( &stream_dec, 0 ); >-- EVP_DecryptInit_ex( &stream_dec, NULL, NULL, key, NULL); >-+ EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(stream_dec); >-+ EVP_DecryptInit_ex( stream_dec, cur_salt->streamCipher, NULL, NULL, NULL); >-+ EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length( stream_dec, cur_salt->keySize ); >-+ EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding( stream_dec, 0 ); >-+ EVP_DecryptInit_ex( stream_dec, NULL, NULL, key, NULL); >- >-- EVP_DecryptInit_ex( &stream_dec, NULL, NULL, NULL, ivec); >-- EVP_DecryptUpdate( &stream_dec, buf, &dstLen, buf, size ); >-- EVP_DecryptFinal_ex( &stream_dec, buf+dstLen, &tmpLen ); >-+ EVP_DecryptInit_ex( stream_dec, NULL, NULL, NULL, ivec); >-+ EVP_DecryptUpdate( stream_dec, buf, &dstLen, buf, size ); >-+ EVP_DecryptFinal_ex( stream_dec, buf+dstLen, &tmpLen ); >- unshuffleBytes( buf, size ); >- flipBytes( buf, size ); >- >- setIVec( ivec, iv64, key ); >-- EVP_DecryptInit_ex( &stream_dec, NULL, NULL, NULL, ivec); >-- EVP_DecryptUpdate( &stream_dec, buf, &dstLen, buf, size ); >-- EVP_DecryptFinal_ex( &stream_dec, buf+dstLen, &tmpLen ); >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&stream_dec); >-+ EVP_DecryptInit_ex( stream_dec, NULL, NULL, NULL, ivec); >-+ EVP_DecryptUpdate( stream_dec, buf, &dstLen, buf, size ); >-+ EVP_DecryptFinal_ex( stream_dec, buf+dstLen, &tmpLen ); >-+ EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(stream_dec); >- >- unshuffleBytes( buf, size ); >- dstLen += tmpLen; >diff -ruN john.orig/files/patch-gpg__fmt__plug.c john/files/patch-gpg__fmt__plug.c >--- john.orig/files/patch-gpg__fmt__plug.c 2021-04-11 15:34:19.906355000 +0200 >+++ john/files/patch-gpg__fmt__plug.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100 >@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@ >---- gpg_fmt_plug.c.orig 2014-12-18 07:59:02 UTC >-+++ gpg_fmt_plug.c >-@@ -930,8 +930,12 @@ static int check_dsa_secret_key(DSA *dsa) >- { >- int error; >- int rc = -1; >-+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000 >-+ const BIGNUM *p, *q, *g, *pub_key, *priv_key; >-+#endif >- BIGNUM *res = BN_new(); >- BN_CTX *ctx = BN_CTX_new(); >-+ >- if (!res) { >- fprintf(stderr, "failed to allocate result BN in check_dsa_secret_key()\n"); >- exit(-1); >-@@ -941,23 +945,35 @@ static int check_dsa_secret_key(DSA *dsa) >- exit(-1); >- } >- >-+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000 >-+ DSA_get0_pqg(dsa, &p, &q, &g); >-+ DSA_get0_key(dsa, &pub_key, &priv_key); >-+ error = BN_mod_exp(res, g, priv_key, p, ctx); >-+#else >- error = BN_mod_exp(res, dsa->g, dsa->priv_key, dsa->p, ctx); >-+#endif >-+ >- if ( error == 0 ) { >- goto freestuff; >- } >- >-+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000 >-+ rc = BN_cmp(res, pub_key); >-+#else >- rc = BN_cmp(res, dsa->pub_key); >-+#endif >- >- freestuff: >- >- BN_CTX_free(ctx); >- BN_free(res); >-+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000 >- BN_free(dsa->g); >- BN_free(dsa->q); >- BN_free(dsa->p); >- BN_free(dsa->pub_key); >- BN_free(dsa->priv_key); >-- >-+#endif >- return rc; >- } >- >-@@ -1212,9 +1228,7 @@ static int check(unsigned char *keydata, int ks) >- return 0; >- if (blen < cur_salt->datalen && ((b = BN_bin2bn(out + 2, blen, NULL)) != NULL)) { >- char *str = BN_bn2hex(b); >-- DSA dsa; >-- ElGamal_secret_key elg; >-- RSA_secret_key rsa; >-+ >- if (strlen(str) != blen * 2) { /* verifier 2 */ >- OPENSSL_free(str); >- return 0; >-@@ -1222,6 +1236,28 @@ static int check(unsigned char *keydata, int ks) >- OPENSSL_free(str); >- >- if (cur_salt->pk_algorithm == 17) { /* DSA check */ >-+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000 >-+ DSA *dsa = DSA_new(); >-+ BIGNUM *p, *q, *g, *pub_key, *priv_key; >-+ >-+ p = BN_bin2bn(cur_salt->p, cur_salt->pl, NULL); >-+ // puts(BN_bn2hex(dsa.p)); >-+ q = BN_bin2bn(cur_salt->q, cur_salt->ql, NULL); >-+ // puts(BN_bn2hex(dsa.q)); >-+ g = BN_bin2bn(cur_salt->g, cur_salt->gl, NULL); >-+ // puts(BN_bn2hex(dsa.g)); >-+ priv_key = b; >-+ pub_key = BN_bin2bn(cur_salt->y, cur_salt->yl, NULL); >-+ >-+ DSA_set0_pqg(dsa, p, q, g); >-+ DSA_set0_key(dsa, pub_key, priv_key); >-+ >-+ // puts(BN_bn2hex(dsa.pub_key)); >-+ ret = check_dsa_secret_key(dsa); /* verifier 3 */ >-+ DSA_free(dsa); >-+#else >-+ DSA dsa; >-+ >- dsa.p = BN_bin2bn(cur_salt->p, cur_salt->pl, NULL); >- // puts(BN_bn2hex(dsa.p)); >- dsa.q = BN_bin2bn(cur_salt->q, cur_salt->ql, NULL); >-@@ -1232,10 +1268,13 @@ static int check(unsigned char *keydata, int ks) >- dsa.pub_key = BN_bin2bn(cur_salt->y, cur_salt->yl, NULL); >- // puts(BN_bn2hex(dsa.pub_key)); >- ret = check_dsa_secret_key(&dsa); /* verifier 3 */ >-+#endif >- if (ret != 0) >- return 0; >- } >- if (cur_salt->pk_algorithm == 16 || cur_salt->pk_algorithm == 20) { /* ElGamal check */ >-+ ElGamal_secret_key elg; >-+ >- elg.p = BN_bin2bn(cur_salt->p, cur_salt->pl, NULL); >- // puts(BN_bn2hex(elg.p)); >- elg.g = BN_bin2bn(cur_salt->g, cur_salt->gl, NULL); >-@@ -1249,8 +1288,10 @@ static int check(unsigned char *keydata, int ks) >- return 0; >- } >- if (cur_salt->pk_algorithm == 1) { /* RSA check */ >-+ RSA_secret_key rsa; >- // >- int length = 0; >-+ >- length += give_multi_precision_integer(out, length, &cur_salt->dl, cur_salt->d); >- length += give_multi_precision_integer(out, length, &cur_salt->pl, cur_salt->p); >- length += give_multi_precision_integer(out, length, &cur_salt->ql, cur_salt->q); >diff -ruN john.orig/files/patch-john.c john/files/patch-john.c >--- john.orig/files/patch-john.c 2021-04-11 15:34:19.906475000 +0200 >+++ john/files/patch-john.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100 >@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ >---- john.c.orig 2014-12-18 07:59:02 UTC >-+++ john.c >-@@ -153,8 +153,6 @@ extern int base64conv(int argc, char **argv); >- extern int hccap2john(int argc, char **argv); >- extern int zip2john(int argc, char **argv); >- extern int gpg2john(int argc, char **argv); >--extern int ssh2john(int argc, char **argv); >--extern int pfx2john(int argc, char **argv); >- extern int keychain2john(int argc, char **argv); >- extern int kwallet2john(int argc, char **argv); >- extern int keepass2john(int argc, char **argv); >-@@ -1542,19 +1540,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) >- return unique(argc, argv); >- } >- >-- if (!strcmp(name, "ssh2john")) { >-- CPU_detect_or_fallback(argv, 0); >-- return ssh2john(argc, argv); >-- } >-- >- if (!strcmp(name, "putty2john")) { >- CPU_detect_or_fallback(argv, 0); >- return putty2john(argc, argv); >-- } >-- >-- if (!strcmp(name, "pfx2john")) { >-- CPU_detect_or_fallback(argv, 0); >-- return pfx2john(argc, argv); >- } >- >- if (!strcmp(name, "keychain2john")) { >diff -ruN john.orig/files/patch-jumbo.c john/files/patch-jumbo.c >--- john.orig/files/patch-jumbo.c 2021-04-11 15:34:19.906596000 +0200 >+++ john/files/patch-jumbo.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100 >@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ >---- jumbo.c.orig 2014-12-18 07:59:02 UTC >-+++ jumbo.c >-@@ -334,3 +334,23 @@ int setenv(const char *name, const char *val, int over >- return 0; >- } >- #endif >-+ >-+int check_pkcs_pad(const unsigned char* data, size_t len, int blocksize) >-+{ >-+ int pad_len = data[len - 1]; >-+ int padding = pad_len; >-+ int real_len = len - pad_len; >-+ const unsigned char *p = data + real_len; >-+ >-+ if (pad_len > blocksize || pad_len < 1) >-+ return -1; >-+ >-+ if (len < blocksize) >-+ return -1; >-+ >-+ while (pad_len--) >-+ if (*p++ != padding) >-+ return -1; >-+ >-+ return real_len; >-+} >diff -ruN john.orig/files/patch-jumbo.h john/files/patch-jumbo.h >--- john.orig/files/patch-jumbo.h 2021-04-11 15:34:19.906715000 +0200 >+++ john/files/patch-jumbo.