Bug 24893

Summary: mail/solidpop3d installation problems
Product: Ports & Packages Reporter: avn <avn>
Component: Individual Port(s)Assignee: freebsd-ports (Nobody) <ports>
Status: Closed FIXED    
Severity: Affects Only Me    
Priority: Normal    
Version: Latest   
Hardware: Any   
OS: Any   

Description avn 2001-02-06 08:50:01 UTC
make install in /usr/ports/mail/solidpop3d makes some erroneous steps
first, it does not install pop_auth(1) utility, as it does 
'make install' in word/solid-pop3d-0.15
second, if configured with --enable-apop, it cannot be made (unresolved
externals like MD5Init and such - -lmd needs to be included to linker)
third, 'make install' in mail/solidpop3d and in 
mail/solidpop3d/work/solid-pop3d-0.15 place main executable, spop3d, in
different places (into /usr/local/libexec and /usr/local/bin,

How-To-Repeat: srv1> cd /usr/ports/mail/solidpop3d
srv1> make extract
srv1> cd work/solid-pop3d-0.15
srv1> ./configure --enable-apop
[.. skipped ..]
srv1> make all
[.. skipped ..]
gcc -g -O2  -o spop3d authenticate.o cmds.o log.o fdfgets.o maildrop.o main.o  memops.o options.o response.o vsnprintf.o apop.o mailbox.o maildir.o userconfig.o configfile.o  -lcrypt 
apop.o: In function `apop_authenticate':
/usr/ports/mail/solidpop3d/work/solid-pop3d-0.15/src/apop.c(.text+0x97): undefined reference to `MD5Init'
[ more undefined references follow ]

manually including -lmd in linker option in makefile solves this problem
so configure.in should contain check where MD5* routines are contained
Comment 1 Maxim Sobolev freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2001-03-13 16:19:44 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->closed

We are not supporting building ports from the working directory - it makes 
no sense and would not work in the most cases. Just do 
$ cd /usr/ports/mail/solidpop3d 
$ make install 

If you want to tweak it manually you can do so, but it is unlikely that you will 
get any support from the GNATS system in this case. 

Thank you!