FreeBSD Bugzilla – Attachment 52346 Details for
Bug 79337
[Maintainer Update] split databases/firebird in -client and -server ports
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firebird-split.diff (text/plain), 48.82 KB, created by
Renato Botelho
on 2005-03-29 18:30:02 UTC
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Renato Botelho
2005-03-29 18:30:02 UTC
48.82 KB
>diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/clip/Makefile ./databases/clip/Makefile >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/clip/Makefile Tue Mar 29 07:38:16 2005 >+++ ./databases/clip/Makefile Tue Mar 29 07:41:13 2005 >@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ > PLIST_SUB+= PGSQL="@comment " > .endif > >-.if defined(WITH_FIREBIRD) || exists(${LOCALBASE}/firebird/include/ibase.h) >+.if defined(WITH_FIREBIRD) || exists(${LOCALBASE}/include/ibase.h) > LIB_DEPENDS+= gds.1:${PORTSDIR}/${FIREBIRD_PORT} > PLIST_SUB+= IBASE="" > .else >@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ > > PKGMESSAGE= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message > >-FIREBIRD_PORT?= databases/firebird >+FIREBIRD_PORT?= databases/firebird-client > > BIN2STRIP= bdbf clip clip_bl clip_blank clip_cld clip_conv clip_dbf2txt \ > clip_dbg clip_fl clip_hashextract clip_hindex clip_hseek \ >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/clip/files/patch-cliplibs::clip-interbase::Makefile ./databases/clip/files/patch-cliplibs::clip-interbase::Makefile >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/clip/files/patch-cliplibs::clip-interbase::Makefile Tue Sep 23 05:06:25 2003 >+++ ./databases/clip/files/patch-cliplibs::clip-interbase::Makefile Tue Mar 8 12:25:03 2005 >@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ > # > > -IBROOT=/opt/interbase >-+IBROOT=/usr/local/firebird >++IBROOT=/usr/local > > ifdef CLIPROOT > include $(CLIPROOT)/include/ >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird/Makefile ./databases/firebird/Makefile >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird/Makefile Mon Feb 14 15:26:19 2005 >+++ ./databases/firebird/Makefile Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969 >@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ >-# New ports collection makefile for: Firebird >-# Date created: 20 December 2000 >-# Whom: Geoffrey C. Speicher <> >-# >-# $FreeBSD: ports/databases/firebird/Makefile,v 1.36 2005/02/14 17:26:19 vs Exp $ >-# >- >-PORTNAME= firebird >-PORTVERSION= 1.5.2 >-CATEGORIES= databases >-MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE} >-MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR=firebird >-DISTNAME= firebird- >- >-MAINTAINER= >-COMMENT= The open-source InterBase(tm) 6.0 spin-off (Classic version) >- >-USE_BISON= yes >-USE_BZIP2= yes >-USE_GMAKE= yes >-GNU_CONFIGURE= yes >-USE_LIBTOOL_VER= 15 >-USE_AUTOCONF_VER= 259 >-USE_GCC= 3.4 >- >-PLIST_SUB= FIREBIRD_VERSION=${PORTVERSION} >- >-# Don't use ld for linking, use gcc >-LD= gcc >- >-CONFLICTS= firebird-devel-[0-9]* >- >-WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${DISTNAME} >-INSTALLS_SHLIB= yes >-LDCONFIG_DIRS= %%PREFIX%%/firebird/lib >-MSG_FILE= ${PKGDIR}/pkg-message >-PKGMESSAGE= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message >-USE_REINPLACE= yes >- >-ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= i386 >- >-.include <> >- >-pre-everything:: >- @${ECHO_MSG} "NOTE: If the work directory is on an NFS mount, you will" >- @${ECHO_MSG} "require NFS client locking support for the build to" >- @${ECHO_MSG} "succeed. Currently this is only available on FreeBSD 5.0" >- @${ECHO_MSG} "or greater." >- @${ECHO_MSG} >- @${ECHO_MSG} "WARNING: The on-disk structure of the databases has" >- @${ECHO_MSG} "changed since version 1.0.x." >- @${ECHO_MSG} "Cancel this installation now and backup your databases" >- @${ECHO_MSG} "if you have not already done so." >-.if !defined(BATCH) >- @sleep 10 >-.endif >- >-patch-autotools: >- @${DO_NADA} >- >-run-autotools: >- @${DO_NADA} >- >-do-configure: >- @(cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} CC=${CC} CXX=${CXX} MAKE=${GMAKE} \ >- ${AUTOTOOLS_VARS} ./ --prefix=${PREFIX}/firebird \ >- --with-lock-manager --with-editline) >- >-do-build: >- @( \ >- ${SED} 's|%%PREFIX%%|${PREFIX}|g' ${MSG_FILE} > ${PKGMESSAGE}; \ >- cd ${WRKSRC}; \ >- ${SETENV} CC=${CC} CXX=${CXX} ${GMAKE} all; \ >- ) >- >-post-install: >- @( \ >- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/RELNOTES ${PREFIX}/firebird; \ >- ${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE}; \ >- ) >- >-.include <> >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird/distinfo ./databases/firebird/distinfo >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird/distinfo Mon Jan 10 07:46:20 2005 >+++ ./databases/firebird/distinfo Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969 >@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ >-MD5 (firebird- = fea53ed5213cff4bd96513fb1a6c0ca2 >-SIZE (firebird- = 4764015 >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird/files/RELNOTES ./databases/firebird/files/RELNOTES >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird/files/RELNOTES Thu Jul 22 04:57:37 2004 >+++ ./databases/firebird/files/RELNOTES Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969 >@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@ >-Firebird 1.5.1 FreeBSD Release Notes 19-Jul-2004 >--------------------------------------- >-FB-V1.5.1.4481 Firebird 1.5 Release >- >- Welcome to the FreeBSD Firebird port! >- >- Firebird is installed SUID with owner and group `firebird'. >-This does affect where you can and cannot create databases when >-connecting remotely, as well as which existing databases you can >-access. If you want a database to be available remotely, be sure >-it's readable and writeable to group firebird. >- >- There may be times when you manage to get your system into a >-state where using any of the Firebird utilites (isql, gbak, gsec, >-etc.) gives you the message "semget failed". One surefire way to >-do this is to build and install the port. :) If this happens, >-make sure that the lock manager is not running and its semaphores >-have been removed. The former can be accomplished with 'ps ax >-|grep fb' and 'kill'; the latter with 'ipcs -s' and 'ipcrm -s'. >- >- For example, after building and installing the port, you will >-probably go through something like this: >- >-# isql /usr/local/firebird/security.fdb >-Statement failed, SQLCODE = -902 >- >-operating system directive semget failed >--No such file or directory >- >-# ipcs -s >-Semaphores: >-T ID KEY MODE OWNER GROUP >-s 1310720 252034728 --rw-rw-rw- root wheel >- >-# ipcrm -s 1310720 >- >-and you should be in business. >- >- Once this is done, you should be able to connect normally to >-databases. Your first connection will restart the lock manager. >- >- There