Bug 184888

Summary: x11-wm/treewm: Fix build
Product: Ports & Packages Reporter: tkato432
Component: Individual Port(s)Assignee: Pawel Pekala <pawel>
Status: Closed FIXED    
Severity: Affects Only Me    
Priority: Normal    
Version: Latest   
Hardware: Any   
OS: Any   
Description Flags
file.diff none

Description tkato432 2013-12-16 18:10:24 UTC
- Fix build

New file:
Comment 1 Pawel Pekala freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2013-12-20 20:59:58 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->pawel

I'll take it.
Comment 2 dfilter service freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2013-12-20 21:03:34 UTC
Author: pawel
Date: Fri Dec 20 21:03:26 2013
New Revision: 337090
URL: http://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/ports/337090

  - Fix build with clang
  - Support staging
  - Reformat pkg-descr
  PR:		ports/184888
  Submitted by:	KATO Tsuguru <tkato432@yahoo.com>

  head/x11-wm/treewm/files/patch-tile.cc   (contents, props changed)
  head/x11-wm/treewm/pkg-descr   (contents, props changed)

Modified: head/x11-wm/treewm/Makefile
--- head/x11-wm/treewm/Makefile	Fri Dec 20 20:50:14 2013	(r337089)
+++ head/x11-wm/treewm/Makefile	Fri Dec 20 21:03:26 2013	(r337090)
@@ -12,37 +12,40 @@ COMMENT=	Window manager that arranges wi
-USES=		imake:env
 USE_BZIP2=	yes
+USES=		gmake imake:env
 USE_XORG=	x11 ice sm xext xmu xpm xt xxf86vm
 PORTEXAMPLES=	default.cfg sample.cfg
-NO_STAGE=	yes
 .include <bsd.port.options.mk>
-	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e '/^PREFIX/s| =| ?=| ; /^CXXFLAGS/s| =| ?=| ; \
-		s|/usr/X11R6|${LOCALBASE}|g' ${WRKSRC}/Makefile
+	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
+		'/^PREFIX/s| =| ?=| ; \
+		 /^CXXFLAGS/s| =| ?=| ; \
+		 s|/usr/X11R6|${LOCALBASE}|g' ${WRKSRC}/Makefile
-	${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/src/treewm ${PREFIX}/bin
-	${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/xprop/xprop ${PREFIX}/bin/xprop-treewm
-	${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/xkill/xkill ${PREFIX}/bin/xkill-treewm
-	@${MKDIR} ${DATADIR}/pixmaps
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/src/pixmaps/*.xpm ${DATADIR}/pixmaps
+	(cd ${WRKSRC}/src && ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} treewm \
+		${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin)
+	(cd ${WRKSRC}/xprop && ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} xprop \
+		${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/xprop-treewm)
+	(cd ${WRKSRC}/xkill && ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} xkill \
+		${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/xkill-treewm)
+	@${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/pixmaps
+	(cd ${WRKSRC}/src/pixmaps && ${INSTALL_DATA} *.xpm \
+		${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/pixmaps)
+.for F in ${PORTDOCS}
+.for F in ${PORTEXAMPLES}
 .include <bsd.port.mk>

Added: head/x11-wm/treewm/files/patch-tile.cc
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/x11-wm/treewm/files/patch-tile.cc	Fri Dec 20 21:03:26 2013	(r337090)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+--- src/tile.cc.orig
++++ src/tile.cc
+@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
+ #include <algorithm>
+ #include <stack>
+ //#include <stdio.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
+ /* 
+  * changed<05.02.2003> by Rudolf Polzer: including namespace std (C++)

