Bug 233989 - FreeBSD-12.0-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso too big for 700MB cdrom
Summary: FreeBSD-12.0-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso too big for 700MB cdrom
Status: Closed Overcome By Events
Alias: None
Product: Base System
Classification: Unclassified
Component: misc (show other bugs)
Version: 12.0-RELEASE
Hardware: amd64 Any
: --- Affects Many People
Assignee: Mark Linimon
Keywords: honeypot
Depends on:
Reported: 2018-12-13 18:22 UTC by Laurent Frigault
Modified: 2025-01-03 15:41 UTC (History)
8 users (show)

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Description Laurent Frigault 2018-12-13 18:22:58 UTC
After downloading FreeBSD-12.0-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso to burn a CDROM I discover that it is far too big for CDROM capacity 851MB!

 871808 -rw-r--r--  1 lolo  wheel   892467200 Dec 12 17:51 FreeBSD-12.0-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso

I had to burn a DVD and if a dvd is needed, the dvd1 iso is more interesting.
this make the amd64 disk1 iso useless.
Comment 1 Glen Barber freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2018-12-13 18:58:26 UTC
This is known for 12.0.  There was nothing that could have been excluded from the disc1.iso image to reduce the size, while keeping the 'Live CD' mode useful for system recovery.
Comment 2 Conrad Meyer freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2018-12-13 19:50:24 UTC
100-pack CD-R: $14 [1]

100-pack DVD-R: $14.59 [2]

DVDs are so cheap just from an absolute standpoint (much less $/GB) that I'm not sure CDs make any sense anymore.  Perhaps we should just retire "CD"-specific media entirely.

[1]: https://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=-1&IsNodeId=1&Description=100%20pack%20CD-R&bop=And&Order=PRICE&PageSize=96

[2]: https://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=-1&IsNodeId=1&Description=100%20pack%20DVD-R&bop=And&Order=PRICE&PageSize=96
Comment 3 Yuichiro NAITO 2018-12-14 03:46:01 UTC
(In reply to Conrad Meyer from comment #2)
I think we should update our Handbook '2.3.1. Prepare the Installation Media' chapter to use DVD.

Comment 4 hostmaster 2018-12-16 20:56:40 UTC
It might be possible to provide zfs-based FreeBSD .iso images with lz4 compression enabled on creation - this would probably cut image sizes in half or thereabouts
Comment 5 Robert Clausecker freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2019-01-10 15:13:22 UTC
I don't think ZFS-based boot media are a good idea: CD images are likely used on old systems that won't have enough RAM for ZFS anyway.  How about using geom_uzip(4) to compress the base system instead?  This might make the set up a bit more complicated though.
Comment 6 sega01 2020-09-14 17:49:58 UTC
Just to note, this is still the case with 12.2-BETA1. 916MiB.

The image is more of a smaller download for USB sticks or DVDs.
Comment 7 Mark Linimon freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2021-06-30 00:19:45 UTC
^Triage: redirect interested people to 256412.
Comment 8 Ahmed 2021-11-02 19:48:39 UTC
Comment 9 Jay M 2022-08-01 10:02:35 UTC
If you are using an old CD Rom I will suggest using https://www.allhdd.com/hp-747080-001-external-dvdrw/
I will solve your this issue.
Comment 10 Jessica Michelle 2022-09-15 14:17:33 UTC
You can try other optical drives like Sony SMO-F551 (https://www.allhdd.com/smo-f551-sony/)
Comment 11 Bruce Becker 2023-01-31 23:40:36 UTC
(In reply to Ahmed from comment #8)

Comment 12 Tim McIntosh 2023-03-29 03:40:44 UTC
(In reply to Robert Clausecker from comment #5)

> CD images are likely used on old systems that won't have enough RAM for ZFS anyway.

Could that be what's causing the malloc failure in #270495?

I had attempted (seemingly successfully) to reduce the 13.1 `disc1` ISO size by using `xorriso` as follows:

xorriso -external_filter exclude_src default /usr/bin/grep -v src.txz -- \
-boot_image any discard \
-boot_image any bin_path=boot/cdboot \
-indev ~/Downloads/FreeBSD-13.1-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso \
-outdev ~/Downloads/FreeBSD-13.1-RELEASE-i386-cd.iso \
-rm /usr/freebsd-dist/src.txz -- \
-set_filter exclude_src /usr/freebsd-dist/MANIFEST

But it panicked on boot.
Comment 13 Tim McIntosh 2023-03-29 03:41:57 UTC
(In reply to Tim McIntosh from comment #12)

bug #270495, that is.
Comment 14 avamia 2024-02-19 16:18:51 UTC
Comment 15 Tim McIntosh 2024-02-19 17:45:36 UTC
(In reply to avamia from comment #14)

[I drafted this reply before realizing that the previous comment is most likely AI product marketing spam, but I'll post it anyway, as it includes a couple points that have not been previously comprehended (or at least explicitly mentioned) in the preceding discussion.]

> The issue you're encountering with the FreeBSD-12.0-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso being too big for a standard 700MB CDROM suggests that you may need a larger capacity storage medium

Obviously, and it seems the originator understood this:

> I had to burn a DVD and if a dvd is needed, the dvd1 iso is more interesting.

The point, however, was that this image type was specifically expected (if not intended) to fit on an actual CDROM. As the originator states:

> [T]his make[s] the amd64 disk1 iso useless.

I can only speak for myself, but when I am looking to use this image to install FreeBSD on an otherwise-useless old computer, I am looking to make use of the computer as-is and not to spend more time and money upgrading an obsolete machine.

It seems there are things that could be done to make it fit, such as excluding full sources as in my previous comment (I’d guess most users won’t be interested in doing a world build on a system equipped with only a CDROM drive).
Comment 16 Mark Linimon freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-02-19 20:19:31 UTC
(In reply to Tim McIntosh from comment #15)
It was indeed spam.  I blocked the commenter.

They are getting smarter -- they now quote existing valid text from "somewhere".

Always look for the payload (the URL) first.
Comment 17 Alexander Ziaee freebsd_triage 2024-05-20 20:26:08 UTC
Is it appropriate for me to comment on this thread in reference to this still being a problem with every version since?

I understand we don't want to shrink it, fine, but then the nomenclature of disc1 is misleading and inappropriate.

How's *.minidvd.iso? All of them (up to and including 14.1-BETA) will fit on a minidvd (1.4gb)?
Comment 18 Jack Hicks 2024-11-30 17:15:28 UTC
Comment 19 Tim McIntosh 2024-11-30 18:21:16 UTC
(In reply to Jack Hicks from comment #18)
More AI spam?
Comment 20 Alexander Ziaee freebsd_triage 2024-11-30 18:46:34 UTC
(In reply to Tim McIntosh from comment #19)

Clearly. I don't think a few k$ of ram has anything to do with this issue.
Comment 21 Maka Homes 2025-01-03 13:13:21 UTC