FreeBSD Bugzilla – Attachment 24113 Details for
Bug 41294
new port: devel/upnp
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upnp.shar (text/plain), 9.50 KB, created by
Yen-Ming Lee
on 2002-08-03 20:50:01 UTC
MIME Type:
Yen-Ming Lee
2002-08-03 20:50:01 UTC
9.50 KB
># This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before ># this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may ># create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and ># have default permissions. ># ># This archive contains: ># ># upnp ># upnp/Makefile ># upnp/pkg-comment ># upnp/pkg-descr ># upnp/pkg-plist ># upnp/distinfo ># upnp/files ># upnp/files/patch-src::api::makefile ># upnp/files/patch-src::api::upnpapi.c ># upnp/files/patch-src::gena::Makefile ># upnp/files/patch-src::genlib::tpool::interrupts.cpp ># upnp/files/patch-src::genlib::util::gmtdate.cpp ># upnp/files/patch-src::ssdp::ssdplib.c ># upnp/files/patch-makefile ># >echo c - upnp >mkdir -p upnp > /dev/null 2>&1 >echo x - upnp/Makefile >sed 's/^X//' >upnp/Makefile << 'END-of-upnp/Makefile' >X# New ports collection makefile for: upnp >X# Date created: 02 August 2002 >X# Whom: Yen-Ming Lee <> >X# >X# $FreeBSD$ >X# >X >XPORTNAME= upnp >XPORTVERSION= 1.0.4 >XCATEGORIES= devel >XMASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE} >XMASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= ${PORTNAME} >XDISTNAME= ${PORTNAME}sdk-${PORTVERSION} >X >XMAINTAINER= >X >XLIB_DEPENDS= uuid.1:${PORTSDIR}/sysutils/e2fsprogs >X >XUSE_GMAKE= yes >XUSE_REINPLACE= yes >XMAKEFILE= makefile >XMAKE_ENV= PTHREAD_LIBS=${PTHREAD_LIBS} >XINSTALLS_SHLIB= yes >X >Xpost-patch: >X @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,MAKE = make,MAKE = ${GMAKE},' \ >X src/genlib/makefile src/makefile >X @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,malloc.h,stdlib.h,' \ >X src/inc/genlib/client_table/client_table.h \ >X src/inc/genlib/http_client/http_client.h \ >X src/inc/genlib/service_table/service_table.h \ >X src/inc/genlib/timer_thread/timer_thread.h \ >X src/upnpdom/domCif.cpp >X @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,MSG_NOSIGNAL,0,' \ >X src/genlib/http_client/http_client.c \ >X src/genlib/net/http/readwrite.cpp >X >X.include <> >END-of-upnp/Makefile >echo x - upnp/pkg-comment >sed 's/^X//' >upnp/pkg-comment << 'END-of-upnp/pkg-comment' >XUniversal Plug and Play Software Development Kit for Linux and FreeBSD >END-of-upnp/pkg-comment >echo x - upnp/pkg-descr >sed 's/^X//' >upnp/pkg-descr << 'END-of-upnp/pkg-descr' >XThe Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) Software Development Kit (SDK) v1.0 for >XLinux is an SDK for development of UPnP device and control point applications >Xfor Linux. It consists of the core UPnP protocols along with a UPnP-specific >XeXtensible Markup Language (XML) parser supporting the Document Object Model >X(DOM) Level 1 API and an optional, integrated mini web server for serving UPnP >Xrelated documents. >X >XIntel is not providing support for the UPnP SDK for Linux. Two mailing lists >Xfor the UPnP SDK for Linux are available here: >XWWW: >X >XQuestions and problems should be addressed on the appropriate mailing list. >X >XIf you find this SDK useful, please send an email to and let >Xus know. >X >X* Other brands, names, and trademarks are the property of their respective >Xowners. >END-of-upnp/pkg-descr >echo x - upnp/pkg-plist >sed 's/^X//' >upnp/pkg-plist << 'END-of-upnp/pkg-plist' >Xinclude/upnp/tools/config.h >Xinclude/upnp/tools/upnptools.h >Xinclude/upnp/upnp.h >Xinclude/upnp/upnpdom/Attr.h >Xinclude/upnp/upnpdom/DOMException.h >Xinclude/upnp/upnpdom/Document.h >Xinclude/upnp/upnpdom/Element.h >Xinclude/upnp/upnpdom/NamedNodeMap.h >Xinclude/upnp/upnpdom/Node.h >Xinclude/upnp/upnpdom/NodeAct.h >Xinclude/upnp/upnpdom/NodeList.h >Xinclude/upnp/upnpdom/Parser.h >Xinclude/upnp/upnpdom/all.h >Xinclude/upnp/upnpdom/domCif.h >Xlib/ >Xlib/ >X@dirrm include/upnp/upnpdom >X@dirrm include/upnp/tools >X@dirrm include/upnp >END-of-upnp/pkg-plist >echo x - upnp/distinfo >sed 's/^X//' >upnp/distinfo << 'END-of-upnp/distinfo' >XMD5 (upnpsdk-1.0.4.tar.gz) = d4ebd84d0c809d90ae36c37e5a2d213c >END-of-upnp/distinfo >echo c - upnp/files >mkdir -p upnp/files > /dev/null 2>&1 >echo x - upnp/files/patch-src::api::makefile >sed 's/^X//' >upnp/files/patch-src::api::makefile << 'END-of-upnp/files/patch-src::api::makefile' >X--- src/api/makefile.orig Fri Jun 15 08:21:33 2001 >X+++ src/api/makefile Sat Aug 3 16:29:38 2002 >X@@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ >X CC = gcc >X CFLAGS = -Wall -fpic $(DEFS) >X C2FLAGS = -Wall $(DEFS) -shared -Wl,-soname, >X-INCLUDES = -I ../inc -I ../../inc -I ../../inc/upnpdom -I ../inc/tools >X-LIBS = -lpthread -luuid >X+INCLUDES = -I ../inc -I ../../inc -I ../../inc/upnpdom -I ../inc/tools -I $(PREFIX)/include >X+LIBS = ${PTHREAD_LIBS} -luuid -L$(PREFIX)/lib >X >X ifeq ($(DEBUG),1) >X CFLAGS += -g -O -DDEBUG >X C2FLAGS += -g -O -DDEBUG >X else >X-CFLAGS += -O2 >X-C2FLAGS += -O2 >X+CFLAGS += -g -ggdb >X+C2FLAGS += -g -ggdb >X endif >X >X objects = upnpapi.o config.o ../lib/ssdp.o ../lib/soap.o \ >END-of-upnp/files/patch-src::api::makefile >echo x - upnp/files/patch-src::api::upnpapi.c >sed 's/^X//' >upnp/files/patch-src::api::upnpapi.c << 'END-of-upnp/files/patch-src::api::upnpapi.c' >X--- src/api/upnpapi.c.orig Fri Jun 15 08:22:15 2001 >X+++ src/api/upnpapi.c Sat Aug 3 16:29:38 2002 >X@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ >X #include<string.h> >X >X #include <sys/ioctl.h> >X-#include <linux/if.h> >X+#include <net/if.h> >X #include <sys/utsname.h> >X #include <sys/socket.h> >X #include <netinet/in.h> >END-of-upnp/files/patch-src::api::upnpapi.c >echo x - upnp/files/patch-src::gena::Makefile >sed 's/^X//' >upnp/files/patch-src::gena::Makefile << 'END-of-upnp/files/patch-src::gena::Makefile' >X--- src/gena/Makefile.orig Fri Jun 15 08:21:33 2001 >X+++ src/gena/Makefile Sat Aug 3 16:29:39 2002 >X@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ >X >X TARGET = $(upnp_lib_dir)/gena.o >X >X-CFLAGS = -I$(upnp_inc_dir) -I$(upnp_src_inc_dir) -fpic -Wall -c -D_REENTRANT >X+CFLAGS = -I$(upnp_inc_dir) -I$(upnp_src_inc_dir) -I$(PREFIX)/include -fpic -Wall -c -D_REENTRANT >X >X ifeq ($(DEBUG),1) >X CFLAGS += -g -O -DDEBUG >END-of-upnp/files/patch-src::gena::Makefile >echo x - upnp/files/patch-src::genlib::tpool::interrupts.cpp >sed 's/^X//' >upnp/files/patch-src::genlib::tpool::interrupts.cpp << 'END-of-upnp/files/patch-src::genlib::tpool::interrupts.cpp' >X--- src/genlib/tpool/interrupts.cpp.orig Fri Jun 15 08:22:16 2001 >X+++ src/genlib/tpool/interrupts.cpp Sat Aug 3 16:29:39 2002 >X@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ >X int code; >X >X newset.sa_handler = signal_handler_alpha; >X- newset.sa_flags = SA_NOMASK; >X+ newset.sa_flags = SA_NODEFER; >X code = sigaction( signalNum, &newset, &g_OldAction ); >X if ( code < 0 ) >X { >END-of-upnp/files/patch-src::genlib::tpool::interrupts.cpp >echo x - upnp/files/patch-src::genlib::util::gmtdate.cpp >sed 's/^X//' >upnp/files/patch-src::genlib::util::gmtdate.cpp << 'END-of-upnp/files/patch-src::genlib::util::gmtdate.cpp' >X--- src/genlib/util/gmtdate.cpp.orig Fri Jun 15 08:22:16 2001 >X+++ src/genlib/util/gmtdate.cpp Sat Aug 3 16:29:39 2002 >X@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ >X #include <stdlib.h> >X #include <ctype.h> >X #include <string.h> >X-#include <values.h> >X+#include <machine/limits.h> >X #include <genlib/util/gmtdate.h> >X #include <genlib/util/miscexceptions.h> >X >X@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ >X >X val = (int)strtol( str, &endptr, 10 ); >X >X- if ( val < 0 || val == MAXINT ) >X+ if ( val < 0 || val == INT_MAX ) >X { >X return -1; >X } >END-of-upnp/files/patch-src::genlib::util::gmtdate.cpp >echo x - upnp/files/patch-src::ssdp::ssdplib.c >sed 's/^X//' >upnp/files/patch-src::ssdp::ssdplib.c << 'END-of-upnp/files/patch-src::ssdp::ssdplib.c' >X--- src/ssdp/ssdplib.c.orig Thu Aug 16 02:17:31 2001 >X+++ src/ssdp/ssdplib.c Sat Aug 3 16:29:39 2002 >X@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ >X bzero((char *)&SelfAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); >X >X SelfAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; >X- SelfAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(SSDP_IP); >X+ SelfAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); >X SelfAddr.sin_port = htons(SSDP_PORT); >X if (bind( SsdpSock, (struct sockaddr *) &SelfAddr, sizeof(SelfAddr)) != 0) >X { >END-of-upnp/files/patch-src::ssdp::ssdplib.c >echo x - upnp/files/patch-makefile >sed 's/^X//' >upnp/files/patch-makefile << 'END-of-upnp/files/patch-makefile' >X--- makefile.orig Thu Aug 16 02:20:11 2001 >X+++ makefile Sat Aug 3 17:22:35 2002 >X@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ >X ## >X ########################################################################### >X >X-MAKE = make >X+MAKE = gmake >X UPNP = bin/ >X SUBDIRS = src >X >X-VERSION=1.0.4 >X+VERSION=1 >X >X ifeq ($(DEBUG),1) >X STRIPU = >X@@ -102,17 +102,17 @@ >X @if [ -f "doc/upnpsdk.aux" ]; then rm doc/upnpsdk.aux; fi >X >X install: upnp >X- @install -d /usr/include/upnp >X- @install -d /usr/include/upnp/upnpdom >X- @install -d /usr/include/upnp/tools >X- @install bin/ /usr/lib/$(VERSION) >X- ln -s /usr/lib/$(VERSION) /usr/lib/ >X- @install inc/*.h /usr/include/upnp >X- @install inc/upnpdom/*.h /usr/include/upnp/upnpdom >X- @install inc/tools/*.h /usr/include/upnp/tools >X+ @install -d ${PREFIX}/include/upnp >X+ @install -d ${PREFIX}/include/upnp/upnpdom >X+ @install -d ${PREFIX}/include/upnp/tools >X+ @install bin/ ${PREFIX}/lib/$(VERSION) >X+ ln -fs ${PREFIX}/lib/$(VERSION) ${PREFIX}/lib/ >X+ @install inc/*.h ${PREFIX}/include/upnp >X+ @install inc/upnpdom/*.h ${PREFIX}/include/upnp/upnpdom >X+ @install inc/tools/*.h ${PREFIX}/include/upnp/tools >X >X uninstall: >X- @if [ -d /usr/include/upnp ]; then rm -rf /usr/include/upnp; fi >X- @if [ -f /usr/lib/ ]; then rm /usr/lib/; fi >X- @if [ -f /usr/lib/$(VERSION) ]; then rm /usr/lib/$(VERSION); fi >X+ @if [ -d ${PREFIX}/include/upnp ]; then rm -rf ${PREFIX}/include/upnp; fi >X+ @if [ -f ${PREFIX}/lib/ ]; then rm ${PREFIX}/lib/; fi >X+ @if [ -f ${PREFIX}/lib/$(VERSION) ]; then rm ${PREFIX}/lib/$(VERSION); fi >X >END-of-upnp/files/patch-makefile >exit
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Attachments on
bug 41294
: 24113