may be times, however, when you still get "semget failed" >-even though the lock manager is not running and the semaphores have >-been cleaned up. There seems to be a conflict with this release >-and the PostgreSQL 7 release as installed from the ports collection. >-If you're having trouble with Firebird and you're running PostgreSQL, >-try stopping PostgreSQL: >- >- /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ stop >- >-and see if that helps. Alternatively, increase the value of SEMMNS >-by 48 in your kernel configuration file. This can be found by getting >-the current value with 'sysctl -a | grep semmns'. You can either add >-this to your kernel config, or add the following line to /boot/loader.conf: >- >- kern.ipc.semmns=X >- >-where is is the current value plus 48. If this doesn't resolve the issue, >-try adding 48 again. >- >- Please note that as of RC8, the symlink now points to > This has been done to resolve compatability issues with >-older versions of Firebird. The FreeBSD port of RC7 had >-pointing to is a remote access-only >-shared library with threaded support, which requires target applications >-to link with a threaded library such as, or >- >- Super Server support in Firebird 1.5 for FreeBSD is not currently >-available due to the Firebird code using POSIX threads APIs not available >-in FreeBSD 4.x or not yet complete in FreeBSD 5.x. This issue will become >-more important once the scalability issues of Super Server have been >-resolved. >- >- This installation has already inserted the necessary line to >-/etc/inetd.conf so that you can connect to Firebird across the network. >-However you may need to add the remote host to /etc/hosts.equiv. For >-example, to allow the local machine to make connections to Firebird >-using TCP, the following command needs running: >- >- echo localhost >> /etc/hosts.equiv >- >-Please note that adding machines to /etc/hosts.equiv can reduce the >-security of your system. If in doubt, try connecting to Firebird with >-a username and password already defined in security.fdb. For example: >- >-gsec >-> add myuser -pass mypass >-> quit >-isql -u myuser -p mypass localhost:/usr/local/firebird/examples/employee.fdb >- >-This should reduce the need for hosts defined in /etc/hosts.equiv. >- >- Complete documentation for InterBase(tm) is available (free of >-charge) from in PDF format. While >-InterBase and Firebird are two distinct entities, all InterBase >-documentation is pertinent to Firebird. More information on Firebird >-and InterBase can be found at the following: >- >- >- >- >- >- >- Please also see the doc directory in the Firebird package for >-documentation specific to Firebird. >- >-Chris Knight >-<> >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird/files/patch-src::extern::editline::makelist ./databases/firebird/files/patch-src::extern::editline::makelist >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird/files/patch-src::extern::editline::makelist Mon Jul 26 09:06:16 2004 >+++ ./databases/firebird/files/patch-src::extern::editline::makelist Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969 >@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ >---- src/extern/editline/makelist.orig Mon May 24 04:24:25 2004 >-+++ src/extern/editline/makelist Fri Jul 23 17:09:43 2004 >-@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ >- # >- -fh) >- cat $FILES | $AWK '/el_action_t/ { print $3 }' | \ >-- sort | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' | $AWK ' >-+ sort | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' | $AWK ' >- BEGIN { >- printf("/* Automatically generated file, do not edit */\n"); >- printf("#ifndef _h_fcns_c\n#define _h_fcns_c\n"); >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird/pkg-descr ./databases/firebird/pkg-descr >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird/pkg-descr Tue Jan 13 14:11:10 2004 >+++ ./databases/firebird/pkg-descr Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969 >@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ >-The open-source InterBase(tm) 6.0 spin-off (Classic server version) >- >-InterBase is a world-class DBMS with a history too rich to detail >-here. Once selling for several thousands of dollars per license, >-some very big players use it worldwide. Inprise has open-sourced >-InterBase 6.0, and a lively bunch of folks has charged themselves >-with seeing that it lives on through the Firebird project. >- >-For more information on Firebird and InterBase, see: >- >-WWW: >-WWW: >-WWW: >-WWW: >-WWW: >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird/pkg-install ./databases/firebird/pkg-install >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird/pkg-install Fri Jan 16 16:37:14 2004 >+++ ./databases/firebird/pkg-install Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969 >@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@ >-#!/bin/sh >- >-# $FreeBSD: ports/databases/firebird/pkg-install,v 1.9 2004/01/16 18:37:14 clement Exp $ >- >-PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin >- >-case $2 in >-PRE-INSTALL) >- >-if [ -d $PKG_PREFIX/firebird ]; then >- if [ -d $PKG_PREFIX/firebird.old ]; then >- rm -rf $PKG_PREFIX/firebird.old >- fi >- cp -Rp $PKG_PREFIX/firebird $PKG_PREFIX/firebird.old >-fi >- >-if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ]; then >- echo; echo "You must be root to run this step!"; echo; echo >- exit 1 >-fi >- >-nofbuid=0 >-fbUID=`id -u firebird 2>/dev/null` >-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then >- fbUID=90 >- while [ ! -z `id -un $fbUID 2>/dev/null` ] >- do >- fbUID=$(($fbUID+1)) >- done >- nofbuid=1 >-fi >- >-fbGID=`pw groupshow firebird 2>/dev/null` >-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then >- fbGID=90 >- while [ ! -z `id -gn $fbGID 2>/dev/null` ] >- do >- fbGID=$(($fbGID+1)) >- done >- echo "firebird:*:$fbGID:" >> /etc/group >-else >- fbGID=`echo $fbGID | awk -F: '{print $3}'` >-fi >- >-echo "firebird user using uid $fbUID" >-echo "firebird user using gid $fbGID" >- >-if which -s pw; then >- if [ $nofbuid -ne 0 ]; then >- pw useradd firebird -u $fbUID -g $fbGID -h - -s /bin/sh \ >- -d $PKG_PREFIX/firebird -c "Firebird Database Administrator" >- fi >-else >- echo -n "unable to create user firebird - please create it manually," >- echo " before reinstalling this package." >- exit 1 >-fi >-;; >- >-POST-INSTALL) >-chown -R firebird:firebird $PKG_PREFIX/firebird >-chmod -R o= $PKG_PREFIX/firebird >- >-# Now fix up the mess. >- >-# fix up directories >-for i in `find $PKG_PREFIX/firebird -print` >-do >- FileName=$i >- if [ -d $FileName ]; then >- chmod u=rwx,go=rx $FileName >- fi >-done >- >-# make lib ldconfig-compatible >-chown -R root:wheel $PKG_PREFIX/firebird/lib >- >-# make the following read-only >-chmod -R a=r $PKG_PREFIX/firebird/WhatsNew >-for i in `find $PKG_PREFIX/firebird/doc -type f -print` >-do >- chmod a=r $i >-done >-chmod -R a=r $PKG_PREFIX/firebird/examples/* >-chmod -R a=r $PKG_PREFIX/firebird/include/* >-chmod -R a=r $PKG_PREFIX/firebird/intl/* >-#chmod -R a=r $PKG_PREFIX/firebird/misc/* >- >-chmod -R ug=rx,o= $PKG_PREFIX/firebird/UDF/* >-chmod -R ug=rx,o= $PKG_PREFIX/firebird/intl/fbintl >-chmod -R a=rx $PKG_PREFIX/firebird/lib/* >- >-cd $PKG_PREFIX/firebird/lib >-ln -sf >-ln -sf >- >-cd $PKG_PREFIX/firebird/bin >-for i in `ls` >-do >- chmod ug=rx,o= $i >-done >- >-chmod a=rx isql qli >- >-# SUID is needed for running server programs. >-for i in fb_lock_mgr gds_drop fb_inet_server >-do >- if [ -f $i ]; then >- chmod ug=rx,o= $i >- chmod ug+s $i >- fi >-done >- >- >-cd $PKG_PREFIX/firebird >- >-# Lock files >- >-for i in isc_init1 isc_lock1 isc_event1 >-do >- FileName=$i.