Bug 75770

Summary: Update Port: editors/jedit-devel to 4.3pre1
Product: Ports & Packages Reporter: Linh Pham <question+fbsdports>
Component: Individual Port(s)Assignee: Herve Quiroz <hq>
Status: Closed FIXED    
Severity: Affects Only Me    
Priority: Normal    
Version: Latest   
Hardware: Any   
OS: Any   
Description Flags
jedit-devel_4.3pre1.diff none

Description Linh Pham 2005-01-03 23:00:42 UTC
Update the existing editors/jedit-devel port from 4.2.0pre15 to 4.3pre1 and
remove the expiration date from the port. 4.3pre1 now requires Java 1.4 or
newer, reflected that in the patch.
Comment 1 Volker Stolz freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2005-01-18 12:31:14 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->feedback

I can't quit jedit-devel on 4.11: It will freeze when I select Quit 
in the menu. Is this a known problem? If I replace the 'javavm'- 
invocation (which yields the following warning btw: 
"javavm: warning: The use of 'javavm' as a synonym for 'java' is deprecated") 
I can exit, but my pkgdb isn't quite sure where /usr/local/bin/java 
is coming from :/ Maybe the javavm in the shell-script should be 
replaced by the value of ${JAVA}? 

Comment 2 Volker Stolz freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2005-01-18 12:31:14 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->vs

Track this.
Comment 3 Linh Pham 2005-01-19 19:52:31 UTC
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 17:11:55 -0800
From: Linh Pham <question+fbsdports@closedsrc.org>
To: Volker Stolz <vs@FreeBSD.org>
Cc: question+fbsdports@closedsrc.org, freebsd-ports-bugs@FreeBSD.org
Subject: Re: ports/75770: Update Port: editors/jedit-devel to 4.3pre1
Message-ID: <20050119011155.GA76977@q.internal.closedsrc.org>
References: <200501181236.j0ICam7A000417@freefall.freebsd.org>
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On 2005-01-18 12:36 +0000, Volker Stolz <vs@FreeBSD.org> wrote:

# State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
# State-Changed-By: vs
# State-Changed-When: Tue Jan 18 12:31:14 GMT 2005
# State-Changed-Why:=20
# I can't quit jedit-devel on 4.11: It will freeze when I select Quit
# in the menu. Is this a known problem? If I replace the 'javavm'-
# invocation (which yields the following warning btw:
# "javavm: warning: The use of 'javavm' as a synonym for 'java' is deprecat=
# I can exit, but my pkgdb isn't quite sure where /usr/local/bin/java
# is coming from :/ Maybe the javavm in the shell-script should be
# replaced by the value of ${JAVA}?

I have modified the patched Makefile to use ${JAVA} instead of
${LOCALBASE}/bin/javavm and replaced "javavm" with "java" in the patched

As far as the freezing problem under 4.11, I just installed 4.11-RC3,
XFree86 4.4.0_1,1, JDK 1.4.2 (latest version, bootstrapped with
linux-sun-jdk14) and jEdit 4.3pre1 and it didn't hang on me while
exiting from the menu. What is the environment that you using where it hangs
on exiting?

Attached is the updated patch against the current editors/jedit-devel.

Linh Pham                               question+fbsdports@closedsrc.org
Webmaster and FreeBSD Geek                          http://closedsrc.org
Apprentice Manager Editor and Writer           http://www.daemonnews.org
Q->Worf: Eat any good books lately? | Humans =3D Ugly Bags of Mostly Water

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="jedit-devel_4.3pre1.diff2"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

diff -ruN /usr/ports/editors/jedit-devel/Makefile jedit-devel/Makefile
--- /usr/ports/editors/jedit-devel/Makefile	Sat Dec 18 17:15:42 2004
+++ jedit-devel/Makefile	Tue Jan 18 17:04:14 2005
@@ -5,24 +5,21 @@
 # $FreeBSD: ports/editors/jedit-devel/Makefile,v 1.6 2004/12/18 23:02:24 k=
ris Exp $
-PORTNAME=3D	jedit
-PORTVERSION=3D	4.2.0pre15
+PORTNAME=3D	jedit-devel
 CATEGORIES=3D	editors java
-DISTNAME=3D	${_DISTNAME:S/0pre/pre/}
+DISTNAME=3D	${PORTNAME:S/-devel//g}${PORTVERSION:S/.//g}install
 MAINTAINER=3D	ports@FreeBSD.org
 COMMENT=3D	Powerful programmer's text editor written in Java
-IGNORE=3D		marked as IGNORE: editors/jedit is the latest version
+CONFLICTS=3D	jedit-4.*
-USE_JAVA=3D	1.3+
+USE_JAVA=3D	1.4+
 USE_XLIB=3D	yes
 NO_BUILD=3D	yes
@@ -38,7 +35,7 @@
 	@${SED} "s|%%PREFIX%%|${PREFIX}| ; s|%%WRKDIR%%|${WRKDIR}|" ${FILESDIR}/i=
nstscript | \
-		${LOCALBASE}/bin/javavm installer.Install text
+		${JAVA} installer.Install text
 	@${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/jedit.sh ${PREFIX}/bin/jedit
@@ -50,12 +47,5 @@
 		${SED} 's,^${PREFIX}/,,' >> ${TMPPLIST}
 	@${FIND} ${JAVASHAREDIR} -type d | ${SORT} -r | \
 		${SED} 's,^${PREFIX}/,@dirrm ,' >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "******************************************************"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} ""
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "In order to use the optional SFTP plug-in for jEdit,"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "you will need to have Java JDK version 1.4 or newer"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "installed."
-	@${ECHO_CMD} ""
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "******************************************************"
 .include <bsd.port.mk>
diff -ruN /usr/ports/editors/jedit-devel/distinfo jedit-devel/distinfo
--- /usr/ports/editors/jedit-devel/distinfo	Wed Aug 11 20:23:31 2004
+++ jedit-devel/distinfo	Tue Jan 18 17:01:01 2005
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-MD5 (jedit42pre15install.jar) =3D bc91d479864cae0bf0471de13036251b
-SIZE (jedit42pre15install.jar) =3D 2066422
+MD5 (jedit43pre1install.jar) =3D 05f6cbe772168e2f2a4452bf43350115
+SIZE (jedit43pre1install.jar) =3D 2094257
diff -ruN /usr/ports/editors/jedit-devel/files/jedit.sh jedit-devel/files/j=
--- /usr/ports/editors/jedit-devel/files/jedit.sh	Wed Jun  2 19:35:30 2004
+++ jedit-devel/files/jedit.sh	Tue Jan 18 17:01:24 2005
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
 # Java heap size, in megabytes
-exec %%LOCALBASE%%/bin/javavm -mx${JAVA_HEAP_SIZE}m ${JEDIT} -jar \
+exec %%LOCALBASE%%/bin/java -mx${JAVA_HEAP_SIZE}m ${JEDIT} -jar \
 	"%%PREFIX%%/share/java/jedit/jedit.jar" "$@"

