OK: config: portsdir: "/usr/ports" rcsidstr: "FreeBSD" localbase: /usr/local OK: makevar: PORTNAME = sbcl OK: makevar: PORTVERSION = 1.3.13 OK: makevar: PORTREVISION = 0 OK: makevar: PORTEPOCH = 1 OK: makevar: PKGNAME = sbcl-1.3.13,1 OK: makevar: PKGNAMEPREFIX = OK: makevar: PKGNAMESUFFIX = OK: makevar: DISTVERSIONPREFIX = OK: makevar: DISTVERSION = 1.3.13 OK: makevar: DISTVERSIONSUFFIX = -source OK: makevar: DISTNAME = sbcl-1.3.13-source OK: makevar: DISTFILES = sbcl-1.3.13-source.tar.bz2 OK: makevar: CATEGORIES = lang lisp OK: makevar: MASTERDIR = /usr/ports/lang/sbcl OK: makevar: MAINTAINER = pavelivolkov@gmail.com OK: makevar: MASTER_SITES = http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/sbcl/sbcl/1.3.13/ http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sbcl/sbcl/1.3.13/ http://iweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sbcl/sbcl/1.3.13/ http://freefr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sbcl/sbcl/1.3.13/ http://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sbcl/sbcl/1.3.13/ http://master.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sbcl/sbcl/1.3.13/ http://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sbcl/sbcl/1.3.13/ http://ncu.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sbcl/sbcl/1.3.13/ http://internode.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sbcl/sbcl/1.3.13/ http://waix.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sbcl/sbcl/1.3.13/ http://superb-dca3.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sbcl/sbcl/1.3.13/ http://ufpr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sbcl/sbcl/1.3.13/ http://tenet.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sbcl/sbcl/1.3.13/ http://netcologne.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sbcl/sbcl/1.3.13/ http://ignum.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sbcl/sbcl/1.3.13/ http://kent.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sbcl/sbcl/1.3.13/ OK: makevar: WRKDIR = /usr/obj/usr/ports/lang/sbcl/work OK: makevar: WRKSRC = /usr/obj/usr/ports/lang/sbcl/work/sbcl-1.3.13 OK: makevar: NO_WRKSUBDIR = OK: makevar: SCRIPTDIR = /usr/ports/lang/sbcl/scripts OK: makevar: FILESDIR = /usr/ports/lang/sbcl/files OK: makevar: PKGDIR = /usr/ports/lang/sbcl OK: makevar: COMMENT = Common Lisp development system derived from the CMU CL system OK: makevar: DESCR = /usr/ports/lang/sbcl/pkg-descr OK: makevar: PLIST = /usr/ports/lang/sbcl/pkg-plist OK: makevar: PKGCATEGORY = lang OK: makevar: PKGINSTALL = /usr/ports/lang/sbcl/pkg-install OK: makevar: PKGDEINSTALL = /usr/ports/lang/sbcl/pkg-deinstall OK: makevar: PKGREQ = /usr/ports/lang/sbcl/pkg-req OK: makevar: PKGMESSAGE = /usr/ports/lang/sbcl/pkg-message OK: makevar: DISTINFO_FILE = /usr/ports/lang/sbcl/distinfo OK: makevar: .CURDIR = /usr/ports/lang/sbcl OK: makevar: USE_LDCONFIG = OK: makevar: USE_AUTOTOOLS = OK: makevar: USE_GNOME = OK: makevar: USE_PERL5 = OK: makevar: INDEXFILE = INDEX-12 OK: makevar: PKGORIGIN = lang/sbcl OK: makevar: CONFLICTS = OK: makevar: PKG_VERSION = /usr/local/sbin/pkg-static version OK: makevar: PLIST_FILES = /usr/local/share/licenses/sbcl-1.3.13,1/catalog.mk /usr/local/share/licenses/sbcl-1.3.13,1/LICENSE /usr/local/share/licenses/sbcl-1.3.13,1/sbcl OK: makevar: PLIST_DIRS = OK: makevar: PORTDOCS = * OK: makevar: PORTEXAMPLES = OK: makevar: OPTIONS_DEFINE = UNICODE THREADS ZLIB DOCS XREF RENAME QSHOW SAFEPOINT OK: makevar: OPTIONS_RADIO = OK: makevar: OPTIONS_SINGLE = BOOTSTRAP OK: makevar: OPTIONS_MULTI = OK: makevar: OPTIONS_GROUP = OK: makevar: OPTIONS_SUB = OK: makevar: INSTALLS_OMF = OK: makevar: USE_RC_SUBR = OK: makevar: USES = gmake tar:bzip2 OK: makevar: DIST_SUBDIR = OK: makevar: ALLFILES = sbcl-1.3.13-source.tar.bz2 OK: makevar: CHECKSUM_ALGORITHMS = sha256 OK: makevar: INSTALLS_ICONS = OK: makevar: GNU_CONFIGURE = OK: makevar: CONFIGURE_ARGS = OK: makevar: MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR = OK: makevar: LICENSE = sbcl OK: makevar: LICENSE_COMB = OK: makevar: NO_STAGE = OK: makevar: DEVELOPER = yes OK: checking /usr/ports/lang/sbcl/pkg-plist. OK: checking /usr/ports/lang/sbcl/pkg-descr. OK: /usr/ports/lang/sbcl/pkg-descr: has 5 lines. OK: checking Makefile. OK: checking contiguous blank lines in Makefile. OK: checking header in Makefile. OK: checking for $(VARIABLE). OK: checking for empty(${VARIABLE}). OK: checking for use of !=. OK: checking for use of .elseif. OK: checking for use of muted INSTALL_ commands. OK: checking for use of ${ENV} instead of ${SETENV}. OK: checking for use of :LU variable expansion modifiers. OK: checking for use of IGNOREFILES. OK: checking for use of PLIST_DIRSTRY. OK: checking PLIST_FILES and PLIST_DIRS. OK: checking OPTIONS. OK: checking DESKTOP_ENTRIES for ${TRUE}/${FALSE}. OK: checking for USE_* as a user-settable option. OK: checking NO_CHECKSUM. OK: checking MACHINE_ARCH. OK: checking DEPRECATED. OK: checking IGNORE. OK: checking BROKEN. OK: checking COMMENT. OK: checking FORBIDDEN. OK: checking MANUAL_PACKAGE_BUILD. OK: checking NO_CDROM. OK: checking NO_PACKAGE. OK: checking RESTRICTED. OK: checking PKGNAME. OK: checking for MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE in combination with NO_BUILD. OK: checking for USE_GNOME=pkgconfig. OK: checking for valid EXPIRATION_DATE. OK: checking IS_INTERACTIVE. OK: checking for use of PORT_OPTIONS:MDOCS. OK: checking for use of NOPORTDOCS. OK: checking for use of NOPORTEXAMPLES. OK: checking for use of NOPORTDOCS. OK: checking for USES=gettext without PORT_OPTIONS:MNLS. OK: checking for deprecated macros. OK: checking for DOS line ending removal. OK: checking direct use of command names. OK: checking for paths that have macro replacements. OK: checking for compression arguments passed to ${GZIP_CMD}. OK: checking for ${CHMOD}. OK: checking for ${INSTALL} -o | -g. OK: checking for ${MKDIR} -p. OK: checking for instances of ${FIND} ... ${XARGS} ${RM}. OK: checking for instances of ${MACHINE_ARCH} being test. OK: checking direct use of full pathnames in Makefile. WARN: Makefile: possible use of absolute pathname "/usr/local". OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. WARN: Makefile: possible direct use of "LP= /usr/local" found. if so, use ${PREFIX} or ${LOCALBASE}, as appropriate. