Back to bug 262021

Who When What Removed Added
bugzilla 2022-02-17 19:03:33 UTC Flags maintainer-feedback?(tex)
Assignee ports-bugs tex
bofh 2022-02-17 19:06:14 UTC CC bofh
koobs 2022-02-17 21:38:50 UTC See Also
Status New Open
Severity Affects Only Me Affects Some People
CC sunpoet
Keywords needs-qa
Summary devel/tex-web2c: port requires obsolete openjpeg15, but does not actually link to it devel/tex-web2c: Does not use but depends on openjpeg. Cannot install tex-web2c and libreoffice together: openjpeg15 / openjpeg conflict
Flags maintainer-feedback?(sunpoet), merge-quarterly?
fluffy 2022-02-18 10:04:47 UTC CC fluffy
bofh 2022-02-19 22:48:31 UTC Resolution --- Overcome By Events
Status Open Closed

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