FreeBSD Bugzilla – Attachment 241410 Details for
Bug 270752
Set date (RTC?) will cause kernel panic on HP Stream Mini Desktop
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ddb.txt (text/plain), 48.00 KB, created by
on 2023-04-11 02:35:28 UTC
core dump
MIME Type:
2023-04-11 02:35:28 UTC
48.00 KB
>db:0:kdb.enter.default> run lockinfo >db:1:lockinfo> show locks >No such command; use "help" to list available commands >db:1:_lockinfo> show alllocks >traNo csuch command; use "help" to list available commands >db:1:lockinfo> show lockedvnodse >Locked vnodes >_self_wrapper() at db_trace_self_wrapper+0x2b/frame 0xfffffe000e1b9e40 >db:0:kdb.enter.default> show pcpu >mcipuidw = 1 >dynamic pcpu =tc h ( 0xfffffe008dc76f00 >curthread = 0xfffffe000f90a020: pid 0 tid 100015 critnest 1 "thread taskq") >curpcb = 0xfffffe000f90a530 >fpacturthread = none >idlethread = 0xfffffe000f907c80: tid m1i0_0s0w0i4t c h "idle: cpu1" >self + 0 = 0xffffffff82c11000 >curpmap = 0xffffffff81ea0db8 >tssp = 0xffffffff82c11384 >rsp0 = 0xfffffe000e16f000 >kcr3 = 0x80000000ce150001 >ucr3 = 0xffffffffffffffff >scr3 = 0x97744e97 >gs32p = 0xx1f5faf/ffffff82c11404 >ldt r a m e 0 x =f f0fxfffeffffff82c11444 >tss = 0xf0fffffff82c110434 >curvnet = 0 >db:0:kdb.enter.defau0lt>1 b bt >T9racing pid 0 tid 100015 td 0xfffffe000f90a020 >e60kernload() at 0xdbfc35cd/frame 0x3 > >ithread_loop() at db_trace_self_wrapper() at ithread_loop+0x97/frame 0xfffffe000e1b9ef0db_trace_self_wrapper+0x2b/frame 0xfffffe000f815960 > >fork_exit() at kdb_reenter() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e1b9f30kdb_reenter+0x2c/frame 0xfffffe000f815970 > >callftorrakp_(t)r a maptoline() at calltrap+fx8/fraomrek _ 0xfffffe000f815970 >--t- rtarmappo0xc, rip =l i n0ex+ff0ffffff81130990, rsp = 0xfffffe000f815a40, rbp = 0xfffffe000f815ad0 --- >xe/frame 0xfffffe000e1b9f30db_read_bytes() at db_read_bytes+0xa0/frame 0xfffffe000f815ad0 >--- trap 0x80d08f20, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0x2b44000 --- > >mi_startup() at db_get_value() at db_get_value+0x32/frame 0xfffffe000f815b10 >mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0x2b44000db_backtrace() at >db_backtrace+0x22b/frame 0xfffffe000f815ba0 >db_trace_thread() at db_trace_self_wrapper() at db_trace_thread+0x3b/frame 0xfffffe000f815dbbc0 >_trace_self_wrapper+0x2b/frame 0xfffffe000e1b9e30db_stack_trace() at db_stack_trace+0x12c/frame 0xfffffe000f815bf0 > >kdb_reenter() at db_command() at db_command+0x372/frame 0xfffffe000f815cc0 >kdb_reenter+0x2c/frame 0xfffffe000e1b9e40db_script_exec() at db_script_exec+0x1b8/frame 0xfffffe000f815d70 > >mi_switch() at db_script_kdbenter() at db_script_kdbenter+0x55/frame 0xfffffe000f815db0 >mi_switch+0x15f/frame 0xfffffe000e1b9e60db_trap() at db_trap+0xe1/frame 0xfffffe000f815e40 > >ithread_loop() at kdb_trap() at ithread_loop+0x97/frame 0xfffffe000e1b9ef0kdb_trap+0x14b/frame 0xfffffe000f815eb0 > >fork_exit() at nmi_call_kdb() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e1b9f30nmi_call_kdb+0x79/frame 0xfffffe000f815ee0 > >fork_trampoline() at nmi_call_kdb_smp() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000e1b9f30nmi_call_kdb_smp+0x3d/frame 0xfffffe000f815f20 > >--- trap 0x80d08f20, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0x2b44000 ---nmi_calltrap() at nmi_calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe000f815f20 >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0x2b44000 >--- trap 0x13, rip = 0xdbfc35cd, rsp = 0xfffffe000e16ec20, rbp = 0x3 --- > >***db_trace_self_wrapper() at db_trace_self_wrapper+0x2b/frame 0xfffffe000f8140a0 >kdb_reenter() at kdb_reenter+0x2c/frame 0xfffffe000f8140b0 >calltrap() at calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe000f8140b0 >--- trap 0xc, rip = 0xffffffff80ad43ec, rsp = 0xfffffe000f814188, rbp = 0xfffffe000f8141e0 --- >vt_fb_bitblt_bitmap() at vt_fb_bitblt_bitmap+0x11c/frame 0xfffffe000f8141e0 >vt_consterm_consdev() at vt_consterm_consdev/frame 0x4b >db:2:kdb.enter.default> textdump set >textdump set >db:2:kdb.enter.default> capture on >Capture already started >db:2:kdb.enter.default> run lockinfo >db:3:lockinfo> show locks >No such command; use "help" to list available commands >db:3:lockinfo> show alllocks >No such command; use "help" to list available commands >db:3:lockinfo> show lockedvnods >Locked vnodes >db:2:kdb.enter.default> show pcpu >cpuid = 1 >dynamic pcpu = 0xfffffe008dc76f00 >curthread = 0xfffffe000f90a020: pid 0 tid 100015 critnest 2 "thread taskq" >curpcb = 0xfffffe000f90a530 >fpcurthread = none >idlethread = 0xfffffe000f907c80: tid 100004 "idle: cpu1" >self = 0xffffffff82c11000 >curpmap = 0xffffffff81ea0db8 >tssp = 0xffffffff82c11384 >rsp0 = 0xfffffe000e16f000 >kcr3 = 0x80000000ce150001 >ucr3 = 0xffffffffffffffff >scr3 = 0x97744e97 >gs32p = 0xffffffff82c11404 >ldt = 0xffffffff82c11444 >tss = 0xffffffff82c11434 >curvnet = 0 >db:2:kdb.enter.default> bt >Tracing pid 0 tid 100015 td 0xfffffe000f90a020 >kernload() at 0xdbfc35cd/frame 0x3 >db_trace_self_wrapper() at db_trace_self_wrapper+0x2b/frame 0xfffffe000f815960 >kdb_reenter() at kdb_reenter+0x2c/frame 0xfffffe000f815970 >calltrap() at calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe000f815970 >--- trap 0xc, rip = 0xffffffff81130990, rsp = 0xfffffe000f815a40, rbp = 0xfffffe000f815ad0 --- >db_read_bytes() at db_read_bytes+0xa0/frame 0xfffffe000f815ad0 >db_get_value() at db_get_value+0x32/frame 0xfffffe000f815b10 >db_backtrace() at db_backtrace+0x22b/frame 0xfffffe000f815ba0 >db_trace_thread() at db_trace_thread+0x3b/frame 0xfffffe000f815bc0 >db_stack_trace() at db_stack_trace+0x12c/frame 0xfffffe000f815bf0 >db_command() at