Bug 195914 - freebsd-update loop on /usr/share/zoneinfo
Summary: freebsd-update loop on /usr/share/zoneinfo
Status: Closed DUPLICATE of bug 189249
Alias: None
Product: Base System
Classification: Unclassified
Component: bin (show other bugs)
Version: 8.4-RELEASE
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Many People
Assignee: freebsd-bugs (Nobody)
Keywords: patch
Depends on:
Reported: 2014-12-12 09:32 UTC by Wybe van der Ham
Modified: 2016-01-08 18:46 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:

A workaround script for use on FreeBSD 8.4 (797 bytes, application/x-sh)
2015-03-23 03:57 UTC, Gregory Orange
no flags Details

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Description Wybe van der Ham 2014-12-12 09:32:54 UTC
Since October my FreeBSD 8.4 systems (and 9.1) tell me that there are updates available when I run `freebsd-update fetch`. The updates all reside in /usr/share/zoneinfo. When I install them and run freebsd-update fetch, the same updates are fetched:

# freebsd-update fetch
Looking up update.freebsd.org mirrors... 5 mirrors found.
Fetching metadata signature for 8.4-RELEASE from update2.freebsd.org... done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Inspecting system... done.
Preparing to download files... done.

The following files will be updated as part of updating to 8.4-RELEASE-p20:
# freebsd-update install
Installing updates... done.
# freebsd-update fetch
Looking up update.freebsd.org mirrors... 5 mirrors found.
Fetching metadata signature for 8.4-RELEASE from update2.freebsd.org... done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Inspecting system... done.
Preparing to download files... done.

The following files will be updated as part of updating to 8.4-RELEASE-p20:

I have Nagios set up to monitor for new updates on FreeBSD and all my 8.4 and 9.1 systems are affected. 9.3 and 10.1 are not affected.
The difference between these systems is that on 8.4 and 9.1 these files are hardlinks to one timezone file (not part of the perpetual update). On 9.3 and 10.1 these files are regular files (different inodes).

Could someone have a look at this and please tell me how to resolve this issue.

Thanks in advance.
Comment 1 Gregory Orange 2015-03-23 03:57:31 UTC
Created attachment 154685 [details]
A workaround script for use on FreeBSD 8.4
Comment 2 Gregory Orange 2015-03-23 03:58:15 UTC
I workaround this problem with the attached script. That is, I move aside the files in question (as well as /boot/kernel/linker.hints per bug #186273), run freebsd-update, then move them back again.

Comment 3 Andrew Daugherity 2016-01-08 18:27:48 UTC
I believe this is the same underlying issue as #189249.

Sadly it was never fixed for 8.4, but as 8.4 is now EOL and this bug is fixed in all supported releases (9.3, 10.1, 10.2) there's no more need to keep this one open.
Comment 4 Enji Cooper freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2016-01-08 18:46:44 UTC
(In reply to Andrew Daugherity from comment #3)

Agreed based on later comments. I'll mark this bug as a dupe of bug 189249.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 189249 ***