Bug 277738

Summary: Frequent crashes of kernel from pcpu_aux.h (page fault/double fault)
Product: Base System Reporter: Andreas <andreas.coc.games>
Component: kernAssignee: freebsd-bugs (Nobody) <bugs>
Status: New ---    
Severity: Affects Only Me CC: feebsd, zlei
Priority: --- Keywords: crash
Version: 14.0-RELEASE   
Hardware: amd64   
OS: Any   
Description Flags
two crash back traces none

Description Andreas 2024-03-16 14:23:34 UTC
Created attachment 249217 [details]
two crash back traces

I got frequent crashes (about 1 to 3 per day) of Freebsd 14 running on a NUC6CAYB.
either page faults or double faults. Hardware has disable bt, no attached keyboard, monitor, mouse.

All crashes are related to 

Please find attached two crash descriptions.

Are the crashes related to acpi problems?
Comment 1 Michael 2024-03-24 14:03:57 UTC
Same problem here, FreeBSD14.0 on a NUC6CAYB.
Running without Screen/KB/Mouse, disappears from Network after a short while. 
Hint: Used Debian before, it also crashed until: Booting with legacy BIOS, plus “acpi=off” as boot parameter. Then it was stable for month w/o reboot.
Any ideas?
Comment 2 Zhenlei Huang freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-04-17 16:52:17 UTC
(In reply to Andreas from comment #0)
Does a different timecounter hardware make any differences?

FYI, the following is from my VM.
# sysctl -n kern.timecounter.choice
TSC-low(800) i8254(0) ACPI-fast(900) HPET(950) kvmclock(975) dummy(-1000000)

# sysctl -n kern.timecounter.hardware=HPET
kvmclock -> HPET