# This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before # this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may # create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and # have default permissions. # # This archive contains: # # netmond # netmond/files # netmond/files/netmond.sh.in # netmond/files/netmond_watchdog.in # netmond/files/netmondctl.in # netmond/files/pkg-message.in # netmond/Makefile # netmond/pkg-descr # netmond/pkg-install # netmond/pkg-deinstall # netmond/distinfo # echo c - netmond mkdir -p netmond > /dev/null 2>&1 echo c - netmond/files mkdir -p netmond/files > /dev/null 2>&1 echo x - netmond/files/netmond.sh.in sed 's/^X//' >netmond/files/netmond.sh.in << 'END-of-netmond/files/netmond.sh.in' X#!/bin/sh X X# $FreeBSD: ports/net-mgmt/netmond/files/netmond.sh.in,v 1.1 2006/11/29 13:29:09 rafan Exp $ X X# PROVIDE: netmond X# REQUIRE: DAEMON X# BEFORE: LOGIN X# KEYWORD: FreeBSD shutdown X# X# Define these netmond_* variables in one of these files: X# /etc/rc.conf X# /etc/rc.conf.local X# /etc/rc.conf.d/netmond X# X X. %%RC_SUBR%% X Xname="netmond" Xrcvar=`set_rcvar` X Xcommand="%%PREFIX%%/sbin/${name}" Xpidfile="/var/run/${name}.pid" Xrequired_files="%%PREFIX%%/etc/${name}.conf" X Xstop_postcmd="netmond_poststop" X Xnetmond_poststop() { X /bin/rm -f ${pidfile} X} X Xload_rc_config $name X X: ${netmond_enable="NO"} X Xrun_rc_command "$1" END-of-netmond/files/netmond.sh.in echo x - netmond/files/netmond_watchdog.in sed 's/^X//' >netmond/files/netmond_watchdog.in << 'END-of-netmond/files/netmond_watchdog.in' X#!/bin/sh X XPATH=/bin:/usr/bin Xexport PATH Xpidfile=/var/run/netmond.pid Xconfig=%%PREFIX%%/etc/netmond.conf X Xwhile : ; do X if [ -r $pidfile ] && kill -0 `cat $pidfile` >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then X # echo "Netmond Running" X else X # echo "Netmond failed" X logger -p daemon.err -t netmond_watchdog "Netmond failed. Restarting..." X rm -f ${pidfile} X %%PREFIX%%/sbin/netmond -c ${config} X fi X sleep 10 Xdone END-of-netmond/files/netmond_watchdog.in echo x - netmond/files/netmondctl.in sed 's/^X//' >netmond/files/netmondctl.in << 'END-of-netmond/files/netmondctl.in' X#!/bin/sh X# X# The exit codes returned are: X# 0 - operation completed successfully X# 1 - some error X# 2 - usage error X# X# X# the path to your NETMOND binary, including options if necessary XNETMOND=%%PREFIX%%/sbin/netmond XPIDFILE=/var/run/netmond.pid X# X# config file (default is "/usr/local/etc/netmond.conf") X# XTTT=X$2 Xif [ $TTT = "X" ] Xthen X CONFIG="" Xelse X CONFIG="-c $2" X CFILE=$2 Xfi X X XERROR=0 X Xcase $1 in Xstart) X if [ -r $PIDFILE ] ; then X PID=`cat $PIDFILE` X if kill -0 $PID ;then X echo "$0 $1: netmond (pid $PID) already running." X exit 0; X fi X fi X if $NETMOND -C $CONFIG >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then X if $NETMOND $CONFIG ; then X echo "$0 $1: netmond started" X else X echo "$0 $1: netmond could not be started" X ERROR=1 X fi X else X echo "$0 $1: configuration broken, ignoring start" X echo "$0 $1: (run 'netmond -C' for details)" X ERROR=1 X fi X ;; Xstop) X if [ ! -r $PIDFILE ] ; then X exit 0 X fi X PID=`cat $PIDFILE` X if kill $PID ; then X echo "$0 $1: netmond stopped" X else X echo "$0 $1: netmond could not be stopped" X