db_command+0x372/frame 0xfffffe000f815cc0 >db_script_exec() at db_script_exec+0x1b8/frame 0xfffffe000f815d70 >db_script_kdbenter() at db_script_kdbenter+0x55/frame 0xfffffe000f815db0 >db_trap() at db_trap+0xe1/frame 0xfffffe000f815e40 >kdb_trap() at kdb_trap+0x14b/frame 0xfffffe000f815eb0 >nmi_call_kdb() at nmi_call_kdb+0x79/frame 0xfffffe000f815ee0 >nmi_call_kdb_smp() at nmi_call_kdb_smp+0x3d/frame 0xfffffe000f815f20 >nmi_calltrap() at nmi_calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe000f815f20 >--- trap 0x13, rip = 0xdbfc35cd, rsp = 0xfffffe000e16ec20, rbp = 0x3 --- >*** error reading from address b *** >db_trace_self_wrapper() at db_trace_self_wrapper+0x2b/frame 0xfffffe000f815ac0 >kdb_reenter() at kdb_reenter+0x2c/frame 0xfffffe000f815ad0 >db_get_value() at db_get_value+0x4c/frame 0xfffffe000f815b10 >db_backtrace() at db_backtrace+0x22b/frame 0xfffffe000f815ba0 >db_trace_thread() at db_trace_thread+0x3b/frame 0xfffffe000f815bc0 >db_stack_trace() at db_stack_trace+0x12c/frame 0xfffffe000f815bf0 >db_command() at db_command+0x372/frame 0xfffffe000f815cc0 >db_script_exec() at db_script_exec+0x1b8/frame 0xfffffe000f815d70 >db_script_kdbenter() at db_script_kdbenter+0x55/frame 0xfffffe000f815db0 >db_trap() at db_trap+0xe1/frame 0xfffffe000f815e40 >kdb_trap() at kdb_trap+0x14b/frame 0xfffffe000f815eb0 >nmi_call_kdb() at nmi_call_kdb+0x79/frame 0xfffffe000f815ee0 >nmi_call_kdb_smp() at nmi_call_kdb_smp+0x3d/frame 0xfffffe000f815f20 >nmi_calltrap() at nmi_calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe000f815f20 >--- trap 0x13, rip = 0xdbfc35cd, rsp = 0xfffffe000e16ec20, rbp = 0x3 --- >Script command 'bt' returned error >db:2:kdb.enter.default> ps > pid ppid pgrp uid state wmesg wchan cmd >27715 21762 27715 0 S+ ttyin 0xfffff800038700b0 csh >21762 19573 19573 0 S+ wait 0xfffff8002d67c548 sh >21307 1 21307 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff800038578b0 getty >20962 1 20962 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff800038730b0 getty >20607 1 20607 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff800038738b0 getty >20221 1 20221 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff800038720b0 getty >20171 1 20171 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff800038728b0 getty >19923 1 19923 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff800038710b0 getty >19763 1 19763 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xfffff800038718b0 getty >19573 1 19573 0 Ss+ wait 0xfffff80001a2e548 login > 9370 33478 9370 0 S select 0xfffff8002d4b9540 python3.9 > 8792 1 8792 0 Ss nanslp 0xffffffff81ec02e1 cron > 4027 33478 4027 0 S select 0xfffff80083ee3d40 python3.9 >11054 8595 8595 0 S nanslp 0xffffffff81ec02e0 sleep >84051 1 84051 0 Ss bpf 0xfffff80066905200 filterlog >69582 69537 69537 0 S (threaded) python3.9 >100217 S kqread 0xfffff80088934a00 python3.9 >100305 S uwait 0xfffff80043633d00 python3.9 >100306 S uwait 0xfffff80003e2b200 python3.9 >100307 S usem 0xfffff80043633a80 python3.9 >69537 1 69537 0 Ss piperd 0xfffff8001325fba0 daemon >64257 1 64257 0 Ss (threaded) dpinger >100286 S uwait 0xfffff80043633780 dpinger >100297 S sbwait 0xfffff800134f2574 dpinger >100298 S nanslp 0xffffffff81ec02e1 dpinger >100299 S nanslp 0xffffffff81ec02e0 dpinger >100300 S accept 0xfffff800135c88b8 dpinger >58771 1 58771 59 Ss (threaded) unbound >100295 S kqread 0xfffff80088934e00 unbound >100301 S kqread 0xfffff80066418700 unbound > 8595 1 8595 0 Ss wait 0xfffff80066c69548 sh >76221 1 76221 0 Ss (threaded) ntpd >100219 S select 0xfffff80088a5b7c0 ntpd >100289 S usem 0xfffff80003e28880 ntpd >13398 1 13398 136 Ss select 0xfffff8006664d840 dhcpd > 7639 96712 96712 0 S accept 0xfffff800135c8c68 php-cgi > 7036 95721 95721 0 S accept 0xfffff800135c7158 php-cgi > 6699 96712 96712 0 S accept 0xfffff800135c8c68 php-cgi > 6350 95721 95721 0 S accept 0xfffff800135c7158 php-cgi > 5879 96712 96712 0 S accept 0xfffff800135c8c68 php-cgi > 5484 95721 95721 0 S accept 0xfffff800135c7158 php-cgi >96712 94889 96712 0 Ss wait 0xfffff80008248a90 php-cgi >95721 94889 95721 0 Ss wait 0xfffff800083da548 php-cgi >94889 1 94425 0 S kqread 0xfffff8003ef09500 lighttpd >90398 1 90398 0 Ss select 0xfffff8002d4ba340 sshd >33478 32724 33478 0 Ss (threaded) syslog-ng >100222 S kqread 0xfffff8000869a700 syslog-ng >100262 S kqread 0xfffff80003cf7700 syslog-ng >100321 S kqread 0xfffff80083a64a00 syslog-ng >32724 1 32646 0 S wait 0xfffff8004310f548 syslog-ng > 559 1 559 0 Ss select 0xfffff800431f51c0 devd > 225 223 223 0 S (threaded) python3.9 >100229 S accept 0xfffff800135c58b8 python3.9 > 223 1 223 0 Ss wait 0xfffff8000824aa90 python3.9 > 35 0 0 0 DL aiordy 0xfffff80001a2c548 [aiod4] > 34 0 0 0 DL aiordy 0xfffff80008248548 [aiod3] > 33 0 0 0 DL aiordy 0xfffff800083da000 [aiod2] > 32 0 0 0 DL aiordy 0xfffff80001a2e000 [aiod1] > 20 0 0 0 DL vlruwt 0xfffff80001a2ca90 [vnlru] > 19 0 0 0 DL syncer 0xffffffff81f105d0 [syncer] > 18 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [bufdaemon] >100106 D psleep 0xffffffff81f0f690 [bufdaemon] >100109 D - 0xffffffff81a0aec0 [bufspacedaemon-0] >100110 D - 0xffffffff81a13180 [bufspacedaemon-1] >100111 D - 0xffffffff81a1b440 [bufspacedaemon-2] >100112 D - 0xffffffff81a23700 [bufspacedaemon-3] > 9 0 0 0 DL psleep 0xffffffff81f37490 [vmdaemon] > 8 0 0 0 RL (threaded) [pagedaemon] >100104 RunQ [dom0] >100107 D launds 0xffffffff81f2b904 [laundry: dom0] >100108 D umarcl 0xffffffff80ff0370 [uma] > 7 0 0 0 DL - 0xffffffff81cf7530 [rand_harvestq] > 17 0 0 0 DL cooling 0xfffff80001827bd8 [acpi_cooling1] > 16 0 0 0 DL tzpoll 0xffffffff81bdb6a8 [acpi_thermal] > 6 0 0 0 RL [pf purge] > 5 