husky-sqpack/000755 000000 000000 00000000000 12531525641 013604 5ustar00rootwheel000000 000000 husky-sqpack/Makefile000644 000000 000000 00000000756 12531524376 015260 0ustar00rootwheel000000 000000 # by VAS PORTNAME= husky-sqpack CATEGORIES= news mail MAINTAINER= COMMENT= Husky FTN msgbase packer LIB_DEPENDS=${PORTSDIR}/news/husky-fidoconf ALL_TARGET= all INSTALL_TARGET= install USE_LDCONFIG= yes PLIST_FILES= bin/sqpack man/man1/sqpack.1.gz MASTERDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../husky COMPONENT_SUBDIR= sqpack post-patch: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's^/fido/etc/config^${PREFIX}/etc/fido/config^' \ ${WRKSRC}/sqpack.1 .include husky-sqpack/pkg-descr000644 000000 000000 00000000310 12531525636 015404 0ustar00rootwheel000000 000000 sqpack purges squish and jam msgbases taken from fidoconfig sqpack is a part of Husky Fidosoft Project. Husky is complete freeware suite of Fidonet applications. WWW: