Bug 253174 - net-im/telegram-desktop: Interface audio works, but call audio does not in v2.4.4
Summary: net-im/telegram-desktop: Interface audio works, but call audio does not in v2...
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Only Me
Assignee: Li-Wen Hsu
Depends on:
Reported: 2021-02-02 03:38 UTC by sega01
Modified: 2021-04-15 04:44 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
henry.hu.sh: maintainer-feedback+


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Description sega01 2021-02-02 03:38:23 UTC

At one point, telegram-desktop was working really well for me. Audio calls were fine, although would occasionally crash.

As of v2.4.4 (and maybe earlier), interface audio is fine, like the beeps, notifications, etc. But in the settings interface under calls, It's clearly not receiving any mic volume if I tap on my mic. And on a call, I couldn't hear the other party, either. Console output from telegram-desktop has various messages about ALSA.

Looking at the port options, Pulse Audio and ALSA are optional. Is one required for calls? Does selecting neither use OSS by default?

I didn't see any Github bug reports for telegram-desktop about OSS.

I'm on FreeBSD 12.2, x86_64.

Let me know if I can try or test anything.

Thank you!
Comment 1 Henry Hu 2021-02-07 00:59:13 UTC
So, the main app and the call use different audio libraries.
Just for testing, you can try installing pulseaudio, and see if telegram uses it. You can run 'pavucontrol' to see if telegram appears there (as WebRTC something). If it does, then you can use pavucontrol to switch input/output.
Comment 2 Henry Hu 2021-02-08 05:19:52 UTC
Hm, I've just updated it to 2.5.8 (PR 253336) and it seems like that although I have PulseAudio installed, the call still uses OSS. I've confirmed that PulseAudio is the default - so something is wrong.

Okay, it seems like that it's related to OpenAL lib. It seems like that OpenAL port in FreeBSD disables PulseAudio by default (check audio/openal-soft's options). Once I rebuild that with PulseAudio, I can see telegram-desktop in pavucontrol.

So, would you please try to rebuild openal-soft with PulseAudio support, and see that you get the audio?
In addition, even without this, telegram-desktop should use OSS by default. Can you confirm that your hw.snd.default_unit is set properly?

btw, you say you get ALSA messages. Would you please paste some examples? I only see rare messages from OpenAL (AL lib: xxx).
Comment 3 Henry Hu 2021-02-10 03:45:39 UTC
Seems like that OpenAL support for calls is added recently.
Please wait for 2.5.8, then the audio settings should work better.
Comment 4 sega01 2021-02-10 03:50:33 UTC
Thank you, Henry! Let me know if I should still test with Pulse Audio. Otherwise, I'll wait for 2.5.8.
Comment 5 Henry Hu 2021-02-12 18:28:52 UTC
Okay, 2.5.8 is in the ports, please test it.
If you prefer PulseAudio, you may need to recompile the openal-soft port with PULSEAUDIO on.
Comment 6 sega01 2021-02-19 19:57:56 UTC
Great, thank you! I definitely prefer without pulse audio.

Unfortunately, I am using quarterly ports so may not try this till April.
Comment 7 sega01 2021-04-15 04:44:15 UTC
This is working great! Thank you!!