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [zfskern] >100069 D t->zthr 0xfffff80001790548 [arc_evict] >100070 D t->zthr 0xfffff80001790348 [arc_reap] >100071 D - 0xfffff80001790100 [dbu_evict] >100072 D dbuf_ev 0xffffffff8275b928 [dbuf_evict_thread] >100073 D - 0xfffff80001ae3300 [z_vdev_file_0] >100074 D - 0xfffff80001ae3300 [z_vdev_file_1] >100075 D - 0xfffff80001ae3300 [z_vdev_file_2] >100076 D - 0xfffff80001ae3300 [z_vdev_file_3] >100077 D - 0xfffff80001ae3300 [z_vdev_file_4] >100078 D - 0xfffff80001ae3300 [z_vdev_file_5] >100079 D - 0xfffff80001ae3300 [z_vdev_file_6] >100080 D - 0xfffff80001ae3300 [z_vdev_file_7] >100081 D - 0xfffff80001ae3300 [z_vdev_file_8] >100082 D - 0xfffff80001ae3300 [z_vdev_file_9] >100083 D - 0xfffff80001ae3300 [z_vdev_file_10] >100084 D - 0xfffff80001ae3300 [z_vdev_file_11] >100085 D - 0xfffff80001ae3300 [z_vdev_file_12] >100086 D - 0xfffff80001ae3300 [z_vdev_file_13] >100087 D - 0xfffff80001ae3300 [z_vdev_file_14] >100088 D - 0xfffff80001ae3300 [z_vdev_file_15] >100089 D l2arc_f 0xffffffff8274ae88 [l2arc_feed_thread] >100090 D - 0xfffff80001ae4000 [zfsvfs] >100091 S zevent_ 0xffffffff8275bd08 [sysevent] >100149 D - 0xfffff80003a8fd00 [z_zvol] >100150 D - 0xfffff80003a8fb00 [z_prefetch_0] >100151 D - 0xfffff80003a8fb00 [z_prefetch_1] >100152 D - 0xfffff80003a8f800 [z_upgrade_0] >100153 D - 0xfffff80003a8f800 [z_upgrade_1] >100156 D - 0xfffff8000178cc00 [dp_sync_taskq] >100157 D - 0xfffff80003a8f100 [dp_zil_clean_taskq_] >100158 D - 0xfffff80003a8f100 [dp_zil_clean_taskq_] >100159 D - 0xfffff8000178cd00 [z_zrele_0] >100160 D - 0xfffff8000178cd00 [z_zrele_1] >100161 D - 0xfffff8000375a100 [z_unlinked_drain_0] >100162 D - 0xfffff8000375a100 [z_unlinked_drain_1] >100166 D - 0xfffff80003836e00 [metaslab_group_task] >100167 D - 0xfffff80003816200 [metaslab_group_task] >100180 D tx->tx_ 0xfffff800038052b0 [txg_thread_enter] >100181 D tx->tx_ 0xfffff80003805290 [txg_thread_enter] >100182 D mmp->mm 0xfffffe00900293c0 [mmp_thread_enter] >100183 D t->zthr 0xfffff80003cfa348 [z_indirect_condense] >100184 D t->zthr 0xfffff80003ddc248 [z_livelist_destroy] >100185 D t->zthr 0xfffff80003ddd448 [z_livelist_condense] >100186 D t->zthr 0xfffff80003cfb748 [z_checkpoint_discar] > 15 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [usb] >100047 D - 0xfffffe0082d84440 [usbus0] >100048 D - 0xfffffe0082d84498 [usbus0] >100049 D - 0xfffffe0082d844f0 [usbus0] >100050 D - 0xfffffe0082d84548 [usbus0] >100051 D - 0xfffffe0082d845a0 [usbus0] >100057 D - 0xfffffe000f9decf0 [usbus1] >100058 D - 0xfffffe000f9ded48 [usbus1] >100059 D - 0xfffffe000f9deda0 [usbus1] >100060 D WCTRL 0xfffff80003aaa100 [usbus1] >100061 D - 0xfffffe000f9dee50 [usbus1] > 4 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [cam] >100044 D - 0xffffffff81bcee40 [doneq0] >100103 D - 0xffffffff81bced10 [scanner] > 14 0 0 0 DL seqstat 0xfffff800018e1c88 [sequencer 00] > 3 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [crypto] >100040 D crypto_ 0xffffffff81f28df0 [crypto] >100041 D crypto_ 0xfffff800016c3830 [crypto returns 0] >100042 D crypto_ 0xfffff800016c3890 [crypto returns 1] > 13 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [geom] >100035 D - 0xffffffff81e9fa58 [g_event] >100036 D - 0xffffffff81e9fa60 [g_up] >100037 D - 0xffffffff81e9fa68 [g_down] > 2 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [KTLS] >100028 D - 0xfffff80001713c00 [thr_0] >100029 D - 0xfffff80001713c80 [thr_1] > 12 0 0 0 RL (threaded) [intr] >100013 I [swi6: task queue] >100014 I [swi6: Giant taskq] >100017 I [swi5: fast taskq] >100030 I [swi1: netisr 0] >100031 I [swi3: vm] >100032 RunQ [swi4: clock (0)] >100033 I [swi4: clock (1)] >100045 I [irq48: hdac0] >100046 I [irq49: xhci0] >100052 I [irq50: hdac1] >100053 I [irq51: re0] >100054 I [irq52: pcib3] >100055 I [irq53: rtsx0] >100056 I [irq23: ehci0] >100062 I [irq54: ahci0] >100063 I [irq1: atkbd0] >100093 I [swi1: pf send] >100094 I [swi1: pfsync] >100242 I [irq18: ichsmb0] > 11 0 0 0 RL (threaded) [idle] >100003 CanRun [idle: cpu0] >100004 CanRun [idle: cpu1] > 1 0 1 0 SLs wait 0xfffff80001731000 [init] > 10 0 0 0 DL audit_w 0xffffffff81f29310 [audit] > 0 0 0 0 RLs (threaded) [kernel] >100000 D swapin 0xffffffff81ea0008 [swapper] >100005 D - 0xfffff80001198600 [if_io_tqg_0] >100006 D - 0xfffff80001198400 [if_io_tqg_1] >100007 D - 0xfffff80001198200 [if_config_tqg_0] >100008 D - 0xfffff80001198000 [softirq_0] >100009 D - 0xfffff80001710200 [softirq_1] >100010 D - 0xfffff80001710000 [aiod_kick taskq] >100011 D - 0xfffff80001711d00 [pci_hp taskq] >100012 D - 0xfffff80001711b00 [linuxkpi_irq_wq] >100015 Run CPU 1 [thread taskq] >100016 D - 0xfffff80001711100 [inm_free taskq] >100018 D - 0xfffff80001712b00 [in6m_free taskq] >100019 D - 0xfffff80001712900 [kqueue_ctx taskq] >100020 D - 0xfffff80001712700 [linuxkpi_short_wq_0] >100021 D - 0xfffff80001712700 [linuxkpi_short_wq_1] >100022 D - 0xfffff80001712700 [linuxkpi_short_wq_2] >100023 D - 0xfffff80001712700 [linuxkpi_short_wq_3] >100024 D - 0xfffff80001712200 [linuxkpi_long_wq_0] >100025 D - 0xfffff80001712200 [linuxkpi_long_wq_1] >100026 D - 0xfffff80001712200 [linuxkpi_long_wq_2] >100027 D - 0xfffff80001712200 [linuxkpi_long_wq_3] >100034 D - 0xfffff80001713000 [firmware taskq] >100038 D - 0xfffff800016c3c00 [crypto_0] >100039 D - 0xfffff800016c3c00 [crypto_1] >100064 D - 0xfffff8000178fc00 [system_taskq_0] >100065 D - 0xfffff8000178fc00 [system_taskq_1] >100066 D - 0xfffff8000178f900 [system_delay_taskq_] >100067 D - 0xfffff8000178f900 [system_delay_taskq_] >100068 D - 0xfffff80001790700 [arc_prune] >100098 D - 0xfffff80001a3c900 [acpi_task_0] >100099 D - 