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100 >@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ >---- jumbo.h.orig 2014-12-18 07:59:02 UTC >-+++ jumbo.h >-@@ -388,4 +388,10 @@ extern int setenv(const char *name, const char *val, i >- //HAVE_STRTOL >- //HAVE_STRTOUL >- >-+/* >-+ * Standard PKCS padding check. On success, returns net length. >-+ * On failure, returns -1. >-+ */ >-+extern int check_pkcs_pad(const unsigned char* data, size_t len, int blocksize); >-+ >- #endif /* _JTR_JUMBO_H */ >diff -ruN john.orig/files/patch-rar__fmt__plug.c john/files/patch-rar__fmt__plug.c >--- john.orig/files/patch-rar__fmt__plug.c 2021-04-11 15:34:19.906884000 +0200 >+++ john/files/patch-rar__fmt__plug.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100 >@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@ >---- rar_fmt_plug.c.orig 2014-12-18 07:59:02 UTC >-+++ rar_fmt_plug.c >-@@ -48,15 +48,7 @@ john_register_one(&fmt_rar); >- #else >- >- #include <string.h> >--#include <assert.h> >- #include <errno.h> >--#include <openssl/engine.h> >--#include <openssl/evp.h> >--#include <openssl/ssl.h> >-- >--#include "arch.h" >--#include "sha.h" >-- >- #if AC_BUILT >- #include "autoconfig.h" >- #endif >-@@ -71,6 +63,8 @@ john_register_one(&fmt_rar); >- #include <sys/mman.h> >- #endif >- >-+#include "arch.h" >-+#include "sha.h" >- #include "crc32.h" >- #include "misc.h" >- #include "common.h" >-@@ -119,9 +113,7 @@ john_register_one(&fmt_rar); >- >- #ifdef _OPENMP >- #include <omp.h> >--#include <pthread.h> >- #define OMP_SCALE 4 >--static pthread_mutex_t *lockarray; >- #endif >- >- #include "memdbg.h" >-@@ -198,71 +190,6 @@ static struct fmt_tests cpu_tests[] = { >- {NULL} >- }; >- >--#if defined (_OPENMP) >--static void lock_callback(int mode, int type, const char *file, int line) >--{ >-- (void)file; >-- (void)line; >-- if (mode & CRYPTO_LOCK) >-- pthread_mutex_lock(&(lockarray[type])); >-- else >-- pthread_mutex_unlock(&(lockarray[type])); >--} >-- >--static unsigned long thread_id(void) >--{ >-- return omp_get_thread_num(); >--} >-- >--static void init_locks(void) >--{ >-- int i; >-- lockarray = (pthread_mutex_t*) OPENSSL_malloc(CRYPTO_num_locks() * sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); >-- for (i = 0; i < CRYPTO_num_locks(); i++) >-- pthread_mutex_init(&(lockarray[i]), NULL); >-- CRYPTO_set_id_callback(thread_id); >-- CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(lock_callback); >--} >--#endif /* _OPENMP */ >-- >--/* Use AES-NI if available. This is not supported with low-level calls, >-- we have to use EVP) */ >--static void init_aesni(void) >--{ >-- ENGINE *e; >-- const char *engine_id = "aesni"; >-- >-- ENGINE_load_builtin_engines(); >-- e = ENGINE_by_id(engine_id); >-- if (!e) { >-- //fprintf(stderr, "AES-NI engine not available\n"); >-- return; >-- } >-- if (!ENGINE_init(e)) { >-- fprintf(stderr, "AES-NI engine could not init\n"); >-- ENGINE_free(e); >-- return; >-- } >-- if (!ENGINE_set_default(e, ENGINE_METHOD_ALL & ~ENGINE_METHOD_RAND)) { >-- /* This should only happen when 'e' can't initialise, but the >-- * previous statement suggests it did. */ >-- fprintf(stderr, "AES-NI engine initialized but then failed\n"); >-- abort(); >-- } >-- ENGINE_finish(e); >-- ENGINE_free(e); >--} >-- >--#ifndef __APPLE__ /* Apple segfaults on this :) */ >--static void openssl_cleanup(void) >--{ >-- ENGINE_cleanup(); >-- ERR_free_strings(); >-- CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data(); >-- EVP_cleanup(); >--} >--#endif >-- >- #undef set_key >- static void set_key(char *key, int index) >- { >-@@ -418,7 +345,6 @@ static void init(struct fmt_main *self) >- omp_t = omp_get_max_threads(); >- self->params.min_keys_per_crypt *= omp_t; >- self->params.max_keys_per_crypt = omp_t * OMP_SCALE * MAX_KEYS_PER_CRYPT; >-- init_locks(); >- #endif /* _OPENMP */ >- >- if (pers_opts.target_enc == UTF_8) >-@@ -436,14 +362,6 @@ static void init(struct fmt_main *self) >- self->params.benchmark_comment = " (1-16 characters)"; >- #endif >- >-- /* OpenSSL init */ >-- init_aesni(); >-- SSL_load_error_strings(); >-- SSL_library_init(); >-- OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); >--#ifndef __APPLE__ >-- atexit(openssl_cleanup); >--#endif >- /* CRC-32 table init, do it before we start multithreading */ >- { >- CRC32_t crc; >-@@ -716,53 +634,43 @@ static int crypt_all(int *pcount, struct db_salt *salt >- #pragma omp parallel for >- #endif >- for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { >-- int i16 = index*16; >-- unsigned int inlen = 16; >-- int outlen; >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX aes_ctx; >-+ AES_KEY aes_ctx; >-+ unsigned char *key = &aes_key[index * 16]; >-+ unsigned char *iv = &aes_iv[index * 16]; >- >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&aes_ctx); >-- EVP_DecryptInit_ex(&aes_ctx, EVP_aes_128_cbc(), NULL, &aes_key[i16], &aes_iv[i16]); >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(&aes_ctx, 0); >-+ AES_set_decrypt_key(key, 128, &aes_ctx); >- >- //fprintf(stderr, "key %s\n", utf16_to_enc((UTF16*)&saved_key[index * UNICODE_LENGTH])); >- /* AES decrypt, uses aes_iv, aes_key and blob */ >- if (cur_file->type == 0) { /* rar-hp mode */ >- unsigned char plain[16]; >- >-- outlen = 0; >-+ AES_cbc_encrypt(cur_file->blob, plain, 16, >-+ &aes_ctx, iv, AES_DECRYPT); >- >-- EVP_DecryptUpdate(&aes_ctx, plain, &outlen, cur_file->blob, inlen); >-- EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(&aes_ctx, &plain[outlen], &outlen); >-- >- cracked[index] = !memcmp(plain, "\xc4\x3d\x7b\x00\x40\x07\x00", 7); >-- >- } else { >-- >- if (cur_file->method == 0x30) { /* stored, not deflated */ >- CRC32_t crc; >- unsigned char crc_out[4]; >-- unsigned char plain[0x8010]; >-+ unsigned char plain[0x8000]; >- unsigned long long size = cur_file->unp_size; >- unsigned char *cipher = cur_file->blob; >- >- /* Use full decryption with CRC check. >- Compute CRC of the decompressed plaintext */ >- CRC32_Init(&crc); >-- outlen = 0; >- >-- while (size > 0x8000) { >-- inlen = 0x8000; >-+ while (size) { >-+ unsigned int inlen = (size > 0x8000) ? 0x8000 : size; >- >-- EVP_DecryptUpdate(&aes_ctx, plain, &outlen, cipher, inlen); >-- CRC32_Update(&crc, plain, outlen > size ? size : outlen); >-- size -= outlen; >-+ AES_cbc_encrypt(cipher, plain, inlen, >-+ &aes_ctx, iv, AES_DECRYPT); >-+ >-+ CRC32_Update(&crc, plain, inlen); >-+ size -= inlen; >- cipher += inlen; >- } >-- EVP_DecryptUpdate(&aes_ctx, plain, &outlen, cipher, (size + 15) & ~0xf); >-- EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(&aes_ctx, &plain[outlen], &outlen); >-- size += outlen; >-- CRC32_Update(&crc, plain, size); >- CRC32_Final(crc_out, crc); >- >- /* Compare computed CRC with stored CRC */ >-@@ -771,15 +679,16 @@ static int crypt_all(int *pcount, struct db_salt *salt >- const int solid = 0; >- unpack_data_t *unpack_t; >- unsigned char plain[20]; >-+ unsigned char pre_iv[16]; >- >- cracked[index] = 0; >- >-+ memcpy(pre_iv, iv, 16); >-+ >- /* Decrypt just one block for early rejection */ >-- outlen = 0; >-- EVP_DecryptUpdate(&aes_ctx, plain, &outlen, cur_file->blob, 