FreeBSD Bugzilla – Attachment 72032 Details for
Bug 104784
www/awstats - fix for the security problems
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file.diff (text/plain), 7.32 KB, created by
Oleksii Samorukov
on 2006-10-25 07:30:19 UTC
MIME Type:
Oleksii Samorukov
2006-10-25 07:30:19 UTC
7.32 KB
>diff -ruN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/www/awstats/Makefile /usr/home/samm/src/ports/awstats/Makefile >--- /usr/ports/www/awstats/Makefile Wed Sep 13 07:19:39 2006 >+++ /usr/home/samm/src/ports/awstats/Makefile Wed Oct 25 09:18:17 2006 >@@ -7,18 +7,14 @@ > > PORTNAME= awstats > PORTVERSION= 6.5 >-PORTREVISION= 1 >+PORTREVISION= 2 > PORTEPOCH= 1 > CATEGORIES= www > MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE} > MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= ${PORTNAME} > >-MAINTAINER= >+MAINTAINER= > COMMENT= Free real-time logfile analyzer to get advanced web statistics >- >-FORBIDDEN= Command Injection Vulnerability >-DEPRECATED= ${FORBIDDEN} >-EXPIRATION_DATE=2006-12-01 > > RUN_DEPENDS= ${SITE_PERL}/Net/${PORTSDIR}/net/p5-Net-XWhois > >diff -ruN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/www/awstats/files/ /usr/home/samm/src/ports/awstats/files/ >--- /usr/ports/www/awstats/files/ Thu Jan 1 03:00:00 1970 >+++ /usr/home/samm/src/ports/awstats/files/ Wed Oct 25 09:16:17 2006 >@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ >+--- wwwroot/cgi-bin/ Wed Oct 25 09:05:29 2006 >++++ wwwroot/cgi-bin/ Wed Oct 25 09:02:30 2006 >+@@ -1131,7 +1131,18 @@ >+ my $configdir=shift; >+ my @PossibleConfigDir=(); >+ >+- if ($configdir) { @PossibleConfigDir=("$configdir"); } >++ if ($configdir) >++ { >++ # If from CGI, overwriting of configdir is only possible if AWSTATS_ENABLE_CONFIG_DIR defined >++ #if ($ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'} && ! $ENV{"AWSTATS_ENABLE_CONFIG_DIR"}) >++ #{ >++ # error("Sorry, to allow overwriting of configdir parameter from an AWStats CGI usage, environment variable AWSTATS_ENABLE_CONFIG_DIR must be set to 1"); >++ #} >++ #else >++ #{ >++ @PossibleConfigDir=("$configdir"); >++ #} >++ } >+ else { @PossibleConfigDir=("$DIR","/etc/awstats","/usr/local/etc/awstats","/etc","/etc/opt/awstats"); } >+ >+ # Open config file >+@@ -4439,6 +4450,7 @@ >+ my $stringtoclean=shift; >+ $stringtoclean =~ s/</</g; >+ $stringtoclean =~ s/>/>/g; >++ $stringtoclean =~ s/|//g; >+ return $stringtoclean; >+ } >+ >+@@ -5534,7 +5546,7 @@ >+ $QueryString =~ s/&/&/g; >+ } >+ >+- $QueryString = CleanFromCSSA($QueryString); >++ $QueryString = CleanFromCSSA(&DecodeEncodedString($QueryString)); >+ >+ # Security test >+ if ($QueryString =~ /LogFile=([^&]+)/i) { error("Logfile parameter can't be overwritten when AWStats is used from a CGI"); } >+@@ -5542,26 +5554,26 @@ >+ # No update but report by default when run from a browser >+ $UpdateStats=($QueryString=~/update=1/i?1:0); >+ >+- if ($QueryString =~ /config=([^&]+)/i) { $SiteConfig=&DecodeEncodedString("$1"); } >+- if ($QueryString =~ /diricons=([^&]+)/i) { $DirIcons=&DecodeEncodedString("$1"); } >+- if ($QueryString =~ /pluginmode=([^&]+)/i) { $PluginMode=&Sanitize(&DecodeEncodedString("$1"),1); } >+- if ($QueryString =~ /configdir=([^&]+)/i) { $DirConfig=&Sanitize(&DecodeEncodedString("$1")); } >+- # All filters >+- if ($QueryString =~ /hostfilter=([^&]+)/i) { $FilterIn{'host'}=&DecodeEncodedString("$1"); } # Filter on host list can also be defined with hostfilter=filter >+- if ($QueryString =~ /hostfilterex=([^&]+)/i) { $FilterEx{'host'}=&DecodeEncodedString("$1"); } # >+- if ($QueryString =~ /urlfilter=([^&]+)/i) { $FilterIn{'url'}=&DecodeEncodedString("$1"); } # Filter on URL list can also be defined with urlfilter=filter >+- if ($QueryString =~ /urlfilterex=([^&]+)/i) { $FilterEx{'url'}=&DecodeEncodedString("$1"); } # >+- if ($QueryString =~ /refererpagesfilter=([^&]+)/i) { $FilterIn{'refererpages'}=&DecodeEncodedString("$1"); } # Filter