FreeBSD Bugzilla – Attachment 82328 Details for
Bug 117782
New port: ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup pkg_rmleaves clone with comment and description viewing
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file.shar (text/plain), 10.70 KB, created by
Stephen Hurd
on 2007-11-03 07:20:01 UTC
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Stephen Hurd
2007-11-03 07:20:01 UTC
10.70 KB
># This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before ># this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may ># create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and ># have default permissions. ># ># This archive contains: ># ># /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup ># /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/Makefile ># /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/files ># /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/files/Makefile ># /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/files/pkg_cleanup.c ># /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/files/pkg_cleanup.1 ># /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/pkg-descr ># >echo c - /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup >mkdir -p /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup > /dev/null 2>&1 >echo x - /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/Makefile >sed 's/^X//' >/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/Makefile << 'END-of-/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/Makefile' >X# New ports collection makefile for: pkg_cleanup >X# Date created: 02 November 2007 >X# Whom: Stephen Hurd <> >X# >X# $FreeBSD: $ >X# >X >XPORTNAME= pkg_cleanup >XPORTVERSION= 1.0 >XCATEGORIES= ports-mgmt >XDISTFILES= >X >XMAINTAINER= >XCOMMENT= Interactive program for deinstalling 'leaf' packages >X >XMAN1= pkg_cleanup.1 >X >XWRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME} >X >XPLIST_FILES= sbin/pkg_cleanup >X >Xdo-extract: >X ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC} >X ${CP} ${FILESDIR}/* ${WRKSRC} >X >Xdo-build: >X make -C ${WRKSRC} >X >Xdo-install: >X ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/pkg_cleanup ${PREFIX}/sbin/pkg_cleanup >X ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/pkg_cleanup.1 ${MAN1PREFIX}/man/man1 >X >X.include <> >END-of-/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/Makefile >echo c - /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/files >mkdir -p /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/files > /dev/null 2>&1 >echo x - /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/files/Makefile >sed 's/^X//' >/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/files/Makefile << 'END-of-/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/files/Makefile' >XLDLIBS += -ldialog >Xpkg_cleanup: pkg_cleanup.c >X >END-of-/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/files/Makefile >echo x - /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/files/pkg_cleanup.c >sed 's/^X//' >/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/files/pkg_cleanup.c << 'END-of-/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/files/pkg_cleanup.c' >X#include <sys/param.h> >X#include <sys/stat.h> >X#include <sys/types.h> >X#include <sys/wait.h> >X >X#include <ctype.h> >X#include <curses.h> >X#include <dialog.h> >X#include <errno.h> >X#include <glob.h> >X#include <search.h> >X#include <stdio.h> >X#include <stdlib.h> >X#include <string.h> >X#include <sysexits.h> >X#include <unistd.h> >X >Xstatic glob_t gl; /* A cached list of all files in /var/db/pkg */ >XdialogMenuItem *menu=NULL; >Xint menulen=0; >X >Xvoid free_menu(void) >X{ >X int i; >X >X if(menu) { >X for(i=0; i<menulen; i++) { >X if(menu[i].data) { >X free(menu[i].data); >X menu[i].data=NULL; >X } >X if(menu[i].prompt) { >X free(menu[i].prompt); >X menu[i].prompt=NULL; >X } >X } >X free(menu); >X menu=NULL; >X menulen=0; >X } >X} >X >Xint blacklist(char *path, int operation) >X{ >X ENTRY item; >X >X; >X item.key=path; >X return(hsearch(item, operation)!