Bug 272626

Summary: [NEW PORT CATEGORY SUGGESTION] quantum-computing
Product: Ports & Packages Reporter: Yuri Victorovich <yuri>
Component: Ports FrameworkAssignee: Port Management Team <portmgr>
Status: New ---    
Severity: Affects Only Me CC: eduardo, ports-bugs
Priority: ---    
Version: Latest   
Hardware: Any   
OS: Any   
Description Flags
port-list.txt none

Description Yuri Victorovich freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2023-07-20 18:56:53 UTC
Created attachment 243510 [details]

Quantum computing is a new, emerging area that has more and more software developed for it.

The quantum computing ports really don't fit any other category because they are essentially in a category of their own.

There are currently 50 quantum computing ports, the list is attached. In all likelihood more and more quantum computing ports will be added.

I suggest to add the real category "quantum-computing" and to move them there.