Tue Jul 2 2024 16:00:57 UTC
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ID Product Component Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
259971 Base System tests testing New --- lib.libc.regex.exhaust_test.regcomp_too_big fails with ASLR on by default 2022-01-14
271081 Base System kern gecko Open --- www/firefox: crashes on arm64 with ASLR enabled 2024-01-26
268318 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) apache Closed Not Enough Info www/apache24 with www/mod_php8{0,1,2,3?}: opcache + ASLR turned on crashes Apache 2024-06-10
270912 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) fernape Closed Overcome By Eve dns/unbound: issues with ASLR 2023-09-04
249937 Base System arm freebsd-arm Closed FIXED armv7 with PIE/ASLR enabled: buildworld fail on jemalloc 2022-01-14
259969 Base System tests markj Closed FIXED lib.libc.sys.setrlimit_test.setrlimit_stack fails with ASLR on by default 2022-01-14
260303 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) markj Closed FIXED lang/sdcc: seg fault during build (ASLR fallout) 2022-02-16
270038 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) multimedia Closed FIXED multimedia/vlc: fails with ASLR enabled 2023-03-10
259970 Base System tests testing Closed FIXED sys.kern.coredump_phnum_test.coredump_phnum fails with ASLR on by default 2021-11-28
9 bugs found.
