Tue Jul 2 2024 17:27:02 UTC
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ID Product Component Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
148485 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) ohauer Closed DUPLICATE mail/dspam: Small Makefile fix - OPTION_DESC, .sample location 2014-10-21
167289 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) ports-bugs Closed DUPLICATE [PATCH] mail/dspam-devel: Update to 3.10.2 2014-10-21
177045 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) ports-bugs Closed DUPLICATE mail/dspam: Bring dspam up to date with latest stable upstream release 2014-10-20
3 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Individual Port(s)" component of the "Ports & Packages" product