First of all: It's current version is 2.7.4 The version in the ports tree doesn't work anymore because it depends on php's Magic Quotes. Those have been deleted in php54....
Will updating this poyrt to 2.7.4 address the dependency issue? If not, what is the correct course of action? Please update the issue Summary to suit
I will check that later. Seems it is still a requirement ( see In the "port-version" one will be unable to finish the setup-script, because it doesn't continue without the option in php (even setting it in php.ini won't work...) being set.
(In reply to gehm from comment #2) If that's the case, it might be worth creating a new issue, blocking this one, to revive the "Magic Quotes port". That port should be made to work with currently supported PHP port versions. If that's not possible it may be a blocker for this issue. It's worth noting, that since the sysutils/gosa port has no maintainer, and requires the revival of since deleted port, that unless you can provide patches to resolve it, it will make progressing this issue much more challenging.
Actually magic-quotes is not a port. It was an option in php.ini witch dosn't exist anymore. The title of this bug is a bit misleading... Will change that...
I sent a mail upstream to ask for newer versions and if the software is still under development.
A commit references this bug: Author: marino Date: Fri Aug 19 03:23:34 UTC 2016 New revision: 420444 URL: Log: sysutils/gosa: Mark BROKEN due to unsatisfied magic quotes option This version of gosa requires magic quotes to be turned on, but this contraversial option was last available with PHP 5.3, which has long since been removed from the tree. A newer version of gosa, 2.7.4, was released on 9 May 2012 which may or may not have the same magic quotes requirement. PR: 204846 Changes: head/sysutils/gosa/Makefile