`hostname` >- touch $FileName >- chmod uga=rw $FileName >- chown firebird:firebird $FileName >-done >- >-touch firebird.log >-chown firebird:firebird firebird.log >-chmod ug=rw,o= firebird.log >-chmod a=r firebird.msg README >-chown root:wheel *.sample >-chmod ug=r,o= *.sample >- >-# make databases writable by firebird only >-# local database connections are not a good idea >-chmod ug=rw,o= examples/*.fdb >-chmod ug=rw,o= help/*.fdb >-chmod ug=rw,o= security.fdb >- >-chmod 444 aliases.conf firebird.conf >-chmod 660 security.fdb >- >-# remove any existing gds service >-cp /etc/services /etc/services.old >-cp /etc/inetd.conf /etc/inetd.conf.old >-cat /etc/services |grep -v gds_db >/etc/ >-cat /etc/inetd.conf |grep -v gds_db >/etc/ >-mv /etc/ /etc/services >-mv /etc/ /etc/inetd.conf >- >-# add the gds service and restart inetd >-cat >>/etc/services <<EOF >-gds_db 3050/tcp #InterBase Database Remote Protocol >-EOF >-cat >>/etc/inetd.conf <<EOF >-gds_db stream tcp nowait firebird $PKG_PREFIX/firebird/bin/fb_inet_server fb_inet_server >-EOF >-if [ -f /var/run/ ]; then >- kill -HUP `cat /var/run/` >-fi >- >-# shared lib startup script >-if [ -d $PKG_PREFIX/etc/rc.d ]; then >- ( >- echo "#!/bin/sh"; echo "[ -d $PKG_PREFIX/firebird/lib ] && /sbin/ldconfig -m $PKG_PREFIX/firebird/lib" >- ) > $PKG_PREFIX/etc/rc.d/ >- chmod a=rx $PKG_PREFIX/etc/rc.d/ >-fi >-;; >- >-esac >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird/pkg-message ./databases/firebird/pkg-message >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird/pkg-message Tue Jan 13 14:11:10 2004 >+++ ./databases/firebird/pkg-message Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969 >@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ >- >---------------------------------------------------------- >-Firebird is now installed. A symbolic link from >-/usr/interbase -> %%PREFIX%%/firebird may be needed >-for compatibility with existing programs that use >-Firebird. >- >-The symbolic link can be created with: >- >-% ln -s %%PREFIX%%/firebird /usr/interbase >- >-It is STRONGLY recommended that you change the SYSDBA >-password with: >- >-% cd %%PREFIX%%/firebird >-% gsec -user SYSDBA -pass masterkey >-GSEC> modify SYSDBA -pw newpassword >-GSEC> quit >- >-before doing anything serious with Firebird. >- >-See %%PREFIX%%/firebird/RELNOTES for more. >---------------------------------------------------------- >- >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird/pkg-plist ./databases/firebird/pkg-plist >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird/pkg-plist Mon Jan 10 07:46:20 2005 >+++ ./databases/firebird/pkg-plist Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969 >@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ >-etc/rc.d/ >-firebird/README >-firebird/RELNOTES >-firebird/UDF/ >-firebird/UDF/fbudf.sql >-firebird/UDF/ >-firebird/UDF/ib_udf.sql >-firebird/WhatsNew >-@unexec if cmp -s %D/firebird/aliases.conf %D/firebird/aliases.conf.sample; then rm -f %D/firebird/aliases.conf; fi >-firebird/aliases.conf.sample >-@exec [ -f %B/aliases.conf ] || cp %B/%f %B/aliases.conf >-firebird/bin/fb_inet_server >-firebird/bin/fb_lock_mgr >-firebird/bin/fb_lock_print >-firebird/bin/gbak >-firebird/bin/gdef >-firebird/bin/gds_drop >-firebird/bin/gfix >-firebird/bin/gpre >-firebird/bin/gsec >-firebird/bin/gstat >-firebird/bin/isql >-firebird/bin/qli >-firebird/doc/README.NTSecurity >-firebird/doc/README.Win32LibraryInstallation.txt >-firebird/doc/ >-firebird/doc/ >-firebird/doc/README.install.Solaris_on_Intel >-firebird/doc/README.instsvc >-firebird/doc/README.makefiles >-firebird/doc/README.user >-firebird/doc/README.user.embedded >-firebird/doc/README.user.troubleshooting >-firebird/doc/sql.extensions/README.aggregate_tracking >-firebird/doc/sql.extensions/ >-firebird/doc/sql.extensions/README.coalesce >-firebird/doc/sql.extensions/README.context_variables >-firebird/doc/sql.extensions/README.data_types >-firebird/doc/sql.extensions/README.exception_handling >-firebird/doc/sql.extensions/README.execute_statement >-firebird/doc/sql.extensions/README.explicit_locks >-firebird/doc/sql.extensions/README.nullif >-firebird/doc/sql.extensions/README.order_by_expressions_nulls >-firebird/doc/sql.extensions/README.savepoints >-firebird/doc/sql.extensions/README.universal_triggers >-firebird/examples/align.h >-firebird/examples/api1.c >-firebird/examples/api10.c >-firebird/examples/api11.c >-firebird/examples/api12.c >-firebird/examples/api13.c >-firebird/examples/api14.e >-firebird/examples/api15.c >-firebird/examples/api16.c >-firebird/examples/api16t.c >-firebird/examples/api2.c >-firebird/examples/api3.c >-firebird/examples/api4.c >-firebird/examples/api5.c >-firebird/examples/api6.c >-firebird/examples/api7.c >-firebird/examples/api8.c >-firebird/examples/api9.c >-firebird/examples/api9f.c >-firebird/examples/api9f.sql >-firebird/examples/apifull.c >-firebird/examples/dyn1.e >-firebird/examples/dyn2.e >-firebird/examples/dyn3.e >-firebird/examples/dyn4.e >-firebird/examples/dyn5.e >-firebird/examples/dynfull.e >-firebird/examples/employe2.sql >-firebird/examples/employee.fdb >-firebird/examples/employee.gbk >-firebird/examples/example.h >-firebird/examples/readme >-firebird/examples/stat1.e >-firebird/examples/stat10.e >-firebird/examples/stat11.e >-firebird/examples/stat12.e >-firebird/examples/stat12t.e >-firebird/examples/stat2.e >-firebird/examples/stat3.e >-firebird/examples/stat4.e >-firebird/examples/stat5.e >-firebird/examples/stat6.e >-firebird/examples/stat7.e >-firebird/examples/stat8.e >-firebird/examples/stat9.e >-firebird/examples/udf.sql >-firebird/examples/udflib.c >-@unexec if cmp -s %D/firebird/firebird.conf %D/firebird/firebird.conf.sample; then rm -f %D/firebird/firebird.conf; fi >-firebird/firebird.conf.sample >-@exec [ -f %B/firebird.conf ] || cp %B/%f %B/firebird.conf >-@unexec [ -s %D/firebird/firebird.log ] || rm -f %D/firebird/firebird.log >-firebird/firebird.msg >-firebird/help/help.fdb >-firebird/include/blr.h >-firebird/include/gds.h >-firebird/include/ib_util.h >-firebird/include/ibase.h >-firebird/include/iberror.h >-firebird/include/perf.h >-firebird/intl/fbintl >-@unexec rm -f %D/firebird/isc_event1.