diff --git a/audio/jack/Makefile b/audio/jack/Makefile
index 49efc4daf81a..f8eeea1cf31e 100644
--- a/audio/jack/Makefile
+++ b/audio/jack/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 PORTNAME=	jackit
 MAINTAINER=	dev@submerge.ch
diff --git a/audio/jack/files/jackd.in b/audio/jack/files/jackd.in
index 9f135a6c8f1b..1c71d71e337d 100644
--- a/audio/jack/files/jackd.in
+++ b/audio/jack/files/jackd.in
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
 : ${jackd_enable="NO"}
 : ${jackd_user="root"}
-: ${jackd_rtprio="NO"}
-: ${jackd_args="-r -doss -r44100 -p1024 -n3 -w16"}
+: ${jackd_rtprio="YES"}
+: ${jackd_args="-doss -r48000 -p1024 -w16"}
 . /etc/rc.subr
@@ -20,15 +20,57 @@ rcvar=jackd_enable
+fail() {
+  echo "JACK failed to start: $1" >&2
+  exit 1
 start_jackd() {
   echo "Starting ${name}."
-  if [ $jackd_rtprio = "YES" ]; then
-    local rt="rtprio 1"
+  # check that jackd_user is set
+  if [ -z "$jackd_user" ]; then
+    fail "jackd_user has to be defined"
+  fi
+  # check that jackd_args doesn't contain -R, or -r because we explicitly set them below
+  if echo $jackd_args | grep -qw -- "-R"; then
+    fail "jackd_args contains -R which isn't allowed: it is set automatically only when needed"
+  fi
+  if echo $jackd_args | sed -e 's/-r *[0-9]/xxx/g' | grep -qw -- "-r"; then # allow -r rate, but not just -r
+    fail "jackd_args contains -r which isn't allowed: it is set automatically only when needed"
+  fi
+  # enable real-time priority if requested
+  if [ "$jackd_rtprio" = "YES" ]; then
+    # check that mac_priority(4) is enabled
+    if [ "$(sysctl -qn security.mac.priority.realtime)" != "1" ]; then
+      fail "jackd_rtprio=\"YES\" but mac_priority(4) isn't enabled on this system"
+    fi
+    # check that the group 'realtime' exists
+    if ! getent group realtime > /dev/null; then
+      fail "jackd_rtprio=\"YES\" but the group 'realtime' doesn't exist"
+    fi
+    # check that the user is in the realtime group
+    if ! (getent group realtime | grep -qw "$jackd_user"); then
+      fail "jackd_rtprio=\"YES\" but the user jackd_user=$jackd_user isn't in the realtime group"
+    fi
+    # enable the real-time priority functionality in JACK
+    jackd_args="-R $jackd_args"
+  else
+    echo "Warning: The real-time priority feature is disabled by jackd_rtprio=${jackd_rtprio}."
+    echo "         For real-time priority:"
+    echo "         (1) enable mac_priority(4) on the system by adding mac_priority_load=\"YES\" to loader.conf"
+    echo "         (2) add the user jackd_user=$jackd_user to the group 'realtime'"
+    echo "         (3) set jackd_rtprio=\"YES\""
+    # enable the non-real-time priority functionality in JACK
+    jackd_args="-r $jackd_args"
   # log the date and parameters
-  echo -e "\n[`date`] Starting the daemon, user=$jackd_user rtprio=$jackd_rtprio args=\"$jackd_args\"" >> /var/log/${name}.log
-  # daemon(8) should be able to set the realtime priority, but it isn't
-  $rt daemon -p /var/run/${name}.pid -u "${jackd_user}" %%PREFIX%%/bin/jackd ${jackd_args}
+  echo -e "\n[`date`] Starting the daemon, user=$jackd_user args=\"$jackd_args\"" >> /var/log/${name}.log
+  daemon -p /var/run/${name}.pid -u "$jackd_user" %%PREFIX%%/bin/jackd $jackd_args
 load_rc_config ${name}
diff --git a/audio/jack/pkg-message b/audio/jack/pkg-message
index 2a94946d2d57..fefdba1894af 100644
--- a/audio/jack/pkg-message
+++ b/audio/jack/pkg-message
@@ -3,11 +3,15 @@ The new JACK server comes with a DBUS control interface:
 $ jack_control help
 $ jack_control ds oss
 $ jack_control dp
+$ jack_control dps rate 48000
+$ jack_control dps wordlength 16
+$ jack_control dps capture /dev/dsp0
+$ jack_control dps playback /dev/dsp0
 $ jack_control eps realtime False
 $ jack_control start
-Only root can grant real-time priority to processes for now, using rtprio(1).
-Upcoming FreeBSD releases will have a MAC policy with a realtime user group.
+To use real-time priority for JACK server and clients, load the mac_priority(4)
+module and add the JACK user to the realtime group.
 Memory locking has to be allowed in /etc/login.conf or ~/.login_conf. Set the
 resource limit ":memorylocked=unlimited:" and don't forget to run
@@ -19,8 +23,7 @@ Note that only one JACK server can be run at a time. An /etc/rc.conf example:
-jackd_args="-R -doss -r48000 -p1024 -n1 -w16 \
+jackd_args="-r -doss -r48000 -p1024 -w16 \
             --capture /dev/dsp0 --playback /dev/dsp0"
 Official JACK example clients and tools are available as jack-example-tools.