on referer list can also be defined with refererpagesfilter=filter >+- if ($QueryString =~ /refererpagesfilterex=([^&]+)/i) { $FilterEx{'refererpages'}=&DecodeEncodedString("$1"); } # >++ if ($QueryString =~ /config=([^&]+)/i) { $SiteConfig=&Sanitize("$1"); } >++ if ($QueryString =~ /diricons=([^&]+)/i) { $DirIcons="$1"; } >++ if ($QueryString =~ /pluginmode=([^&]+)/i) { $PluginMode=&Sanitize("$1",1); } >++ if ($QueryString =~ /configdir=([^&]+)/i) { $DirConfig=&Sanitize("$1"); } >++ # All filters >++ if ($QueryString =~ /hostfilter=([^&]+)/i) { $FilterIn{'host'}="$1"; } # Filter on host list can also be defined with hostfilter=filter >++ if ($QueryString =~ /hostfilterex=([^&]+)/i) { $FilterEx{'host'}="$1"; } # >++ if ($QueryString =~ /urlfilter=([^&]+)/i) { $FilterIn{'url'}="$1"; } # Filter on URL list can also be defined with urlfilter=filter >++ if ($QueryString =~ /urlfilterex=([^&]+)/i) { $FilterEx{'url'}="$1"; } # >++ if ($QueryString =~ /refererpagesfilter=([^&]+)/i) { $FilterIn{'refererpages'}="$1"; } # Filter on referer list can also be defined with refererpagesfilter=filter >++ if ($QueryString =~ /refererpagesfilterex=([^&]+)/i) { $FilterEx{'refererpages'}="$1"; } # >+ # All output >+- if ($QueryString =~ /output=allhosts:([^&]+)/i) { $FilterIn{'host'}=&DecodeEncodedString("$1"); } # Filter on host list can be defined with output=allhosts:filter to reduce number of lines read and showed >+- if ($QueryString =~ /output=lasthosts:([^&]+)/i) { $FilterIn{'host'}=&DecodeEncodedString("$1"); } # Filter on host list can be defined with output=lasthosts:filter to reduce number of lines read and showed >+- if ($QueryString =~ /output=urldetail:([^&]+)/i) { $FilterIn{'url'}=&DecodeEncodedString("$1"); } # Filter on URL list can be defined with output=urldetail:filter to reduce number of lines read and showed >+- if ($QueryString =~ /output=refererpages:([^&]+)/i) { $FilterIn{'refererpages'}=&DecodeEncodedString("$1"); } # Filter on referer list can be defined with output=refererpages:filter to reduce number of lines read and showed >++ if ($QueryString =~ /output=allhosts:([^&]+)/i) { $FilterIn{'host'}="$1"; } # Filter on host list can be defined with output=allhosts:filter to reduce number of lines read and showed >++ if ($QueryString =~ /output=lasthosts:([^&]+)/i) { $FilterIn{'host'}="$1"; } # Filter on host list can be defined with output=lasthosts:filter to reduce number of lines read and showed >++ if ($QueryString =~ /output=urldetail:([^&]+)/i) { $FilterIn{'url'}="$1"; } # Filter on URL list can be defined with output=urldetail:filter to reduce number of lines read and showed >++ if ($QueryString =~ /output=refererpages:([^&]+)/i) { $FilterIn{'refererpages'}="$1"; } # Filter on referer list can be defined with output=refererpages:filter to reduce number of lines read and showed >+ >+ # If migrate >+ if ($QueryString =~ /(^|-|&|&)migrate=([^&]+)/i) { >+- $MigrateStats=&DecodeEncodedString("$2"); >++ $MigrateStats=&Sanitize("$2"); >+ $MigrateStats =~ /^(.*)$PROG(\d{0,2})(\d\d)(\d\d\d\d)(.*)\.txt$/; >+ $SiteConfig=$5?$5:'xxx'; $SiteConfig =~ s/^\.//; # SiteConfig is used to find config file >+ } >+@@ -5625,8 +5637,6 @@ >+ if ($QueryString =~ /(^|&|&)databasebreak=(\w+)/i) { $DatabaseBreak=$2; } >+ if ($QueryString =~ /(^|&|&)updatefor=(\d+)/i) { $UpdateFor=$2; } >+ if ($QueryString =~ /(^|&|&)noloadplugin=([^&]+)/i) { foreach (split(/,/,$2)) { $NoLoadPlugin{&Sanitize("$_",1)}=1; } } >+-#Removed for security reasons >+-#if ($QueryString =~ /(^|&|&)loadplugin=([^&]+)/i) { foreach (split(/,/,$2)) { $NoLoadPlugin{&Sanitize("$_",1)}=-1; } } >+ if ($QueryString =~ /(^|&|&)limitflush=(\d+)/i) { $LIMITFLUSH=$2; } >+ # Get/Define output >+ if ($QueryString =~ /(^|&|&)output(=[^&]*|)(.*)(&|&)output(=[^&]*|)(&|$)/i) { error("Only 1 output option is allowed","","",1); }
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Attachments on
bug 104784
: 72032