[patch] Patch (v4) to modify qsort_r API to use GNU (POSIX) interface
0001-Alter-the-prototype-of-qsort_r-3-to-match-glibc-POSI.patch (text/plain), 23.08 KB, created by Xin LI on 2022-09-22 08:52:45 UTC
Creator: Xin LI
Created: 2022-09-22 08:52:45 UTC
Size: 23.08 KB
Actions: View | Diff
Attachments on bug 266227: 236360 | 236386 | 236388 | 236389 | 236429 | 236470 | 236483 | 236507 | 236621 | 236638 | 236643 | 236644 | 236652 | 236678 | 236744 | 236760