0xfffff80001a3c900 [acpi_task_1] >100100 D - 0xfffff80001a3c900 [acpi_task_2] >100101 D - 0xfffff8000119b900 [mca taskq] >100102 D - 0xfffff800016c4a00 [CAM taskq] >100115 D - 0xfffff8000178c600 [z_null_iss] >100116 D - 0xfffff8000178c400 [z_null_int] >100117 D - 0xfffff8000178c200 [z_rd_iss_0] >100118 D - 0xfffff8000178c200 [z_rd_iss_1] >100119 D - 0xfffff8000178c200 [z_rd_iss_2] >100120 D - 0xfffff8000178c200 [z_rd_iss_3] >100121 D - 0xfffff8000178c200 [z_rd_iss_4] >100122 D - 0xfffff8000178c200 [z_rd_iss_5] >100123 D - 0xfffff8000178c200 [z_rd_iss_6] >100124 D - 0xfffff8000178c200 [z_rd_iss_7] >100125 D - 0xfffff80003a8c500 [z_rd_int] >100126 D - 0xfffff80003a8c300 [z_wr_iss] >100127 D - 0xfffff80003a8c100 [z_wr_iss_h_0] >100128 D - 0xfffff80003a8c100 [z_wr_iss_h_1] >100129 D - 0xfffff80003a8c100 [z_wr_iss_h_2] >100130 D - 0xfffff80003a8c100 [z_wr_iss_h_3] >100131 D - 0xfffff80003a8c100 [z_wr_iss_h_4] >100132 D - 0xfffff80003a8da00 [z_wr_int] >100133 D - 0xfffff80003a8d800 [z_wr_int_h_0] >100134 D - 0xfffff80003a8d800 [z_wr_int_h_1] >100135 D - 0xfffff80003a8d800 [z_wr_int_h_2] >100136 D - 0xfffff80003a8d800 [z_wr_int_h_3] >100137 D - 0xfffff80003a8d800 [z_wr_int_h_4] >100138 D - 0xfffff80003a8d200 [z_fr_iss] >100139 D - 0xfffff80003a8d000 [z_fr_int] >100140 D - 0xfffff80003a8ed00 [z_cl_iss] >100141 D - 0xfffff80003a8eb00 [z_cl_int] >100142 D - 0xfffff80003a8e900 [z_ioctl_iss] >100143 D - 0xfffff80003a8e700 [z_ioctl_int] >100144 D - 0xfffff80003a8e500 [z_trim_iss_0] >100145 D - 0xfffff80003a8e500 [z_trim_iss_1] >100146 D - 0xfffff80003a8e500 [z_trim_iss_2] >100147 D - 0xfffff80003a8e500 [z_trim_iss_3] >100148 D - 0xfffff80003a8e000 [z_trim_int] >db:2:kdb.enter.default> alltrace > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100000 td 0xffffffff81ea0560 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xffffffff82b47ec0 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xffffffff82b47ee0 >sleepq_timedwait() at sleepq_timedwait+0x2f/frame 0xffffffff82b47f20 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1e3/frame 0xffffffff82b47fa0 >swapper() at swapper+0x69/frame 0xffffffff82b47ff0 >btext() at btext+0x22 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100005 td 0xfffffe000f907560 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe000e1a0e50 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe000e1a0e70 >msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x18a/frame 0xfffffe000e1a0ec0 >gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xf1/frame 0xfffffe000e1a0ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e1a0f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000e1a0f30 >--- trap 0x8038b000, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100006 td 0xfffffe000f906e40 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe000e19be50 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe000e19be70 >msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x18a/frame 0xfffffe000e19bec0 >gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xf1/frame 0xfffffe000e19bef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e19bf30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000e19bf30 >--- trap 0x8038b000, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0x3 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0x3 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100007 td 0xfffffe000f906720 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe000e196e50 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe000e196e70 >msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x18a/frame 0xfffffe000e196ec0 >gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xf1/frame 0xfffffe000e196ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e196f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000e196f30 >--- trap 0x8038b000, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100008 td 0xfffffe000f906000 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe000e191e50 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe000e191e70 >msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x18a/frame 0xfffffe000e191ec0 >gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xf1/frame 0xfffffe000e191ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e191f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000e191f30 >--- trap 0x8038b000, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100009 td 0xfffffe000f98cc80 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe000e18ce50 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe000e18ce70 >msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x18a/frame 0xfffffe000e18cec0 >gtaskqueue_thread_loop() at gtaskqueue_thread_loop+0xf1/frame 0xfffffe000e18cef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e18cf30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000e18cf30 >--- trap 0x8038b000, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0x3 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0x3 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100010 td 0xfffffe000f98c560 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe000e187e20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe000e187e40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe000e187ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe000e187ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e187f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000e187f30 >--- trap 0x82b47fe0, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0xffffffff82b47fc0 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0xffffffff82b47fc0 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100011 