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 1. OK: checking direct use of pathnames, phase 2. OK: checking SITE_PERL. OK: non-slave port detected, checking for anything after bsd.port(.post).mk. OK: checking comment section of Makefile. OK: $FreeBSD$ seen in Makefile. WARN: Makefile: is it a new port? if so, make $FreeBSD$ tag in comment section empty, to make SVN happy. OK: checking first section of Makefile (PORTNAME/...). OK: checking the order of PORTNAME section. OK: seen PORTNAME, in order. OK: seen PORTVERSION, in order. OK: seen DISTVERSIONSUFFIX, in order. OK: seen PORTEPOCH, in order. OK: seen CATEGORIES, in order. OK: seen MASTER_SITES, in order. OK: PORTNAME section is ordered properly. OK: checking PORTNAME/PORTVERSION/DISTVERSION. OK: checking for PORTREVISION=0. OK: checking CATEGORIES. OK: seen MASTER_SITES, sanity checking URLs. OK: non-URL "SF/sbcl/sbcl/${PORTVERSION}" ok. OK: no EXTRACT_SUFX seen, using default value. OK: sanity checking PORTNAME/PORTVERSION/DISTVERSIONPREFIX/DISTVERSION/DISTVERSIONSUFFIX. OK: PORTVERSION "1.3.13" looks fine. OK: checking if PORTVERSION is going backwards. OK: checking second section of Makefile (PATCH*: optional). OK: checking third section of Makefile (MAINTAINER). OK: checking items that has to appear earlier. OK: checking the order of MAINTAINER section. OK: seen MAINTAINER, in order. OK: seen COMMENT, in order. OK: MAINTAINER section is ordered properly. OK: checking fourth section of Makefile (LICENSE). OK: checking the order of LICENSE section. OK: seen LICENSE, in order. OK: seen LICENSE_NAME, in order. OK: seen LICENSE_FILE, in order. OK: seen LICENSE_PERMS, in order. OK: LICENSE section is ordered properly. OK: checking fifth section of Makefile (*_DEPENDS). OK: checking items that has to appear earlier. OK: checking ports listed in LIB_DEPENDS. OK: checking dependency value for LIB_DEPENDS. OK: dep="libgmp.so", dir="math/gmp", tgt="" OK: port directory /usr/ports/math/gmp found. OK: path for port directory /usr/ports/math/gmp is absolute. OK: checking dependency value for LIB_DEPENDS. OK: dep="libmpfr.so", dir="math/mpfr", tgt="" OK: port directory /usr/ports/math/mpfr found. OK: path for port directory /usr/ports/math/mpfr is absolute. OK: checking items that has to appear earlier. OK: checking the rest of the Makefile. OK: checking items that has to appear earlier. OK: checking WRKSRC. OK: WRKSRC seems to be ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION}/. OK: no NO_WRKSUBDIR, checking value of WRKSRC. OK: checking RESTRICTED/NO_CDROM/NO_PACKAGE. OK: checking INFO. OK: checking /usr/ports/lang/sbcl/distinfo. OK: checking /usr/ports/MOVED. OK: checking /usr/ports/UIDs. OK: checking /usr/ports/GIDs. OK: checking /usr/ports/lang/sbcl/files/patch-src_runtime_thread.c. OK: checking /usr/ports/lang/sbcl/files/patch-src_runtime_x86-64-bsd-os.c. OK: checking /usr/ports/lang/sbcl/files/patch-tools-for-build_grovel-headers.c. OK: checking the file name of pkg-plist. OK: checking the file name of Makefile. OK: checking the file name of distinfo. OK: checking the file name of pkg-descr. OK: checking the file name of files. OK: checking the file name of files/patch-src_runtime_thread.c. OK: checking the file name of files/patch-tools-for-build_grovel-headers.c. OK: checking the file name of files/patch-src_runtime_x86-64-bsd-os.c. 0 fatal errors and 3 warnings found.