16); >-- EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(&aes_ctx, &plain[outlen], &outlen); >-+ AES_cbc_encrypt(cur_file->blob, plain, 16, >-+ &aes_ctx, pre_iv, AES_DECRYPT); >- >--#if 1 >- /* Early rejection */ >- if (plain[0] & 0x80) { >- // PPM checks here. >-@@ -792,10 +701,10 @@ static int crypt_all(int *pcount, struct db_salt *salt >- !check_huffman(plain)) // Huffman table check >- goto bailOut; >- } >--#endif >-+ >- /* Reset stuff for full check */ >-- EVP_DecryptInit_ex(&aes_ctx, EVP_aes_128_cbc(), NULL, &aes_key[i16], &aes_iv[i16]); >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(&aes_ctx, 0); >-+ AES_set_decrypt_key(key, 128, &aes_ctx); >-+ >- #ifdef _OPENMP >- unpack_t = &unpack_data[omp_get_thread_num()]; >- #else >-@@ -804,16 +713,15 @@ static int crypt_all(int *pcount, struct db_salt *salt >- unpack_t->max_size = cur_file->unp_size; >- unpack_t->dest_unp_size = cur_file->unp_size; >- unpack_t->pack_size = cur_file->pack_size; >-- unpack_t->iv = &aes_iv[i16]; >-+ unpack_t->iv = iv; >- unpack_t->ctx = &aes_ctx; >-- unpack_t->key = &aes_key[i16]; >-+ unpack_t->key = key; >- >- if (rar_unpack29(cur_file->blob, solid, unpack_t)) >- cracked[index] = !memcmp(&unpack_t->unp_crc, &cur_file->crc.c, 4); >- bailOut:; >- } >- } >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&aes_ctx); >- } >- return count; >- } >diff -ruN john.orig/files/patch-truecrypt__fmt__plug.c john/files/patch-truecrypt__fmt__plug.c >--- john.orig/files/patch-truecrypt__fmt__plug.c 2021-04-11 15:34:19.907031000 +0200 >+++ john/files/patch-truecrypt__fmt__plug.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100 >@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ >---- truecrypt_fmt_plug.c.orig 2014-12-18 07:59:02 UTC >-+++ truecrypt_fmt_plug.c >-@@ -310,8 +310,8 @@ static int crypt_all(int *pcount, struct >- pbkdf2_sha512_sse((const unsigned char **)pin, lens, psalt->salt, 64, psalt->num_iterations, &(x.poutc), sizeof(key), 0); >- } >- #else >-- if (is_sha512) >-- pbkdf2_sha512((const unsigned char*)key_buffer[i], strlen(key_buffer[i]), psalt->salt, 64, num_iterations, key, sizeof(key), 0); >-+ if (psalt->hash_type == IS_SHA512) >-+ pbkdf2_sha512((const unsigned char*)key_buffer[i], strlen((char*)key_buffer[i]), psalt->salt, 64, psalt->num_iterations, key, sizeof(key), 0); >- #endif >- else if (psalt->hash_type == IS_RIPEMD160) >- pbkdf2_ripemd160(key_buffer[i], strlen((char*)(key_buffer[i])), psalt->salt, 64, psalt->num_iterations, key, sizeof(key), 0); >diff -ruN john.orig/files/patch-unrar.c john/files/patch-unrar.c >--- john.orig/files/patch-unrar.c 2021-04-11 15:34:19.907142000 +0200 >+++ john/files/patch-unrar.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100 >@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ >---- unrar.c.orig 2014-09-19 16:40:51 UTC >-+++ unrar.c >-@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ >- #include <errno.h> >- #include <stdlib.h> >- #include <string.h> >--#include <openssl/evp.h> >- >- #include "unrar.h" >- #include "unrarppm.h" >-@@ -136,13 +135,7 @@ int rar_unp_read_buf(const unsigned char **fd, unpack_ >- } >- >- if (read_size) { >-- int outlen; >-- >-- EVP_DecryptUpdate(unpack_data->ctx, unpack_data->in_buf + data_size, &outlen, *fd, read_size); >-- if (outlen > read_size - 16) { >-- EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(unpack_data->ctx, unpack_data->in_buf + data_size + outlen, &outlen); >-- } else >-- read_size = outlen; >-+ AES_cbc_encrypt(*fd, unpack_data->in_buf + data_size, read_size, unpack_data->ctx, unpack_data->iv, AES_DECRYPT); >- *fd += read_size; >- unpack_data->read_top += read_size; >- unpack_data->pack_size -= read_size; >diff -ruN john.orig/files/patch-unrar.h john/files/patch-unrar.h >--- john.orig/files/patch-unrar.h 2021-04-11 15:34:19.907265000 +0200 >+++ john/files/patch-unrar.