Modified: head/x11-wm/treewm/pkg-descr
--- head/x11-wm/treewm/pkg-descr	Fri Dec 20 20:50:14 2013	(r337089)
+++ head/x11-wm/treewm/pkg-descr	Fri Dec 20 21:03:26 2013	(r337090)
@@ -1,21 +1,22 @@
-treewm is a window manager that tries to implement a new concept.  In addition
-to the client windows the user can create desktops which can themselves contain
-windows and desktops.  By arranging the windows in such a tree the user is able
-to manage his tasks efficiently  treewm is feature-rich, flexible and provides
-a powerful concept.  However, treewm's look is is rather puristic, and its feel
-is not always intuitive, but with a bit of practise it should be very effective
-to use.
+treewm is a window manager that tries to implement a new concept. In
+addition to the client windows the user can create desktops which can
+themselves contain windows and desktops. By arranging the windows in
+such a tree the user is able to manage his tasks efficiently treewm is
+feature-rich, flexible and provides a powerful concept. However,
+treewm's look is is rather puristic, and its feel is not always
+intuitive, but with a bit of practise it should be very effective to
 Short feature list (some of them are quite unique among window managers):
-  - Allows to create desktops and to arbitrarily move windows between desktops
-  - Many options (such as sticky, autoresize, always on top, or the focus or
-    raise policy) can be set for any desktop or window
+  - Allows to create desktops and to arbitrarily move windows between
+    desktops
+  - Many options (such as sticky, autoresize, always on top, or the
+    focus or raise policy) can be set for any desktop or window
   - Can be fully customized using the configuration file
-  - Has a very powerful (somewhat vi-like) command mode, and can be controlled
-    from shell scripts via a FIFO
+  - Has a very powerful (somewhat vi-like) command mode, and can be
+    controlled from shell scripts via a FIFO
   - Icons can be placed on desktops that can execute arbitrary commands
-  - Only uses very common libraries, in particular it doesn't require GTK, Qt,
-    or anything like that
+  - Only uses very common libraries, in particular it doesn't require
+    GTK, Qt, or anything like that
 WWW: http://treewm.sourceforge.net/
svn-ports-all@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "svn-ports-all-unsubscribe@freebsd.org"
Comment 3 Pawel Pekala freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2013-12-20 21:03:36 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->closed

Committed. Thanks!
Comment 4 dfilter service freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2013-12-21 10:24:36 UTC
Author: mat
Date: Sat Dec 21 10:24:27 2013
New Revision: 337124
URL: http://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/ports/337124

  MFH: r337090
  - Fix build with clang
  - Support staging
  - Reformat pkg-descr
  PR:		ports/184888
  Submitted by:	KATO Tsuguru <tkato432@yahoo.com>
  Approved by:	portmgr (implicit)

     - copied unchanged from r337090, head/x11-wm/treewm/files/patch-tile.cc
  branches/2014Q1/x11-wm/treewm/pkg-descr   (contents, props changed)
Directory Properties:
  branches/2014Q1/   (props changed)

Modified: branches/2014Q1/x11-wm/treewm/Makefile
--- branches/2014Q1/x11-wm/treewm/Makefile	Sat Dec 21 10:23:32 2013	(r337123)
+++ branches/2014Q1/x11-wm/treewm/Makefile	Sat Dec 21 10:24:27 2013	(r337124)
@@ -12,37 +12,40 @@ COMMENT=	Window manager that arranges wi
-USES=		imake:env
 USE_BZIP2=	yes
+USES=		gmake imake:env
 USE_XORG=	x11 ice sm xext xmu xpm xt xxf86vm
 PORTEXAMPLES=	default.cfg sample.cfg
-NO_STAGE=	yes
 .include <bsd.port.options.mk>
-	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e '/^PREFIX/s| =| ?=| ; /^CXXFLAGS/s| =| ?=| ; \
-		s|/usr/X11R6|${LOCALBASE}|g' ${WRKSRC}/Makefile
+	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
+		'/^PREFIX/s| =| ?=| ; \
+		 /^CXXFLAGS/s| =| ?=| ; \
+		 s|/usr/X11R6|${LOCALBASE}|g' ${WRKSRC}/Makefile
-	${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/src/treewm ${PREFIX}/bin
-	${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/xprop/xprop ${PREFIX}/bin/xprop-treewm
-	${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/xkill/xkill ${PREFIX}/bin/xkill-treewm
-	@${MKDIR} ${DATADIR}/pixmaps
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/src/pixmaps/*.xpm ${DATADIR}/pixmaps
+	(cd ${WRKSRC}/src && ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} treewm \
+		${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin)
+	(cd ${WRKSRC}/xprop && ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} xprop \
+		${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/xprop-treewm)
+	(cd ${WRKSRC}/xkill && ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} xkill \
+		${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/xkill-treewm)
+	@${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/pixmaps
+	(cd ${WRKSRC}/src/pixmaps && ${INSTALL_DATA} *.xpm \
+		${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/pixmaps)
+.for F in ${PORTDOCS}
+.for F in ${PORTEXAMPLES}
 .include <bsd.port.mk>

