Sat Jul 6 2024 06:08:52 UTC
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ID Product Component Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
272145 Base System wireless bz Open --- Bug when enabling RTW880 wireless during installation (skb tunable / firmware / loader.conf) 2024-03-02
272772 Base System kern net Open --- if_rtw89 rx buf and DMA init fails in 13.2 RELEASE 2024-01-08
268565 Base System wireless bz In Progress --- panic after "killall wpa_supplicant" followed by "/etc/rc.d/netif start" with rtw880 (fixed?) 2024-02-19
248235 Base System wireless bz Closed FIXED rtw88: RTL8822CE 802.11ac PCIe support (WIP) 2024-03-02
274303 Base System wireless wireless Closed Overcome By Eve rtw88 driver update 2023-10-06 2024-02-19
5 bugs found.


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