Thu Jul 4 2024 08:09:56 UTC
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ID Product Component Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
275887 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) danfe In Progress --- devel/abseil: Update to 20240116.2 06:58:58
279980 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) sunpoet Closed Not Accepted devel/grpc: Undefined symbol "_ZN4absl12lts_202301254CordC1INSt3__112basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEETnNS3_9enable_ifIXsr3std7is_sameIT_S9_EE5valueEiE4typeELi0EEEOSB_" 2024-06-25
279984 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) yuri Closed FIXED devel/benchmark: version 1.8.4 breaks grpc 2024-06-27
3 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Individual Port(s)" component of the "Ports & Packages" product