Mon Jul 1 2024 08:03:34 UTC
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ID Product Component Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
251184 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) cmt New --- cad/kicad: cvpcb can not preview footprints 2022-06-16
270395 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) cmt New --- cad/kicad: 7.0 dialogs extremely slow to open 2023-03-22
270454 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) cmt New --- cad/kicad: The language translation files for the user interface are not installed 2023-03-25
277392 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) cmt New --- cad/kicad: Update to 7.0.11 2024-02-29
277406 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) cmt New --- cad/kicad: Update to 8.0.0 2024-04-21
271878 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) cmt In Progress --- cad/kicad: Update to 7.0.5 2024-03-22
6 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Individual Port(s)" component of the "Ports & Packages" product