Tue Jul 2 2024 07:37:08 UTC
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ID Product Component Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
266000 Base System kern bugs New --- noticable higher i/o and cpu usage in 13.1 zfs on root (virtualized) 2022-08-29
264075 Base System bin bugs Open --- freebsd-update in 13.1-RELEASE detects an installed kernel when it shouldn't 2023-09-27
264114 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) decke Open --- net/wireguard-kmod: Crashes on 13.1-RELEASE: panic: vm_fault_lookup: fault on nofault entry, addr: 0 (wireguard) 2022-06-17
264172 Base System kern mav Open --- nvme(4): PM9A1 NVMe Samsung 512GB no longer available with 13.1-RELEASE (was working with 13.0) 2023-12-12
264032 Base System riscv re In Progress --- riscv VM images are empty/blank 2023-09-27
5 bugs found.
