Tue Jul 2 2024 12:25:52 UTC
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ID Product Component Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
176112 Base System kern jail Closed DUPLICATE [jail] [panic] kernel panic when starting jails 2014-12-13
188018 Base System kern jail Closed DUPLICATE [jail] [vimage] Running pfctl -sr -v in Jail with VIMAGE crashes host 2014-12-13
179264 Base System kern net Closed DUPLICATE [vimage] [pf] Core dump with Packet filter and VIMAGE options compile in a kernel 2014-12-13
143808 Base System kern virtualization Closed DUPLICATE [pf] pf does not work inside jail 2014-12-13
148155 Base System kern virtualization Closed DUPLICATE [vimage] [pf] Kernel panic with PF + VIMAGE kernel option 2014-12-13
160496 Base System kern virtualization Closed DUPLICATE [vimage] [pf] [patch] kernel panic with pf + VIMAGE 2014-12-13
160541 Base System kern virtualization Closed DUPLICATE [vimage][pf][patch] panic: userret: Returning on td 0xxxxxxxxx (pid xxxx, pftop) with vnet 0xxxxxxxxx set in pfioctl 2014-12-13
161094 Base System kern virtualization Closed DUPLICATE [vimage] [pf] [panic] kernel panic with pf + VIMAGE when stopping a jail 2014-12-13
8 bugs found.


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