td 0xfffffe000f98be40 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe000e182e20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe000e182e40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe000e182ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe000e182ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e182f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000e182f30 >--- trap 0x82b47fe0, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0xffffffff82b47fc0 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0xffffffff82b47fc0 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100012 td 0xfffffe000f98b720 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe000e17de50 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe000e17de70 >msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x18a/frame 0xfffffe000e17dec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xf1/frame 0xfffffe000e17def0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e17df30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000e17df30 >--- trap 0x8038b000, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0xffffffff82b47fc0 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0xffffffff82b47fc0 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100015 td 0xfffffe000f90a020 (CPU 1) >kernload() at 0xdbfc35cd/frame 0x3 >db_trace_self_wrapper() at db_trace_self_wrapper+0x2b/frame 0xfffffe000f8158f0 >kdb_reenter() at kdb_reenter+0x2c/frame 0xfffffe000f815900 >calltrap() at calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe000f815900 >--- trap 0xc, rip = 0xffffffff81130990, rsp = 0xfffffe000f8159d0, rbp = 0xfffffe000f815a60 --- >db_read_bytes() at db_read_bytes+0xa0/frame 0xfffffe000f815a60 >db_get_value() at db_get_value+0x32/frame 0xfffffe000f815aa0 >db_backtrace() at db_backtrace+0x22b/frame 0xfffffe000f815b30 >db_trace_thread() at db_trace_thread+0x3b/frame 0xfffffe000f815b50 >_db_stack_trace_all() at _db_stack_trace_all+0xfb/frame 0xfffffe000f815bf0 >db_command() at db_command+0x372/frame 0xfffffe000f815cc0 >db_script_exec() at db_script_exec+0x1b8/frame 0xfffffe000f815d70 >db_script_kdbenter() at db_script_kdbenter+0x55/frame 0xfffffe000f815db0 >db_trap() at db_trap+0xe1/frame 0xfffffe000f815e40 >kdb_trap() at kdb_trap+0x14b/frame 0xfffffe000f815eb0 >nmi_call_kdb() at nmi_call_kdb+0x79/frame 0xfffffe000f815ee0 >nmi_call_kdb_smp() at nmi_call_kdb_smp+0x3d/frame 0xfffffe000f815f20 >nmi_calltrap() at nmi_calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe000f815f20 >--- trap 0x13, rip = 0xdbfc35cd, rsp = 0xfffffe000e16ec20, rbp = 0x3 --- >*** error reading from address b *** >db_trace_self_wrapper() at db_trace_self_wrapper+0x2b/frame 0xfffffe000f815a50 >kdb_reenter() at kdb_reenter+0x2c/frame 0xfffffe000f815a60 >db_get_value() at db_get_value+0x4c/frame 0xfffffe000f815aa0 >db_backtrace() at db_backtrace+0x22b/frame 0xfffffe000f815b30 >db_trace_thread() at db_trace_thread+0x3b/frame 0xfffffe000f815b50 >_db_stack_trace_all() at _db_stack_trace_all+0xfb/frame 0xfffffe000f815bf0 >db_command() at db_command+0x372/frame 0xfffffe000f815cc0 >db_script_exec() at db_script_exec+0x1b8/frame 0xfffffe000f815d70 >db_script_kdbenter() at db_script_kdbenter+0x55/frame 0xfffffe000f815db0 >db_trap() at db_trap+0xe1/frame 0xfffffe000f815e40 >kdb_trap() at kdb_trap+0x14b/frame 0xfffffe000f815eb0 >nmi_call_kdb() at nmi_call_kdb+0x79/frame 0xfffffe000f815ee0 >nmi_call_kdb_smp() at nmi_call_kdb_smp+0x3d/frame 0xfffffe000f815f20 >nmi_calltrap() at nmi_calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe000f815f20 >--- trap 0x13, rip = 0xdbfc35cd, rsp = 0xfffffe000e16ec20, rbp = 0x3 --- > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100016 td 0xfffffe000f909900 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe000e169e20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe000e169e40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe000e169ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe000e169ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e169f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000e169f30 >--- trap 0x82b47fe0, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0xffffffff82b47fc0 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0xffffffff82b47fc0 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100018 td 0xfffffe000f990000 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe000e1ffe20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe000e1ffe40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe000e1ffec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe000e1ffef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e1fff30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000e1fff30 >--- trap 0x82b47fe0, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0xffffffff82b47fc0 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0xffffffff82b47fc0 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100019 td 0xfffffe000f98f740 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe000e1fae20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe000e1fae40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe000e1faec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe000e1faef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e1faf30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000e1faf30 >--- trap 0x82b47fe0, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0xffffffff82b47fc0 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0xffffffff82b47fc0 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100020 td 0xfffffe000f98f020 