Bug 189048

Summary: graphics/libchamplain: Shared object "libxml2.so.5" not found
Product: Ports & Packages Reporter: Toni Ballesta <info>
Component: Individual Port(s)Assignee: freebsd-gnome (Nobody) <gnome>
Status: Closed FIXED    
Severity: Affects Only Me CC: kwm, shanmugam_s
Priority: Normal    
Version: Latest   
Hardware: Any   
OS: Any   

Description Toni Ballesta 2014-04-27 14:40:00 UTC
Error on compilation, from rebuild entire system.

  CC     champlain-polygon.lo
1 warning generated.
  CC     champlain-renderer.lo
  CC     champlain-image-renderer.lo
  CC     champlain-error-tile-renderer.lo
  CC     champlain-file-tile-source.lo
  CC     champlain-null-tile-source.lo
  CC     champlain-network-bbox-tile-source.lo
  CC     champlain-bounding-box.lo
  CC     champlain-enum-types.lo
  CC     champlain-marshal.lo
  CCLD   libchamplain-0.8.la
  GISCAN Champlain-0.8.gir
champlain-view.c:1206: Warning: Champlain: missing ':' at column 25:
   * ChamplainView:state
champlain-selection-layer.c:151: Warning: Champlain: missing ':' at column 38:
   * ChamplainSelectionLayer::changed
champlain-tile-source.c:351: Warning: Champlain: missing ':' at column 36:
   * ChamplainTileSource:projection
champlain-tile-source.c:366: Warning: Champlain: missing ':' at column 31:
   * ChamplainTileSource:cache
champlain-network-tile-source.c:225: Warning: Champlain: missing ':' at column 43:
   * ChamplainNetworkTileSource:uri-format
champlain-network-tile-source.c:239: Warning: Champlain: missing ':' at column 40:
   * ChamplainNetworkTileSource:offline
champlain-network-tile-source.c:253: Warning: Champlain: missing ':' at column 42:
   * ChamplainNetworkTileSource:proxy-uri
Shared object "libxml2.so.5" not found, required by "libchamplain-0.8.so.1"
Command '['/usr/ports/graphics/libchamplain/work/libchamplain-0.8.1/champlain/tmp-introspectMg05Bw/Champlain-0.8', '--introspect-dump=/usr/ports/graphics/libchamplain/work/libchamplain-0.8.1/champlain/tmp-introspectMg05Bw/functions.txt,/usr/ports/graphics/libchamplain/work/libchamplain-0.8.1/champlain/tmp-introspectMg05Bw/dump.xml']' returned non-zero exit status 1
gmake[4]: *** [Champlain-0.8.gir] Error 1
gmake[4]: se sale del directorio `/usr/ports/graphics/libchamplain/work/libchamplain-0.8.1/champlain'
gmake[3]: *** [all] Error 2


How-To-Repeat: Rebuilding run-dependencies and libxml2, with portmaster:

===>>> The following actions were performed:
	Re-installation of pcre-8.34
	Re-installation of glib-2.36.3_2
	Re-installation of gnomehier-3.0
	Re-installation of gobject-introspection-1.36.0_2
	Re-installation of atk-2.8.0
	Re-installation of sqlite3-
	Re-installation of libxml2-2.8.0_4
	Re-installation of libsoup-gnome-2.40.3_3
	Re-installation of libGL-7.6.1_4
	Re-installation of pango-1.34.1_3
	Re-installation of gtk2-2.24.22_2
	Re-installation of clutter-gtk-0.10.8_4

===>>> You can restart from the point of failure with this command line:
       portmaster <flags> graphics/libchamplain
Comment 1 Mark Linimon freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2014-04-27 19:18:15 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: freebsd-bugs->freebsd-ports-bugs

ports PR.
Comment 2 Edwin Groothuis freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2014-04-27 19:18:29 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->gnome

Over to maintainer (via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool)
Comment 3 Tijl Coosemans freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2014-04-27 20:20:07 UTC

What ports does the command "pkg shlib -R libxml2.so.5" list?  Can you
rebuild them one by one and then do libchamplain?
Comment 4 rkoberman 2014-04-28 05:31:41 UTC
I have found that I need to 'pkg delete-f libchamplain-\* && portmaster
graphics/libchamplin as the libchamplain build tries to use the installed
libchamplalin during the build and that requires the old libs  linked to it.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer, Retired
E-mail: rkoberman@gmail.com
Comment 5 Toni Ballesta 2014-05-02 15:53:46 UTC
Hello. The shared libraries are this:

% pkg shlib -R libxml2.so.5
libxml2.so.5 is linked to by the following packages:

And yes, he itself is looked but really doesn't need. The correctly is
deinstall completely (with package backup, better) before build. Thanks,
Tijl and Kevin! I doesn't need to rebuild that.

The problem for this installation is solved, but the bug I don't know.
It is necessary to repair?
Comment 6 Koop Mast freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2015-01-15 11:44:54 UTC
I made a change in our devel repo to hopefully fix this problem when libchamplain gets another shlib bump.