Mon Jul 1 2024 09:36:26 UTC
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ID Product Component Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
215799 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) ports-bugs New --- sysutils/grub2-bhyve fails to find linux kernel with fresh Centos7/RHEL7 installation 2020-05-17
231480 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) ports-bugs New --- sysutils/grub2-bhyve: "(host)" filesystem is a potential security issue 2020-07-30
257676 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) ports-bugs New --- sysutils/grub2-pcbsd fails build if tigcc installed due to detecting gcc from tigcc as the gcc to use for portions of build 2024-01-05
270609 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) ports-bugs New --- sysutils/grub2-bhyve: build failure to do libvmmapi ABI changes 2023-04-03
230453 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) ports-bugs Open --- sysutils/grub2-bhyve: doesn't work on a CRC enabled file-system 2020-10-04
270576 Ports & Packages Individual Port(s) ports-bugs Open --- [NEW PORT] sysutils/grub2: Multiboot and Multiboot2 bootloader 2023-04-05
6 bugs found.


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