Mon Jul 1 2024 02:52:57 UTC
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ID Product Component Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
277996 Base System wireless cc New --- LinuxKPI w/ LKPI_80211_HW_CRYPTO: iwlwifi development: hw based encryption not work 2024-04-16
277095 Base System wireless cc Open --- LinuxKPI w/ LKPI_80211_HW_CRYPTO: iwlwifi development in private build: exclusive sleep mutex iwlwifi0_node_l (iwlwifi0_node_l) r = 0 locked 2024-03-27
277100 Base System wireless cc Open --- LinuxKPI w/ LKPI_80211_HW_CRYPTO: in private build iwlwifi0: exclusive sleep mutex iwlwifi0_com_lo (iwlwifi0_com_lo) r = 0 (0xfffffe00ab444020) locked @ /usr/src/sys/net80211/ieee80211_scan_sw.c:436 2024-02-20
277416 Base System wireless cc Open --- LinuxKPI w/ LKPI_80211_HW_CRYPTO: add/organize crypto debug flag in LinuxKPI 2024-03-04
277554 Base System wireless cc Open --- LinuxKPI w/ LKPI_80211_HW_CRYPTO: iwlwifi development: add the multi-key-fields support on top of D43648 2024-03-07
276083 Base System wireless cc Closed FIXED iwlwifi development in private build: 802.11n crash in iwl_mvm_sta_fw_id_mask() 2024-06-14
6 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "wireless" component of the "Base System" product