Looks like the recent import of php72 is missing the memcache* portion ls -1d /usr/ports/databases/php7*memcache* /usr/ports/databases/php70-memcache /usr/ports/databases/php70-memcached /usr/ports/databases/php71-memcache
Hello, i'm afraid it didn't. :D The memcache ports are *not* a PHP module. I "just" ported the PHP framework. Thought the ports are not a really good choice. You only need to drop the IGNORE_WITH_PHP and PHP_VERS lines, set you PHP default version in /etc/make.conf and compile them and you are fine. I'm currently try to figure out, if its possible to create flavors with changed default versions. In this case we can drop this misleading port(names). Greetings, Torsten
Sunpoet committed databases/php72-memcache in r455763. I'm working currently at flavors for PHP, which will make everything even easier. So i would like to close the ticket. If there is a current need for memcached please reopen it.