diff -Nur ibus.orig/pkg-message ibus/pkg-message
--- ibus.orig/pkg-message	2009-10-11 11:04:01.000000000 +0200
+++ ibus/pkg-message	2009-10-11 22:07:24.000000000 +0200
@@ -30,10 +30,11 @@
 export XIM_PROGRAM="ibus-daemon"
 export XIM_ARGS="--daemonize --xim"
-Following input methods are available in ports:
+Following input methods/engines are available in ports:
 chinese/ibus-pinyin		The PinYin input method
 japanese/ibus-anthy		Anthy engine for IBus
+textproc/ibus-m17n		The m17n IMEngine for IBus framework
 If ibus cannot start or the panel does not appear, please ensure
 that you are using up-to-date python.