# This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before # this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may # create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and # have default permissions. # # This archive contains: # # cego-base # cego-base/Makefile # cego-base/pkg-descr # cego-base/distinfo # cego-base/pkg-plist # echo c - cego-base mkdir -p cego-base > /dev/null 2>&1 echo x - cego-base/Makefile sed 's/^X//' >cego-base/Makefile << 'eae40565bb1795545bae64229f30a741' X# New ports collection makefile for: cego-base X# Date created: Jun 12, 2010 X# Whom: Kurt Jaeger <fbsd-ports@opsec.eu> X# X# $FreeBSD$ X XPORTNAME= cego-base XPORTVERSION= 1.1.28 XCATEGORIES= devel XMASTER_SITES= http://www.lemke-it.com/ XDISTNAME= base-${PORTVERSION} X XMAINTAINER= fbsd-ports@opsec.eu XCOMMENT= A collection of basic c++ classes, used for databases/cego X XLICENSE= GPLv2 XWRKSRC= work/base XGNU_CONFIGURE= yes XUSE_LDCONFIG= yes XUSE_AUTOTOOLS= autoconf:262:env X X.include <bsd.port.mk> eae40565bb1795545bae64229f30a741 echo x - cego-base/pkg-descr sed 's/^X//' >cego-base/pkg-descr << '0025bcbf35b1c066f13d913868c2b6de' XThis is a collection of basic c++ classes, used for devel/cego-xml Xand databases/cego and probably other applications. X XMany more details are available at: X XWWW: http://www.lemke-it.com/ 0025bcbf35b1c066f13d913868c2b6de echo x - cego-base/distinfo sed 's/^X//' >cego-base/distinfo << '1b0ab1e424b6ab9d5070e40b18de75f9' XMD5 (base-1.1.28.tar.gz) = 12f55c5e23f4ca627e837cd1fed0cb94 XSHA256 (base-1.1.28.tar.gz) = 93ba892f29acc22bef6e68ddde51e56b3c2673197efba7bacfc3dbba273bb828 XSIZE (base-1.1.28.tar.gz) = 221053 1b0ab1e424b6ab9d5070e40b18de75f9 echo x - cego-base/pkg-plist sed 's/^X//' >cego-base/pkg-plist << '967c7bb3b9876595a6f847090c1558a4' Xinclude/Base64Coder.h Xinclude/BigDecimal.h Xinclude/BigInteger.h Xinclude/Bitmap.h Xinclude/Chain.h Xinclude/CommandExecuter.h Xinclude/Crypt.h Xinclude/Datetime.h Xinclude/Exception.h Xinclude/File.h Xinclude/GetLongOpt.h Xinclude/GetOpt.h Xinclude/Host.h Xinclude/ListT.h Xinclude/Logger.h Xinclude/Matcher.h Xinclude/NanoTimer.h Xinclude/Net.h Xinclude/NetHandler.h Xinclude/Process.h Xinclude/Semaphore.h Xinclude/SetT.h Xinclude/SharedMemory.h Xinclude/SigHandler.h Xinclude/Sleeper.h Xinclude/StackT.h Xinclude/Thread.h Xinclude/ThreadLock.h Xinclude/Timer.h Xinclude/Tokenizer.h Xinclude/TreeT.h Xlib/libBase.a Xlib/libBase.so.1 Xshare/licenses/cego-base-1.1.28/GPLv2 Xshare/licenses/cego-base-1.1.28/LICENSE Xshare/licenses/cego-base-1.1.28/catalog.mk X@dirrm share/licenses/cego-base-1.1.28 X@dirrm share/licenses 967c7bb3b9876595a6f847090c1558a4 exit