=NULL); >X} >X >Xint fire(struct _dmenu_item *item) >X{ >X if(item->aux) >X item->aux=0; >X else >X item->aux=-1L; >X return(DITEM_SUCCESS); >X} >X >Xvoid selected(struct _dmenu_item *item, int is_selected) >X{ >X char path[MAXPATHLEN+1]; >X int maxx,maxy; >X >X if(is_selected) { >X getmaxyx(stdscr, maxy, maxx); >X draw_box(stdscr, 3, 2, 3, maxx-4, dialog_attr, border_attr); >X wattrset(stdscr, dialog_attr); >X mvwaddnstr(stdscr, 4, 4, (char *)item->data, maxx-6); >X wrefresh(stdscr); >X sprintf(path,"/var/db/pkg/%s/+DESC",item->prompt); >X use_helpfile(path); >X } >X} >X >Xint checked(struct _dmenu_item *item) >X{ >X if(item->aux) >X return(TRUE); >X return(FALSE); >X} >X >X/* Read +COMMENT, add to menu and blacklist */ >Xint add_item(char *path) >X{ >X char *p; >X char comment[80]; >X FILE *comment_file; >X char comment_path[MAXPATHLEN+1]; >X dialogMenuItem *newmenu; >X >X if(blacklist(path,FIND)) >X return(0); >X blacklist(path,ENTER); >X comment[0]=0; >X >X newmenu=(dialogMenuItem*)realloc(menu, sizeof(dialogMenuItem)*(menulen+1)); >X if(newmenu==NULL) >X return(-1); >X menu=newmenu; >X >X p=strrchr(path,'/'); >X if(p==NULL) /* Not possible */ >X return(-1); >X >X menu[menulen].prompt=strdup(p+1); >X menu[menulen].title=""; >X menu[menulen].checked=checked; >X menu[menulen].fire=fire; >X menu[menulen].selected=selected; >X menu[menulen].lbra='['; >X menu[menulen].mark='X'; >X menu[menulen].rbra=']'; >X menu[menulen].aux=0; >X >X /* Read +COMMENT */ >X sprintf(comment_path,"%s/+COMMENT",path); >X comment_file=fopen(comment_path,"r"); >X if(comment_file) { >X fgets(comment, sizeof(comment), comment_file); >X fclose(comment_file); >X /* Remove trailing whitespace */ >X for(p=strchr(comment,0)-1; p>=comment; p--) { >X if(isspace(*p)) >X *p=0; >X else >X break; >X } >X } >X menu[menulen].data=strdup(comment); >X menulen++; >X >X return(0); >X} >X >Xint display_menu(void) >X{ >X int ret=0; >X int maxx,maxy; >X >X init_dialog(); >X use_shadow=FALSE; >X getmaxyx(stdscr, maxy, maxx); >X if(dialog_checklist("Welcome to pkg_cleanup.", "These are the leaf packages installed on your system\nChose the packages to deinstall. F1 will display the package description.\n\n\n", maxy, maxx, maxy-11, 0-menulen, menu, NULL)) >X ret=-1; >X end_dialog(); >X return(ret); >X} >X >X/* Goes through the glob contents, looking for zero-length +REQUIRED-BY */ >Xint read_pkglist(int loops) >X{ >X char path[MAXPATHLEN+1]; >X int p; >X struct stat sb; >X int maxx,maxy; >X int lastgauge=-1; >X int gauge; >X >X init_dialog(); >X getmaxyx(stdscr, maxy, maxx); >X for(p=0;p<gl.gl_pathc;p++) { >X gauge=p*100/gl.gl_pathc; >X if(gauge != lastgauge) { >X dialog_gauge(NULL, "Searching for leaves", maxy/2-1, maxx/2-12, 7, 24, gauge); >X gauge=lastgauge; >X } >X sprintf(path,"%s/+REQUIRED_BY",gl.gl_pathv[p]); >X if(stat(path,&sb)) { >X switch(errno) { >X case ENOENT: >X /* No +REQUIRED_BY, add to list */ >X add_item(gl.gl_pathv[p]); >X break; >X default: >X /* All other errors, add to blacklist */ >X blacklist(gl.gl_pathv[p],ENTER); >X break; >X } >X } >X else { >X if(sb.st_size==0) >X add_item(gl.gl_pathv[p]); >X } >X } >X dialog_gauge(NULL, "Searching for leaves", maxy/2-1, maxx/2-12, 7, 24, 100); >X dialog_clear_norefresh(); >X if(menulen==0) { >X if(loops) >X dialog_msgbox(NULL, "No new leaves found", 5, 23, TRUE); >X else >X dialog_msgbox(NULL, "No leaves found", 5, 19, TRUE); >X end_dialog(); >X return(-1); >X } >X end_dialog(); >X return(0); >X} >X >Xint remove_ports(void) >X{ >X char **args; >X char *env[1]={NULL}; >X char **p; >X int i; >X int delete_count=0; >X pid_t child; >X int status; >X >X args=(char **)malloc(menulen+2 * sizeof(char *)); >X if(!args) { >X init_dialog(); >X dialog_msgbox("ERROR", "Can not allocate memory for package list!", 5, 45, TRUE); >X end_dialog(); >X return(-1); >X } >X p=args; >X *(p++)="-G"; >X for(i=0;i<menulen;i++) { >X if(menu[i].aux) { >X *(p++)=menu[i].prompt; >X delete_count++; >X } >X } >X *(p)=NULL; >X if(!delete_count) { >X init_dialog(); >X dialog_msgbox(NULL, "No packages selected", 5, 24, TRUE); >X end_dialog(); >X free(args); >X return(-1); >X } >X /* Ensure stdio is "right" */ >X if(!isendwin()) >X endwin(); >X child=vfork(); >X if(child==0) { >X execve("/usr/sbin/pkg_delete", args, env); >X fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: %d!