--- games/cake/Makefile (revision 467029) +++ games/cake/Makefile (working copy) @@ -1,58 +1,60 @@ # Created by: Alexey Dokuchaev # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= cake PORTVERSION= 2005.12.26 -PORTREVISION= 12 +PORTREVISION= 13 CATEGORIES= games MASTER_SITES= http://freebsd.nsu.ru/distfiles/ DISTNAME= ${PORTNAME}_src_${PORTVERSION:S/.//g} MAINTAINER= danfe@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Quake3 map viewer (and powerful 3D game engine) LICENSE= GPLv2 USES= gmake jpeg ncurses zip USE_GL= glut USE_XORG= x11 xext xmu xt xi sm ice # Need to pass `-l', but PATCH_ARGS+= won't work because of PATCH_ARGS?= # in bsd.port.mk PATCH_ARGS= -N -s -E ${PATCH_STRIP} -l ALL_TARGET= main WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/cake_src PLIST_FILES= bin/cake + +CONFLICTS_INSTALL= coffeescript post-patch: .SILENT ${FIND} -E ${WRKDIR} -type f \( -iregex ".*\.(cpp|h)" -or \ -name Makefile \) \ -exec ${REINPLACE_CMD} -E -e 's/[[:cntrl:]]*$$//' \ -e 's/#pragma[[:blank:]]+pack[[:blank:]]*\([[:blank:]]*push[[:blank:]]*,[[:blank:]]*1[[:blank:]]*\)/#pragma pack(1)/g' \ -e 's/#pragma[[:blank:]]+pack[[:blank:]]*\([[:blank:]]*pop[[:blank:]]*\)/#pragma pack()/g' {} \; ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/jpeg\/JPEGLIB\.H/jpeglib.h/' \ ${WRKSRC}/cake/texture.cpp # Fmod library is not supported on FreeBSD, so no sound :( ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/ENABLE_SOUND 1/ENABLE_SOUND 0/' \ ${WRKSRC}/cake/sound.h # Use traditional mapping for console key (tilde) ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/167/96/' ${WRKSRC}/main.cpp # Avoid segmentation fault on amd64 (uninitialized memory access) ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e '1281s:Recalculate_NLines()://&:' \ ${WRKSRC}/cake/console.cpp # The code assumes that sizeof(long) == 4 in too many places :( ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e '/typedef/s/ long//' ${WRKSRC}/cake/files.h ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e '/typedef/s/long/int/' ${WRKSRC}/cake/types.h ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/unsigned long/DWORD/' ${WRKSRC}/cake/system.h ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/unsigned long/unsigned int/' \ ${WRKSRC}/cake/zip/Crc32.h ${WRKSRC}/cake/zip/Unzip.h # Fixes for GCC 4.x and Clang 4.0 ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/Mat3x2:://' ${WRKSRC}/cake/math.h ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e '2852s/numverts/&[0]/' ${WRKSRC}/cake/q3bsp.cpp do-install: ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/main ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/cake .include --- lang/Makefile (revision 467029) +++ lang/Makefile (working copy) @@ -1,377 +1,378 @@ # $FreeBSD$ # COMMENT = Programming languages SUBDIR += Gofer SUBDIR += J SUBDIR += abcl SUBDIR += adacontrol SUBDIR += afnix SUBDIR += alchemist.el SUBDIR += algol68g SUBDIR += angelscript SUBDIR += arena SUBDIR += asis SUBDIR += asn1c SUBDIR += atlast SUBDIR += awka SUBDIR += bas2tap SUBDIR += basic256 SUBDIR += beignet SUBDIR += bf2c SUBDIR += bsh SUBDIR += bwbasic SUBDIR += c SUBDIR += ccl SUBDIR += cdent SUBDIR += ceylon SUBDIR += cfortran SUBDIR += chez-scheme SUBDIR += chibi-scheme SUBDIR += chicken SUBDIR += cilkplus SUBDIR += cim SUBDIR += cint SUBDIR += cjs SUBDIR += clang-devel SUBDIR += clang33 SUBDIR += clang34 SUBDIR += clang35 SUBDIR += clang38 SUBDIR += cling SUBDIR += clojure SUBDIR += clojure-mode.el SUBDIR += clover SUBDIR += cmucl SUBDIR += cmucl-extra SUBDIR += cocor + SUBDIR += coffeescript SUBDIR += cparser SUBDIR += crystal SUBDIR += csharp-mode.el SUBDIR += cython SUBDIR += diveintopython SUBDIR += dlang-tools SUBDIR += dlv SUBDIR += dmd1 SUBDIR += dmd2 SUBDIR += duktape SUBDIR += ecl SUBDIR += elan SUBDIR += elixir SUBDIR += elixir-mode.el SUBDIR += elk SUBDIR += emacs-lisp-intro SUBDIR += erlang SUBDIR += erlang-doc SUBDIR += erlang-java SUBDIR += erlang-riak SUBDIR += erlang-runtime15 SUBDIR += erlang-runtime16 SUBDIR += erlang-runtime17 SUBDIR += erlang-runtime18 SUBDIR += erlang-runtime19 SUBDIR += erlang-runtime20 SUBDIR += erlang-wx SUBDIR += execline SUBDIR += expect SUBDIR += f2c SUBDIR += fasm SUBDIR += ferite SUBDIR += ficl SUBDIR += fpc SUBDIR += fpc-base SUBDIR += fpc-docs SUBDIR += fpc-lua SUBDIR += fpc-rexx SUBDIR += fpc-rtl-console SUBDIR += fpc-rtl-extra SUBDIR += fpc-rtl-objpas SUBDIR += fpc-rtl-unicode