Bug 134054 - [ataraid] [panic] traps kernel on boot if Intel MatrixRAID is degraded
Summary: [ataraid] [panic] traps kernel on boot if Intel MatrixRAID is degraded
Status: Closed Overcome By Events
Alias: None
Product: Base System
Classification: Unclassified
Component: kern (show other bugs)
Version: 7.1-RELEASE
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-bugs (Nobody)
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-04-27 23:40 UTC by Alexander V. Chernikov
Modified: 2015-11-10 13:44 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:

iraid (2.09 KB, text/plain)
2009-04-27 23:40 UTC, Alexander V. Chernikov
no flags Details

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Description Alexander V. Chernikov 2009-04-27 23:40:01 UTC
We've got several Intel S3210SH-based servers with onboard Intel MatrixRAID configured as raid1. Machines are running 7.0-7.1 i386.
After one server's csup & reboot I've found that according to bios tools raid is degraded, but bootable. FreeBSD begins to panic (fatal trap 12) on boot.
Booting kernel.old doesn't help. Panic occurs immediately after line ad8: '476940MB <Seagate ST3500320AS SD15> at ata4-master SATA150'
Moreover, inserting hdd from this machine on other machine running with 'device ataraid' in kernel causes those machines to panic with same 'fatal trap 12'.
Clearing last 3 sectors from this disk with dd (e.g. destroing raid config) seems to help.

Fix: Unknown
How-To-Repeat: 	Write 3 512-byte sectors from attached file onto last sectors of your disk and try to boot with ataraid
Comment 1 Enji Cooper freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2015-11-10 13:44:35 UTC
atapicam is no more after FreeBSD 9.x. Long live atacam and friends.