Bhyve requires that the console be explicitly set up in /etc/ttys. This is an annoyance since it prevents standard amd64 media being used. For example, I wanted to run the live environment from the 10-BETA1 ISO but I couldn't because it lacks the line. Making a custom ISO is quite easy but it should be necessary. Fix: Various ways this could be solved. Apparently Devin Teske has a patch for this? How-To-Repeat: Boot 10-BETA1 ISO in Bhyve, choose live environment.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-amd64->freebsd-bugs reclassify.
Fixed in r260913 and enabled by default in r266895 Merged to stable/10 in r267236 Should be out as part of 10.1, already included in 9.3