SUBDIR += fpc-units SUBDIR += fpc-utils SUBDIR += fsharp SUBDIR += fth SUBDIR += gambit-c SUBDIR += gauche SUBDIR += gawk SUBDIR += gcc SUBDIR += gcc-ecj45 SUBDIR += gcc47 SUBDIR += gcc48 SUBDIR += gcc49 SUBDIR += gcc5 SUBDIR += gcc6 SUBDIR += gcc6-aux SUBDIR += gcc6-devel SUBDIR += gcc7 SUBDIR += gcc7-devel SUBDIR += gcc8-devel SUBDIR += gforth SUBDIR += ghc SUBDIR += gjs SUBDIR += gnat_util SUBDIR += gnatcross-aarch64 SUBDIR += gnatcross-binutils-aarch64 SUBDIR += gnatcross-sysroot-aarch64 SUBDIR += gnatdroid-armv7 SUBDIR += gnatdroid-binutils SUBDIR += gnatdroid-binutils-x86 SUBDIR += gnatdroid-sysroot SUBDIR += gnatdroid-sysroot-x86 SUBDIR += gnatdroid-x86 SUBDIR += gnu-cobol SUBDIR += gnustep-base SUBDIR += go SUBDIR += go14 SUBDIR += gprolog SUBDIR += groovy SUBDIR += gscheme SUBDIR += guile SUBDIR += guile2 SUBDIR += harbour SUBDIR += haskell-mode.el SUBDIR += hla SUBDIR += hope SUBDIR += hs-brainfuck SUBDIR += hs-unlambda SUBDIR += huc SUBDIR += hugs SUBDIR += icc SUBDIR += ici SUBDIR += icon SUBDIR += intercal SUBDIR += io SUBDIR += itcl SUBDIR += itcl4 SUBDIR += jakarta-commons-jelly SUBDIR += jimtcl SUBDIR += jruby SUBDIR += js_of_ocaml SUBDIR += julia SUBDIR += jython SUBDIR += kawa SUBDIR += kf5-kross SUBDIR += kross-interpreters SUBDIR += kturtle SUBDIR += kturtle-kde4 SUBDIR += lafontaine SUBDIR += lci SUBDIR += ldc SUBDIR += lfe SUBDIR += libhx SUBDIR += libobjc2 SUBDIR += librep SUBDIR += libstdc++_stldoc_4.2.2 SUBDIR += linux-c6-tcl85 SUBDIR += linux-c7-tcl85 SUBDIR += linux-j SUBDIR += lua-ada SUBDIR += lua51 SUBDIR += lua52 SUBDIR += lua53 SUBDIR += luajit SUBDIR += malbolge SUBDIR += maude SUBDIR += mawk SUBDIR += mdk SUBDIR += micropython SUBDIR += mit-scheme SUBDIR += mixal SUBDIR += mlton SUBDIR += mmix SUBDIR += modula3 SUBDIR += mono SUBDIR += mono-basic SUBDIR += mosh SUBDIR += mosml SUBDIR += mtasc SUBDIR += mujs SUBDIR += munger SUBDIR += myrddin SUBDIR += nawk SUBDIR += nbc SUBDIR += nbfc SUBDIR += neko SUBDIR += nesasm SUBDIR += newlisp SUBDIR += newlisp-devel SUBDIR += nhc98 SUBDIR += nickle SUBDIR += nim SUBDIR += nml SUBDIR += nqc SUBDIR += nwcc SUBDIR += nx SUBDIR += ocaml SUBDIR += ocaml-autoconf SUBDIR += ocaml-nox11 SUBDIR += ohugs SUBDIR += onyx SUBDIR += oo2c SUBDIR += opencoarrays SUBDIR += opendylan SUBDIR += owl-lisp SUBDIR += p2c SUBDIR += p5-Data-JavaScript SUBDIR += p5-Error SUBDIR += p5-Expect SUBDIR += p5-ExtUtils-F77 SUBDIR += p5-Interpolation SUBDIR += p5-JSAN SUBDIR += p5-JavaScript-SpiderMonkey SUBDIR += p5-JavaScript-Squish SUBDIR += p5-JavaScript-Value-Escape SUBDIR += p5-List-MoreUtils SUBDIR += p5-List-MoreUtils-XS SUBDIR += p5-Marpa SUBDIR += p5-Marpa-PP SUBDIR += p5-Marpa-XS SUBDIR += p5-Modern-Perl SUBDIR += p5-Perl6-Subs SUBDIR += p5-Promises SUBDIR += p5-Pugs-Compiler-Rule SUBDIR += p5-Quantum-Superpositions SUBDIR += p5-Scalar-List-Utils SUBDIR += p5-Switch SUBDIR += p5-Tcl SUBDIR += p5-Test-XPath SUBDIR += p5-Try-Catch SUBDIR += p5-Try-Tiny SUBDIR += p5-Try-Tiny-Retry SUBDIR += p5-TryCatch SUBDIR += p5-ePerl SUBDIR += p5-signatures SUBDIR += p5-v6 SUBDIR += parrot SUBDIR += pbasic SUBDIR += pcc SUBDIR += pecl-perl SUBDIR += perl5-devel SUBDIR += perl5.22 SUBDIR += perl5.24 SUBDIR += perl5.26 SUBDIR += petite-chez SUBDIR += pfe SUBDIR += phantomjs SUBDIR += pharo SUBDIR += phc SUBDIR += php-mode.el SUBDIR += php56 SUBDIR += php56-extensions SUBDIR += php70 SUBDIR += php70-extensions SUBDIR += php71 SUBDIR += php71-extensions SUBDIR += php72 SUBDIR += php72-extensions SUBDIR += php_doc SUBDIR += picoc SUBDIR += pocl SUBDIR += polyml SUBDIR += ponyc SUBDIR += ptoc SUBDIR += pure SUBDIR += py-clojure_py SUBDIR += py-hy SUBDIR += py-mx-base SUBDIR += py-prolog SUBDIR += py-qt5-qml SUBDIR += pypy SUBDIR += pypy3 SUBDIR += python SUBDIR += python-doc-html SUBDIR += python-doc-pdf-a4 SUBDIR += python-doc-pdf-letter SUBDIR += python-doc-text SUBDIR += python-mode.el SUBDIR += python-tools SUBDIR += python2 SUBDIR += python27 SUBDIR += python3 SUBDIR += python34 SUBDIR += python35 SUBDIR += python36 SUBDIR += qore SUBDIR += qscheme SUBDIR += qt5-qml SUBDIR += quack SUBDIR += racket SUBDIR += racket-minimal SUBDIR += ratfor SUBDIR += referenceassemblies-pcl SUBDIR += retro12 SUBDIR += rexx-imc SUBDIR += rexx-regina SUBDIR += rexx-regutil SUBDIR += rexx-wrapper SUBDIR += rhino SUBDIR += rubinius SUBDIR += ruby23 SUBDIR += ruby24 SUBDIR += ruby25 SUBDIR += runawk SUBDIR += rust SUBDIR += rust-nightly SUBDIR += sagittarius-scheme SUBDIR += sather-specification SUBDIR += sather-tutorial SUBDIR += sbcl SUBDIR += scala SUBDIR += scala-docs SUBDIR += scheme48 SUBDIR += scm SUBDIR += sdcc SUBDIR += sdcc-devel SUBDIR += see SUBDIR += seed7 SUBDIR += siod SUBDIR += sisc SUBDIR += sketchy SUBDIR += slib SUBDIR += slib-guile SUBDIR += slib-guile2 SUBDIR += slisp SUBDIR += smalltalk SUBDIR += smlnj SUBDIR += snobol4 SUBDIR += solidity SUBDIR += spec.alpha SUBDIR += spidermonkey17 SUBDIR += spidermonkey170 SUBDIR += spidermonkey185 SUBDIR += spidermonkey24 SUBDIR += spidermonkey38 SUBDIR += spl SUBDIR += squeak SUBDIR += squirrel SUBDIR += starlogo SUBDIR += stldoc SUBDIR += swi-pl SUBDIR += swift SUBDIR += tcbasic SUBDIR += tcc SUBDIR += tcl-manual SUBDIR += tcl-wrapper SUBDIR += tcl85 SUBDIR += tcl86 SUBDIR += tcl87 SUBDIR += tclX SUBDIR += tinypy SUBDIR += tolua SUBDIR += tolua++ SUBDIR += tuareg-mode.el SUBDIR += twelf SUBDIR += ucc SUBDIR += urweb SUBDIR += v8 SUBDIR += v8-devel SUBDIR += vala SUBDIR += visualworks SUBDIR += yabasic SUBDIR += yap SUBDIR += yap-devel SUBDIR += yorick SUBDIR += ypsilon .include --- lang/coffeescript/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ lang/coffeescript/Makefile (working copy) @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +# $FreeBSD$ + +PORTNAME= coffeescript +DISTVERSION= 2.2.4 +CATEGORIES= lang + +MAINTAINER= egypcio@googlemail.com +COMMENT= Unfancy JavaScript + +LICENSE= MIT +LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE + +RUN_DEPENDS= node:www/node + +USE_GITHUB= yes +GH_ACCOUNT= jashkenas + +PORTEXAMPLES= *.coffee + +CONFLICTS_INSTALL= cake + +OPTIONS_DEFINE= EXAMPLES + +NO_BUILD= yes + +do-install: + ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/node_modules/${PORTNAME} + ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/bin/cake ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin + ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/bin/coffee ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin + ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/lib/${PORTNAME}/*.js \ + ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/node_modules/${PORTNAME} + +do-install-EXAMPLES-on: + ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR} + ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/documentation/examples/${PORTEXAMPLES} \ + ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR} + +.include --- lang/coffeescript/distinfo (nonexistent) +++ lang/coffeescript/distinfo (working copy) @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +TIMESTAMP = 1523012723 +SHA256 (jashkenas-coffeescript-2.2.4_GH0.tar.gz) = 933b6d761807fab47f72305b232fd38e50cb21b7268372b846c7c645abf4a3b4 +SIZE (jashkenas-coffeescript-2.2.4_GH0.tar.gz) = 1727657 --- lang/coffeescript/pkg-descr (nonexistent) +++ lang/coffeescript/pkg-descr (working copy) @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. Underneath that +awkward Java-esque patina, JavaScript has always had a gorgeous heart. It's an +attempt to expose the good parts of JavaScript in a simple way. + +WWW: http://coffeescript.org/ --- lang/coffeescript/pkg-plist (nonexistent) +++ lang/coffeescript/pkg-plist (working copy) @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +bin/cake +bin/coffee +lib/node_modules/coffeescript/browser.js +lib/node_modules/coffeescript/cake.js +lib/node_modules/coffeescript/coffeescript.js +lib/node_modules/coffeescript/command.js +lib/node_modules/coffeescript/grammar.js +lib/node_modules/coffeescript/helpers.js +lib/node_modules/coffeescript/index.js +lib/node_modules/coffeescript/lexer.js +lib/node_modules/coffeescript/nodes.js +lib/node_modules/coffeescript/optparse.js +lib/node_modules/coffeescript/parser.js +lib/node_modules/coffeescript/register.js +lib/node_modules/coffeescript/repl.js +lib/node_modules/coffeescript/rewriter.js +lib/node_modules/coffeescript/scope.js +lib/node_modules/coffeescript/sourcemap.js +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/aliases.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/array_comprehensions.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/array_spread.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/async.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/breaking_change_bound_generator_function.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/breaking_change_destructuring_default_values.