#!/bin/sh # # $FreeBSD: head/www/py-graphite-api/files/graphiteapi.in 436378 2017-03-18 02:42:09Z junovitch $ # # PROVIDE: graphiteapi # REQUIRE: LOGIN DAEMON NETWORKING # KEYWORD: shutdown # Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf.local or /etc/rc.conf # to enable this service: # # graphiteapi_enable (bool): Set to NO by default. # Set it to YES to enable graphiteapi. # # graphiteapi_user (string): optional username to run daemon under # graphiteapi_group (string): optional groupname to run daemon under # graphiteapi_address (string): optional IP:PORT tuple to bind to # graphiteapi_config (string): optional full path for yaml config file # graphiteapi_flags (string): optional flags to pass through to gunicorn . /etc/rc.subr name="graphiteapi" rcvar="graphiteapi_enable" load_rc_config ${name} : ${graphiteapi_enable:="NO"} : ${graphiteapi_user:="carbon"} : ${graphiteapi_group:="carbon"} : ${graphiteapi_address:=""} : ${graphiteapi_config:="/usr/local/etc/graphite-api/graphiteapi.yaml"} : ${graphiteapi_flags:="--workers 4"} required_files="${graphiteapi_config}" command="/usr/local/bin/gunicorn" procname="python2.7" pidfile="/var/run/${name}/${name}.pid" command_args="--daemon graphite_api.app:app" command_args="${command_args} --user ${graphiteapi_user} --group ${graphiteapi_group}" command_args="${command_args} --bind ${graphiteapi_address}" command_args="${command_args} --env GRAPHITE_API_CONFIG=${graphiteapi_config}" command_args="${command_args} --pid ${pidfile}" command_args="${command_args} --access-logfile /var/log/graphiteapi/access.log" command_args="${command_args} --error-logfile /var/log/graphiteapi/error.log" command_args="${command_args} --worker-tmp-dir /tmp" extra_commands="reload" start_precmd="start_precmd" start_precmd() { [ -f "/var/log/graphiteapi" ] || install -d -o $graphiteapi_user \ -g $graphiteapi_group -m 0750 /var/log/graphiteapi [ -f "/var/run/graphiteapi" ] || install -d -o $graphiteapi_user \ -g $graphiteapi_group -m 0750 /var/run/graphiteapi } run_rc_command "$1"