Comment 4 Linh Pham 2005-02-04 23:26:23 UTC
I don't want to be a PITA, but will the patch to update
editors/jedit-devel be committed before the port expires on 2005-02-18?

Linh Pham                               question+fbsdports@closedsrc.org
Webmaster and FreeBSD Geek                          http://closedsrc.org
Apprentice Manager Editor and Writer           http://www.daemonnews.org
Q->Worf: Eat any good books lately? | Humans = Ugly Bags of Mostly Water
Comment 5 Herve Quiroz freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2005-02-18 23:18:08 UTC
I updated the editors/jedit port a few days ago and applied the
following changes:

- Update to bsd.java.mk 2.0
- Fix dynamic plist creation where all JAVASHAREDIR would be listed (and
  thus removed with the port) (!)
- Use SUB_LIST and tweak the launcher shell script
- Move displayed information into pkg-message

Maybe you could re-use most of what I've done.

BTW I am strongly advocating against the commit of the current patch
unless it is updated to bsd.java.mk 2.0 syntax.

Volker, you may re-assign this PR to me if you want.

Comment 6 Linh Pham 2005-02-18 23:47:06 UTC
On 2005-02-19 00:18 +0100, Herve Quiroz <hq@freebsd.org> wrote:

# I updated the editors/jedit port a few days ago and applied the
# following changes:
# - Update to bsd.java.mk 2.0
# - Fix dynamic plist creation where all JAVASHAREDIR would be listed (and
#   thus removed with the port) (!)
# - Use SUB_LIST and tweak the launcher shell script
# - Move displayed information into pkg-message
# Maybe you could re-use most of what I've done.
# BTW I am strongly advocating against the commit of the current patch
# unless it is updated to bsd.java.mk 2.0 syntax.

Using the updated editors/jedit port as the base, I made the necessary
changes for 4.3pre1. 4.3pre1 and newer now require JDK 1.4+, so I
removed pkg-message and made the change to files/jedit.sh.in and
Makefile to reflect that.

Let me know if there is anything else that needs to be modified.

Linh Pham                               question+fbsdports@closedsrc.org
Webmaster and FreeBSD Geek                          http://closedsrc.org
Apprentice Manager Editor and Writer           http://www.daemonnews.org
Q->Worf: Eat any good books lately? | Humans = Ugly Bags of Mostly Water
Comment 7 Hervé Quiroz 2005-02-21 01:45:16 UTC
On Fri, Feb 18, 2005 at 03:47:06PM -0800, Linh Pham wrote:
> Using the updated editors/jedit port as the base, I made the necessary
> changes for 4.3pre1. 4.3pre1 and newer now require JDK 1.4+, so I
> removed pkg-message and made the change to files/jedit.sh.in and
> Makefile to reflect that.
> Let me know if there is anything else that needs to be modified.

'portlint -C' gives me the following:

  FATAL: Makefile: PORTVERSION looks illegal. You should modify "4.3pre1".

And I think we should define CONFLICTS to avoid editors/jedit and
editors/jedit-devel to overwrite each other's files...

Other than that, it's fine IMHO.


PS: While applying the changes from java/jedit you also overwrote the
header of Makefile. There's a problem with some $FreeBSD$ tags in
files/jedit.sh.in also. Just run 'portlint -C' to be sure.
Comment 8 Herve Quiroz freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2005-02-21 22:54:20 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: vs->hq

Thanks Volker. I'll handle it now.
Comment 9 Herve Quiroz freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2005-02-21 23:28:57 UTC
State Changed
From-To: feedback->closed

Patch commited. 

Thanks for your contribution.