ERROR=1 X fi X ;; Xrestart) X if [ ! -r $PIDFILE ] ; then X echo "$0 $1: netmond not running, trying to start" X if $NETMOND $CONFIG ; then X echo "$0 $ARG: netmond started" X else X echo "$0 $ARG: netmond could not be started" X ERROR=1 X fi X else X PID=`cat $PIDFILE` X if $NETMOND -C $CONFIG >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then X if kill -HUP $PID ; then X echo "$0 $1: netmond restarted" X else X echo "$0 $1: netmond could not be restarted" X ERROR=1 X fi X else X echo "$0 $1: configuration broken, ignoring restart" X echo "$0 $1: (run 'netmond -C' for details)" X ERROR=1 X fi X fi X ;; X *) X echo "usage: $0 start|stop|restart" X cat <<EOF X Xstart - start netmond (or do nothing if running) Xstop - stop netmond Xrestart - restart netmond if running by sending a SIGHUP or start if X not running X X XEOF X ERROR= X ;; Xesac X Xexit $ERROR X END-of-netmond/files/netmondctl.in echo x - netmond/files/pkg-message.in sed 's/^X//' >netmond/files/pkg-message.in << 'END-of-netmond/files/pkg-message.in' X###################################################################### X X Attention! X X You need to create a configuration file netmond.conf X in directory %%PREFIX%%/etc prior to launch netmond. X X Look at %%PREFIX%%/share/doc/netmond/ for the configuration guide X or try to use net-mgmt/tknetmon to create configuration semiautomatically. X X###################################################################### END-of-netmond/files/pkg-message.in echo x - netmond/Makefile sed 's/^X//' >netmond/Makefile << 'END-of-netmond/Makefile' X# New ports collection makefile for: netmond X# Date created: 2004 Mar 30 X# Whom: vfom@narod.ru X# X# $FreeBSD: ports/net-mgmt/netmond/Makefile,v 1.6 2006/11/29 13:29:09 rafan Exp $ X# X XPORTNAME= netmond XPORTVERSION= 2.2b6 XPORTREVISION= 4 XCATEGORIES= net-mgmt XMASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.risp.ru/pub/RinetSoftware/ XDISTNAME= netmond-2.2-b6 XEXTRACT_SUFX= .tgz X XPATCH_SITES= http://vfom.narod.ru/download/ XPATCH_VERSION= 1 XPATCHFILES= ${DISTNAME}.patch${PATCH_VERSION}${EXTRACT_SUFX} ${DISTNAME}.docs${EXTRACT_SUFX} X XMAINTAINER= vfom@narod.ru XCOMMENT= Netmond - IP network monitoring daemon X X#MK_IFGRAPH= yes X X.if defined(MK_IFGRAPH) XLIB_DEPENDS= gd.4:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/gd X.else XCONFIGURE_ARGS= --without-ifgraph X.endif X XGNU_CONFIGURE= yes XUSE_BISON= yes X XBINOWN= root XBINGRP= netmon XBINMODE= 0550 X XPLIST_FILES= sbin/netmond sbin/netmond_watchdog sbin/netmondctl \ X etc/netmond.conf.sample X.if defined(MK_IFGRAPH) XPLIST_FILES+= sbin/ifgraph X.endif X XUSE_RC_SUBR= netmond.sh X XSUB_FILES+= pkg-message netmond_watchdog netmondctl X XPORTDOCS= README README.ru CHANGES README.port.eng README.port.ru index.html netmond.css en/ ru/ X Xpost-extract: X ${TAR} -zxf ${DISTDIR}/${DISTNAME}.patch${PATCH_VERSION}${EXTRACT_SUFX} -C ${PATCHDIR} X ${CP} ${FILESDIR}/pipe.c ${WRKSRC} X Xdo-install: X @if pw user show netmon 2>/dev/null ; then \ X ${ECHO} "User 'netmon' exists." ; \ X else \ X pw useradd -n netmon -g wheel -c 'Network monitor account' -s /usr/sbin/nologin ; \ X fi X @if pw group show ${BINGRP} 2>/dev/null ; then \ X ${ECHO} "Group '${BINGRP}' exists." ; \ X else \ X pw groupadd ${BINGRP} -M