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe000e1f5e20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe000e1f5e40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe000e1f5ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe000e1f5ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e1f5f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000e1f5f30 >--- trap 0x80f15682, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0xffffffff81360bbc --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0xffffffff81360bbc > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100021 td 0xfffffe000f98e900 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe000e1f0e20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe000e1f0e40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe000e1f0ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe000e1f0ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e1f0f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000e1f0f30 >--- trap 0x80f15682, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0xffffffff81360bbc --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0xffffffff81360bbc > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100022 td 0xfffffe000f98e1e0 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe000e1ebe20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe000e1ebe40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe000e1ebec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe000e1ebef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e1ebf30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000e1ebf30 >--- trap 0x80f15682, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0xffffffff81360bbc --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0xffffffff81360bbc > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100023 td 0xfffffe000f98dac0 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe000e1e6e20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe000e1e6e40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe000e1e6ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe000e1e6ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e1e6f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000e1e6f30 >--- trap 0x80f15682, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0xffffffff81360bbc --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0xffffffff81360bbc > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100024 td 0xfffffe000f98d3a0 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe000e1e1e20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe000e1e1e40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe000e1e1ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe000e1e1ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e1e1f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000e1e1f30 >--- trap 0x80f1570b, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0xffffffff812b8323 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0xffffffff812b8323 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100025 td 0xfffffe000f994020 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe000e1dce20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe000e1dce40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe000e1dcec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe000e1dcef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e1dcf30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000e1dcf30 >--- trap 0x80f1570b, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0xffffffff812b8323 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0xffffffff812b8323 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100026 td 0xfffffe000f993900 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe000e1d7e20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe000e1d7e40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe000e1d7ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe000e1d7ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e1d7f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000e1d7f30 >--- trap 0x80f1570b, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0xffffffff812b8323 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0xffffffff812b8323 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100027 td 0xfffffe000f9931e0 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe000e1d2e20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe000e1d2e40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe000e1d2ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe000e1d2ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe000e1d2f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe000e1d2f30 >--- trap 0x80f1570b, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0xffffffff812b8323 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0xffffffff812b8323 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100034 td 0xfffffe000f9a73a0 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe0082b5be20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe0082b5be40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe0082b5bec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0082b5bef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe0082b5bf30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0082b5bf30 >--- trap 0x2b44000, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0xffffffff82b47fa0 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0xffffffff82b47fa0 >swapper() at swapper+0x69/frame 0xffffffff82b47ff0 >btext() at btext+0x22 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100038 