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/breaking_change_fat_arrow.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/breaking_change_function_parameter_default_values.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/breaking_change_super_in_non-class_methods_refactor_with_apply.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/breaking_change_super_in_non-class_methods_refactor_with_class.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/breaking_change_super_this.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/breaking_change_super_with_arguments.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/breaking_change_super_without_arguments.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/cake_tasks.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/chaining.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/classes.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/comment.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/comparisons.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/conditionals.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/constructor_destructuring.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/default_args.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/do.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/embedded.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/embedded_block.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/embedded_escaped.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/existence.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/existence_declared.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/existence_undeclared.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/expansion.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/expressions.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/expressions_assignment.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/expressions_comprehension.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/expressions_try.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/fat_arrow.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/functions.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/generator_iteration.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/generators.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/get_set.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/heredocs.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/heregexes.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/interpolation.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/jsx.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/modules.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/modulo.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/multiple_return_values.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/object_comprehensions.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/object_extraction.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/object_spread.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/objects_and_arrays.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/objects_reserved.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/objects_shorthand.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/overview.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/parallel_assignment.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/patterns_and_splats.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/prototypes.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/range_comprehensions.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/scope.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/slices.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/soaks.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/splats.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/splices.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/static.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/strings.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/switch.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/switch_with_no_expression.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/tagged_template_literals.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/try.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/type_annotations.coffee +%%PORTEXAMPLES%%%%EXAMPLESDIR%%/while.coffee