`hostname` >-@unexec rm -f %D/firebird/isc_init1.`hostname` >-@unexec rm -f %D/firebird/isc_lock1.`hostname` >-firebird/lib/ >-firebird/lib/ >-firebird/lib/ >-firebird/lib/ >-firebird/lib/ >-firebird/lib/ >-firebird/lib/ >-firebird/lib/ >-firebird/lib/ >-@unexec if cmp -s %D/firebird/security.fdb %D/firebird/security.fdb.sample; then rm -f %D/firebird/security.fdb; fi >-firebird/security.fdb.sample >-@exec [ -f %B/security.fdb ] || cp %B/%f %B/security.fdb >-@dirrm firebird/UDF >-@dirrm firebird/bin >-@dirrm firebird/doc/sql.extensions >-@dirrm firebird/doc >-@dirrm firebird/examples >-@dirrm firebird/help >-@dirrm firebird/include >-@dirrm firebird/intl >-@dirrm firebird/lib >-@dirrm firebird >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-client/Makefile ./databases/firebird-client/Makefile >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-client/Makefile Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969 >+++ ./databases/firebird-client/Makefile Thu Mar 3 15:16:13 2005 >@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ >+# New ports collection makefile for: firebird-client >+# Date created: 2005 Mar 03 >+# Whom: Renato Botelho <> >+# >+# $FreeBSD$ >+# >+ >+PORTNAME= firebird >+PKGNAMESUFFIX= -client >+ >+COMMENT= The open-source InterBase(tm) 6.0 spin-off (client) >+ >+MASTERDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../firebird-server >+ >+PLIST= ${PKGDIR}/pkg-plist.client >+ >+CLIENT_ONLY= yes >+ >+.include "${MASTERDIR}/Makefile" >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/Makefile ./databases/firebird-server/Makefile >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/Makefile Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969 >+++ ./databases/firebird-server/Makefile Tue Mar 29 14:15:24 2005 >@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ >+# New ports collection makefile for: Firebird >+# Date created: 20 December 2000 >+# Whom: Geoffrey C. Speicher <> >+# >+# $FreeBSD: ports/databases/firebird/Makefile,v 1.36 2005/02/14 17:26:19 vs Exp $ >+# >+ >+PORTNAME?= firebird >+PORTVERSION= 1.5.2 >+CATEGORIES?= databases >+MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE} >+MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR=firebird >+PKGNAMESUFFIX?= -server >+DISTNAME= firebird- >+ >+MAINTAINER= >+COMMENT?= The open-source InterBase(tm) 6.0 spin-off (Classic version) >+ >+USE_REINPLACE= yes >+USE_BISON= yes >+USE_BZIP2= yes >+USE_GMAKE= yes >+GNU_CONFIGURE= yes >+USE_LIBTOOL_VER= 15 >+USE_AUTOCONF_VER= 259 >+USE_GCC= 3.4 >+ >+PLIST_SUB= FIREBIRD_VERSION=${PORTVERSION} >+ >+# Don't use ld for linking, use gcc >+LD= gcc >+ >+# Don't strip binary files >+STRIP= >+ >+ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= i386 >+ >+WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${DISTNAME} >+ >+.if !defined(CLIENT_ONLY) >+# Server part stuff >+LIB_DEPENDS+= fbembed.1:${PORTSDIR}/databases/firebird-client >+ >+AUTOGENARGS= --prefix=${PREFIX}/firebird \ >+ --with-lock-manager >+ >+ALL_TARGET= firebird_boot ref_databases msgs intl otherfiles \ >+ inet_server extlib >+ >+# Use own user and group when install server part >+BINOWN= firebird >+BINGRP= firebird >+BINMODE= 550 >+SHAREOWN= firebird >+SHAREGRP= firebird >+ >+PKGMESSAGE= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message >+PKGINSTALL= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-install >+ >+CONFLICTS= firebird-devel-[0-9]* >+.else >+# Client part stuff >+AUTOGENARGS= --prefix=${PREFIX} \ >+ --with-editline >+ >+ALL_TARGET= firebird_basic libfbembed embed_gfix embed_gbak embed_isql embed_gpre \ >+ embed_util embed_gdef embed_qli libfbclient extlib >+ >+INSTALLS_SHLIB= yes >+.endif >+ >+.include <> >+ >+.if !defined(CLIENT_ONLY) >+pre-everything:: >+ @${ECHO_MSG} "NOTE: If the work directory is on an NFS mount, you will" >+ @${ECHO_MSG} "require NFS client locking support for the build to" >+ @${ECHO_MSG} "succeed. Currently this is only available on FreeBSD 5.0" >+ @${ECHO_MSG} "or greater." >+ @${ECHO_MSG} >+ @${ECHO_MSG} "WARNING: The on-disk structure of the databases has" >+ @${ECHO_MSG} "changed since version 1.0.x." >+ @${ECHO_MSG} "Cancel this installation now and backup your databases" >+ @${ECHO_MSG} "if you have not already done so." >+.if !defined(BATCH) >+ @sleep 10 >+.endif >+ >+post-patch: >+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|^\(LINK_OPTS +=.*\)$$|\1 -L${LOCALBASE}/lib|' \ >+ ${WRKSRC}/builds/posix/ >+ >+post-build: >+ ${SED} 's|%%PREFIX%%|${PREFIX}|g' \ >+ < ${FILESDIR}/ \ >+ > ${PKGMESSAGE} >+ >+ ${SED} -e 's|%%PREFIX%%|${PREFIX}/firebird|g' \ >+ < ${FILESDIR}/ \ >+ > ${PKGINSTALL} >+ >+ ${SED} -e "s|%%PREFIX%%|${PREFIX}/firebird|g" \ >+ < ${FILESDIR}/ \ >+ > ${WRKDIR}/aliases.conf >+ >+pre-install: >+ ${SETENV} PKG_PREFIX="${PREFIX}" PKG_DESTDIR="${DESTDIR}" ${SH} ${PKGINSTALL} ${PORTNAME} PRE-INSTALL >+ >+post-install: >+ ${SETENV} PKG_PREFIX="${PREFIX}" PKG_DESTDIR="${DESTDIR}" ${SH} ${PKGINSTALL} ${PORTNAME} POST-INSTALL >+ @${ECHO_MSG} >+ @${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE} >+ @${ECHO_MSG} >+.endif >+ >+patch-autotools: >+ @${DO_NADA} >+ >+run-autotools: >+ @${DO_NADA} >+ >+do-configure: >+ @(cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} CC=${CC} CXX=${CXX} MAKE=${GMAKE} \ >+ ${AUTOTOOLS_VARS} ./ ${AUTOGENARGS}) >+ >+post-configure: >+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|__attribute__ ((__unused__));||' \ >+ ${WRKSRC}/src/dsql/parse.cpp >+ >+do-install: >+.if !defined(CLIENT_ONLY) >+ >+ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/firebird >+ ${CHOWN} ${BINOWN}:${BINGRP} ${PREFIX}/firebird >+ >+.for f in UDF bin help intl >+ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/firebird/${f} >+ ${CHOWN} ${BINOWN}:${BINGRP} ${PREFIX}/firebird/${f} >+.endfor >+ >+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/aliases.conf ${PREFIX}/firebird/aliases.conf.sample >+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/gen/firebird/misc/firebird.conf ${PREFIX}/firebird/firebird.conf.sample >+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/gen/firebird/security.fdb ${PREFIX}/firebird/security.fdb.sample >+ ${CHMOD} 660 ${PREFIX}/firebird/security.fdb.sample >+ >+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/gen/firebird/firebird.msg ${PREFIX}/firebird/firebird.msg >+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/gen/firebird/help/help.fdb ${PREFIX}/firebird/help >+ >+.for f in >+ ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/gen/firebird/UDF/${f} ${PREFIX}/firebird/UDF >+.endfor >+ >+.for f in src/extlib/ib_udf.sql src/extlib/fbudf/fbudf.sql >+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/${f} ${PREFIX}/firebird/UDF >+.endfor >+ >+.for f in fb_inet_server fb_lock_mgr >+ ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/gen/firebird/bin/${f} ${PREFIX}/firebird/bin >+ ${CHMOD} u+s ${PREFIX}/firebird/bin/${f} >+.endfor >+ >+ ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/gen/firebird/intl/ ${PREFIX}/firebird/intl/fbintl >+ >+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/RELNOTES ${PREFIX}/firebird >+ >+.else >+ >+.for dir in include share/doc/firebird \ >+ share/doc/firebird/sql.extensions share/examples/firebird >+ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/${dir} >+.endfor >+ >+.for f in fb_lock_print gbak gdef gds_drop gfix gpre gsec gstat isql qli >+ ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/gen/firebird/bin/${f} ${PREFIX}/bin >+.endfor >+ >+ ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/gen/firebird/lib/${PORTVERSION} ${PREFIX}/lib >+ ${LN} -fs${PORTVERSION} ${PREFIX}/lib/ >+ ${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/lib/ >+ >+ ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/gen/firebird/lib/${PORTVERSION} ${PREFIX}/lib >+ ${LN} -fs${PORTVERSION} ${PREFIX}/lib/ >+ ${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/lib/ >+ >+ ${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/lib/ >+ ${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/lib/ >+ >+ ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/gen/firebird/lib/ ${PREFIX}/lib >+ >+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/gen/firebird/include/*.h ${PREFIX}/include >+ >+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/WhatsNew ${PREFIX}/share/doc/firebird >+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/README.* ${PREFIX}/share/doc/firebird >+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/README.user ${PREFIX}/share/doc/firebird/README >+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/sql.extensions/README.* ${PREFIX}/share/doc/firebird/sql.extensions >+ >+ # Install examples >+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/gen/firebird/examples/v5/* ${PREFIX}/share/examples/firebird >+.endif >+ >+.include <> >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/distinfo ./databases/firebird-server/distinfo >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/distinfo Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969 >+++ ./databases/firebird-server/distinfo Mon Jan 10 07:46:20 2005 >@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ >+MD5 (firebird- = fea53ed5213cff4bd96513fb1a6c0ca2 >+SIZE (firebird- = 4764015 >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/files/RELNOTES ./databases/firebird-server/files/RELNOTES >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/files/RELNOTES Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969 >+++ ./databases/firebird-server/files/RELNOTES Thu Jul 22 04:57:37 2004 >@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ >+Firebird 1.5.1 FreeBSD Release Notes 19-Jul-2004 >+-------------------------------------- >+FB-V1.5.1.4481 Firebird 1.5 Release >+ >+ Welcome to the FreeBSD Firebird port! >+ >+ Firebird is installed SUID with owner and group `firebird'. >+This does affect where you can and cannot create databases when >+connecting remotely, as well as which existing databases you can >+access. If you want a database to be available remotely, be sure >+it's readable and writeable to group firebird. >+ >+ There may be times when you manage to get your system into a >+state where using any of the Firebird utilites (isql, gbak, gsec, >+etc.) gives you the message "semget failed". One surefire way to >+do this is to build and install the port. :) If this happens, >+make sure that the lock manager is not running and its semaphores >+have been removed. The former can be accomplished with 'ps ax >+|grep fb' and 'kill'; the latter with 'ipcs -s' and 'ipcrm -s'. >+ >+ For example, after building and installing the port, you will >+probably go through something like this: >+ >+# isql /usr/local/firebird/security.fdb >+Statement failed, SQLCODE = -902 >+ >+operating system directive semget failed >+-No such file or directory >+ >+# ipcs -s >+Semaphores: >+T ID KEY MODE OWNER GROUP >+s 1310720 252034728 --rw-rw-rw- root wheel >+ >+# ipcrm -s 1310720 >+ >+and you should be in business. >+ >+ Once this is done, you should be able to connect normally to >+databases. Your first connection will restart the lock manager. >+ >+ There may be times, however, when you still get "semget failed" >+even though the lock manager is not running and the semaphores have >+been cleaned up. There seems to be a conflict with this release >+and the PostgreSQL 7 release as installed from the ports collection. >+If you're having trouble with Firebird and you're running PostgreSQL, >+try stopping PostgreSQL: >+ >+ /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ stop >+ >+and see if that helps. Alternatively, increase the value of SEMMNS >+by 48 in your kernel configuration file. This can be found by getting >+the current value with 'sysctl -a | grep semmns'. You can either add >+this to your kernel config, or add the following line to /boot/loader.conf: >+ >+ kern.ipc.semmns=X >+ >+where is is the current value plus 48. If this doesn't resolve the issue, >+try adding 48 again. >+ >+ Please note that as of RC8, the symlink now points to > This has been done to resolve compatability issues with >+older versions of Firebird. The FreeBSD port of RC7 had >+pointing to is a remote access-only >+shared library with threaded support, which requires target applications >+to link with a threaded library such as, or >+ >+ Super Server support in Firebird 1.5 for FreeBSD is not currently >+available due to the Firebird code using POSIX threads APIs not available >+in FreeBSD 4.x or not yet complete in FreeBSD 5.x. This issue will become >+more important once the scalability issues of Super Server have been >+resolved. >+ >+ This installation has already inserted the necessary line to >+/etc/inetd.conf so that you can connect to Firebird across the network. >+However you may need to add the remote host to /etc/hosts.equiv. For >+example, to allow the local machine to make connections to Firebird >+using TCP, the following command needs running: >+ >+ echo localhost >> /etc/hosts.equiv >+ >+Please note that adding machines to /etc/hosts.equiv can reduce the >+security of your system. If in doubt, try connecting to Firebird with >+a username and password already defined in security.fdb. For example: >+ >+gsec >+> add myuser -pass mypass >+> quit >+isql -u myuser -p mypass localhost:/usr/local/firebird/examples/employee.fdb >+ >+This should reduce the need for hosts defined in /etc/hosts.equiv. >+ >+ Complete documentation for InterBase(tm) is available (free of >+charge) from in PDF format. While >+InterBase and Firebird are two distinct entities, all