td 0xfffffe000f9a5720 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe0082b47e20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe0082b47e40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe0082b47ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0082b47ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe0082b47f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0082b47f30 >--- trap 0x2b44000, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0xffffffff8128ee39 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0xffffffff8128ee39 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100039 td 0xfffffe000f9a5000 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe0082b42e20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe0082b42e40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe0082b42ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0082b42ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe0082b42f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0082b42f30 >--- trap 0x2b44000, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0xffffffff8128ee39 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0xffffffff8128ee39 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100064 td 0xfffffe008bd22e40 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe0082bf9e20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe0082bf9e40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe0082bf9ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0082bf9ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe0082bf9f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0082bf9f30 >--- trap 0xe21d568, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0x3000000030 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0x3000000030 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100065 td 0xfffffe008bd22720 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe0082bf4e20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe0082bf4e40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe0082bf4ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0082bf4ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe0082bf4f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0082bf4f30 >--- trap 0xe21d568, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0x3000000030 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0x3000000030 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100066 td 0xfffffe008bd22000 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe0082befe20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe0082befe40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe0082befec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0082befef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe0082beff30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0082beff30 >--- trap 0xe21d568, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0x3000000030 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0x3000000030 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100067 td 0xfffffe000f9fa740 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe0082beae20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe0082beae40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe0082beaec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0082beaef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe0082beaf30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0082beaf30 >--- trap 0xe21d568, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0x3000000030 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0x3000000030 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100068 td 0xfffffe000f9fa020 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe0082be5e20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe0082be5e40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe0082be5ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0082be5ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe0082be5f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0082be5f30 >--- trap 0x2b44000, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0xffffffff82b47fa0 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0xffffffff82b47fa0 >swapper() at swapper+0x69/frame 0xffffffff82b47ff0 >btext() at btext+0x22 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100098 td 0xfffffe008ecaa740 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe00832a4e50 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe00832a4e70 >msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x18a/frame 0xfffffe00832a4ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xf1/frame 0xfffffe00832a4ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe00832a4f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00832a4f30 >--- trap 0xe21db78, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0x3000000020 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0x3000000020 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100099 td 0xfffffe008ecaa020 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe008329fe50 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe008329fe70 >msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x18a/frame 0xfffffe008329fec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xf1/frame 0xfffffe008329fef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe008329ff30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe008329ff30 >--- trap 0xe21db78, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0x3000000020 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0x3000000020 