\n",errno); >X _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); >X } >X free(args); >X if(child==-1) { >X init_dialog(); >X dialog_msgbox(NULL, "Can not fork()", 5, 18, TRUE); >X end_dialog(); >X return(-1); >X } >X waitpid(child, &status, 0); >X /* On an error return, pause */ >X if(WIFSIGNALED(status) || (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status))) { >X fputs("\n\nPress ENTER to continue... ",stderr); >X fgetln(stdin, &i); >X } >X >X return(0); >X} >X >Xint keep_going(void) >X{ >X int ret; >X >X init_dialog(); >X ret = !dialog_yesno(NULL,"Do you want to process the new leaves packages?",-1,-1); >X end_dialog(); >X return(ret); >X} >X >X/* >X * The hash table is to keep track of leaves which have already been displayed >X * to the user. >X */ >Xint main(int argc, char **argv) >X{ >X char **pathv; >X struct stat sb; >X int loops=0; >X >X /* glob() package directories */ >X if(glob("/var/db/pkg/*", GLOB_ERR, NULL, &gl)) { >X fputs("Unable to get list of packages\n",stderr); >X switch(errno) { >X case GLOB_NOSPACE: >X return(EX_UNAVAILABLE); >X case GLOB_ABORTED: >X return(EX_NOINPUT); >X case GLOB_NOMATCH: >X return(EX_NOINPUT); >X } >X return(EXIT_FAILURE); >X } >X >X if(gl.gl_pathc==0) { >X fputs("No packages found.\n",stderr); >X return(EXIT_FAILURE); >X } >X >X /* Initialize space for blacklist hash table */ >X if(hcreate(1000)==0) { >X fputs("Cannot create hash table.\n",stderr); >X return(EX_UNAVAILABLE); >X } >X >X do { >X if(read_pkglist(loops++)) >X break; >X if(display_menu()) >X break; >X if(remove_ports()) >X break; >X free_menu(); >X } while(keep_going()); >X >X fputs("Program Terminated Successfully\n",stderr); >X return(0); >X} >END-of-/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/files/pkg_cleanup.c >echo x - /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/files/pkg_cleanup.1 >sed 's/^X//' >/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/files/pkg_cleanup.1 << 'END-of-/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/files/pkg_cleanup.1' >X.TH PKG_CLEANUP 1 "October 2007" FreeBSD >X.SH NAME >Xpkg_cleanup \- deinstall 'leaf' packages >X.SH SYNOPSIS >X.B pkg_cleanup >X.SH DESCRIPTION >X.B pkg_rmleaves >XFinds packages that are not required by any other installed >Xpackage and lets you decide (in a dialog interface) for each one >Xif you want to delete it. The package comment is shown at the top >Xof the screen and F1 will display the full package description. >X.P Once the packages marked for removal have been deleted, >Xyou'll be asked if you want to do another run (to see packages that have >Xbecome 'leaves' now because you've deinstalled the package(s) that >Xdepended on them). In every run you will be shown only packages that you >Xhaven't marked for keeping, yet. >X.P This program was heavily based on the pkg_rmleaves script. The only >Xfunctional difference is that this version shows the package comment and >XF1 will show the package description. >X.SH BUGS >Xpkg_cleanup does not display the help line for the first selected >Xpackage >X.SH AUTHOR >XStephen Hurd <> >X.SH SEE ALSO >Xpkg_delete(1), pkg_info(1) >END-of-/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/files/pkg_cleanup.1 >echo x - /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/pkg-descr >sed 's/^X//' >/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/pkg-descr << 'END-of-/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/pkg-descr' >Xpkg_cleanup finds packages that are not requested by any other installed >Xpackage and lets you decide for each one if you want to keep it or delete it. >XIt also allows viewing the pacakge comment and description. >X >XThis program is essentially a clone of pkg_rmleaves except that it shows >Xthe comment and description of packages and does not support GUI dialog(1) >Ximplementations. >END-of-/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup/pkg-descr >exit
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Attachments on
bug 117782
: 82328