Bug 239705

Summary: java/javavmwrapper: Fix pkg-install
Product: Ports & Packages Reporter: John Hein <jcfyecrayz>
Component: Individual Port(s)Assignee: Greg Lewis <glewis>
Status: Closed FIXED    
Severity: Affects Some People CC: glewis
Priority: --- Keywords: needs-qa
Version: LatestFlags: bugzilla: maintainer-feedback? (glewis)
koobs: merge-quarterly?
Hardware: Any   
OS: Any   
Description Flags
[patch] fix javavmwrapper/files/pkg-install.in for globbing problem & insufficient bootstrap-openjdk exclusion pattern jcfyecrayz: maintainer-approval? (glewis)

Description John Hein 2019-08-08 04:17:19 UTC
Created attachment 206349 [details]
[patch] fix javavmwrapper/files/pkg-install.in for globbing problem & insufficient bootstrap-openjdk exclusion pattern

I believe that the following commit broke java/javavmwrapper's pkg-install 7-ish years ago:

r306536 | jkim | 2012-10-27 20:11:29 -0600

The problem is that the wildcards used for the find(1) regex expression get evaluated by the shell before they are passed to find(1).

In particular, 'find *jdk* *jre* -depth 2 -regex .*/bin/java' when run from /usr/local expands to 'find openjdk8 openjdk11 -depth 2 -regex ./bin/java' which returns no hits.  Thus nothing is passed to a 'registervm' invocation.

And, if a user does not have /usr/ports tree installed, then the javavmwrapper does not find any java (or for testing, if JAVAVM_FALLBACK_ONLY is set):

% java -version
java: error: no suitable JavaVMs found

An old installation that might already have java VMs registered (in /usr/local/etc/javavms) could still work, but new installations would fail as above (again, that's if the /usr/ports tree is not installed - since javavmwrapper looks there first for the default location).

It's a little surprising this has not been noticed in 7 years, so maybe I missed something in my analysis.

To try to reproduce the failure, I think you could do the following (assumes some java/openjdk* is installed):

% sudo pkg delete -f javavmwrapper
% sudo rm /usr/local/etc/javavms
% sudo make -C /usr/ports/java/javavmwrapper install clean

Then either:
% env JAVAVM_FALLBACK_ONLY=1 java -version


% mv /usr/ports /usr/ports.tmp-mv-away
% java -version

The attached path resolves this by modifying pkg-install to use noglob when the wildcard characters should not be evaluated by the shell.

While here, fix the bootstrap exclusion now that /usr/local/bootstrap-openjdk* dirs are named bootstrap-openjdk8, ...jdk11, etc. (rather than the old bootstrap-openjdk removed in 2017-12).  The patch excludes bootstrap-openjdk.* (regex) instead.  I believe this was changed when java/bootstrap-openjdk was replaced with java/bootstrap-openjdkXX, and pkg-install was not updated to accommodate the change.
Comment 1 Greg Lewis freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2019-08-10 19:23:46 UTC
I think your analysis is correct and this hasn't shown up because this script rarely has any impact.  All of the Java versions available have javavmwrapper as a dependency, so it is installed before them, and, as you may have noticed, /usr/local/etc/javavms is not removed when the package is removed.  So it is only significant during a forced deinstall/reinstall, which I imagine very few users do.
Comment 2 commit-hook freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2019-08-10 19:28:51 UTC
A commit references this bug:

Author: glewis
Date: Sat Aug 10 19:28:19 UTC 2019
New revision: 508503
URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/ports/508503

  Fixes to pkg-install and version handling

  * In pkg-install, fix the exclusion of the bootstrap directories. [1]
  * In pkg-install, fix the find expression so it actually finds jdks if
    there are multiple present. [1]
  * When determining the VM version, be better about ensuring we end up
    with only a number.

  PR:		239705 [1]
  Submitted by:	John Hein <jcfyecrayz@liamekaens.com> [1]

Comment 3 Greg Lewis freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2019-08-10 19:30:35 UTC