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100100 td 0xfffffe008eca9900 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe008329ae50 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe008329ae70 >msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x18a/frame 0xfffffe008329aec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xf1/frame 0xfffffe008329aef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe008329af30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe008329af30 >--- trap 0xe21db78, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0x3000000020 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0x3000000020 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100101 td 0xfffffe008f9db720 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe0083295e50 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe0083295e70 >msleep_spin_sbt() at msleep_spin_sbt+0x18a/frame 0xfffffe0083295ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xf1/frame 0xfffffe0083295ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe0083295f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0083295f30 >--- trap 0x8038b000, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0xffffffff82b47fa0 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0xffffffff82b47fa0 >swapper() at swapper+0x69/frame 0xffffffff82b47ff0 >btext() at btext+0x22 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100102 td 0xfffffe008f9db000 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe0083290e20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe0083290e40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe0083290ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe0083290ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe0083290f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe0083290f30 >--- trap 0, rip = 0xffffffff80c30e5f, rsp = 0, rbp = 0xfffff80001a3f800 --- >mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xdf/frame 0xfffff80001a3f800 > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100115 td 0xfffffe008fff53a0 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe00c3087e20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe00c3087e40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe00c3087ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00c3087ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe00c3087f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00c3087f30 >--- trap 0x246, rip = 0x2b3500000000000, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100116 td 0xfffffe008fff4c80 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe00c3082e20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe00c3082e40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe00c3082ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00c3082ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe00c3082f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00c3082f30 >--- trap 0x246, rip = 0x2b3500000000000, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100117 td 0xfffffe008fff4560 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe00c307de20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe00c307de40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe00c307dec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00c307def0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe00c307df30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00c307df30 >--- trap 0x246, rip = 0x2b3500000000000, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100118 td 0xfffffe008fff3e40 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe00c3078e20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe00c3078e40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe00c3078ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00c3078ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe00c3078f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00c3078f30 >--- trap 0x246, rip = 0x2b3500000000000, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100119 td 0xfffffe008fff3720 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe00c3073e20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe00c3073e40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe00c3073ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00c3073ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe00c3073f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00c3073f30 >--- trap 0x246, rip = 0x2b3500000000000, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100120 td 0xfffffe008fff3000 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe00c306ee20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe00c306ee40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe00c306eec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00c306eef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe00c306ef30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00c306ef30 >--- trap 0x246, rip = 0x2b3500000000000, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 --- > >Tracing command kernel pid 0 tid 100121 td 0xfffffe008f9df740 >sched_switch() at sched_switch+0x6f9/frame 0xfffffe00c3069e20 >mi_switch() at mi_switch+0xc2/frame 0xfffffe00c3069e40 >_sleep() at _sleep+0x1fc/frame 0xfffffe00c3069ec0 >taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xb1/frame 0xfffffe00c3069ef0 >fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x7e/frame 0xfffffe00c3069f30 >fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe/frame 0xfffffe00c3069f30 >--- trap 0x246, rip = 0x2b35000
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bug 270752
: 241410