This port will be removed on 2020-12-31 if not fixed
Moin moin lang/spidermonkey68's only reason of existence is a never committed dupdate of polkit to 0.117 (ovecome by 0.118). So I don't see any reason to invest time in making it work in a python3 world. mfg Tobias
A commit references this bug: Author: tcberner Date: Thu Sep 24 19:25:47 UTC 2020 New revision: 549941 URL: Log: lang/spidermonkey68: mark deprecated lang/spidermonkey68 was added to be able to update polkit to 0.117. Which has in the meantime been updated to 0.118 which builds with a python3 using spidermonkey version. PR: 249711 Reported by: swills Changes: head/lang/spidermonkey68/Makefile