The documentation for mac_biba (`man mac_biba` and completely neglects to mention that certain root privileges are lost if a process cannot attain biba/equal. A few examples of those privileges: setting the login class of a process; changing audit settings with auditon(2). Importantly, the latter prevents users from using su and sudo if their MAC label isn't compatible with biba/equal. Whether or not this is a core feature of the FreeBSD Biba implementation, users should be made aware of it up front in the documentation. I figured it out because I'm well-versed in C and I spent a few days tracking down why I couldn't use su and sudo; however, the majority of FreeBSD users probably aren't C programmers. Fix: The list of privileges lost if the process cannot attain biba/equal are available in biba_priv_check (/usr/src/sys/security/mac_biba/mac_biba.c:1868). Additionally, everywhere the biba_subject_privileged function is used in mac_biba.c indicates some sort of kernel functionality that is blocked. How-To-Repeat: Please note that the steps below reproduce one of the *undocumented* behaviors of mac_biba. The problem is the lack of documentation, not the behavior. - Enable mac_biba. - Given a username "user", try `setpmac 'biba/high(high-high)' su user true`. You should get "Permission denied", as well as a message referencing auditon failure in /var/log/messages.
batch change: For bugs that match the following - Status Is In progress AND - Untouched since 2018-01-01. AND - Affects Base System OR Documentation DO: Reset to open status. Note: I did a quick pass but if you are getting this email it might be worthwhile to double check to see if this bug ought to be closed.