Copied: branches/2014Q1/x11-wm/treewm/files/patch-tile.cc (from r337090, head/x11-wm/treewm/files/patch-tile.cc)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/2014Q1/x11-wm/treewm/files/patch-tile.cc	Sat Dec 21 10:24:27 2013	(r337124, copy of r337090, head/x11-wm/treewm/files/patch-tile.cc)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+--- src/tile.cc.orig
++++ src/tile.cc
+@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
+ #include <algorithm>
+ #include <stack>
+ //#include <stdio.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
+ /* 
+  * changed<05.02.2003> by Rudolf Polzer: including namespace std (C++)

Modified: branches/2014Q1/x11-wm/treewm/pkg-descr
--- branches/2014Q1/x11-wm/treewm/pkg-descr	Sat Dec 21 10:23:32 2013	(r337123)
+++ branches/2014Q1/x11-wm/treewm/pkg-descr	Sat Dec 21 10:24:27 2013	(r337124)
@@ -1,21 +1,22 @@
-treewm is a window manager that tries to implement a new concept.  In addition
-to the client windows the user can create desktops which can themselves contain
-windows and desktops.  By arranging the windows in such a tree the user is able
-to manage his tasks efficiently  treewm is feature-rich, flexible and provides
-a powerful concept.  However, treewm's look is is rather puristic, and its feel
-is not always intuitive, but with a bit of practise it should be very effective
-to use.
+treewm is a window manager that tries to implement a new concept. In
+addition to the client windows the user can create desktops which can
+themselves contain windows and desktops. By arranging the windows in
+such a tree the user is able to manage his tasks efficiently treewm is
+feature-rich, flexible and provides a powerful concept. However,
+treewm's look is is rather puristic, and its feel is not always
+intuitive, but with a bit of practise it should be very effective to
 Short feature list (some of them are quite unique among window managers):
-  - Allows to create desktops and to arbitrarily move windows between desktops
-  - Many options (such as sticky, autoresize, always on top, or the focus or
-    raise policy) can be set for any desktop or window
+  - Allows to create desktops and to arbitrarily move windows between
+    desktops
+  - Many options (such as sticky, autoresize, always on top, or the
+    focus or raise policy) can be set for any desktop or window
   - Can be fully customized using the configuration file
-  - Has a very powerful (somewhat vi-like) command mode, and can be controlled
-    from shell scripts via a FIFO
+  - Has a very powerful (somewhat vi-like) command mode, and can be
+    controlled from shell scripts via a FIFO
   - Icons can be placed on desktops that can execute arbitrary commands
-  - Only uses very common libraries, in particular it doesn't require GTK, Qt,
-    or anything like that
+  - Only uses very common libraries, in particular it doesn't require
+    GTK, Qt, or anything like that
 WWW: http://treewm.sourceforge.net/
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To unsubscribe, send any mail to "svn-ports-all-unsubscribe@freebsd.org"