I *think* this is the same as https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=177698 from several years back. With the following login class in /etc/login.conf: admin:\ :label=biba/low(low-5):\ :tc=default: And with the user properly set to that login class (confirmed by grepping /etc/master.passwd), after logging in over ssh: $ id -c && getpmac daemon biba/low(low-5),partition/0 (Note that the login class is set to *daemon* .. it seems to have failed silently to set it and some default was applied) Now if we go back to login.conf and change biba/low(low-5) to biba/low(low-high): $ id -c && getpmac admin biba/low(low-high),partition/0 I am not entirely sure why this is happening, but the practical effect is removing the ability to set login classes for SSH users that cannot reach biba/high, which greatly defeats the purpose of employing MAC_BIBA to ensure the system's integrity.