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100 >@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ >---- unrar.h.orig 2014-05-16 13:40:40 UTC >-+++ unrar.h >-@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ >- #define UNRAR_H 1 >- >- #include "arch.h" >--#include <openssl/evp.h> >- >- #include <sys/types.h> >- >- struct unpack_data_tag; >- >-+#include "aes/aes.h" >- #include "unrarhlp.h" >- #include "unrarppm.h" >- #include "unrarvm.h" >-@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ typedef struct unpack_data_tag >- rarvm_data_t rarvm_data; >- unsigned int unp_crc; >- unsigned int pack_size; >-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx; >-+ AES_KEY *ctx; >- unsigned char *key; >- unsigned char *iv; >- } unpack_data_t; >diff -ruN john.orig/files/patch-wordlist.c john/files/patch-wordlist.c >--- john.orig/files/patch-wordlist.c 2021-04-11 15:34:19.907385000 +0200 >+++ john/files/patch-wordlist.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100 >@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ >---- wordlist.c.orig 2014-11-11 14:41:25 UTC >-+++ wordlist.c >-@@ -10,11 +10,6 @@ >- * There's ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, express or implied. >- */ >- >--/* NOTE, _POSIX_SOURCE fuk's up solaris 32 bit 64 bit processing!!! */ >--#ifndef sparc >--#define _POSIX_SOURCE /* for fileno(3) */ >--#endif >-- >- #include <stdio.h> >- #include <sys/stat.h> >- >diff -ruN john.orig/files/patch-wpapsk.h john/files/patch-wpapsk.h >--- john.orig/files/patch-wpapsk.h 2021-04-11 15:34:19.907506000 +0200 >+++ john/files/patch-wpapsk.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100 >@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ >---- wpapsk.h.orig 2014-10-03 01:08:17 UTC >-+++ wpapsk.h >-@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ >- #include "arch.h" >- #include "common.h" >- #include "johnswap.h" >-+#include "md5.h" >-+#include "hmacmd5.h" >-+#include "pbkdf2_hmac_sha1.h" >- #include "stdint.h" >- >- #include <assert.h> >-@@ -200,7 +203,6 @@ static int valid(char *ciphertext, struct fmt_main *se >- #ifndef JOHN_OCL_WPAPSK >- static MAYBE_INLINE void prf_512(uint32_t * key, uint8_t * data, uint32_t * ret) >- { >-- HMAC_CTX ctx; >- char *text = (char*)"Pairwise key expansion"; >- unsigned char buff[100]; >- >-@@ -208,10 +210,7 @@ static MAYBE_INLINE void prf_512(uint32_t * key, uint8 >- memcpy(buff + 23, data, 76); >- buff[22] = 0; >- buff[76 + 23] = 0; >-- HMAC_Init(&ctx, key, 32, EVP_sha1()); >-- HMAC_Update(&ctx, buff, 100); >-- HMAC_Final(&ctx, (unsigned char *) ret, NULL); >-- HMAC_CTX_cleanup(&ctx); >-+ hmac_sha1((unsigned char*)key, 32, buff, 100, (unsigned char*)ret, 20); >- } >- #endif >- >-@@ -346,9 +345,12 @@ static void wpapsk_postprocess(int keys) >- #endif >- for (i = 0; i < keys; i++) { >- uint32_t prf[20/4]; >-+ HMACMD5Context ctx; >-+ >- prf_512(outbuffer[i].v, data, prf); >-- HMAC(EVP_md5(), prf, 16, hccap.eapol, hccap.eapol_size, >-- mic[i].keymic, NULL); >-+ hmac_md5_init_K16((unsigned char*)prf, &ctx); >-+ hmac_md5_update(hccap.eapol, hccap.eapol_size, &ctx); >-+ hmac_md5_final(mic[i].keymic, &ctx); >- } >- } else { >- #ifdef _OPENMP >-@@ -356,11 +358,10 @@ static void wpapsk_postprocess(int keys) >- #endif >- for (i = 0; i < keys; i++) { >- uint32_t prf[20/4]; >-- unsigned char keymic[20]; >-+ >- prf_512(outbuffer[i].v, data, prf); >-- HMAC(EVP_sha1(), prf, 16, hccap.eapol, >-- hccap.eapol_size, keymic, NULL); >-- memcpy(mic[i].keymic, keymic, 16); >-+ hmac_sha1((unsigned char*)prf, 16, hccap.eapol, >-+ hccap.eapol_size, mic[i].keymic, 16); >- } >- } >- } >diff -ruN john.orig/pkg-plist john/pkg-plist >--- john.orig/pkg-plist 2021-04-11 15:34:19.907745000 +0200 >+++ john/pkg-plist 2021-04-12 18:22:20.837210000 +0200 >@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ > bin/keyring2john > bin/keystore2john > bin/kwallet2john >-bin/luks2john > bin/mkvcalcproba > bin/putty2john > bin/pwsafe2john >@@ -30,7 +29,6 @@ > bin/wpapcap2john > bin/zip2john > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ >-%%DATADIR%%/extra/ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ >@@ -43,7 +41,6 @@ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/dictionary.rfc2865 > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ >-%%DATADIR%%/extra/ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/genincstats.rb > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ >@@ -65,17 +62,15 @@ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/mailer > %%DATADIR%%/extra/makechr > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ >-%%DATADIR%%/extra/ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ >-%%DATADIR%%/extra/ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ >-%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/relbench > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ >@@ -83,11 +78,123 @@ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ >-%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >-%%DATADIR%%/extra/ > %%DATADIR%%/extra/stats > %%DATADIR%%/extra/ >-%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/bitlocker2john >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/dns/README.txt >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/dns/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/dns/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/dns/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/dns/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/dns/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/dns/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/dns/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/dns/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/dns/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/dns/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/dns/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/dns/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/dns/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/dns/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/dns/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/dns/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/dns/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/dns/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/eapmd5tojohn >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/lib/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/lib/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/lib/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/network2john.lua >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/bip-0039/ >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/bip-0039/chinese_simplified.txt >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/bip-0039/chinese_traditional.txt >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/bip-0039/english.txt >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/bip-0039/french.txt >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/bip-0039/italian.txt >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/bip-0039/japanese.txt >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/bip-0039/korean.txt >+%%DATADIR%%/extra/bip-0039/spanish.txt 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