InterBase >+documentation is pertinent to Firebird. More information on Firebird >+and InterBase can be found at the following: >+ >+ >+ >+ >+ >+ >+ Please also see the doc directory in the Firebird package for >+documentation specific to Firebird. >+ >+Chris Knight >+<> >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/files/ ./databases/firebird-server/files/ >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/files/ Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969 >+++ ./databases/firebird-server/files/ Wed Mar 2 08:14:26 2005 >@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ >+# >+# List of known database aliases >+# ------------------------------ >+# >+# Examples: >+# >+# employee = %%PREFIX%%/examples/employee.fdb >+# >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/files/ ./databases/firebird-server/files/ >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/files/ Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969 >+++ ./databases/firebird-server/files/ Wed Mar 2 13:13:11 2005 >@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ >+--- builds/posix/ Fri Sep 17 20:34:21 2004 >++++ builds/posix/ Wed Mar 2 16:09:41 2005 >+@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ >+ >+ @SET_MAKE@ >+ >++LINK_OPTS += >++ >+ SERVER_Files = server_stub.cpp >+ SERVER_Sources = $(addprefix remote/, $(SERVER_Files)) >+ SERVER_Objects = $(addprefix $(OBJ)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SERVER_Sources)))) >+@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ >+ >+ # SD: We don't need to rebuild fb_inet_server every time changed, >+ # but we must ensure it's existance >+-fb_inet_server : $(LIBFBEMBED_SO) $(FB_CLASSIC_SERVER) >++fb_inet_server : $(FB_CLASSIC_SERVER) >+ >+ $(FB_CLASSIC_SERVER): $(SERVER_Objects) >+ $(LD) $(LINK_OPTS) $^ -o $@ $(FBEMBED_LINK) $(LIB_GUI) $(LINK_LIBS) >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/files/patch-src::extern::editline::makelist ./databases/firebird-server/files/patch-src::extern::editline::makelist >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/files/patch-src::extern::editline::makelist Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969 >+++ ./databases/firebird-server/files/patch-src::extern::editline::makelist Mon Jul 26 09:06:16 2004 >@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ >+--- src/extern/editline/makelist.orig Mon May 24 04:24:25 2004 >++++ src/extern/editline/makelist Fri Jul 23 17:09:43 2004 >+@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ >+ # >+ -fh) >+ cat $FILES | $AWK '/el_action_t/ { print $3 }' | \ >+- sort | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' | $AWK ' >++ sort | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' | $AWK ' >+ BEGIN { >+ printf("/* Automatically generated file, do not edit */\n"); >+ printf("#ifndef _h_fcns_c\n#define _h_fcns_c\n"); >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/files/ ./databases/firebird-server/files/ >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/files/ Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969 >+++ ./databases/firebird-server/files/ Thu Mar 3 15:10:43 2005 >@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ >+#!/bin/sh >+ >+PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:%%PREFIX%%/bin >+PREFIX=%%PREFIX%% >+DB_DIR=%%PREFIX%% >+ >+USER=firebird >+GROUP=${USER} >+UID=3050 >+GID=${UID} >+HOME=${DB_DIR} >+DESCR="Firebird Database Administrator" >+ >+case $2 in >+PRE-INSTALL) >+ if pw group show "${GROUP}" 2> /dev/null; then >+ echo "You already have a group \"${GROUP}\", so I will use it." >+ else >+ if pw groupadd ${GROUP} -g ${GID}; then >+ echo "Added group \"${GROUP}\"." >+ else >+ echo "Adding group \"${GROUP}\" failed..." >+ exit 1 >+ fi >+ fi >+ >+ if pw user show "${USER}" 2> /dev/null; then >+ echo "You already have a user \"${USER}\", so I will use it." >+ >+ if pw usermod ${USER} -d ${HOME}; then >+ echo "Changed home directory of \"${USER}\" to \"${HOME}\"" >+ else >+ echo "Changing home directory of \"${USER}\" to \"${HOME}\" failed..." >+ exit 1 >+ fi >+ else >+ if pw useradd ${USER} -u ${UID} -g ${GROUP} -h - -d ${NOME} -s /sbin/nologin -c "${DESCR}" ; then >+ echo "Added user \"${USER}\"." >+ else >+ echo "Adding user \"${USER}\" failed..." >+ exit 1 >+ fi >+ fi >+ ;; >+ >+POST-INSTALL) >+ for f in isc_init1.`hostname` isc_lock1.`hostname` isc_event1.`hostname` firebird.log >+ do >+ touch ${PREFIX}/${f} >+ chown ${USER}:${GROUP} ${PREFIX}/$f >+ chmod 660 ${PREFIX}/${f} >+ done >+ >+ # add the gds service and restart inetd >+ cat /etc/services | grep -v gds_db > /etc/ >+ cat >>/etc/ <<EOF >+gds_db 3050/tcp #InterBase Database Remote Protocol >+EOF >+ mv /etc/ /etc/services >+ >+ cat /etc/inetd.conf | grep -v gds_db > /etc/ >+ cat >>/etc/ <<EOF >+gds_db stream tcp nowait firebird ${PREFIX}/bin/fb_inet_server fb_inet_server >+EOF >+ mv /etc/ /etc/inetd.conf >+ >+ if [ -f /var/run/ ]; then >+ kill -HUP `cat /var/run/` >+ fi >+esac >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/files/ ./databases/firebird-server/files/ >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/files/ Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969 >+++ ./databases/firebird-server/files/ Wed Mar 9 07:24:15 2005 >@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ >+--------------------------------------------------------- >+Firebird is now installed. A symbolic link from >+/usr/interbase -> %%PREFIX%%/firebird may be needed >+for compatibility with existing programs that use >+Firebird. >+ >+The symbolic link can be created with: >+ >+% ln -s %%PREFIX%%/firebird /usr/interbase >+ >+It is STRONGLY recommended that you change the SYSDBA >+password with: >+ >+% cd %%PREFIX%%/firebird >+% gsec -user SYSDBA -pass masterkey >+GSEC> modify SYSDBA -pw newpassword >+GSEC> quit >+ >+before doing anything serious with Firebird. >+ >+See %%PREFIX%%/firebird/RELNOTES for more. >+--------------------------------------------------------- >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/pkg-descr ./databases/firebird-server/pkg-descr >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/pkg-descr Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969 >+++ ./databases/firebird-server/pkg-descr Tue Jan 13 14:11:10 2004 >@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ >+The open-source InterBase(tm) 6.0 spin-off (Classic server version) >+ >+InterBase is a world-class DBMS with a history too rich to detail >+here. Once selling for several thousands of dollars per license, >+some very big players use it worldwide. Inprise has open-sourced >+InterBase 6.0, and a lively bunch of folks has charged themselves >+with seeing that it lives on through the Firebird project. >+ >+For more information on Firebird and InterBase, see: >+ >+WWW: >+WWW: >+WWW: >+WWW: >+WWW: >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/pkg-plist ./databases/firebird-server/pkg-plist >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/pkg-plist Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969 >+++ ./databases/firebird-server/pkg-plist Wed Mar 2 14:39:18 2005 >@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ >+firebird/RELNOTES >+firebird/UDF/ >+firebird/UDF/fbudf.sql >+firebird/UDF/ >+firebird/UDF/ib_udf.sql >+@unexec if cmp -s %D/firebird/aliases.conf %D/firebird/aliases.conf.sample; then rm -f %D/firebird/aliases.conf; fi >+firebird/aliases.conf.sample >+@exec [ -f %B/aliases.conf ] || cp %B/%f %B/aliases.conf >+firebird/bin/fb_inet_server >+firebird/bin/fb_lock_mgr >+@unexec if cmp -s %D/firebird/firebird.conf %D/firebird/firebird.conf.sample; then rm -f %D/firebird/firebird.conf; fi >+firebird/firebird.conf.sample >+@exec [ -f %B/firebird.conf ] || cp %B/%f %B/firebird.conf >+@unexec [ -s %D/firebird/firebird.log ] || rm -f %D/firebird/firebird.log >+firebird/firebird.msg >+firebird/help/help.fdb >+firebird/intl/fbintl >+@unexec rm -f %D/firebird/isc_event1.`hostname` >+@unexec rm -f %D/firebird/isc_init1.`hostname` >+@unexec rm -f %D/firebird/isc_lock1.`hostname` >+@unexec if cmp -s %D/firebird/security.fdb %D/firebird/security.fdb.sample; then rm -f %D/firebird/security.fdb; fi >+firebird/security.fdb.sample >+@exec [ -f %B/security.fdb ] || cp %B/%f %B/security.fdb >+@dirrm firebird/UDF >+@dirrm firebird/bin >+@dirrm firebird/help >+@dirrm firebird/intl >+@dirrm firebird >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/pkg-plist.client ./databases/firebird-server/pkg-plist.client >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/firebird-server/pkg-plist.client Wed Dec 31 21:00:00 1969 >+++ ./databases/firebird-server/pkg-plist.client Fri Mar 4 10:30:49 2005 >@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ >+bin/fb_lock_print >+bin/gbak >+bin/gdef >+bin/gds_drop >+bin/gfix >+bin/gpre >+bin/gsec >+bin/gstat >+bin/isql >+bin/qli >+include/blr.h >+include/gds.h >+include/ib_util.h >+include/ibase.h >+include/iberror.h >+include/perf.h >+lib/ >+lib/ >+lib/ >+lib/ >+lib/ >+lib/ >+lib/ >+lib/ >+lib/ >+%%DOCSDIR%%/README.NTSecurity >+%%DOCSDIR%%/README.Win32LibraryInstallation.txt >+%%DOCSDIR%%/ >+%%DOCSDIR%%/ >+%%DOCSDIR%%/README.install.Solaris_on_Intel >+%%DOCSDIR%%/README.instsvc >+%%DOCSDIR%%/README.makefiles >+%%DOCSDIR%%/README.user >+%%DOCSDIR%%/README.user.embedded >+%%DOCSDIR%%/README.user.troubleshooting >+%%DOCSDIR%%/README >+%%DOCSDIR%%/WhatsNew >+%%DOCSDIR%%/sql.extensions/README.aggregate_tracking >+%%DOCSDIR%%/sql.extensions/ >+%%DOCSDIR%%/sql.extensions/README.coalesce >+%%DOCSDIR%%/sql.extensions/README.context_variables >+%%DOCSDIR%%/sql.extensions/README.data_types >+%%DOCSDIR%%/sql.extensions/README.exception_handling >+%%DOCSDIR%%/sql.extensions/README.execute_statement >+%%DOCSDIR%%/sql.extensions/README.explicit_locks >+%%DOCSDIR%%/sql.extensions/README.nullif >+%%DOCSDIR%%/sql.extensions/README.order_by_expressions_nulls >+%%DOCSDIR%%/sql.extensions/README.savepoints >+%%DOCSDIR%%/sql.extensions/README.universal_triggers >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/align.h >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/api1.c >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/api10.c >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/api11.c >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/api12.c >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/api13.c >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/api14.e >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/api15.c >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/api16.c >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/api16t.c >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/api2.c >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/api3.c >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/api4.c >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/api5.c >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/api6.c >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/api7.c >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/api8.c >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/api9.c >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/api9f.c >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/api9f.sql >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/apifull.c >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/dyn1.e >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/dyn2.e >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/dyn3.e >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/dyn4.e >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/dyn5.e >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/dynfull.e >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/employe2.sql >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/employee.fdb >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/employee.gbk >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/example.h >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/readme >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/stat1.e >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/stat10.e >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/stat11.e >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/stat12.e >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/stat12t.e >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/stat2.e >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/stat3.e >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/stat4.e >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/stat5.e >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/stat6.e >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/stat7.e >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/stat8.e >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/stat9.e >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/udf.sql >+%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/udflib.c >+@dirrm %%DOCSDIR%%/sql.extensions >+@dirrm %%DOCSDIR%% >+@dirrm %%EXAMPLESDIR%% >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/kinterbasdb/Makefile ./databases/kinterbasdb/Makefile >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/kinterbasdb/Makefile Sat Jan 29 15:24:09 2005 >+++ ./databases/kinterbasdb/Makefile Fri Mar 4 12:19:10 2005 >@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ > MAINTAINER= > COMMENT= Python extension for Firebird/Interbase(R) relational databases > >-LIB_DEPENDS= gds.1:${PORTSDIR}/databases/firebird >+LIB_DEPENDS= gds.1:${PORTSDIR}/databases/firebird-client > RUN_DEPENDS= ${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/mx/DateTime/${PORTSDIR}/lang/py-mx-base > > WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION} >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/libgda2/Makefile ./databases/libgda2/Makefile >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/libgda2/Makefile Tue Mar 29 07:38:38 2005 >+++ ./databases/libgda2/Makefile Tue Mar 29 07:42:01 2005 >@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ > WITH_LDAP=yes > .endif > >-.if exists(${LOCALBASE}/firebird/lib/ >+.if exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/ > WITH_FIREBIRD= yes > .endif > >@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ > .endif > > .if !defined(WITHOUT_FIREBIRD) && defined(WITH_FIREBIRD) >-LIB_DEPENDS+= gds.1:${PORTSDIR}/databases/firebird >-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-firebird=${LOCALBASE}/firebird >+LIB_DEPENDS+= gds.1:${PORTSDIR}/databases/firebird-client >+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-firebird=${LOCALBASE} > PLIST_SUB+= FIREBIRD:="" > .else > CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-interbase >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/p5-DBD-InterBase/Makefile ./databases/p5-DBD-InterBase/Makefile >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/p5-DBD-InterBase/Makefile Tue Mar 29 07:38:46 2005 >+++ ./databases/p5-DBD-InterBase/Makefile Tue Mar 29 07:42:26 2005 >@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ > MAINTAINER= > COMMENT= DBI driver for InterBase RDBMS server > >-LIB_DEPENDS= gds:${PORTSDIR}/databases/firebird >+LIB_DEPENDS= gds:${PORTSDIR}/databases/firebird-client > > PERL_CONFIGURE= yes > > post-patch: >- @${PERL} -pi -e 's,%%IB_BASE%%,${PREFIX}/firebird,g' \ >+ @${PERL} -pi -e 's,%%IB_BASE%%,${LOCALBASE},g' \ > ${WRKSRC}/Makefile.PL > > MAN3= Bundle::DBD::InterBase.3 DBD::InterBase.3 DBD::InterBase::FAQ.3 >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/qt-ibase-plugin/Makefile ./databases/qt-ibase-plugin/Makefile >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/qt-ibase-plugin/Makefile Sun Feb 6 09:58:17 2005 >+++ ./databases/qt-ibase-plugin/Makefile Fri Mar 4 12:22:31 2005 >@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ > > DB= ibase > >-LIB_DEPENDS+= gds:${PORTSDIR}/databases/firebird \ >+LIB_DEPENDS+= gds:${PORTSDIR}/databases/firebird-client \ > qt-mt:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/qt33 > > USE_BZIP2= yes >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/qt-ibase-plugin/files/Makefile.bsd ./databases/qt-ibase-plugin/files/Makefile.bsd >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/qt-ibase-plugin/files/Makefile.bsd Thu Mar 25 12:08:14 2004 >+++ ./databases/qt-ibase-plugin/files/Makefile.bsd Mon Mar 7 12:10:54 2005 >@@ -2,10 +2,9 @@ > > VPATH= ${PLUGIN}:${DRIVER} > CXXFLAGS+= -I${PLUGIN} -I${DRIVER} \ >- -I${LOCALBASE}/firebird/include \ > -I${LOCALBASE}/include -I${X11BASE}/include \ > ${PTHREAD_CFLAGS} -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT >-LDADD= -L${X11BASE}/lib -L${LOCALBASE}/firebird/lib ${PTHREAD_LIBS} -lqt-mt -lgds >+LDADD= -L${X11BASE}/lib -L${LOCALBASE}/lib ${PTHREAD_LIBS} -lqt-mt -lgds > SRCS= qsql_${DB}.cpp main.cpp > > LIBDIR= ${PREFIX}/lib/plugins/sqldrivers >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/ruby-interbase/Makefile ./databases/ruby-interbase/Makefile >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/ruby-interbase/Makefile Fri Mar 7 02:58:31 2003 >+++ ./databases/ruby-interbase/Makefile Fri Mar 4 12:22:50 2005 >@@ -15,15 +15,15 @@ > MAINTAINER= > COMMENT= Ruby interface to Interbase library > >-LIB_DEPENDS= gds:${PORTSDIR}/databases/firebird >+LIB_DEPENDS= gds:${PORTSDIR}/databases/firebird-client > > WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME} > > USE_RUBY= yes > USE_RUBY_EXTCONF= yes > >-CONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-interbase-include-dir="${LOCALBASE}/firebird/include" \ >- --with-interbase-lib-dir="${LOCALBASE}/firebird/lib" >+CONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-interbase-include-dir="${LOCALBASE}/include" \ >+ --with-interbase-lib-dir="${LOCALBASE}/lib" > INSTALL_TARGET= site-install > > DOCS_EN= README >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/sqlrelay/Makefile ./databases/sqlrelay/Makefile >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/databases/sqlrelay/Makefile Sun Jan 30 22:35:43 2005 >+++ ./databases/sqlrelay/Makefile Fri Mar 4 12:23:15 2005 >@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ > .endif > > .if defined(WITH_INTERBASE) && ${WITH_INTERBASE:L} != no >-LIB_DEPENDS+= gds.1:${PORTSDIR}/databases/firebird >-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-interbase-prefix="${LOCALBASE}/firebird" >+LIB_DEPENDS+= gds.1:${PORTSDIR}/databases/firebird-client >+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-interbase-prefix="${LOCALBASE}" > IF_INTERBASE= "" > .else > CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-interbase >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/lang/fpc/Makefile ./lang/fpc/Makefile >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/lang/fpc/Makefile Sun Feb 13 16:28:19 2005 >+++ ./lang/fpc/Makefile Fri Mar 4 12:13:23 2005 >@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ > > .include <> > >-LIB_DEPENDS+= gds.1:${PORTSDIR}/databases/firebird >+LIB_DEPENDS+= gds.1:${PORTSDIR}/databases/firebird-client > .if ${OSVERSION} < 470000 > EXTRACT_DEPENDS+= gtar:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/gtar > TAR= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/gtar >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/lang/php4/Makefile.ext ./lang/php4/Makefile.ext >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/lang/php4/Makefile.ext Sun Jan 30 22:35:47 2005 >+++ ./lang/php4/Makefile.ext Fri Mar 4 07:32:56 2005 >@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ > .endif > > .if ${PHP_MODNAME} == "interbase" >-LIB_DEPENDS+= gds.1:${PORTSDIR}/databases/firebird >+LIB_DEPENDS+= gds.1:${PORTSDIR}/databases/firebird-client > >-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-interbase=${LOCALBASE}/firebird >+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-interbase=${LOCALBASE} > .endif > > .if ${PHP_MODNAME} == "ldap" >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS ../ports-cvs.orig/lang/php5/Makefile.ext ./lang/php5/Makefile.ext >--- ../ports-cvs.orig/lang/php5/Makefile.ext Sun Jan 30 22:35:47 2005 >+++ ./lang/php5/Makefile.ext Fri Mar 4 07:33:13 2005 >@@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ > .endif > > .if ${PHP_MODNAME} == "interbase" >-LIB_DEPENDS+= gds.1:${PORTSDIR}/databases/firebird >+LIB_DEPENDS+= gds.1:${PORTSDIR}/databases/firebird-client > >-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-interbase=${LOCALBASE}/firebird >+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-interbase=${LOCALBASE} > .endif > > .if ${PHP_MODNAME} == "ldap"
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