root,netmon ; \ X fi X ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/netmond ${PREFIX}/sbin/netmond X.if defined(MK_IFGRAPH) X ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/ifgraph ${PREFIX}/sbin/ifgraph X.endif X ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/netmond_watchdog ${PREFIX}/sbin/netmond_watchdog X ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/netmondctl ${PREFIX}/sbin/netmondctl X ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/netmon.conf.sample ${PREFIX}/etc/netmond.conf.sample X ${CHMOD} u+s ${PREFIX}/sbin/netmond X.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) X ${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR} X ${CHMOD} 755 ${DOCSDIR} X ${TAR} -zxf ${DISTDIR}/${DISTNAME}.docs${EXTRACT_SUFX} -C ${DOCSDIR} X.endif X Xpost-install: X ${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE} X X.include <bsd.port.mk> END-of-netmond/Makefile echo x - netmond/pkg-descr sed 's/^X//' >netmond/pkg-descr << 'END-of-netmond/pkg-descr' XNETwork MONitoring Dealer - IP network monitoring daemon. XCan check hosts availability (via ICMP ping), collect SNMP counters, Xcheck simple TCP/UDP services (with internal chat), handle SNMP traps. X XGUI frontends exist for netmond: X - net-mgmt/tknetmon ( tcl/tk ) X - ftp://ftp.risp.ru/RinetSoft/netmond-spyboat-0.5.tgz ( with QT ) X XWWW: http://soft.risp.ru/netmond/ END-of-netmond/pkg-descr echo x - netmond/pkg-install sed 's/^X//' >netmond/pkg-install << 'END-of-netmond/pkg-install' X#!/bin/sh X# XPKGNAME=$1 XDATADIR=/var/netmon X# Xcase $2 in X PRE-INSTALL) X if pw user show netmon 2>/dev/null ; then X echo "User 'netmon' exists." ; X else X pw useradd -n netmon -g wheel -c 'Network monitor account' -s /usr/sbin/nologin ; X fi X if pw group show netmon 2>/dev/null ; then X echo "Group 'netmon' exists." ; X else X pw groupadd netmon -M root,netmon ; X fi X if [ ! -d ${DATADIR} ] ; then X mkdir ${DATADIR} X chown root:netmon ${DATADIR} X chmod 750 ${DATADIR} X fi X ;; X POST-INSTALL) X ;; X *) X echo "Unexpected Argument $2!!!" X exit 1 X ;; Xesac Xexit 0 END-of-netmond/pkg-install echo x - netmond/pkg-deinstall sed 's/^X//' >netmond/pkg-deinstall << 'END-of-netmond/pkg-deinstall' X#!/bin/sh X# XPKGNAME=$1 X# Xcase $2 in X DEINSTALL) X ;; X POST-DEINSTALL) X echo "" X echo "If you wish to remove this port from your computer complete," X echo "remove user 'netmon' and group 'netmon' manually." X echo "" X ;; X *) X echo "Unexpected Argument $2!!!" X exit 1 X ;; Xesac Xexit 0 END-of-netmond/pkg-deinstall echo x - netmond/distinfo sed 's/^X//' >netmond/distinfo << 'END-of-netmond/distinfo' XMD5 (netmond-2.2-b6.tgz) = 87e324702e60d1c4e1a83ae3649c1488 XSHA256 (netmond-2.2-b6.tgz) = 2b31096f731e347b65ce2c2a11f1ce70af0d8d7a9ff0c49edf4b3c3b65d0befd XSIZE (netmond-2.2-b6.tgz) = 264500 XMD5 (netmond-2.2-b6.patch1.tgz) = c19002459fe22c64684e922c9829f24b XSHA256 (netmond-2.2-b6.patch1.tgz) = 0fa7aae8dcfce5ba735af2ec0dfd3fc7a7d4e991cf2dc331ed6714e3ad9d08e5 XSIZE (netmond-2.2-b6.patch1.tgz) = 18574 XMD5 (netmond-2.2-b6.docs.tgz) = a92919c3ae22b75aa081fe5cc10fc72b XSHA256 (netmond-2.2-b6.docs.tgz) = 4cdad1003455c99ee1d3067a4db7a01f1db11247d2d5fe683c384f6d05ed79e8 XSIZE (netmond-2.2-b6.docs.tgz) = 110692 END-of-netmond/distinfo exit